Hope Unlocked πŸ”‘

Rising on Wings of Faith with Rachael Wollersheim

β€’ Kristin Kurtz β€’ Season 2 β€’ Episode 61

Have you ever seen an eagle soar and wondered what it's like to rise above life's challenges with such grace and strength? Rachael Wollersheim shares with us today, as she opens up about becoming a beacon of hope through her personal losses and the establishment of Shining Light Ministries. Her story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of faith. As we explore the significance of eagles, we also celebrate the fellowship and growth she found within my group coaching program, "There's More! It's Time to Soar and Roar in 24."

Witness the incredible potency of knowing your identity in Christ, especially for women grappling with the pressures of society, and how this understanding can propel one toward fulfilling their life's calling. In this heartfelt exchange, I share my coaching philosophy, centered on active listening, empathy, and guidance, all rooted in the uniqueness of each individual's journey toward their business and ministry aspirations. Be uplifted and inspired as we delve into the necessity of perseverance and the steps one can take when leaning into their God-given purpose.

Shining Light Ministries/Rachael's contact info:
Email - shininglight2911@gmail.com
Facebook -

Rachael Wollersheim is a passionate follower and seeker of Jesus. One who motivates and helps ignite the fire in others. As an encourager, she looks to bring the light, hope, and love of Jesus to all. From her own experiences of finding freedom and healing through Christ, she looks to connect others in unlocking their own freedom and healing journey.  As a vessel for the Holy Spirit and through prayer, she facilitates inner healing work with a gentle yet unique approach. This process can bring about freedom, healing, and restoration on all levels. Her desire is to help others see and experience their God given potential; to walk in their calling and purpose, being free and made whole. Rachael’s background enhances the healing sessions she facilitates, having worked as a certified personal trainer, nutrition and wellness coach. As a single mom, she values time with her son, family and friends. She loves nature and living to the fullest in the abundance of Christ.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm your host, Kristen Kurtz, and I'm also the founder of New Wings Coaching, where I empower and unlock women to soar in their calling and roar with their voices. If you're curious to learn more about how coaching can help you unlock your potential, be sure to explore the show notes for ways to connect with me further. Get ready to dive in as we uncover empowering keys and insights in this episode. So tune in and let's unlock hope together. Welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm Kristen Kurtz, your host. I pray this episode is like a holy IV of hope for your soul. Please help me welcome my friend Rachel Wollersheim to the show.

Speaker 1:

I am just excited for her to share a little bit about what's actually been happening these last eight to 10 weeks. We've been on a journey together. I hosted a group coaching experience called there's More it's Time to Soar and Roar in 24. And she was one of the brave eight who came into this place to get breakthrough and find freedom, and is also stepping into some amazing, bold and courageous steps. I want her to share a little bit more about her experience what it was like to be part of this group coaching experience, because I know that I will be doing more in the future, and also just for her to share a bit more about what she's doing and to get the word out about what she's going to be stepping into in this next season and all that goodness. But let's just start. First Tell us a little bit about yourself, and then I'll ask you a couple of questions.

Speaker 2:

Sure, thanks for having me, kristen. I'm Rachel and I'm a single mom of a 17 year old son, and the Lord has just been really stretching me and growing me over these last few years. Lost my husband back in 2016. And since then the Lord has been moving in powerful ways in my life, in ways I couldn't imagine or dream of, but also in ways that have really just helped me persevere and grow amen.

Speaker 1:

What does it look like even just these last, well, eight weeks, a couple months, this, this year, into 2024? Yeah, what led you to join the group?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was just praying. I'm in the process of starting my own ministry, called Shining Light Ministries, and I was just praying Lord. You know what else do I need before I step out? Because I've just been leaning into the Lord to guide my steps on this journey. It's definitely a faith step here, and so I was just praying Lord. If there's anything I need to do or continue doing as I step into this, please show me.

Speaker 2:

And literally like the next day, I saw your class pop up and it really caught my eye the sword and roar, because eagles speak to me and that's just a sign for me to trust and and and know that God is working things out and and to look up and to trust him and know that he's with me. And so as I looked into your program, I was like, okay, like praying, like is this you Lord? Is this you telling me? And then when I reached out to you and you know we chatted a little through communication and you're like, yeah, but you couldn't really come out and say that I'm like, yeah, you know, because, like, I'm one who also does some coaching, but I also need a coach and so I really love that you are a coach who hears the Lord and a coach who obeys, and I just really love this class.

Speaker 2:

Like for me, it it there were so many good reminders, but also so many things to really help me stretch and grow and just really focus on a deeper thought process of, okay, lord, how are you wanting me to grow, how are you wanting me to stretch, but also being surrounded by a great group of women who are on similar journeys in terms of growing in what, what the Lord is calling them to do, but yet we're all so different and we're all to be the hands and feet of Christ and like the body, and I think, when you know we all come together and we can support each other and just be there for each other, it really makes a difference in helping us stand in confidence in the Lord too, but also knowing that we have people that are cheering us on, because this world can be difficult and so finding people that connect and that understand and that you can be like, hey, and they're like, wow, yeah, I get what you're going through, I'll pray for you and I'm experiencing that or here, you know, here are some things, and so I just I've really loved the group and and just knowing that there is support and we all are here to uplift and be there for each other.

Speaker 1:

Amen. Well, if you look back on, you know just even the last eight weeks, because we just wrapped up this last week, which it went by so fast.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And that's what he showed me was eight weeks. He gave me eight keys to release one each week, and I love that you mentioned the Eagles too, because Eagles are so significant for me. My business name is New Wings Coaching, and back in the fall I was on a walk and I see Eagles all the time and I just kept hearing like call in the Eagles. And then the name of the program dropped and I was like, oh my gosh, this is going to be incredible and I could see the women. I didn't know who they were, but I knew they were coming and that they were like out there, they were ready, they just needed that call in, Right. So I love that you were one of the eight that joined.

Speaker 1:

Eight is about new beginnings, right, and we all are stepping into some amazing new beginnings. If you look back at you know, over the last eight weeks, what aspect this might be a hard question, but what aspect of the program did you find most valuable? Sorry, I forgot to turn my ring off what aspect of the program did you find most valuable or impactful?

Speaker 2:

I really found the aspect of, like you coming in on the coaching call with us Now granted, I wasn't able to be on all of them live due to some technology issues on my end, but I really love the time that you took to gather with the ladies for those that could make it but also have the recording, because you know, I think, like you just bringing the keys to the table and those different keys and bringing up discussion around, that really brought out perspectives from everyone to take, but also like pray into as well, and and the opportunity to be able to share, like I love that you gave everyone chance to share and you know her, everyone was seen and heard and that's a big, a big deal and I really appreciated that aspect.

Speaker 2:

And I loved the, just the growth that it promoted, the deeper thinking I'm one who likes to think and ponder and go deeper, and so just the questions that you had with the different keys and how you address that and you know. And then the scripture and the songs that you brought in too, like the Lord just knew what we were all needing, and so I really I really loved all of those. I mean, I guess that's more than one aspect, but hope that answers your question.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, amazing. And one thing I forgot to tell you ahead of time we're not going to share it. Well, you can share one of your favorite keys, but we're not going to share all of the keys because we want to keep it. It's like a hidden treasure for those who haven't come into it. But if you were to share, like, which key was, like, the most impactful for you over the last eight weeks?

Speaker 2:

I think, while they were all really powerful, but I think for me, the one that spoke out most was the one about identity and knowing our identity in Christ, Because I think, like, as women, there's so many pressures of this world and, depending on how we grew up, how we didn't just different things that took place in our life.

Speaker 2:

Just that reminder and and to really just go there and think about you, know our identity and our worth and knowing that that comes from Christ, and keeping that as a focus to really rely on and stand firm in the promises of God, of who God says we are, was really impactful for me, and just also in what I'm trying to help bring to others. So there were some things that got me pondering and thinking and just like reevaluating, like, okay, Lord, are there any wounds that I need to address or am I like I mean, we're always going to have wounds, right Like until the day we die, but the Lord uses those wounds and heals us through those and to help others. And so I think, just like as women especially, I mean, I guess, with everyone, but you know, as women we tend to struggle with that, and so that was really helpful.

Speaker 1:

So good and I, you know it goes along and I'll share this is it was actually our first key.

Speaker 1:

He gave me the eight keys and it was like this needs to be number one, like this has to be the beginning, because it's so foundational to our walk, it's foundational to our businesses, our ministries, because the majority of the women that I work with either have a ministry or a business and I would say, for the most part, out there doing things that are very unconventional, right, doing things that really take a but God perspective, like what is he showing me to do beyond what the world would say makes sense.

Speaker 1:

That's, that's who I would say most of the women that I work with um are stepping into. And to have that identity intact, Like if we're, if we're dragging around, you know, a lot of old baggage into um, the future, it, it doesn't, it doesn't go well, like I just feel like there's and again, it's hard not to talk about more of the program because it all intertwines and I don't want to give everything away, but you know he showed me that it is so foundational for these groups and, in general, for anybody that I work with, because, um, you know, we live in a time where there there's such an identity crisis.

Speaker 2:

Crisis, yeah Right so and I love how the keys, without mentioning them all intertwined and they just built upon each other and you did a really great job in obeying and hearing and what those keys were, and each week I just felt more and more strengthened and empowered in in that as we went deeper. It was. It was really great and beneficial. So thank you.

Speaker 1:

Tell me a little bit more about um you know. What would you, since you're also in the aspect of, like healing and coaching, um, how would you, how would you explain? I don't know how I operate as a coach? Um, although you haven't had the one one aspect yet, um I. At times it can be a little bit challenging to to explain what I do as a coach. Um, probably for you too, and what you do. I want you to share more about what you do because I want others to hear about it. Um, and get connected to you. But, like, what would you like if you were to testify, like before working with me, like kind of where you're at and now, like what does it look like now? I guess yeah, I.

Speaker 2:

So I would describe you as a coach who listens and hears the Lord, and you're listening to the person and what they're telling you and you're getting your discernment from the Lord in helping them move in the direction that he's calling them to move, and you're definitely empathetic. Now you are outside the box from what you would consider like a traditional worldly coach, but that's one thing I love about you is that you have the passion and the fire and and the Lord is speaking you and the wisdom that he gives you you are able to address these things in a gentle, loving way with another. That I think is really beneficial, where you are helping, lead and guide. Now you're not looking to you know, fix, you're not a counselor, but you're looking to lead and guide and help them grow in the ways that they are looking to grow, and so that I really love.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to think if there's anything else I would say about that. I think that you really pay attention to detail and when someone's speaking with you and and seeking guidance, like you, you hear all aspects, not only what they're saying, but what they're saying on a deeper level as well, and I think that's really a special gift that God has given you, and so I think that benefits people on a deeper level, which I think is so important in where people are looking to go with what it is they're needing in their lives, as you are coaching them and you know we can't go wrong with Christ. So with Christ, so he's our ultimate, he's our ultimate coach, and so the fact that you have him to listen to and you are a vessel like that, I just I love that Thank you.

Speaker 1:

It's. It's such a beautiful journey. It's been the last seven years just learning to flow deeper with him in this business and space and you know, I'm sure, that you, as a business owner yourself, like learning to really embrace who you are specifically and how you're called to. You know operate in business industry and, yeah, tell us a little bit more about your journey into what you're doing. I would love to hear more about that and help people get connected with what you're doing. Sure, we need to back it up a little bit, because what are you doing? Like that was a huge faith step, like what happened?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, over the last couple few years the Lord has shown me and led me and grown me through some training and different aspects of healing, inner healing and it's calling me to step out full time into that. Right now I've been working I guess you could call it a 730 to 4 job and it's been all right, but it's not filling the soul in what the Lord is calling me to do. And through my own journey, I started from the outside in, as the world would have us do. You know, oh, if you fix this about yourself, think that blah, blah, blah, like, yes, that's only temporarily. Think that blah, blah, blah, like, yes, that's only temporarily.

Speaker 2:

But the the lord had shown me through walking through some of my own traumas and different experiences in life, on how to heal internally through him, but how to release that. And and that's what actually brought the transformation, the change and the freedom the freedom to break free from the chains and the bondage and to be made new and to be made whole and realize that we can have abundant life and grow and thrive in that. And so, through my own journey, I'm one who loves Christ and Jesus and helping others, and so he has called me into into inner healing and, um, what I, what I do, is it's called shining light ministries, is the name of my, my business, my ministry and he has shown me how to work with a person through non-invasive touch, body work, on how to be able to seek out the Lord through prayer and if there's repentance or deliverance that need to take place, but also on how to bring forth that trauma, to release that, not only trauma, but just different emotions and and things we've stored throughout our bodies. Because, as as we've been created in the womb, we are storing things, emotions, thoughts, feelings, circumstances and unless we're constantly releasing those, those can be stored. And so the Lord has shown me, just through some different techniques, on how to release that from the body.

Speaker 2:

Now, a lot of people ask if I'm a massage therapist and I'm not, but he's shown me some different ways of non-invasive touch on the body and how to find those areas and how to release to allow, to bring in healing. Now, I'm not the healer the Lord is, so all of what I do I'm just a vessel and a conduit for the Lord to bring about that. But there's freedom, there's deliverance and there's chains breaking and people being healed in various ways mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. And so my passion is to bring the hope and love of Christ to others so they can walk free in who they are and free in who God has called them to be, and free from the bondage that has once held them down so they can live the abundant life that God has called them to, and to walk in their purpose and calling and to know who they are in Christ and to stand strong in that and like and love who they are. Yes, Amen.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you for being a fellow freedom fighter for others. I don't know if Isaiah 61 is also a very prominent chapter for you, but it's definitely guiding light of the body in general, like the body of Christ and our body. When we come together and you know you, you take care of different elements. I can't do the work you do. I don't. That's not what he's called me to do. I have a different calling and purpose and when you and I like I'm just talking about you and I right now yeah, get out there and helps that other. I work with women specifically. I don't know if you work with men and women. Is it both men and women?

Speaker 2:

I mean, yeah, both I would say majority have been women, but I also work with men as well and you know it's it's definitely an interesting. You know, I'm always careful, especially if they're like a married man or something. There's always, you know boundaries and all of that. But the Lord is showing me that you know men. As women, we tend generalizing here because there's all varieties, but as women, we tend to be more talkative with our friends and sharing emotions where men, men aren't getting around and saying, hey, steve, how do you feel about this? They're like yo bro, how was that sports team you know? So, um, just being able to come alongside and and be someone that they can release all of that through. And so I would say you know, a lot of what I do is mental, emotional, slash, spiritual and physical when you put all those components together. But yeah, I mainly work with men women, but also men as well and I've worked on a few teens or younger people as well, so good.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm so excited for your journey, and so what are you looking forward to most? Once you are fully free, what is your first like freedom?

Speaker 2:

Definitely the freedom, that's for sure. But just being able to soar, because when, when I'm in the work that God is calling to do me to do, it just fills my heart and my soul and my spirit and I just, I just want to praise the Lord even more for who he is, and I don't know, I'm just, I'm open to where he's going to lead me in this. I keep hearing make room, and so part of that faith step was leaving my job completely and making full room for whatever he's going to do and bring. And so I'm just praying on the next steps and what that looks like. If that's to do like a talk or a seminar or you know, just get out there and meet people, whether it be in a coffee shop or you know, I'm pretty open to talking with anyone. But just listening to the Lord and where, where he leads me and guides me in all of it, it's going to be so good.

Speaker 1:

And you know, like I don't know if you've seen, um, some of the posts I've done, there's like a, a birdcage, it's. It's actually a tattoo that I have on my arm. It was a procedure that I would be free. Um, I got that in October of 2020, because I just felt so like my wings were clipped, working in corporate and in a space that I wasn't actually able to fully walk out. My purpose and calling and we can. We can walk in it while we're. We can walk in it anywhere right.

Speaker 1:

So, like I was coaching people in the corporate space inadvertently I called it ninja coaching, but I knew that there was more like I kept hearing that in the cubicle like there's more, there's more, and I'm like, okay, lord, like when?

Speaker 1:

and that day came, you know, november 1st of 2021, and it was the most exhilarating and like wild days in my entire life. Has it been easy? No, have I shared the fullness of what I walked through? No, but he has carried us through every single moment. We have been fed, we have a roof over our head and it has been amazing because I believe, not only for myself, but for you as well, what you are walking out of and are going to walk through is going to be such a testimony to everybody who's watching. So I am so excited for you.

Speaker 1:

I know some people are like what are you doing? I like to say I'm a, but what did God say coach, not a. But what if coach Like I'm going to help you walk that out Like what is God saying? Go like, do what he's saying we're not going to question and come up with a plan B. So I'm excited for you.

Speaker 1:

I like the moment you said that in one of your Facebook lives, I was like, oh my goodness and you know, most people maybe wouldn't be all about that, because it isn't it's not typical that you would, you know, fly the coop before you have, like, everything in order, potentially Right Right, so continue to step into what he's showing you. Um, that's what I've done all along, like, okay, lord, what's the name of my business? You know what is the name of my podcast? Oh, I'm podcasting. Are you sure you got the right one? Okay, here we go, you know, like, as you ask him, and have people around you that are going to support you and I love that. You said having a coach. You're a coach, but you have a coach and I'm all about that. I have coaches too, because I need people that I can bounce things off of and verbally process, because I am a verbal processor and sometimes you hear things and you're like, oh, my goodness, I actually said that I'm thinking that, wow, that's so incredible. So I'm thrilled for you.

Speaker 1:

I will get Rachel's information to share in the show notes for you. Um, I will get Rachel's information to share in the show notes, her link to reach out to her the best ways you can contact her and, um, for those that are hearing this, I just would love if you could pray over her as well, um, because we are the body and she is going to be out there, you know, doing healing work with the Lord and, um, she's taken a huge, huge, huge step of faith. So, rachel, is there anything? You know I do this for the one. I am not out here for a big platform, and those of you who have listened to the podcast before know that I do this for the one. I always think that there's one person that's listening to this that needs to hear it today. Is there anything you'd want to speak over that one and would you be open to just praying us out?

Speaker 2:

Yes, for that one who's listening. If you're nervous and worried and fear is getting in the way, I ask that you just listen to the Lord and step out bravely and courageously. That's one thing I really love about Kristen and her coaching is she is bold and she is brave, and she is someone who can lead you into that bravery and boldness as well, and so I just encourage you to take a step out in faith and prioritize yourself in that too. A lot of us are giving and we don't always prioritize ourselves, but you may need that and it would be a great investment. I can tell you that. And so I just want to pray for everyone here today.

Speaker 2:

Lord, we just thank you and praise you for the blessings of this day, lord, and I thank you for who you are making us all to be. Lord, for showing us our purpose and our calling. Lord, and I thank you for Kristen and what you've done in her, lord, and the ways you've worked in her and the way she's helped us all. Lord, we thank you for her hearing your voice, lord, and not backing down, and being courageous and bringing amongst women who can become courageous and strong and brave, lord, as you created us to be you, speak to them in ways they hear you, in ways they need to hear you, lord. If they're in the process of writing a book, starting a business, doing something new, lord, I just ask that you nudge them gently, help them to step out and know that you are with them and by their sides, leading them and guiding them.

Speaker 2:

Lord, that you have called us all for a purpose. You've given us all gifts and talents, and that we are uniquely and fearfully and wonderfully made. Lord, that we do not need to compare, that one person's gifts are different from another, but they're not any less than or better than, lord. That you have made us all to operate as the body, hands and feet and all together and to compliment each other and lift each other up, lord. So I just ask that you encourage everyone who's listening to this Lord, and that you bring freedom and healing and the light and love that you offer us, lord, that you bring it to those that are listening. We ask these things in your mighty and powerful name, lord, and I just ask that your armor be placed around everyone who's listening as well, lord, that you are our strength and that you will lead us and guide us. We love you and we praise you and we worship you and we ask these things in your mighty and powerful name, amen.

Speaker 1:

Amen. Thank you, rachel. This has been so fun. Thank you, kristen, and thank you for being just a powerful woman within our group. It has been such an amazing experience for me to have learned so much from you and from the other gals, and I know that our journeys aren't over. We're still going to continue on. So thank you for testifying to your experience and also, you know, testifying to what you're stepping into, and I would love to have you back on again in the future when you have, like you know, a little bit under your belt as far as this ministry and the business goes, after you're stepped out for a little bit and to share, like, the story of what he's actually doing, after you've been out there a little bit, right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that sounds awesome, thank you, and it's interesting too because, as I put my notice in, yes, I'm still at my job for a little bit longer, until next Monday, but he's already started bringing and growing and showing and and people and it's just, it's amazing, and I, my heart, is just so excited. I know there's going to be ups and downs, but I'm just so ready. So, thank you, kristen, and I'd love to come back another time. Thank you.

Speaker 1:

And, like I said, we will get Rachel's information in the show notes If you have any questions, want to check out the work that she does, how she can help and coming alongside you in your healing as well. So thanks again, rachel. I will be back for another episode of Hope Unlocked. Have a good night, bye-bye.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, you too Bye. Thank you, you too bye.

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