Hope Unlocked πŸ”‘

Ascending on Wings of Faith: Katelyn Silva's Journey of Intimacy with God

β€’ Kristin Kurtz β€’ Season 2 β€’ Episode 64

Have you ever felt a calling so strong, it redefined your entire life's direction? Katelyn Silva joins me on the latest episode of Hope Unlocked, sharing her remarkable experience through my group coaching program, 'There's More: It's Time to Soar and Roar in '24.' Her journey with God has deepened, proving that seeking intimacy with God isn't just a concept, but a life-altering pursuit. Her pivotal encounters and spiritual breakthroughs invite us to consider our own paths to greater fulfillment and purpose.

Our conversation ventures into the heart of her spiritual metamorphosis, where she emerged as one of the program's "eagles," soaring to new heights of faith and calling. She casts light on the profound shift in perspective from seeking worldly rest to embracing the peace that comes with resting in God's presence. This transformation is not solitary; community plays a vital role in our spiritual odyssey. Through prayer and heartfelt discussions, we emphasize the peace, joy, and love that come from trusting in the Lord wholeheartedly.

Join us for this inspiring discussion and discover a renewed sense of hope and purpose in your own spiritual journey.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm your host, kristen Kurtz, and I'm also the founder of New Wings Coaching, where I empower and unlock women to soar in their calling and roar with their voices. If you're curious to learn more about how coaching can help you unlock your potential, be sure to explore the show notes for ways to connect with me further. Get ready to dive in as we uncover empowering keys and insights in this episode. So tune in and let's unlock hope together. Welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm Kristen Kurtz, your host. I pray this episode is like a holy IV of hope for your soul. Please help me welcome Caitlin Silva to the show.

Speaker 1:

This is actually her second time back. She's becoming a super guest. I am just excited for her to share more about what we've just actually experienced together through my most recent group coaching. I call it an experience slash program called there's More it's Time to Soar and Roar in 24. And for us and for her to also share more about what she's doing in this season and how you can get involved and take part in what she's doing as well. So would you just? I know you were on before, but could you just kind of catch up some of the listeners to who you are Like. What are you up to in this season? What are you doing?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, hi, and thank you for having me back on Kristen. I'm definitely super excited to share today. So, yeah, I mean I'm Caitlin Silva and I guess I could share all the fun things, like you know that I like to write books and I'm a multi bestselling author and you know I help people write books and all the great things like that. But I mean more to the season.

Speaker 2:

It's a time of shifting, a time of preparation. It's a time of shifting, a time of preparation. It's a time of, you know, walking with the Lord in a new way, and it really continues to remind me and emphasize what the Lord really spoke to me at the beginning of the year, which was that it is more, but it's more of Him, it's more in Him, it's a deeper walk, and there's a lot of people that that are emphasizing the more. Um, but he really whispered to my spirit it's more of me, more of him, and so it. For me, it's just been learning in this season what that really means and shifting my perspective about almost everything, so that I can see through his eyes the way that he wants me to, and I really feel like it's kind of a pruning, but also in like that kind of fruitful, uh future productive kind of way.

Speaker 1:

So so good. Yeah, you know when. When I say there's more it's, it's beautiful, because we all have different. You know those, the gals that were part of the group there are different. You know aspects of obviously the your part of there's more intimacy with him. That's first and foremost right, but I love how he really took you on a journey through this experience. Could you just share, you know, maybe a little bit more of like what, like what led you to be part of it in the first place?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so well. I mean, I guess, more specifically for this context, it really started when I went to the Fear Into Faith conference back in September of 2023. And I was invited by my amazing friend, natalie Lavelock and I think she'd probably be all right with me sharing that and I went, you know, with Summer Day and it was her conference, and I really went thinking that it was a business conference, but actually it ended up being one of those places where you walk in the room and at least this was my experience. I walked in the room and the weight of the Holy Spirit was so tangible, so palpable, that all I could do, once I got to my seat like I didn't do it right there at the door, obviously, but we got into worship and everything, and I mean it got to the point where I just had to get on my knees and start praying. I mean, what else could I do? You know, it was just this really raw, humble worship response to the presence of the Lord. And I have to be honest, like I, I haven't ever experienced him in that way. I have experienced intimacy with the Lord, I have seen his wonders. I've I've walked my life seeing different things and having these different experiences, but that was the first time that I really felt this like tangible weight, like literal, physical weight of the Lord. And during that event not only I mean there was just so many breakthroughs, just breakthrough after breakthrough after breakthrough for pretty much everybody there, where the Lord was just doing so much inside of people that you couldn't even share it all because it was just so much. It was so heavy, and not heavy in like a you know, like a sad or a bad way, but heavy just in a this is blowing my mind kind of way. And I mean we saw people get healed, we saw people get delivered, we saw people get saved. You know we got we a lot of people got baptized.

Speaker 2:

I rededicated my life to the Lord and I really started hearing his voice for the first time in years and I had forgotten what it was like to hear God's voice and to be walking daily with him, because it had been so long for me. I had just gotten caught up in life and the world and circumstances and you know, pursuit of, you know whether it be paying the bills for the family or personal pleasures or whatever. I had gotten caught up in just personal pursuits in the world and I had really just lost that closeness with the Lord, and so that was just really sparked at that conference and it led me on this journey of okay, god, I obviously need to change my perspective. Who are you really and who am I to you? Because even though I'd had a relationship with God and I had these moments of intimacy and things like that before, the difference for me was that for the first time in my life, I actually heard the Lord tell me he loved me and I mean I it wasn't like it was an audible voice, like I'm speaking right now, but it was so clear in my mind and in my spirit and he, he was just speaking, you know his truth, and he was sharing that. It's not that he wants really like all these different things from his people. He wants a relationship and he wants, he just wants that intimacy, and he specifically was saying that he wanted it with me and and that was just, you know, a whole earth shattering level of mind-blowing.

Speaker 2:

You know, um, you know uh, and so I just really started pursuing the Lord in this totally new and different way, you know, and I'd done things before, like fasting and spiritual disciplines and things like that. But all of a sudden, it wasn't like I was doing these things to please the Lord or because I thought that it was going to, you know, earn something with God, it was just I don't want to lose. Going to. You know, earn something with God, it was just, I don't want to lose his presence, you know, I just want to do whatever I can to get alone with God, you know. And so fast forward, you know well, okay, so before I fast forward, sorry I'm bouncing around, but at the conference and really a lot last year, with some of the prophetic voices and just different people I'd spoken to, even that aren't prophetic, just had been speaking about dreams or what the Lord had shared with them, or things like that.

Speaker 2:

And there was one guy at the conference that had said that he woke up in the middle of the night and God was like singing over him and kind of in a rap kind of sense. So we all thought that was hilarious, you know. But basically what God was saying was there is more, there is more, there is more at the door, at the door, at the door. But he also said there is war at the door and he said it's time to roar, time to roar at the door, and so it was like this rhyme or whatever, but it was all focusing on, you know, the coming year, 24, there's more. There's a war.

Speaker 2:

That's like spiritual warfare and there is something that the Lord has for his people that he wants us to step into and over time, as I, you know, just prayed and fellowship with other believers and eventually, you know, kristen, I connected with other believers and eventually, you know, kristen, I connected with you.

Speaker 2:

You had really kind of felt that same message on your own. The Lord had really been talking to you about more in 24 and soaring and roaring and and kind of that spiritual warfare and sharing with you about you know, like who God says we are and things like that. And so when you announced the um, the program, I already knew I was like I need to be in it. I don't know how I'm going to figure it out, but I'm going to be in there. And so I mean that's really kind of where it all started for me. And and the journey just kind of progressed and the Lord just kind of slowly revealed more things as we got into the beginning of the year and I embarked on the program. I just knew it was the next step for me to go deeper.

Speaker 1:

Amen, yeah, and I love, I love that you said that um that fellow, like it was a rap too.

Speaker 1:

Cause sometimes, like he gives me like poetic rap. Um, cause I was actually on a walk, um, I just heard in my spirit. I was led to like turn a corner on a trail and I heard call in the eagles and I looked up and there was two eagles and I heard there's more, it's time to soar and roar, and 24, and that was like the culmination of like okay, I see what you're calling me to do here. So you were one of the eagles, one of the first eagles, like this was round one. I'm actually going to be doing round two, starting um the end of this month, and I I just love how you know when some people hear that they're potentially like I I'm not interested. But for those he's calling in and those who are led by the spirit, like like, like you said, it was it resonated with your spirit, right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely. And at the time I didn't really necessarily resonate as an eagle, I just resonated with the message and that was enough. And to this day I actually myself I don't resonate as an eagle, but at the same time I know, I know I'm in the right space and I I resonate more with the lions than the Eagles, but but it goes together, you know, because whenever I think of it, I think of Isaiah where he says you know, you will walk and not grow weary. You'll uh, you know, run and not faint. You will rise up on wings like eagles. Um, and then I also think of that in tandem with, like, he's speaking about walking with the Lord, and, and who is the Lord? He's the lion of Judah. So it goes together.

Speaker 2:

And I've seen so many different things. Like you know, you, you sent us the I don't want to spoil it actually for people that take the program but I mean, you know, there's just so many different, there's so many different connections between the lion and the eagle, and so I definitely felt, I felt that connection. I felt like, okay, even if I don't necessarily see myself as an eagle, I know that this is for me, I know that God has more for me. I know that he has been already speaking this over me and I need to pursue it to the fullest.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know there's. He gave me um eight keys for a group and obviously I'm not going to share all of the keys with the audience. But if you were to share um, you know which key for you was most impactful. Um which one would you say?

Speaker 2:

it would be Um gosh, it's so hard to pick just one. Um, it was. I mean, honestly, it was like it was one of those experiences where, you know, it was so obvious that god was in the program because every single time that you were like, oh, I'm gonna do this key, it was like, oh, wait, no, the holy spirit said to do this one and he had already been speaking a preparation for that. For the ladies in the group that were, like you know, having the calls and everything. I experienced that multiple times where it was like, just as I was finishing one key, the Lord would speak something or someone would say something, or I would just experience something, and I was, and I was kind of in that same line of process, and then you would announce the next key and I was like what I was just thinking about? That you know the next key, and I was like what I was just thinking about, that you know, and so that was just. That was just. Really the most impactful thing for me was the, the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit and his leadership all throughout the program, and the fact that you as our, as our leader in the program, that you really lived that out and you demonstrated what it looks like to walk in the spirit and lead by the spirit and let him really, you know, work through you with us.

Speaker 2:

Um, now I will caveat and say, if I had to pick a specific key, I think I think the one that I really just was really like wow, I really needed this. I really feel like it was maybe key number three just because of the amount of wow. I have really needed to shift my perspective, learn what it really means to, you know, not make quick decisions without consulting the Lord first and really just treasuring his words. And you know what it looks like to, you know, not to rest in a worldly way, like where you're, you know, thinking that you can't do anything. You know you have to, like sit around and do nothing.

Speaker 2:

It's not like that, it's more of just like the peace of the Lord that passes, understanding and that place of just pausing and, okay, lord, like what do you want me to do? Or how do you see this? Or, you know, give me the mind of Christ or the eyes of Christ to be able to see this correctly. It was just again. It's kind of too much to almost like with the conference. There's too much to put into words. It was just really, really impactful for me at that phase of where I was in the program.

Speaker 1:

So good and I love that you even mentioned that key in particular too, because it even mentioned um that key in particular too, because it you know it, it could, it could look to some as counter, counterproductive in essence, yeah, yeah, counterintuitive.

Speaker 2:

You know program?

Speaker 1:

that you know it's. There's more, it's time to soar and roar, you know it. Um, yeah, so, without going too much into the key because we don't want to give too much away, I love, I love that you grabbed hold of that one because, again, like you said, that he gave me all the keys and I flipped them around sometimes because he's like, nope, this is not for this week. I'm like, really it's so fun, it's such an adventure and to be able to walk this out with you gals was just so incredible. Um, and to see, you know, the fruit of you know, shifting and pivoting and hearing like, oh, wow, like this was perfect timing and I'm like that's all him, thank you, oh my gosh. So in this program and the programs I've done before and as I anticipate in the future unless he, he pivots me again there's something really powerful that you know I'm.

Speaker 1:

I love coaching and I love connecting. Like those are two of my favorite things to do when it comes to, you know, in essence, the things I do in my business. And you know, one-on-one coaching absolutely love, cause you can go super deep. The group coaching aspect I love because connections are being made. Um, you had an opportunity. Um, all the gals had an opportunity to take part in the one-on-one coaching and you, you, you took, took me up on that offer and I would love to hear a little bit more of um, how did you really appreciate that aspect, the one-on-one coaching, and then also that other element of you know the group, the connections that were made and what that looks like connections that were made and what that looks like.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so, first of all, for me, at the time that I signed up for the program, I had just finished doing a 21 day partial fast to dedicate the year to the Lord, and I had done that with a group, you know, and part of it was, you know, my husband's, a health professional. He was like you are not fasting for 21 days, you know. So I was like all right, compromise, I'll do it, you know, I'll do a partial, but anyway. So, but I had just come out of that. And so I had just come out of this time of really just like seeking the Lord, and this time was a little different than previous times. It was really challenging and I didn't necessarily feel the same level of like just spiritual intimacy and clear directive from the Lord and certainty about what I was supposed to do next and things like that. I was really kind of in a phase of limbo at that time and I was really unclear about you know, lord, what do you want, what do you have for me, things like that. And so when I signed up for the program and I opted for the one-to-one, my place at the time was I really just need an opportunity to, you know, get some wise counsel, get some wisdom, you know, get that prayer. And I know that you operate in the spirit and that you do have like prophetic gifting. And so, you know, for me I was thinking, you know, maybe she can, you know, give me some insight or something, or maybe the Lord will speak through her. And so, you know, it was a little bit maybe wrong thinking in my on my part, but at the same time I know that we, as the body of Christ, are meant to work together, uh, and we are meant to sow into each other, um, and so that's the way I viewed it was just, you know, uh, seeking a way to partner together in the body of Christ.

Speaker 2:

And so the experience for me afterward and through that process, was just so encouraging, so uplifting, and I 100% would say that it exceeded my expectations. I didn't really go in with expectations, I kind of just went in with open heartedness to whatever the Lord was going to do. That absolutely blew me away. You're, you know, like I said, I can't thank you enough and I can't sing your praises enough. You know, god deserves the praise. But you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

It, just you know it, it really was a gift, a really special time to just be in a space where I could explore some things that were going on or just different challenges and and really get that like bold, powerful prayer, um, and be in a space where my gifts were encouraged, um, and my areas of growth were encouraged, and where I started to develop and understand more of who God says I am, how he sees me, what purpose he has for me, and and start to really step into that in a new way.

Speaker 2:

You know, it's one thing to know what those giftings are or to believe that God says something. It's a whole different thing to actually take steps and put it into practice and live your life like you really believe those things. And so I was just really encouraged by the fact that you do hold that space and you do walk in the spirit, but you also give um real life hashtag, mom, um place and it's okay yeah, but but yeah, it was just that opportunity to um to step into that more and not just believe it, but just to start acting and acting and carrying that out and walking by faith.

Speaker 2:

And that was really really cool too, because sometimes and I'll segue here to the question about connection in the group it was really really cool too to see those same principles I just mentioned played out in the group as well, because every single one of the ladies was gifted in different areas as well and they brought those gifts to the table and so it was really cool to get to see, you know, on the calls, like you know, I'm not going to say names or anything, but one of the ladies, she was very prophetic and had like visions and stuff, and that was such a gift to be able to see her speak into our lives.

Speaker 2:

And then, you know, another of the ladies was like a worship leader, so she had other insights about leadership and worship and you know, and it was just really cool to connect further and because it's so easy to sometimes feel like you're walking alone or like, you know, god's the only one who gets you, or where you know it's like, oh, you know, I'm praying for this thing, but do I really have anyone that'll pray with me? And I don't say this in any kind of bad way at all, but sometimes people are like, oh, I'll that that really live that way, like they don't just write it down and forget, like they they actually, they pray with you and they they care. And it was just really really encouraging and uplifting and impactful for me and my walk with the Lord.

Speaker 1:

So good, yeah, it was. It was a beautiful journey to like go deeper with you in the one-on-one aspect, but I love, you know, the group aspect of you know you guys. Obviously, like you said, I'm not going to share names or you know what others are doing. I've interviewed several of the gals already so you can listen to some of the episodes back. But you know, to see, to go deeper with you and you know, you know, have you shared? There's a butterfly like floating around right outside my window. How fun. Um, you just never know what kristen's gonna see, um butterflies are.

Speaker 2:

Butterflies are my thing, so it's funny oh transformation.

Speaker 1:

I love it. Um, yeah, new wings. That's how. That's why my coaching name started. New Wings Coaching was because butterflies were so impactful back in 2017. That's a whole other story, but you know to be able to go deep with you and you know I love to be a safe place for gals to share their hearts. You're a leader. You are out there setting the captives free.

Speaker 1:

You have a huge mission and to get help women, birth books and beyond, like there's. You know, I'm not going to share everything you do and because you are like a warrior out there in so many ways, but to really just walk alongside you in a deeper aspect, but then to see you also, um, you know, on the group coaching calls and to speak life over people, and I, I, just I truly believe that these are going to be like lifelong connections with some of you gals together, especially some, you know, not not everybody makes super deep connections and that's okay, but I just saw this coming together of, um, this group in a way that only God could ordain you know, yeah, I would agree with you.

Speaker 2:

Um, and even from the get go it was, it was pretty clear that we were able to benefit from each other, not just in gifts and not just for the benefit, but just in a in a practical way, you know, supporting each other with books we've written, or you know each other in just different life things, or just the way that we were like, oh, we're both moms, we can give tips to each other on kids or whatever, and so I totally agree with you. It was definitely a very divine thing. And I think one thing I want to say too, especially because a lot of the listeners might be interested in, you know, working with you in the future with the program, is that, you know, one thing I've noticed is that a lot of coaches in the industry they're all about, oh, it has to be like structured, and it has to be this way and that way, and I mean, and I think some people really love having that feel, that safety net of structure. They're like I know what to expect, I know what's coming, you know, and it it almost creates like a sense of security, and yours is definitely more of like out in the wild lands. You know and I say that not in any kind of bad way at all I say that because when I first started working with you, I was used to that structure and so I was like I don't know what to do with myself because where's the structure.

Speaker 2:

But at the same time, what I learned is is that this was also part of my journey with the Lord, because the Lord was basically speaking to me in some capacity quite throughout a lot of the program about the importance of surrender and like walking by the spirit every single day. And that means that I don't know what the whole plan is every single day, because only God can see the future. And so, like you know, I'm not bashing anybody else at all. I mean, my program has structure, don't get me wrong. I'm just saying that I think that we have to be cautious about a false sense of security and we have to learn how, to, how, to, what it looks like to walk by the spirit and be okay with that and be okay with kind of like that, that wild of the winds feeling, and again, not in a bad way, but in a like almost a really beautiful way.

Speaker 2:

I think that you have a natural gift for the way that you're able to lead by the spirit and let him shape things as we go, and I think that that really actually teaches and gifts the ladies, myself included in a spiritual way that can't really be expressed or fully explained until you live it and experience it and you learn to walk through it with the Lord, and that is something that is that is lifelong and is, you know, kind of what? Is it invaluable? I don't know if that's the right word, but I think you guys kind of get what I mean. It's put into a value statement. It's just kind of bonus gifts of being in your, in your program and in your leadership, and I wanted to share that too in your, in your program and in your leadership and I wanted to share that too.

Speaker 1:

So you know, I've, I've had people ask me, you know, on discovery calls and that kind of thing, like, well, what can I expect? Um, and I've, and maybe you can just maybe put into words, cause you are so gifted with words, um, one of the questions I asked another gal who's part of the program, like if you were to explain like how, like what is, what is what does it look like? Coaching with me? Like what, in a very simple aspect, um, because I feel like I can't, I don't fit in a box, I burn them. So I can't give somebody like a cake mix and say, okay, by the end of the program you're going to have X, y, although you experienced the same keys coming down the pipeline and got to be on the calls or listen to the replays, everybody came away with different breakthroughs and keys and fire, you know. So how would you, if you're going to put like a name on the label of the box, like, what would you say?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's funny. You said that too, because during the program I actually ended up hosting my very first retreat, which was insane. You know, it was an answer of obedience to the Lord. He definitely showed up and moved, but it was not what I expected. But he showed up big and okay. So I'm going to share this story so that it kind of helps put a label on the box for people that that want to know about what to expect. So, basically, here's what this is gonna be like.

Speaker 2:

So during my retreat, I had this exercise where we were all going to write down, um, basically like our doubts, our fears, our challenges, things like that, um, the negative things that we were believing, and we were going to take them out and burn them. And I don't know if I was going to burn them in a box, I don't know, but maybe I was, maybe I was going to burn the box too. Um, so, believe it or not, the uh, the gift, I'll just. Well, actually I guess I have to reveal what it was, because otherwise it won't make sense. So I hope that's okay. So it was. It was a beautiful, you know, journaling notebook and, you know, with with verses and stuff. I won't reveal more than that, so you can still surprise people. But anyway. So I I literally grabbed the notebook, wasn't paying attention, didn't particularly turn to any particular pages, just ripped out three pages that I could use for my ladies and we could all write stuff down on our pages. No, it was four pages anyways. Okay, and I wasn't paying, I was talking, so I wasn't paying attention to which page went to which lady, I just handed them out. And so then I said okay, guys, so we're going to write down this stuff and whatever.

Speaker 2:

And one of the ladies just kind of looked at me and looked down at her paper and looked at me again and I was like what is it? She said I can't burn this and I said well, why not? She said come read the verses on this. So I read the first verse and then I flipped it over and I read the next one and I can't remember exactly what she had been struggling with.

Speaker 2:

The verses on that paper were the word of the lord to her specifically, and the lord literally told her exactly what it is that she was asking for on that piece of paper. And it wasn't me, it was just god's providence and the way that everything happened and I said, okay, that's crazy. Yes, I looked at the next lady and she read hers and she looked at me with the same look and she goes what? And it was literally God's word for her. And then the next lady, the same thing. And then finally, I read mine and it was the exact same thing and I just stood there in complete shock for a few minutes and it was just the way they got moved. And so what I want to share with the ladies is, when you do the program, what you can expect is you can expect God to speak, you can expect God to show up and you can expect to encounter God and hear from him in a way like you never have before, and it will radically change your life and your relationship with God.

Speaker 1:

Amen, girl, you just, you just. And there's no, now there's a Cardinal Just popped right over, but God, but God, you know, and I'm so, I'm so thankful for your heart and just the ways that he is shaping you to. You know, just show up in new and different ways and be that voice. And you know, lie to others. You know, even anywhere. And you know, lie to others. You know, even anywhere. It's not just in our business, it's anywhere, it's family, it's out in our communities, it's out doing the thing, being who God's called you to be. And you are a powerhouse. I actually I won't tell people what I saw in you on our last call, but it's really powerful what he's doing in you. So I'm just thankful for you and so thankful for you to come on again, and we'll have to have you back on again. I'm sure that you're going to have some really cool things coming down the pipeline that you can share with us. But is there anything right now that you would want to share, um, that somebody might be able to get involved in?

Speaker 2:

Sure, thank you for asking. Um, so what I'm uh working on right now is Kristen, don't kill me. Um, so I am in the process of trying to release, uh, this devotional that the Lord gave me and put on my heart. Kristen actually challenged me during the program to complete it and I got. I got almost all the way. I got like 90% or something like that. So, you know, the Lord was good. So I am in the process of trying to get that released and, you know, it seems like there keeps being snags, but it will come out this year.

Speaker 2:

And you know, for people that are, that are like, oh, I'd love to get connected before then, you know, get something. I would invite people to just go to my website we write books dot com, and there you can pretty much just get connected on Facebook or you can follow my podcast, or you can, you know, reach out via email, like whatever it is. You know you can, you can do all the things from there. So that's the best place to go. And, and I just want people to know that I, I love connecting, I love supporting people, I love having conversations. So, you know, don't be shy, reach out.

Speaker 1:

I love it so good. Well as you, since you've been on before. I don't know if you remember, but I really do this, you know, for the one. Is there anything else that you'd want to say to that one who's listening today, and would you be able to pray over them today as well?

Speaker 2:

Sure, yeah, I will. I just I'm really thinking about the importance of trusting in the Lord and leaning into Him, no matter what life throws at you and how. I think it's so easy to get distracted in the middle of storms or the middle of just things not going the way you expected. But the gift and the favor of the Lord is not necessarily earthly blessings, I mean it can be. Ultimately, the favor of the Lord is his peace and his joy, that is, your strength and his love and his hope and all of those good, beautiful aspects, no matter the circumstances, and just being able to keep, keep your eyes fixed on him and knowing that he is the master of the storm, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, whatever, he is the master of the storm and he commands the winds and the waves, and so we just need to rest in him always. Um, so I will pray us out, if that's okay with you, kristen.

Speaker 2:

Sure, um, heavenly father, thank you for um, just all the things that you are doing in your people, uh, the way that you do speak to us, lord, the way that you are close.

Speaker 2:

You are our shepherd. You are near to the brokenhearted and to each of us, closer than we even know and that you are a personal God, that you are the God who sees and who hears and who answers prayers. And I just pray, lord, over the person listening who maybe is looking for your voice or is going through something, or is just listening and just seeking after you or just wanting to hear from you. I pray, lord, that you would just enrapture them in your love, that you would just remind them that you are with them, that you would just give them that peace that passes understanding, that you would help them to lay their burdens at your feet and receive that peace that passes understanding, that comes from you and that joy that is their strength. And I thank you for Kristen and for this program and just for all the work that you are continuing to do in our lives, and that you would just continue to lead and guide us and give us wisdom, and I pray these things in Jesus name, amen.

Speaker 1:

Oh, caitlin, thank you for sharing your heart with us today. I will definitely share Caitlin's contact information in the show notes. Hope you can get in touch with her. She has just such a heart to help. Birth books for sure, right? So many have books in them and I might actually be one of them. Just saying so there's that. But anyways, thank you again. You are definitely a brave voice who's setting others free. I'm going to close Hope Unlocked with our anchoring verse today. It is may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing so that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound in hope, and that's Romans 15, 13. So thank you, listeners. I will be back with another episode next week and thank you, caitlin. We'll talk soon.

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