Hope Unlocked πŸ”‘

Wings of Change: The Maranian Twins on Embracing Faith, Growth, and Transformation

β€’ Kristin Kurtz β€’ Season 2 β€’ Episode 55

Embark on an enlightening path where twin sisters Elena and Natalia Maranian unlock the door to a vibrant future for all of us. As they weave the rich tapestry of their narrative against the prophetic canvas of Malachi 4:2 and the monarch butterfly, we are reminded that every voice has the power to declare life and every step is guided by the Lord. 

Struggle and growth go hand in hand, as scriptures teach us through the stories of Job, Joseph, and even the lifecycle of a butterfly. Our conversation blooms with tales of personal growth and the stages that shape us. Just as the butterfly emerges from its chrysalis, the Maranian sisters share their journey through challenges, media, and faith, illuminating the path for a generation using their voices for Christ.

We come together in prayer, acknowledging the combined power of our voices and the deep influence of individual stories within the wider fabric of faith. Hand in hand, we uphold resilience and eagerly await the unveiling of even more profound revelations.

Join us on this episode of Hope Unlocked, where belief meets action and the simplest flutter of wings can set into motion waves of change.

We're twins sharing the love of Jesus through media. Together, we host and produce our talk show, The Elena & Natalia Show in which we engage in heart-two-heart, transparent conversations about Jesus, life, and love centered on the beauty and truth of God's Word. We also serve full-time at our family's media ministry and TV network, International Christian Family Network, where we hosted our first talk show, New Generation. From Los Angeles, CA, we enjoy the simple pleasures and treasures of life and finding beauty in the everyday.

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Email - info@elenaandnatalia.tv 

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm your host, kristen Kurtz, and I'm also the founder of New Wings Coaching, where I empower and unlock women to soar in their calling and roar with their voices. If you're curious to learn more about how coaching can help you unlock your potential, be sure to explore the show notes for ways to connect with me further. Get ready to dive in as we uncover empowering keys and insights in this episode. So tune in and let's unlock hope together. Welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm Kristen Kurtz, your host.

Speaker 1:

I pray this episode is like a holy IV of hope for your soul. Please help me welcome my friends Elena and Natalia Moranian. I am just excited for them to share their story with you, share a little bit of what's going on in their lives. We actually met through I think it was Instagram, probably two, three years ago, and I just love their hearts. I know that they have a lot to share with us today and have something very special that's actually releasing today. By God's grace and timing for them to be on here today, to be able to share what's going on in their lives and can't wait for you guys to share. If you guys could share a little bit about yourself. I've never had twins on before, so this is really exciting.

Speaker 2:

Amazing. Well, hello, kristen, this is Natalia speaking and this is Elena. Can you tell our voices apart for a simple tiny bit? Well, it's such an honor to be on your podcast, your hope unlocked podcast, your seat cast I know you call it. Yeah, we're honored to be on and to share and to raise our roars together to raise our voices, and at the time of this recording it is actually such a significant date it is 4-2-24, april 2nd 2024. So, first of all, happy double, double, double double day with the twins your first twins on the podcast.

Speaker 2:

That's amazing. On double, double date.

Speaker 1:

Amen, and what we were talking a little bit about before we got on. I just recognized, even yesterday, you know, fours that I recognize. Fours typically, you know, are open doors, right Doors, and then the twos are keys and I just saw like the keys are within the door. So the door is about to open For somebody here. If you're listening, you're waiting on something. I know you guys are maybe going to share a little bit more about some of the things that you're waiting on and the doors that are looking for you even today and it's almost 2.22 here in Minnesota, oh my goodness.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we're in LA and we're at 12.20 PM at the time of this recording, so another almost 2.22. You guys are central time. Today is 4.2 and the verse on our hearts for April 2nd has been Malachi 4, verse 2, which says but for you who fear my name, the son of righteousness will rise with healing in his wings and you will go free, leaping with joy like calves led out to pasture. And it's so prophetic because wings and butterflies are such a theme, and especially we were known as renew wings as well, and so there was something so beautiful about rising and arising and using our voices to declare life and to choose life, and releasing our roars.

Speaker 2:

Malachi, 4-2, 4-4-2, amen, yes amen.

Speaker 1:

I was actually looking at that verse this morning. I love it. It's so in the wing I was like I love that.

Speaker 2:

And I have to say the doors you mentioned, with four or two, and the double doors and the keys, and so we love butterflies, butterflies have been such a significant theme. So monarch butterfly specifically, and talking about keys, all I kept on hearing the other day was monarchy, monarchy. And so I know we're both words, girls too, and not only do we love words, we're words of affirmation or love language, we're also women of the word, of our words and of the word. And so I just kept on seeing and hearing monarchy and my spirit and that the Lord has given the daughters of God, the woman of God specifically, the keys to unlock the kingdom to the kingdom, to unlock their destinies, to raise their wars. I know you're all about roaring and soaring and just having that vision and to cast your nets out and to really just thrive and flourish. And it's spring season, it's my favorite season of all time and especially over the last few years, it's really spoken to my heart and butterflies are flying around and I know we're talking about butterflies.

Speaker 2:

Well, today is significant because it is the new season, premiere of our talk show, the Elena and Natalia show, and after a hiatus, an unintentional hiatus, of about two and a half years. The last time we had recorded was October 2021, and then our studio um, the space that we were filming at, we were no longer filming there, so we actually relocated back to where we first began our journey at our family's TV network, at ICFN International Christian Family Network, and recorded started preparing for a new set. Yes, so we spent the last two and a half years just going through a transition process, unexpected, as Natalia mentioned, but so needed, because it was a time where we just, you know, rested, but also a time where we reevaluated and we really came out of the two years just realizing that God has really given us a message to share the gospel, to inspire hope and to release life and to raise our wars and the enemy would love to see the daughters of God silenced, would love to see them intimidated, would love to you know, speak lies and tell them. You know your voice does not matter what you have to say. People are not going to receive it.

Speaker 2:

But if God has given you a mission, a commission, he will guide you through it and he will put his words upon your mouth to speak, as Jeremiah 1, verse 9, says that the Lord will put his words upon your mouth and that is so absolutely powerful for us the ability to, you know, appoint over nations and kingdoms the monarchy as we were talking about royalty to uproot and to tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant. So we will choose to use our words to build, to plant, to overthrow and destroy the kingdoms of darkness, any sin, any evil, anything of the flesh, to hate everything that God hates which is sin. The Lord loves people. We are all created in his image, as his sons and daughters of God, but he hates sin because he hates anything that attempts to separate us and him, and that is why, you know, we just celebrated Resurrection Sunday. Over the weekend, he sent Jesus, his son, to bridge that gap, to bridge that chasm of sin that separates us, and to unite us with him through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Speaker 2:

In that blood of Jesus Christ, when Jesus spoke the words on that cross, it is finished, all death is finished, all sickness is finished, all depression, all addiction, any hatred for self is finished and the love of Jesus can begin and new life begins, new season begins. There is just so much power in the new and we all have that ability to start fresh every single moment and don't let the enemy lie to you. You know you failed today. You weren't in the word. You didn't go to church. You thought that bad thought about this person. You're a failure. No, those are all lies of the enemy.

Speaker 2:

So I would encourage the listeners to speak life and to speak the promises of God and in order to know that we need to be in the word of God, to know how to tear down any absolute lies of the enemy and replace that with the word of God and if we don't know what words to pray with, say, just starting in the Psalms or even starting with the Lord's Prayer, as Jesus taught, and to just pray that, and then the Holy Spirit will guide you and just be your guide and your counselor and your advocate. From the old life to the new life. The old, we also keep on singing. We also keep on singing. It's a new day.

Speaker 1:

It's a new dawn, it's a new life and we're feeling good, because guess what good Good is good news.

Speaker 2:

We have the good news. Gospel means the good news and, having just celebrated Resurrection Sunday, it was a very special one for us because it is a little bit about us. We are actually the age that Jesus was when he resurrected. So we thought it's so prophetic that we're releasing new episodes during the resurrection year, because we felt a lot like are we going to continue again? Is it? Our hopes kind of felt a bit dashed because the wait had been so long to get back in studio and we had just wanted everything in us to go back and record new episodes again. But there was a process to it. We had to get the new set ready, we had to gather the cameras together again. We needed to and, knowing us like we love design as well and fashion and style and everything in color and making everything colorful and close to our hearts. So this new studio, this new space, is really going to show off Jesus and living life with Zoe.

Speaker 2:

Life and color and excitement and joy, the joie de vivre. I'm trying to say that in my best French accent it's called the joy of life. It's the French expression for the joy of life, because there really is no true joy without Jesus, jesus, others, yourself, and Jesus over yourself. So the moment we start living for Jesus, the man who was anointed with joy, the oil of gladness, that's when we'll truly know how to live, to live free and despite circumstances, because we are not without hope. We have the living hope in us so we can resurrect from the old life to the new life, from the flesh to the spirit, and say God, may your perfect will be done in our lives and may we glorify your name. Yeah, because it's so powerful that the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead also lives within us. We have that very same spirit, the Holy Spirit power. It's no longer us who lives in us, but the Holy Spirit, and that is just so encouraging for us.

Speaker 2:

And, as we've been talking, butterflies have been such a thing, and we all have to go through a metanoia, which is the word for transformation, a process from death to life. And the Lord had really put it in my spirit. What does death to life look like? And you know, in the natural, in the natural order, we go from life, the womb to death, the tomb. This is the natural life. But in the spiritual life we are all called to go from the tomb, which is death, living in our sinful desires, back to the womb, being born again. And you know, as Nicodemus says, what does that mean? To be born again. And we need to be born of the spirit, born to life. And this is really the version that Jesus calls us to to come back to life, to come back to him, to have that metanoia, that transformation process. And you know we love butterflies and we know the natural order of the metamorphosis goes from the egg stage to the larva, the pupa, to the adult stage. I don't know if I did.

Speaker 2:

I think the pupa, the larva, the adult. But there's the four stages that a butterfly has to go through. You know, we all appreciate the beautiful transformation of the butterfly when we see it, and that's the adult stage we all know and love. But before the butterfly was this beauty that we enjoy, it was first a caterpillar in its chrysalis.

Speaker 1:

It was an egg and then a caterpillar.

Speaker 2:

It was an egg Little tiny egg like a mustard seed of faith. Yes, absolutely. And it had to be in this chrysalis. And there's this parable or this story about the butterfly that I read that really, really touched me. It goes like this there was this man who, you know, was watching a butterfly or caterpillar in its cocoon, in its chrysalis, and he saw it struggling, you know, and so he tried to help it, you know, and so he tried to help it and he cut the chrysalis and he saw that the butterfly was no longer struggling and it emerged. However, it was not able to fly, its wings were underdeveloped, it had no strength and its body was still swollen.

Speaker 2:

Come to find out that in that chrysalis stage, when you see the caterpillar struggling, it's actually for its benefits. That struggle is for its growth. That struggle it's preparing it to be able to build its wings, and that water that's swelling in the body goes to the wings to build the wings so that when it naturally emerges from the chrysalis it's able to be prepared to fly. So sometimes we want to rush the process of the development. We want to rush that growing phase because it is not comfortable, that transition phase, that tension phase, you know, we all want to skip to the good part. Right, but sometimes we have to go through dirt to grow, we have to go through the soil to get the oil, just like Job had to have the boils to get the oil and Joseph had to be in the pit to get to the palace and Jesus suffered and got the oil, and Joseph had to be in the pit To get to the palace and Jesus suffered and got the glory.

Speaker 2:

And that is what you know has encouraged us Is just whether we are in the Egg phase or the pupa phase, or the larva phase, or the adult stage, enjoying that beauty, just know that the Lord lord is in every step, he's in every stage, he is in every season, he is faithful through and through and he is the pioneer and the perfecter and finisher of our faith, as it says in hebrews 12, and he is finishing the good work that he has completed in you, for it is better to finish a thing than to begin it. And just as also what has been on our heart in 1 Corinthians 3, verse 6 through 11, it says in the NIV version how I planted the seed. Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So it's interesting because, you know, sometimes we put in all the work and we water it, and whether you look to the left or to the right, and you see, you know, lord, other people are doing the same thing and they're succeeding and they're getting all these numbers and we're doing this.

Speaker 2:

And you know, comparison is the thief of joy. So stay focused on your work, stay true to the call that God has given you and bless your enemies, bless your brothers and sisters in Christ, mourn with those who mourn and have joy with those who have joy, but just continue on in the mission that God has called you to Keep on planting seeds of righteousness, keep on watering it in the mission that God has called you, to Keep on planting seeds of righteousness, keep on watering it with the word of God, and God is the one who will be responsible to make your ministry grow. And whether it grows in this life or whether you see the growth in heaven, as long as you have the smile of God upon your work and what he is doing and you can rest easy at night and peacefully knowing that God is pleased with you and he calls you good and faithful servant, that is really success to us. Amen, sis, preach it don't keep going. You're filling the fire in my belly.

Speaker 1:

I know that this is a fresh word because I have been talking to some gals and I can just hear and see them, just waiting to hear what you're releasing today. Um, so, the thing about the butterflies um, I don't know if you guys knew this, but back in 2017 was when my coaching business was established and it's called New Wings Coaching. I asked the Lord what the name would be, because I don't want to pick anything. You know that's to be established outside of him, Right, and I just love the story of the butterfly, that story of the you know the man pulling the butterfly out too early.

Speaker 1:

It gave me this name in 2018 was probably 2017, 2018, probably one of the most um cocoon stages I've probably had in my entire life of releasing and then being put in a cocoon and then coming back out. Um, it was so hard. I would love for you girls and I don't know if this last season has felt like that, but, um, I know that you have so much wisdom and knowledge to you know. Just share some of your deeper experience. If you're led to kind of what that looks like for you personally. Um, maybe there's another season of your life where you know it felt like a cocoon and then to come down the other side, you know, when we're soaring, we can see more right. When we're in the cocoon, you can't see anything. It's dark, it feels lonely, um, but once you're out and those wings are moving, those new uh, there's so much to see. So I'd love if you guys could go. If you're led to um testify. Share a personal story that you've walked through. Um, I know that there's. I always do this for the one.

Speaker 1:

This podcast is for the one um so I I know that there's one waiting to hear some of your testimony.

Speaker 2:

It's really in the dark seasons, like you said, where we feel like we're really developed. It doesn't look like it at the time, but a butterfly is developed in the dark. They have to rest. They have to not struggle to force their way out, Like Elena was sharing. The struggle is working for you and not against you, and so you have to sometimes surrender to that struggle.

Speaker 2:

I always say put an end in surrender, because we have to come to the end of ourselves and to the start of the spirit of God and allowing the Holy Spirit to take over, because it is not easy living a lifestyle that is pure, that is godly, that is honorable, that is going after righteousness. But because the Lord has called us to holiness, the Lord has called us to be imitators of righteousness, to be imitators of his son, Jesus Christ. And I know a lot of people say we can't be perfect. But the word says be holy. Be as I am perfect, be holy as I am holy Speaking about Jesus. And Jesus lived as a human being, so he knows all of our emotions, our struggles, the temptations, but he still lived a perfect life. I also always say that we're not looking for perfection, we're looking to be perfected by the only perfect God, and so it is a process, dying to the self, dying to the flesh and saying God, not my will, but yours be done. There's a permissive will and there's a perfect will. If we just wanted our will to come to pass, we would have already been married by now. We would have already probably been in the world and had successful career. We would have just done anything that we wanted. But I've realized that God measures success not by numbers, but by obedience, by faithfulness, by how committed are we going to be to the call, Because it's not easy.

Speaker 2:

I used to speaking about numbers. I used to work for a marketing company and I did the reports. It was a movie marketing company and I used to do the reports and they wanted me to generate and gather and log all the numbers of how much reach the partners were getting and how much reach it was generating and how much people were able to see the specific campaign. But the Lord spoke to my heart so clearly at the time about reach. He said reach isn't about numbers, so don't judge yourself by how successful you are based off the quantity. Reach is how far I reached out my arms and died for you how far I reached out my arms and say I love you.

Speaker 2:

So whenever you are tempted to feel down over the lack of success, as far as how you measure success, because our definition, the world's definition, of success is so different, it really is, and in an age of social media, it's so easy to fall into comparison trap. It's so easy to compare and feel like your worth is tied to value and numbers, Even on our social media. We released a reel and releasing all of our reels and we're like Lord, I just want this reel, the message we're sending out, to reach whoever you want it to reach, whether it's one or many, but the Lord can test you in that too. If it doesn't reach whoever you want it to reach, if people are viewing it but not liking it, you're like okay, God, really you see where your motives are, and that's why God always has to purify motives so that it gets down to the basics.

Speaker 2:

What are we doing this for? Who are we doing this for? First and foremost, if you're called to something, whatever profession it is, you have to know that you're called to it, because there are going to be really dark nights of the soul where you're going to question yourself. You're going to wonder did I really? Did God really call me to this? Because if he called you to it, he's going to provide a way for you to accomplish it and he will guide you.

Speaker 2:

There will be very, very difficult days, there'll be challenges, there'll be obstacles, but that is what is helping you grow. You have to go through dirt to grow. I got it like a analogy one time when the gardeners had come over, they had put manure fertilizer on the grass. And you know that does not smell good. No, I was like that smells more like poopery, not flowers. For the flowers to bloom, but what do those flowers need? Those flowers need fertilizer. And guess what? The fertilizer needs to go deep into the soil. So it's not.

Speaker 2:

It feels like a stench. In the moment it feels really unpleasant. Unpleasant, but the pleasing aroma that we're called to be is only being developed through the stench that we're called to be is only being developed through the stench that we're going through right now, and the stench could either be all around us, the stench could be negative criticism, but also the Bible does say to the unbeliever the message that we preach is like a stench. It's the gospel's foolishness to them. But then, when they have a revelation from the Holy Spirit, they will realize that it's actually a pleasing aroma of Christ. Absolutely, it's a pleasing aroma. So so some of the challenges that we've gone through is.

Speaker 2:

You know? It's funny, you were mentioning being in the cocoon, because we're twins, right, and we were actually felt like we've been in the cocoon since birth. We were actually born, I would say, the chrysalis stage. The chrysalis stage, you know what I learned the other day doing research sorry, just to put this point when we did research about butterflies I was like you know how we call it the cocoon? Apparently it that that's for moths and chrysalis is for butterflies. So I'm like I've been saying cocoon this whole time myself. Either way, cocoon, chrysalis, it's part of the same process.

Speaker 1:

Now we know the right word.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, chrysalis, oh chrysalis. Oh, I like that. Yeah, so go ahead. Yeah, I was saying how we've been in the chrysalis. Obviously, since womb, since the loom time, we've been roommates and now we're roommates.

Speaker 2:

We were born two months premature and you know, when babies are born prematurely they have to be put in an incubator. So we were in our very own personal incubators baking away and you know it was a very difficult pregnancy for our mom. She was a very young mother and they had told her you have to abort one of the babies and she was very strong in her faith and her and my dad, our dad decided to, you know, have faith in the Lord, to have faith in God that the Lord has put double in her womb for a reason and that they're going to go through with it. And we were delivered two months premature. So probably we knew that in our lives we were probably going to have to wait long for many things in our life. So we decided, you know what, we're not waiting an extra two months to come out of the womb, we're coming out early.

Speaker 2:

So we came out two months premature at seven months, but we developed in our little personal chrysalises, our incubators and ever since our youth, you know, you were our incubators. And ever since our youth, you know you were mentioning if we've ever gone through seasons of darkness or felt like we were in our own chrysalises where the tension has felt, you know, strong, and we felt, ever since we were, you know, since middle school, high school, those stages, especially middle school, that we never quite really fit in anywhere. You know we're twins, we are bicultural, we're half Armenian and half Hispanic, so we went to an Armenian school, an Armenian Christian school, growing up. So we never quite really fit in in that school either because we're, you, only half armenian, and so we got bullied pretty heavily and thank god that the lord had put each other in our life, we had each other and so we're not only roommates, but roommates yeah, we were each other we are still are each other's best friends, and so we encouraged each other.

Speaker 2:

we were not alone in the process. We come prepared together, we're paired up together two by two, to have this commission to share the gospel together and going through high school. Right after we graduated high school, the Lord had put it in our parents' heart to start a Christian television network called International Christian Family Network, and soon after we felt commissioned to start our own talk show at the age of 19 years old, and it was called New Generation at the time, and our mission was, and will continue to be, to be on fire, passionate and in love with Jesus Christ. So we started interviewing multiple guests. The symbols were butterflies and the symbol was butterfly and our logo was made of butter.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a new generation, new creation in Christ, and we interviewed many different people and we grew up alongside our guests and we learned and you know it was interesting growing up on camera and we were sharing the gospel via, via media. So if we were ever confused as to you know, what does the lord want us to do? What are we called to? We felt like was right there. So plain, so clear. Our personalities are like nope, we don't want to start something until it's perfect and have everything set. But when the time is set the time is now you just have to go and trust that the Lord will guide your steps, even if you don't have all the puzzle pieces together, and he will open the right doors, he'll close the wrong doors, he'll bring the people into your life, take out the wrong ones. And so we did new generation for those years and we were sharing the gospel, even on social media, at a time when it wasn't really popular to do so. We always felt like we were kind of going against the grain of what is popular and being rebellious in that sense being rebellious for the gospel, not against the gospel, and to be soldiers for Christ. And, like Natalia was saying, that's not an easy thing to do, to be putting your heart out there and to share the gospel when it's not considered a cool thing to do.

Speaker 2:

Now, on the other hand, in an age of TikTok and social media and Instagram, it is cool to you, know, know, christ, and that is something that you know. I just love seeing on social media. There is a rise in people raising their voice, using their voices to share the gospel, to proclaim his name, to tell people about the way, the truth and the life. And there is a heart of a new generation, gen Zers, gen Ys, millennials, gen Xers, all the new generations and old generations coming together to preach the gospel, to share with people that there is a new way, that there is a way that there is one way. You know it's no longer about my truth or your truth. There is only the truth, and that is the word of god.

Speaker 1:

And yes, yes, and you guys, you've been trailblazers in this area.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. Yes, it's been. You know we don't see ourselves as trailblazers, but looking back at how long the Lord has had us in this media journey, this television journey, we grew up on camera and at the time you don't see it as that. But looking back in hindsight you realize okay, god, this is how you're leading me. This was really a marathon. It is a marathon, it's not a sprint. Do you have your running shoes on? We like wearing heels, but we got our heels on. We're stomping the enemy's hat in higher, the heel the closest to heaven.

Speaker 1:

We're saying we are healed in heels well, and looking back, because it's been what, what? 15?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, since 2009. Yes, so about 2008. So I would say 16 years 16 years that the Lord has had us in media With New Generation. That was where we made our TV debut. And then, in 2016, we felt a metamorphosis where we wanted to rebrand and we really felt the Lord call us to change the name. Not that, not that we didn't like new generation or needed to change. We just felt a call towards rebranding, and so that was our, like our own little metamorphosis journey. So we changed it to the Elena Natalia show. It's still the same us, just different, different furniture and location. And, yes, and we have heart to heart, yes, conversations about jesus, life and love. Those were the three words that we felt like really highlighted to us jesus, life and love centered on the beauty and truth of god's word, because god's word is beautiful and god's word is the truth. So that is our, our, main thing.

Speaker 2:

And so, in 2017, we premiered the Elena Natalia show, which is basically an extension, like a relaunch, a relaunch a new generation, and we share Bible stories, we have Bible studies, basically the two of us together as twin hosts, yeah we're twins, so I don't think I've ever seen twin hosts hosting a talk show together.

Speaker 2:

we're two of a kind and, uh, yeah, I mean we just love hosting together. Yeah, and the purpose is, you know, we can have all these conversations, but if the foundation isn't there. Our foundation is the word of God, and so we always refer back to the word of God. We don't claim to be pastors or preachers, or you know. We want to share the word of God, and so what we do is have different conversations on various topics, whether it's relationships or social media, or mental health, or you know how to navigate friendships.

Speaker 2:

We always like to refer back to the Bible through specific stories, and even though there are stories that were 2000 plus years ago, they're still so relevant to this day, and sometimes you just reread a story and it becomes renewed and refreshed and you see it from different perspectives. That's why it does. The word of God is living and alive.

Speaker 2:

It's active and sharper than a two edged sword, so it will convict. So if you're watching the show, prepare to be offended, because the gospel will offend those who are perishing and to those who are not perishing as well, there's a lot of you know, ways that we think we're right, but then the Lord says the Holy Spirit, gently, yet firmly, can nudge, say no, this is the right way, go this way. No, this is the truth. And then he'll speak through very prophetic symbols and analogies. This it's been butterflies our whole life. But to other people it could be something else. It could be rainbows, it could be a specific dream that you've had. So, um, for such a time as this in your heart, to arise and shine for your life has come. And yes, we also love to have fun on set and feature different guests and to laugh and make sure to watch our new premiere, season premiere, because there's a very, very special guest.

Speaker 2:

First guest the gospel is timeless. The gospel is fun. Jesus is a man known for joy. He was a man anointed with joy. So to represent Jesus, to represent the gospel, of course we're going to have fun. And the Bible? You know I don't understand people who say the Bible is boring. Have you read it? There are just so many stories coming alive. We'll do that.

Speaker 2:

Stories coming alive and you can relate to some of the stories you can choose which ones are speaking to you in this specific season and to also get back to a fear of the Lord, a reverence of the Lord, and many people in this can screw the concept of fear of the Lord. What does that mean? You know, I say Jesus is already famous enough. He doesn't need our help making him famous. So that's what we have to really understand Is it about making myself famous or making Jesus famous? He doesn't need our help. So what we need to do is get back to basics and preach the gospel and get back to a holiness, a respect.

Speaker 2:

And the other day I don't know why I'm mentioning this, but I actually ended up seeing, and I don't know where, I read it actually but Kanye West was saying something about him being afraid, about doesn't know what the fear of the Lord is like. What fear of the Lord? Elena can speak a little bit more because growing up yeah, growing up she was actually sharing this testimony on our premiere show of the Atlanta Natalia show.

Speaker 2:

So really let them be a response to Kanye West, if he's listening what is the fear of the Lord? What is the fear of the Lord? As a little girl, I would always say, why? Think why. What does it mean to fear God? Do I actually have to be scared of him? Like, why would I need to fear God? Do I actually have to be scared of him? Like, why would I need to fear a loving God?

Speaker 2:

and I came to understand that fear means to revere him to have reverence in our heart towards him, not necessarily, uh, you know, to trump, I mean, we have to have that holy reverence, that holy fear, but for me, a true fear of the Lord is being without him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, John Bevere said that so right.

Speaker 2:

He said it so graciously and beautifully. He said how did he say it? He said fear of the Lord is not being afraid of God, but being afraid of being away from his presence so that, think about that.

Speaker 2:

It's like, wow, lord, I never want to being away from his presence. So that think about that. It's like, wow, lord, I never want to be away from your presence. That's what I'm afraid of Not being. Not that I don't want to be with him, it's that I'm afraid of not being with him and being without him a day in my life. That's a scary thing. That's fearful to be living life, thinking like God doesn't exist, thinking that you have eternity ahead of you.

Speaker 2:

We are mortal human beings, we're bodies housing a spirit and that spirit is going to go somewhere. It's going to go to eternity after we close our eyes here on earth, whether that's heaven or hell. A lot of people don't like to discuss these things because you know they just don't want to think of death. But really death, where is your sting? We know that there is eternity in heaven with the Lord, and that only comes by the blood of Jesus Christ. There is no other way. It is the Bible, is the absolute truth and there is no adding to it or subtracting from it. It is what it is, and Ellie said it earlier that it's not about our truth, it's God's truth. And there is one truth and it's in the word and that's where we base everything on. That's where we base our decisions on. I've heard it said how it's basic, the Bible's basic instructions before leaving earth and I changed the B to some other word. It's the best instructions before leaving earth, because you will find wisdom there, you will find treasures. The deeper you dig, you will just. My life. Verse is Psalm 32, 8. And it's I will instruct you on the best pathway for your life. I will teach you on where you should go. I will lead you on the best pathway, and I've always. My prayer has always been Lord, lead me on the best pathway for my life. Because it's interesting, pioneers are settlers right, but I've always had on my heart to never settle unless it's God's best, and so never settle for anything less unless it's God's best.

Speaker 2:

And many people will think well, especially when it comes to the marriage topic. You know we're going there, but we're 33, we're still single and we're private on that aspect. We don't share too much about that. But our biggest dream has been to, has been, has been to find a husband, actually not to find a husband. He who finds a wife finds a good thing. So for our husbands to find us, for us to be married, for us to have families and to just expand our families. And it hasn't happened yet for us. And we wonder why, lord? Why hasn't it happened? So where was I going with this? Got me all flustered talking about these husbands. I would say that has really been our chrysalis season.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the waiting, the wait for our future spouses, for our future husbands. It has been a long time. You know, if it was up to us, we would have already been married in our early 20s, but the Lord saw fit that we would still be 33. We always say, if God told us, if God told us at 23 that we would still be single 10 years later, I would start crying. But yeah, there's a reason God doesn't give you so much of the future ahead of time. We see in part prophesy. In part he wants you to hold on to that hope because if the dream has already been released, if you've already gotten a word, that marriage is your portion you have that desire then continue walking in faith, actively preparing.

Speaker 2:

You know, many times we say waiting, waiting as if it's a passive thing. We're waiting in prayer. We're waging war for our future husbands. We're asking the Lord to prepare them as they prepare us. It's a preparedness. P-i-p-a-i-r.

Speaker 2:

And in my prayers I have found myself going from saying Lord, please send me my husband. Lord, please send me my husband to thank. Thank you, lord, that you have already sent my husband. Thank you, lord, that my husband already recognizes me, that he knows me in the spirit that when we meet and see each other face to face we won't be strangers. That he knows me in the spirit that when we meet and see each other face to face we won't be strangers. That he will recognize me as Isaac recognized Rebecca and he fell in love at first sight.

Speaker 2:

And this is not some mystical, magical thing, this is a miracle, this is spiritual. This goes deeper than just the physical. This is a spiritual connection, a heart to heart, a spirit to spirit, a soul to soul and the lord. We have to believe that the lord has prepared us and is preparing us to be prepared, two by two, because the lord sees that marriage is a good thing, and the enemy sees that as well, and so he tries to keep power couples away from each other for as long as possible, to discourage them, because he knows that when we get together, it will be fruitful and we will multiply and spread the gospel more to the further ends of the world, and the enemy hates family. He hates it and that's why you will do everything in his power to separate delays. So we also pray lord. If there's any demonic delays, we break that by the blood of jesus christ. If there is any demon, demonic invisibility, or hiddenness we break that as well.

Speaker 2:

May we be seen by our men. We don't need to be seen by every man, we just want to be seen by our men. We don't need to be seen by every man, we just want to be seen by our husbands, that they will see us and that they will know us, and so. But, however, if there is a divine hiddenness, if there is a divine protection, until the Kairos moment, until the proper timing, we receive that Lord. We just pray for the grace to continue in the wait, to continue in the journey. You know the world will tell you. Your biological clock is ticking. Just go find someone. Your standards are too high, you're too picky. But no, our standard is Jesus Christ and, yes, that will be very high for the wrong men to fill, but if the Lord has graced our future husbands to be our husbands, it will be a delight for them to fill that role. Our standard is God's perfect will, and many times your will versus God's will is very different, but our prayer has been that he puts our hearts in sync with his perfect will, whatever timing that is. However, much longer we need to wait. I don't need to beg. I don't.

Speaker 2:

A child doesn't beg their father for food. A child doesn't beg their father father constantly um for something that they want. They just expect that it's already been given. It's like Christmas. You know that leading up to the days, there's Christmas presents under the tree whatever promises those Christmas presents are. And you know that there is a date, although we don't know the date our wedding date yet. We'll know when it happens, but we know that God has prepared that and is preparing for us. We just need to be in the spirit of expectation to receive it.

Speaker 2:

And actually, a fun fact that we discovered is the first thing butterflies do after they emerge from out of their chrysalis is find their mates. Yeah, so we thought, wow, if we're such a time as Lord, connect us with our mates or other half of the wing, because we need to fly together and and it's time, it's time kingdom, kingdom marriages to arise. And also be in prayer, ladies, single ladies, for your future husbands you don't know, perhaps, if they're pre-believers, if they're unsaved right now and they need you to wage war on their behalf that when you meet that they'll be saved already. Because it is so important to just be prepared and to be prayerful and to be purposeful in the wait. Don't take this season of singleness lightly. You're a warrior. Princess bride in waiting.

Speaker 2:

And you're not half a person until your husband or wife comes along. You're a whole person and he'll bring the other whole person to compliment you. Actually, I also learned about butterflies that they have four wings. So when I said the other half of the wing actually butterflies, you're two, you're, you're two wings, and then the male is two wings, the female is two wings and together they make one butterfly. Yeah, four two four, two, 24.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and talking about mates, in the beginning of the year I was in Luke. I was reading Luke, chapter 5, and it was when Jesus called his first disciples and how, when he was standing by the lake they were. There was a crowd of people listening to the word of God and there was at the water's edge two boats left there by the fishermen and Jesus got into the boat and the boat belonged to Simon and he told him to put his net down for a catch Net. It's funny talking about net Network, television network. We do some network. Yeah, maybe do some network. Yeah, maybe do some networking.

Speaker 2:

Either way, simon was discouraged. You know, he said, master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything, but because you say so, I will let down the nets. You know, sometimes we feel that way, whether it's with ministry or relationships. Lord, we've worked so hard on this show, we haven't caught anything. Lord, we've waited so long for husbands and we still not married. And you know, simon answered you know, master, again, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything, but because you say so, I will let down the nets. I just want to release that encouragement to anyone listening who feels like that. They haven't received the reward or received what they have been praying for. I encourage you to say Lord, because you say so, I will let down the nets. Because you say so, I will try again. Because you say so, I will try again. Because you say so, I will write that book. Because you say so, I will be courageous to start that podcast, to start that TV show and to lay down my net once again.

Speaker 2:

And so when they took that step of faith, laying down their nets, taking that step of faith, it says over here in Luke 5, verse 6, they caught such a large number of fish that their necks began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both boats so full that they began to seek. And when I read that I said, wow, thank you Jesus, our partners are in the boat and they are coming. Are they fishermen or pictures of men? Thank you, or they're across?

Speaker 2:

the pond somewhere I don't know the partners in the other boat refers to ministry connections or friendship connections or relationship connections, future husband, future wife connections, believe, divine connections. You are obedient to the Lord's voice and the Lord tells you to let down your nets once again, despite what you see, despite the opposition, despite the bleakness, despite the lack of success, obey his voice. Lay down your nets once again, whatever that looks for you, and you will find that your reward, the fish that you catch, will be so great, and your partners you'll be in the other boat. So receive that in jesus name none, I know I received.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we were waiting for my partner. Hopefully the partners will receive too. Yeah, ideas, that's what you were saying. That reminded me also of a verse in Isaiah None shall lack her mate, amen, none shall lack her mate. Just like Noah's ark boat. They went two by two, partners, animals. Yeah, there is a commissioning. A commissioning. I've noticed a rising of two by twos, specifically of the woman, rising two by two to share the gospel and to raise their war, raise their voice. There is a great commissioning and he is tearing it up, just like jesus sent his disciples two by two. There is power in the double, as it says, for where two or three are gathered. I am there in their midst.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, goodness, girls, you're releasing the fire today. I do want to ask you a question. So what would you say? I don't know together.

Speaker 2:

it could be together or, you know, even separate the biggest leap of faith that you've ever taken in your journey the biggest leap of faith we've ever taken is surrendering, I would say, and also, I would have to say, at first I had a struggle with this, but it is letting go, letting go of all of the dreams and expectations that I had personally in my heart for the way I believe that the Lord needed to come through for me, whether that was getting married early or having my own home or having specific career. Letting go of those expectations that I put on the Lord and surrendering it and exchanging it for his plans and desires for my life, because that is the most risky thing to do but it's also the most rewarding thing. So, yeah, I would have to say, and I'm still on this journey of learning how to graciously let go, because, you know, I've realized that I'm quite a stubborn person and that can be a good thing, but it can also not be a good thing, especially when I have difficulty letting go of the people or the places or the things that God has told me to let go of. Or, you know, sometimes we we get stuck and we look back lord, it was better like this or it was better back then. You know, those who are fit for the kingdom do not look back, those who put their plow to the plow and do not look back.

Speaker 2:

So that is something I've had to learn is to keep on moving forward and to be courageous. And it's a difficult thing when you, when you don't see everything that is in front of you, when you don't have the puzzle pieces together, that's when you really have to trust. And, as it says in Isaiah, forget the past, forget past, forget the former things. See, I'm doing a new thing, do you not perceive it? And so I pray that the Lord, daily, gives me eyes to see what he's doing, and also gives me eyes to see any area that the enemy is trying to wind or to rob me of. For it says that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy.

Speaker 2:

The Lord has come to give life, and life more abundantly, and so yeah, I feel like our leap of faith I can speak for both of us is continuing with our show, and that, yeah, with continuing producing, editing, hosting, posting, social media-ing yeah, everything, even if we don't get the results that we think it deserves or the numbers that are producing results, again based off of what the world considers successful.

Speaker 2:

Our mom always ends up encouraging us because I edit the show and it takes a lot of hours. I literally had two all-nighters for the past two days. So I'm running on Java and Jesus right now and, thank the Lord, it's the Holy Spirit who can even enable me, because it's a lot of work and then not only do we put in a lot of time with the editing and the pre-production and the researching and the posting, and takes a lot of effort. So our leap of faith has been after two years at least the recent leap of faith has been after two and almost two and a half years of this pre-production process, of getting back in, like I was saying, letting down our nets again.

Speaker 2:

Even if we don't know what the future holds, even if we don't know where the Lord is taking this show, we feel that we should keep on going. Do not give up, for at the right time you'll reap a harvest if you do not give up. So what if you give up? And then you're a day away from your miracle and God's like, well, had you just waited one more day, then maybe tomorrow, that video might have gone viral.

Speaker 1:

Tomorrow you might get that email or that friend.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that producer would reach out, or maybe if you posted that then. So we continue doing it. Not for the numbers, because, honestly, like, the numbers mean nothing. Whether 1 million, 10 million, zero views, whatever it is, will you keep on persevering, even if you don't see the results? Because whether you're on earth or in heaven, one day you will know the effect of your work. There's a thing called the butterfly effect, and it's how one butterfly alone you wouldn't even be able to know that it produces something, but multiple butterflies produce a butterfly effect where together they're powerful. So I don't know if I said that correctly, but it's basically a million little things.

Speaker 2:

Butterflies are little, so you don't know if they make much impact, but a million butterflies coming together and I learned this the other day too, how butterflies, when they're in migration, and they, they settle I believe it's in mexico, a million butterflies up in the mountains of mexico they end up making a noise, a sound that is one of the most rarest and beautiful sounds on earth, and you know what it sounds like the sound of rushing waters, like, like a waterfall. Butterflies don't make noise, you can't hear them, but a million of them together make noise. The sound is described in the Bible as the Lord's voice. You know sound of rushing water.

Speaker 2:

The sound of rushing water, so the sound of righteousness. Our leap of faith has been to continue raising our voice, even if we don't feel like we're being heard, even if we don't know if anyone will even care to like our video or reshare our at wow, wow, just in awe of what is being produced. But God looks at what fruit we're producing and actually I don't know how much time we have, but I can go into this lemon tree analogy with spring that the Lord had given to me. He works with me a lot with analogies and different symbols and he shared a picture with me in my spirit. I saw it so clearly. He said, natalia, there's two trees right, there's a lemon tree on the left and another lemon tree on the right. One lemon tree has one lemon. The next lemon tree has 10 lemons.

Speaker 2:

On the outside, which one do you think is going to is more fruitful? Of course they say Lord, it's of course the one on the right, the one that has 10 lemons, that's successful, has more fruit. But then he's told me go ahead and cut open the lemons. I go ahead and cut open the lemon tree that has 10 lemons and all the fruit you cut open and it's moldy, it has no juice, it's dry, there's nothing in there. So I go ahead on the left tree, the one lemon tree with the one fruit. I cut it open and it has more juice more lemon juice in it than the tree on the right with the 10 dead fruits that had to be cut open to be able to see what fruit they were producing. So until you're cut open in life, you'll never know what type of fruit you're producing.

Speaker 2:

On the outside people will think, oh, the one with the 10 fruits is more prosperous. But God needs to cut open your heart, do heart surgery in order to see if you're producing the fruit. Just like if life gives you lemons, make lemonade. You need to be cut open to produce the glory in life, and the Lord is responsible for the fruit. We're like gardeners we need to cultivate, we need to water the tree, some are responsible for planting the seeds, others are responsible for reaping the rewards. We don't know which group we're in until we know, until the Lord reveals it. But our responsibility is not the outcome, but it's doing the work and being faithful to the call that God has called you to, and being faithful to the call that God has called you to, despite what outcome you are seeing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, talking about fruit, another verse for today is in Isaiah 4, verse 2, which says that in that day, the branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious and the fruit of the land will be the pride and glory of the survivors in Israel. So we are the remnant. The remnant are the ones who have chosen Jesus Christ, who have chosen to walk on this journey with him. And how beautiful to produce fruit. That is the Lord's pride and glory.

Speaker 2:

To grow in the fruits of the Spirit, to grow in the fruits of the Spirit, to be like trees of righteousness displaying the Lord's glory, so that when people see us they don't praise us but they praise the Lord doing the good work in us, and that the Elena and Natalia show it's not Elena and Natalia's show, it's Elena and Natalia. Show Jesus off To show Jesus off.

Speaker 2:

Elena and Natalia. Show Jesus' love, elena and Natalia. Show Jesus' beauty and glory and truth. And to be able to stand before him at the end of our lives and to hear him say well done, my good and faithful servant to us, that is true success. And so we live to attain those crowns of righteousness, that crown of beauty, and that is our ultimate goal. Because, you know, everything in life is temporary. Every day, you know, we see the beautiful roses and they bloom and they're beautiful, but then a week later they're dying, and so everything, even butterflies.

Speaker 1:

They don't live long, unfortunately.

Speaker 2:

But the word of God is eternal, and that is our strength, that is our prescription, that is our strength, that is our prescription, that is our medicine. The joy of the lord is our strategy. The joy of the lord is our strength.

Speaker 1:

yeah wow, girls, I am just blown away by your wisdom, your knowledge, your hearts.

Speaker 1:

There is fruit just springing forth from lives in amazing ways and I love that you're taking back the media mountain oh yeah, it's a mountain, for sure, yeah so what, uh like if you were to just sit here and imagine I'm and I'm gonna kind of go back for just one second, um, and then we'll wrap things up. But you know one of the things as we're talking about, you know the world's numbers and you know kingdom numbers. He showed me years ago and that's why I focus so much on the one he showed me for the one big O and for the one, because in the world one times one math wise is how much One In the kingdom he showed me one times one is exponential.

Speaker 2:

Just like a seed.

Speaker 1:

And I actually thought, when you were talking about the lemon tree, that you were going to say that one of the lemon trees with the ten lemons, only they were seedless. I was thinking maybe they would be a seedless tree because they can't reproduce. That one Reproducing and reproducing and reproducing, and that's what I believe, what you guys are doing on your show. Again, I don't know. He he showed me release the outcome, release the income. He's going to take care of it all.

Speaker 1:

You know I left a job three years ago that was, you know, very fruitful for our family, but he called me to go and I just believe that, as you gals are going, you're taking those steps. There are so many that are going to be blessed just through this new. You know, I like to say new wings, but you have new wings, You're coming into this with new wings, with your new. In a way, it's a net work. It's a net, it's a network right.

Speaker 1:

You're casting the net to the other side for this new season.

Speaker 1:

And many of us are stepping into new seasons. There's a shift that's going on in massive ways. I'm sure you guys can feel it too, but they need your voices, so keep going. I know that many women some men maybe listen to this are very blessed by what you've shared today. And if you are to sit here and just imagine that one that one you know that I do this, for what would you want to say to her and would you be willing to pray over her today?

Speaker 2:

Oh it would be our honor, absolutely Well, I like to say maybe I'll say what I want to say and then you can say in closing prayer, as you were saying, that I really this concept has been on my heart too that it's not only a new season I know we transitioned into spring, many in the northern hemisphere, other parts probably into fall, but it's a new era as well, and era is E-R-A and also H-E-I-R-A and A-I-R-A, so that's me putting the word play into use. So not only is it a new era, a shift is happening in your life, but also you are an heir, you're a royal priesthood, a royal generation, a chosen generation of royal priesthood. 1 Peter 2.9. And you have been chosen to rock the kingdom of God and to stand on the rock, which is the word of God, to yield and wield your sword of the spirit. Put on the full armor of God, gird yourself up with the word of God, like Wonder Woman, take up your sword and release your voice.

Speaker 2:

People have a voice, women, men. They have a voice. They just need to be activated, they just need to be inspired to use it, because many people say, oh, be a voice for the voiceless. No, activated, they just need to be inspired to use it, because many people say, oh, be a voice for the voiceless. No one is voiceless. You do have a voice. You just need to be empowered and putting the power of God to use it, because without God there is no power. He is the source of all power.

Speaker 2:

So, and Jesus, he is sending the Holy Spirit. He sent the Holy Spirit so that you would be able to have a living, breathing friend all times with you, being able to guide you, teach you, comfort you, edify you and, as you raise your worship, raise your praise and live with the spirit of gratitude and thankfulness. Our mom always says thank and praise, because if you do not have a grateful heart, that is like a stench to the Lord. You need to be grateful, because whether you're the richest man in the world or you're the poorest man in the world, you'll always have something to be grateful for. Just the fact that you're listening to this means the Lord woke you up in the morning. That, if you have eyes to see, say thank you, god. I have eyes to see and you're giving me spiritual vision. I have ears to hear, I have a mouth to speak, I have a heart that knows, and be sure to cover the blood of Jesus over your day.

Speaker 2:

I know Jesus died on the cross already. He died so that we can live for him. And how you live is you receive his gift of salvation, because there is no living without Christ. It's all about Jesus, life and love. And once you're able to live for Jesus, then you're able to love fully. And when you know God, you know love and you live a life worthy of being known. And so, because I know I'm fully known and fully known by God, despite who I'm accepted by on this earth, I know that Jesus died so I can reject rejection and I accept acceptance.

Speaker 2:

And to whomever is listening to this male or female, jew or Gentile, jew or Gentile, slave or free, we are all one in Christ Jesus. And how do we become one in Christ? One body is by accepting and receiving his blood. Take communion there is union and communion. There's union and communion. There's unity and community.

Speaker 2:

And with communication with the Holy Spirit, you don't talk to God, you talk with God. With is a union. So make sure to invite the Holy Spirit in and have a dialogue. Conversation with him is a daily dialogue, not a monologue. Daily dialogue, not a monologue. And we have to be able to just live like we're fully known and fully loved, because we truly are, and Jesus's death on the cross is not in vain. It will not be in vain. So, whomever is listening to this, our greatest prayer would be to give your life to Jesus. There will be hard days, there will be better days, but after the rain, after the storm, there's always a rainbow of hope to look forward to, and hopefully you get to see the double rainbow, especially since this is recorded on double, double, double day. So God bless you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and to speak to the one, I would say that you are the one that Jesus died for, are the one that Jesus died for. Even if you were the only person on this earth, he would have joyfully went on the cross for you. And you know, before Resurrection Sunday came Palm Sunday, the week beforehand. And you know, as we raise the palm branches, I was reminded on that Palm Sunday how palms Jesus has engraved our names on the palms of his hands. And so when he died on that Good Friday and he looked to the left, to the right, the nails in his hands, he saw your name on the palm of his hands and I can just cry thinking about how beautiful that is.

Speaker 2:

We were the joy that was set before him on that day, on that Good Friday. And when he saw your name, he said Kristen, you are worth dying for. When he saw Natalia's name, he said Natalia, you are the one worth dying for. When he saw my name, he said Elena, you are the one worth dying for. So, whatever your name is, say Lord, thank you, jesus, that you saw that I was fit to die for.

Speaker 2:

And that was the joy that was set before him. That was the joy. And he did it joyfully. And I would always wonder well, jesus knew that he was going to die this painful death on the cross. He knew that he was going to be brutally murdered, basically crucified, this horrible crucifixion death. But he was still. He still lived with such joy, knowing what was to come. And how did he do that? It's because he saw your name written on the palm of his hand. You are the joy that was set before him. He did it with such joy. And because Jesus did that with such joy, he says you are the one worth dying for. So that is my word for the one and, yes, I would love to pray for the one.

Speaker 2:

I want to also add that, while you're saying that, I feel like I want to also share, god will not say, oh, how I told you. So he reached out his arms and says, oh, how I love you. So you are so loved. So live love Jesus. Choose life. Choose love, amen. Yeah, so let's pray.

Speaker 2:

Heavenly Father, thank you so much for this opportunity to speak about you. Though we fail every single day, we fail every single day, you are limitlessly perfect. You are unconditionally and flawlessly love us and we are so blessed to love you, to know you. Thank you, jesus, that you died for us on that cross. Thank you, lord. Though we fail you daily, you are so forgiving that we may have sinned much, but you have forgiven us much, and that is why we know we are loved much.

Speaker 2:

I pray in Jesus' mighty name that you, your resurrecting living power, lord, god that raised Jesus Christ from the dead, raises anyone who is dead in their sins back to life again.

Speaker 2:

That they take that courageous step, throw their nets out into the boat and say Jesus, I trust you.

Speaker 2:

Jesus, though I don't see the full picture yet, I trust that you will fill my net with fish, lord, that you are my way maker, lord, that you are praying for whatever known dream that they are praying for.

Speaker 2:

Whatever they are praying for, lord, I pray that you send them encouragement, that you send them hope in jesus mighty name, and that you give them hope that the tears that they have cried, lord, were just watering the flowers that are going to bloom on their special day. And so we consider this day Malachi for a new day where the Son of Righteousness will arise with healing in his wings. Give them the courage to soar again, to dream again, to fly again and to butterfly their way into a new season in Jesus' name, knowing that they are never alone and that you found them so beautiful that you died for them, jesus, their names are written on the palm of their hands, on the palm of your hands, jesus, amen. And I also feel to raise a prayer for the single ladies. I know that the world may classify you as single ladies. Well, don't label yourself as a single lady, because if you are believing for marriage, say I am a married woman.

Speaker 2:

Because, guess what? The Lord, your maker, is your husband and we are the bride of Christ, ultimately, and Jesus died for the church, his bride. But if you are actually single and waiting for your future husband to find you because he will find you when the time is right then I ask, heavenly Father, unites you with your butterfly, for none shall lack their mate, for none shall lack their mate in Jesus' name, and that God will bring your Boaz your way. And actually we're talking about doors. I don't know if we mentioned Boaz.

Speaker 2:

Boaz the pooch is our beautiful bish poo poojon, three-year-old dog, that actually three-year-old dog that actually, through a series of miraculous dog wings god wings, that god presented him to our door. So gotta watch our show to find out all the, all the sweet details. But, heavenly father, unite the precious woman of god with their husbands, if that is their desire. And until you do, please give them the courage, give them the strength to endure the weight with joy and to live full of life. That, until that happens, that they are not waiting, but believing that they are already found by you.

Speaker 1:

And also.

Speaker 2:

I just want to bless you, kristen. Thank you so much for having us on your Hope Unlocked Seedcast and I felt to look up the meaning of your name, and it means follower of Christ. I'm sure you know that, but I just found that so powerful. It's do not fear. One of my favorite verses in Isaiah 43, verse 2 says do not fear, for I have redeemed you, I have summoned you by name. You are mine. So just so prophetic, your name. You've been a follower of Christ from the beginning, even before you knew you were his daughter. He is your father and he has redeemed you. He has summoned you by name. You are his and your family is his name.

Speaker 2:

You are his and your family is his, and you are just doing a beautiful job planting seeds of hope and sharing jesus's love and seeds of righteousness, and you will bloom such a bountiful, bountiful harvest. Keep on going, do not give up. Your harvest is plenty and I receive.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much you. You both are amazing. I'm in good company with you.

Speaker 2:

You're amazing.

Speaker 1:

I like to say that with big letters A-W-E and amazing.

Speaker 1:

I love our wordsmithing. I'm going to close out today with our anchoring verse. It is May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace and believing so that, by the power of the Holy spirit, you may abound in hope. I love the word abound Romans 15, 13. So thank you both for being brave voices who are setting others free, and I just look forward to hearing more about your season with your new release, your launch of your, your tv show, and we will definitely um link the uh show in the show notes. The show in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

That's hard to say um, I pray that you will all check it out, because I know I'm gonna check it out too.

Speaker 2:

I cannot wait this is, I would be sharing with you.

Speaker 1:

I love to share goodness, so let's keep spreading his word kingdom, and thank you again for both being on. I look forward to hearing how this, the rest of the year, goes for you likewise.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, keep us updated. Yeah, thank you so much. We'll chat soon. Okay, bye listeners, bye love and blessings.

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