Hope Unlocked 🔑

The Courage to Soar: Finding Guidance and Community in Life's Shifts with Casey Sollock

• Kristin Kurtz • Season 2 • Episode 57

In this episode, my friend Casey Sollock shares her transformative journey through life's crossroads, including poignant moments like her daughter's wedding and challenging relocation. Together, we delve into her experience within my group coaching program, 'There's More. It's Time to Soar and Roar in 24', where she found profound insights, breakthrough, and support.

Leadership, as we discuss, isn't solely about guiding others; it's also about embracing guidance ourselves while staying steadfast in our beliefs and convictions. Throughout our conversation, we emphasize the vital role of coaching for leaders, emphasizing the significance of aligning with mentors who uphold our core values, particularly those rooted in Biblical truth. Casey shares candidly about her own coaching journey, highlighting the values of integrity, accountability, and the invaluable support of community, especially valuable during times of transition and purpose-seeking. It's an authentic exploration of the trials and responsibilities of leadership, spotlighting the pivotal role of support.

Wrapping up, Casey extends a heartfelt invitation for listeners to join her in a prayer, reflecting on the peace found in trusting God's timing. For anyone traversing their own period of change, this prayer offers comfort and a gentle reminder that every ending heralds the dawn of new beginnings.

Casey Sollock is the founder of She Shines Wellness where she supports women in reaching their most vibrant health and ideal weight through natural solutions for health.  She emphasizes the importance of inviting God into health every day and encourages simple, powerful habits that create lasting transformation. She is the resident health expert on 90.9 KCBI in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, and her book, The Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur’s Guide to Holistic Health, can be found on Amazon.  She is also the creator of the Peace with Food & Body Intensive which provides faith-based women with the exact steps to find peace with food in order to lose weight, improve energy, reduce stress, and feel confident. 

Casey's contact info:
Website -
Email - caseyesollock@gmail.com 

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm your host, kristen Kurtz, and I'm also the founder of New Wings Coaching, where I empower and unlock women to soar in their calling and roar with their voices. If you're curious to learn more about how coaching can help you unlock your potential, be sure to explore the show notes for ways to connect with me further. Get ready to dive in as we uncover empowering keys and insights in this episode. So tune in and let's unlock hope together. Welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm Kristen Kurtz, your host.

Speaker 1:

I pray this episode is like a holy IV of hope for your soul. Please help me welcome my friend Casey to the show. She is just a recent connection that I would say probably within the last year or so and it was such a joy to have her In my recent group coaching experience. We just finished up last week called there's More. It's Time to Soar and Roar in 24. And she was one of the ladies who heeded the call the Lord showed me to call in the eagles and we had such an amazing experience. God really just wanted me to highlight some of the women that were part of this and have them share a little bit more about their journey. Would you be open, just first of all, to share a little bit more about yourself, maybe part of the journey that you've been on recently?

Speaker 2:

Sure, hey, kristen, so excited to be here with you and appreciate this opportunity and appreciate you and the group that I've been part of with you over the last several weeks. And so, yeah, thank you for inviting me here. I am in Texas midlife, married to my college sweetheart for almost 28 years. We have two children. The oldest is grown and flown, she is married and living her best life, and my youngest is 16, just turned 16 in 10th grade. I have been in a major season of transition, both personally and professionally, of transition both personally and professionally, and my oldest got married a year ago and then we moved four days later after she got married. I had raised my children in that house for 12 years and so she got married. We did her whole wedding and the whole celebration and then she went off on her honeymoon and we stayed back and packed up the house. Yeah, it was a big, big emotional time and we moved to.

Speaker 2:

actually, we moved to a temporary house, while the house that we purchased was remodeled for six months, so we weren't even moving into our new house.

Speaker 2:

We were moving into a temporary location where all of our stuff was stored and, and you know, trying to get a feeling for a new place and a new being, a new family of three and not four anymore.

Speaker 2:

And it was a tough time, and so, and, and at the same time, professionally, I am a faith-based holistic health coach and have been growing a business online business, mostly for the last 11 years or so and I was feeling like God was nudging me into a different direction and I didn't know what that was or where he was sending me or what was going on. I was really overwhelmed, I was emotional because of the whole move and the whole situation and everything was kind of turned upside down, you know, and somehow you came into my life. I'm not sure where I found you or how that all happened. I know God knows he is the great connector and I believe he brought you into my life in a moment when I needed, um, I needed the outside support and uh, and so that's, that's a little bit about me, and that's how I think we got connected. I think it was a totally a God, a God thing and it was, excuse me, in a season, in a time of life when I was just really needing some wisdom and insight.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm just so thankful for the connection because, you know, he definitely has called me to come alongside leaders and the you know gals that are out there doing things that are maybe a little bit unconventional and counterculture. You know, I would say, you know Nate Johnston, I've been part of his program, he has the wild ones and I would definitely, you know, come alongside that in essence for you know women specifically to really come alongside the ones who have, you know, those wild wings that maybe haven't been fully unfurled. You know those wild wings that maybe haven't been fully unfurled. And it's also, you know, again, like I said this, this calling in the eagles. And you know, I definitely see that in you for sure, when you, when you heard about the program, like what, what was it that like sparked interest in you. I know it was like a super big mouthful. There's more. It's time to soar and roar 24. And this was a word he gave me back in the fall of last year when I was on a walk and I was seeing eagles, as I usually do.

Speaker 1:

So I'd be curious just to hear, like what, what drew you in?

Speaker 2:

Um well, one, the eagles obviously that, that.

Speaker 2:

Eagles obviously that really spoke to me for sure, but the soar and roar thing, that theme was very near and dear to my heart just over the last couple of years where I have been stepping outside conventional circles and things and really speaking out about things that I saw going wrong in the country and just really finding my voice.

Speaker 2:

I'm not one to rock the boat and have never been one to want to do that, but I couldn't keep quiet about the things I was seeing and hearing and, and it really took a lot of prayer and soul searching and boldness to step out and I was just craving being around other leaders and other women who were wanting to, to, to say more, you know, to be more bold and more confident in whatever God has called them to do in this season of life.

Speaker 2:

I just I feel like we need that camaraderie and that community when we might be doing something that is a little bit, like you said too, outside the norm, and so I was just looking for um, a tribe of women who were pioneers I love that word that you've used in in this season of where we are in our world and in our country, and and and um, in this time that God has us right here and right now, and I just felt like I needed that um that kind of a soft place to land, so to speak, and the wisdom and guidance of someone like you who is bringing us all together and helping us to find our voice and step confidently into that, into whatever God is calling each of us into in this season this season?

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, like speaking of your voice, cause it's, it's just, I mean, it's so, it's, it's so on my heart to help women release their sound. Um, because I know what it's like to be like blocked up and have your voice be suppressed, and you know different things that try to keep you from you know releasing your unique sound? Um, what would you say? You know, since being part of this, has there been any shifts with that aspect of your life? We know that you were already speaking up boldly, but would you say that there's any element that you found more breakthrough in when it comes to you know releasing your own roar? Sure.

Speaker 2:

I think the breakthrough really was leaning more confidently into God's word and then pushing forward.

Speaker 2:

Not even pushing, but flowing from there, I was in a very intense kind of a season of striving and trying to make things happen and pushing, pushing, pushing all the time, and not so much maybe trying to hear God's voice in it, but also my type A personality was constantly pushing forward on my own timeframe and doing my own thing. And so, I think, diving in deeper into God's word and my identity in Christ and coming, moving forward, flowing forward from a place of rest and confidence rather than trying to push and struggle and strive, and I think that was a big perspective shift for me in all of this.

Speaker 2:

So I don't know if that answered your question, but absolutely that was a big aha for me was coming from a place of stillness and rest instead of a place of struggle, and strive.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and you know that actually was one of the visions that I saw and it's something that I've actually been sharing a lot with people lately is I feel like I'm in the flow and it's like the world around us is like these rapids and currents that are like crazy and I'm just like laying there in peace and it's so amazing because that's my heart for other women. So for you to even say that I guess I I'm just blown away, laura.

Speaker 1:

He's so good he's so good because and I don't know about you, but I would say this program it. It was unconventional, like, yes, he gave me eight keys, um, to release to you gals and we're not going to share what they are because it's going to stay undercover until you know some other gals come into it. But, you know, identity was the first key. I will share that. Identity was the first key that was released and it is pivotal. It's foundational because, again, going back to what we're seeing in this world, there is such an identity crisis and, um, he really wants us to get ahold of that identity first Cause, where we have, you know, just the fullness of our identity in Christ, we can move from there. It doesn't need to be the striving and the the way of the world, right, yes, so that is huge, like hallelujah girl.

Speaker 2:

Well, and that comes from you have a very calming presence and a very insightful way about you and you and I know this because of the various songs that you sent me throughout the coaching program and they all, every single one of them, spoke to my soul and so, being a part of this and having you lead it, it helped to move me personally from that place of struggle and strive into a place of rest and, uh and confidence, and a place of stillness and quiet and confidence and it just it shifted kind of my whole, my whole being, and it's exactly what I needed at this time in life, in this super emotional, super emotional transition time of chaos.

Speaker 2:

You know, I needed this, this time of just recovery and refreshment and rest and and really honing in and listening to what God is saying right now and and understanding my identity in Christ and how that is guiding my steps forward, and that's the place from which I make decisions and and that's what I'm leaning into as I'm, I'm eagerly anticipating with excitement and not struggle and strife his next steps for me, whatever those might be.

Speaker 1:

Yes, amen, girl, yeah, something. Because, um, I don't know if you've ever been to any like business networking meetings before and they're like, oh, share your elevator pitch. And I'm like, oh, my gosh, yeah, and this was years ago, Um, probably about a year after I started new wings coaching, and I was asked to come to the front of the room and I didn't have anything. I'm like, um, and I just heard my spirit, I help women rest so they can soar, and you?

Speaker 1:

know that's amazing the program was called. There's more it's time to soar and roar in 24. It's almost like you've been given this like time in the nest to rest Right, then propel you to be able to soar. Yeah, incredible, like incredible. I, I just love this. Yes, yes, so good Cause he, you know again, he gave me these keys like they dropped and that was like even rearranging some of the keys.

Speaker 1:

Like one week I was going to do X, y, z key and then I was like nope, you need to flip it. And I'm like wait what?

Speaker 2:

Like how does that make sense? Yeah?

Speaker 1:

And I the key the keys were awesome.

Speaker 2:

Kristen and I I they were very well. I mean, it was a God thing, I know. They were very well delivered and well received and right on time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thank you for that, being that you're also a coach. Um, what would you say to somebody, maybe, who is a coach out there, or who is in maybe a leadership role counselor, teacher, pastor? To somebody who's out there, that is like, oh no, I'm, you know, I'm already a leader, I don't need anybody to coach me. Like, have you worked with a coach previously? Like, what would you say to them?

Speaker 2:

Um, yes, I have. I've worked with various coaches throughout the years, um, business coaches mostly. I have worked with a leadership coach, briefly, um, I've done various programs throughout the years. But I truly believe those who are in leadership positions and who are coaching and influencing the lives of others. We need to have our cup filled up with truth and light so we can then pour out into others and provide guidance that is rooted in God's love and in Christ. So I think it's not a good idea.

Speaker 2:

I think it's an imperative idea, I think it's a must for those of us who are in leadership positions to have the discernment and the wise counsel from someone else who is like-minded and aligned in the same way that we are.

Speaker 2:

And to that I would say really, you have to do your research deep, you really have to do your research in who you are allowing to speak into your life, because you hold, as a leader, you hold such an important I don't even want to say that but a position over others when you're leading and guiding, and so you really have to be careful who you personally are associating with and allowing to speak into your life.

Speaker 2:

So I would highly recommend lots of research before joining a program or hiring a coach and that a lot of prayer into that as well. There was even before you, kristen, there was even a program that I had joined and I thought it was good, and then the first couple of questions I was asked on the questionnaire were they went against all of my values and where I was and I had to get out. I had to get out because I could not, I did not want to be around that or have that spoken into into my life and into my being and um. So that's another reason I'm so appreciative of you and how you coach and how you lead um, because it is firmly rooted in in biblical truth and um and I and and my story and in my life and in my professional um endeavors. That's of utmost importance to me.

Speaker 1:

So so good. Thank you for sharing that. Um, I'm with you on all of that. Yeah, um, it's definitely crucial to be just very discerning and you know, just as a coach myself, like one of my things I like to say and I don't know if you've, you know, thought this before too, but, like I'm not for everybody, and everybody isn't for me like I'm not gonna.

Speaker 1:

you know, I'm not going to work with somebody if I don't feel like they are in a place to either be coached or if I'm not a good fit. I've I have many times passed people on to somebody else that might be a better fit and they're kind of like what are you doing? Yeah Right, like I have a. I had a counselor in my back pocket for a while and she's like wow, this is really unusual that you would pass somebody on to me. A lot of times, coaches try to take on something that's totally outside of their jurisdiction.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So, um, I'm sure you've probably encountered that as well.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Absolutely. That's about you know, that's. I could coach you. Yes, I could coach anybody, but I'm not going to coach everybody.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, and I I mean. This speaks to you and to your integrity and to what a genuine and authentic person you are as well you know and um and that's one thing that I really noticed throughout this whole coaching program about you is um, just your integrity and your authenticity, and so both of those things I really appreciate Thank you and I would say the same right back to you I appreciate you know your vulnerability and everything that you shared on our calls and you know doing a group.

Speaker 1:

You know session slash group experience like this.

Speaker 1:

You know and I've shared this with you before like my, my main love is the one-on-one coaching because we can go really really deep, um, and we can go really, you know, I don't, I don't know how to explain, but like it just goes a lot deeper than you can go on like a group session, not to say that you can go deep with group aspect, but what I was seeing, um, is there's a time that we need, like we're in a time that we need connections with others, like you had said, and I don't know about you, but it is harder to find gals who are kind of walking this out like trailblazers, pioneers, that are really willing to listen to him, to say, that are like and I don't know how to say this cohesively, right at this very moment. But I like to come alongside the women who need the reminder of the like what did God say for you to do? What is your? But God said, because we have too many people around us and you know, I like to say the well-meaning people, like family and friends, and it could be the closest people to you that come at you when you're in your most like, crucial moment of making a decision to either let something go or to step into something where people are like but what if? And it's like it just makes you, you know, hesitate even more if you're in a place of you know, I would say, transition's a huge time when we need people that are going to come alongside and to have a group of women that, um, you know, uplift each other that was really what he was highlighting to me to to really step into a little bit more.

Speaker 1:

Um. So I would just ask, like me, to really step into a little bit more. So I would just ask, like I did have, you guys have accountability partners for a couple. We did a couple flips how did that like help you on the back end as well, just having somebody on a, you know, deeper level that's within the program that you could communicate with as well?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love that that aspect for sure. I um enjoyed getting to know the accountability partners, but the I don't think I had enough time. I felt like I felt like the eight weeks went so fast that I didn't get to. I didn't get to go as deep as I would have liked to have. Um, and because the, the, the women in this group were just off the charts.

Speaker 2:

Amazing like world shakers and and really leaning into God's voice and doing the thing you know, and it was really a powerful group to be part of, and so, but now that we've got the connections moving forward, just because our group is over doesn't mean the connections are over, and so I'm thankful for that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and wasn't there a really cool testimony with one of your accountability partners that you're going to like do something you don't have to? Obviously, please don't share who it is, or have you.

Speaker 2:

but yeah, we did make a great connection.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and you're going to be going somewhere to do something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yes, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I love it. Yeah, so I guess, if, if you are open to sharing, like what is a big step that you are taking? Um, since, oh, there's a butterfly, squirrel butterfly, second butterfly I've seen since, like last year. So, it's just sitting there. I love this. New wings, yes. What is going on with you and what steps are you taking? Maybe is it a breakthrough that kind of shifted your perspective and helped you to move into something. Or tell me a little bit more about that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, I'm. I am releasing a business that I have been doing for the last 12 years or so and am opening up space for whatever God has next, and so I'm excited to see what that will be, and at this moment I'm not sure what that will be, but whereas before I was a little bit frantic and trying to make it happen. And is it this? Is it that? Should I move here? Should I do this? Should I do that?

Speaker 2:

I'm now in a place of, of just receiving um from a place again of rest and stillness and um, and so I'm open to where he leads and I'm not trying to force it and to make it happen on my timeline.

Speaker 2:

I'm leaving that open for his timeline, and that is has never been an easy thing for me to do. And so I'm, I'm um, but that said, at this point and now, after this last um, after these last weeks with with you and this group, I feel really comfortable and confident in this place of rest and receiving, and we'll just see what, what doors he opens and which ones he's he's asking me to walk through, and I'm excited about the possibilities and I'm peaceful at the release of what I was doing before, and I know that that was. I know that I did what he asked me to do and that I served and supported in the way that he wanted me to, and um and so, now that that business is has done its thing, he's moving me into a new season, and we'll see what that is. I'll let you know.

Speaker 1:

Well, I would love to have you back, um, when you know, if you'd like to come back and share what that new birthing thing is. Yeah, and I just really appreciate everything you shared today because you know what I sense over you is just, you know, peace. I was going to ask you the emotion that you're feeling. You know, even in the release I asked you about, you know, taking steps. Taking steps doesn't always mean, you know, creating something new. It's also taking a step to release something as well. Closing doors yeah, I did a post about that last week, about, you know, closing some doors behind us, that you know, if we don't close doors that he's calling us to close, there's the potential for those open doors to stay closed as well, because we're not able to even see what's on the horizon, what's new, what doors are unlocked with the keys that he's giving us right.

Speaker 2:

Right, exactly, and the one last thing that I want to add here too, is that I had this feeling of almost failure with the business from before. I had been, you know, working it for a long time and I served and supported many, many, many, many women, but I wasn't meeting what I would consider the world standard of success, and so I was almost feeling like defeated and like a failure with that business. But over the last few weeks, in this group and with you, I have come to the realization that it that the ending of something isn't a failure.

Speaker 2:

It's, it's an ending and it's a. It's a good thing, it's I. I did what he asked me to do in that season of life and during that time, and it was a success in God's eyes, and so that that revelation and that perspective really shifted for me too over the last few weeks, and that has helped me to close that door and be peaceful about moving on.

Speaker 1:

So Amen. Well, you were a powerhouse. I'm just excited for all he's doing in your life. Um, if you were to just share, you know I always say on this podcast that this is for the one um, I believe that there's one gal who's listening in. She might be walking through something similar to you. Is there anything else that you'd want to just release over her? And then would you be open to just praying us out?

Speaker 2:

Sure. I would just say that sometimes we need a different perspective. We need someone who can see the forest for the trees, so to speak. Sometimes we can get so bogged down in our life and in decisions and in the process and in the striving that, and even our family is almost sometimes too close and friends are almost too close. And so sometimes we need the discernment and the guidance of a voice coming from biblical truth and a biblical perspective to help us sift through the things and to help us discern and hear God's voice even more deeply and even more confidently. And that's what Kristen and this group has done for me.

Speaker 2:

And so if you find yourself in a place of transition and wondering what's next, and maybe it's time to leave something behind and move forward, but you're not sure what to do or how to do it, I invite you and encourage you to find a coach and a group that can support this transition in life.

Speaker 2:

And so God has put people here and has put people in our paths for us to grab hold of and connect with and um, and so ask him to show you who those people are, so that you can move forward in peace and confidence.

Speaker 2:

Amen. So yes, I will pray, lord, thank you so much for Kristen and for what she is putting out in the world in your name, and I pray continued blessings over her coaching and over her business and continue to open the doors that need to be opened for her business, but also for the women and the lives that you would like her to impact. And I just ask for all the ladies listening and all the people that are listening that they will lean, able to, to approach that from a place of rest and peace and confidence in your word and in your truth and not from a place of striving and trying to make things happen. And I just pray blessings over each of the women listening and over Kristen as well, and thank you for all the things that you do for us and thank you for all the people that you put into our lives and help us to slow down enough to see those people and to connect. When you're saying to connect, and thank you for Jesus, it's in his name, amen.

Speaker 1:

Yes, amen. Thank you, Casey. You are a joy and a delight. I just love you.

Speaker 2:

You too, Kristen. Thank you so much. I appreciate all you do.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to close with our anchoring verse of Hope Unlocked. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace and believing so that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound in hope. And that's Romans 15, 13. Casey, thank you for being a brave voice who sets others free. I'll be back with another episode of Hope Unlocked. Thanks, listeners, thank you.

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