Hope Unlocked πŸ”‘

Hope's Horizon, Beyond Fear's Shadow with Kristin Kurtz

β€’ Kristin Kurtz β€’ Season 2 β€’ Episode 56

Escape the grip of fear and embrace a life brimming with hope and purpose. This episode of Hope Unlocked with Kristin Kurtz is an intimate journey into adopting a counter cultural mindset that prizes discernment and peace over the chaotic narratives fed by the media and the world. We'll venture through the necessity of cultivating an inner sanctuary inspired by Psalm 91, where hope, love, joy, and peace reign supreme. I'll also share insights on the biblical story of Joseph, illustrating how even the most dire circumstances can be transformed for our benefit. It's not about ignoring the darkness; it's about becoming a beacon of light that shines in spite of it.

Are you ready to spread your wings and soar? Let's explore what it means to rise above the metaphorical "snake line" and gain a new perspective, akin to that of an eagle in flight. With personal reflections from my journey and the founding of New Wings Coaching, we'll discuss the power of positive influences and the courage it takes to release your unique message into the world. This episode is an invitation to liberate yourself from societal cages and step into your role as an agent of change. Just a conversation between you and me, preparing to claim the skies with the strength of hope and empowerment.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm your host, Kristin Kurtz, and I'm also the founder of New Wings Coaching, where I empower and unlock women to soar in their calling and roar with their voices. If you're curious to learn more about how coaching can help you unlock your potential, be sure to explore the show notes for ways to connect with me further. Get ready to dive in as we uncover empowering keys and insights in this episode. So tune in and let's unlock hope together. Hello, happy Saturday.

Speaker 1:

I'm wanting to come here really quick. I've got just kind of a quick message. Usually when I come on here, it's for some one usually one, but there's more because God is all about multiplication and doing kingdom multiplication, and I like to say, one times one in the world is one and one times one in the kingdom is exponential. So if you're the one, share this message with somebody. If you're led to, I want to come with this counterculture message and I am always counterculture and I like to say that I don't fit in a box. I actually burn them. Anybody else? Do you resonate with that message? Are you counterculture? Are you one who just doesn't fit in a box and you're not willing to push your way in to fit in places. It's not what we're called to do. So that's not my message today. But I just wanted to call somebody up today Because if you turn on the news and even social media and there's a lot of really well meaning people that are coming with fear mongering, it's meant to create fear and I really want to remind you to be very discerning in this time.

Speaker 1:

Check in with the Lord. Is this message for me? Is this message something I need to even be paying attention to? I've been getting a lot of prophetic words and videos and things about a coming occurrence and I just really feel led not to look into things and go deeper, which is interesting because I'm typically a big researcher. You know deeper, which is interesting because I'm typically a big researcher, and I just want to remind you that, as the world is coming with dark messages, we need to come with a counter message of light. Okay, so if you are starting to get in fear, get in the word.

Speaker 1:

I want to remind you to read Psalm 91, and read Psalm 91 often. Read Psalm 91 in your home, read it out loud, read it when you're walking, read it, learn the word, know the word and know what you need to know at this, in this time. Is it a not need to know basis? Then don't, then don't go deeper, right? So I just want to remind you.

Speaker 1:

Uh, like I said, oh, there is an Eagle that is right straight in front of me catching fish. I better get off this now because I'm out eagle hunting on my walk again. I love eagles, you guys, anyways. Well, speaking of that, eagles, they come up higher, right, they come up higher. They've got amazing vision prophets who have? You know?

Speaker 1:

I was watching and I've been like focusing a lot on Moses and he was a deliverer, right, he came with a message of freedom. So, all that to say, come with a message of hope, carry hope, carry love, carry joy. Even when the world is coming with the opposite spirit, we, as believers and if you have a prophetic voice, as I do come with a counter spirit to what the world and even fellow believers are putting out there. We have his word, which is active, it's alive, it is for now, it's not an old word, and we have a choice to carry the culture, what the culture is putting out there, which is darkness, darkness, or we have a choice on the other side, to carry his word, his hope, his joy, his peace, his love, his mercy, his grace, and take it in and share it with the world. People need it now. Be counterculture. You might get shadow banned, like I do all the time. Who cares? We need more people standing up and rising up and coming with a counterculture message than what the world is putting out there.

Speaker 1:

Okay, another verse that's really come to mind I did a post yesterday about Isaiah 43, 18 through 19. There's this really strong message that I am called to keep putting out there. I just finished up a eight-week group coaching session and it was amazing because the last key I dropped. I dropped eight keys along these eight weeks and I'm not going to share all the keys because you have to be part of the program which I'll be doing again on 4-22-24. But the last key was new beginnings and I dropped that, like two weeks ago for 2224. But the last key was new beginnings and I dropped that, like two weeks ago. And it's just this over overarching, over repeat Leave it, shut the door, close the door, like you had stuff happen before. Don't bring it into this next season. Drop it off. It's not for now, okay, but the other verse that's been coming into mind a lot is Genesis 50, 20, with Joseph, and you know he had quite a journey, 13 years from the pit to the palace, and what the enemy meant for evil, god will use for good, used for good. So if you have things going on, you go moving again.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to hop off now, but, like I said, be counterculture. You need to, especially in this time. Oh my gosh, that eagle is amazing. I love it. It's always so confirming. I just love eagles.

Speaker 1:

So be an eagle, rise above right, stay above the snake line. There's too many messages of despair and darkness and you need to come up higher and hang on to the word of the Lord and what he is doing in this time. It's a new era. Get around other people that are going to raise you up. I am one of those people that are going to like raise you up. I am one of those people. That's why I believe seven years ago he gave me the business name new wings, coaching. Open up those wings and soar. It's time. You cannot stay in a cage and listen to the world and what the darkness and all the things, because it's just going to keep you locked up and you have a message to release to the world. That is counter culture to what everybody else is saying right now. So if you are in fear right now, now there's two eagles Okay, I got to go, but um be counterculture, thank you.

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