Hope Unlocked πŸ”‘

Soaring Faith: Amy Allmon's Journey of Trust and Triumph

β€’ Kristin Kurtz β€’ Season 2 β€’ Episode 59

Amy Allmon, affectionately known as the Hopeslinger, graces the podcast with her presence to share the profound transformation she experienced through my coaching program, "There's More - It's Time to Soar and Roar in '24." Amy opens up about how she felt a calling to participate in the coaching program, sensing that God was leading her to embark on this transformative journey.  Within the program, she discovered a wellspring of newfound courage and clarity, adeptly navigating obstacles with grace and unwavering resolve.

In our conversation, Amy doesn't shy away from sharing the trials and triumphs of her recent faith journey. She emphasizes the importance of maintaining a grateful heart, even amidst life's curveballs. We delve into her emotional saga of almost acquiring a family farm for the Healing Refuge and Retreat Center. However, Amy reveals how this apparent "setback" became fertile ground for God's intervention, paving the way for unexpected blessings and future opportunities.

This episode transcends mere storytelling; it's an invitation to trust in the unseen and surrender control to God's plan. It's about having the audacity to stand firm in one's convictions, even when faced with uncertainty. Amy's story serves as a gentle reminder to embrace God's timing and guidance, knowing that He is at work behind the scenes, orchestrating our paths in ways we may not always comprehend.

Questions Amy asked on the show (credit to Jamie Winship) - 
1) God what do you want me know about this situation?
2) What do you want me to DO with what I now know about this situation?

Amy's contact info:
amyallmon.com or 620.245.4279

To donate to The Healing Refuge and Retreat Center:

Venmo - Amy-Allmon-1
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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm your host, kristen Kurtz, and I'm also the founder of New Wings Coaching, where I empower and unlock women to soar in their calling and roar with their voices. If you're curious to learn more about how coaching can help you unlock your potential, be sure to explore the show notes for ways to connect with me further. Get ready to dive in as we uncover empowering keys and insights in this episode. So tune in and let's unlock hope together. Welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm Kristen Kurtz, your host.

Speaker 1:

I pray this episode is like a holy IV of hope for your soul. Please help me welcome my third time on the show guest Amy Allman to the show and if you have listened previously, you might know some of her story. If you have listened previously, you might know some of her story, but I had the amazing privilege to have her as part of my most recent group coaching experience called there's More it's Time to Soar and Roar in 24. So just catch us up with who you are. If people didn't you know, catch that previously. Share with us a little bit more about yourself and we'll get into the rest of it.

Speaker 2:

I love it. I love being a super guest. I cannot believe third time. Look at this. What is happening? God is so good, first of all, that he is just really rolling with us in this season and not like we are rolling with him probably would be a better way to say it.

Speaker 2:

But, yes, my name is Amy Allman and I am the Hope Slinger, and that was a name given to me by Papa about seven years ago, and it has and and bloomed and flourished to have many layers that I will not ever get done knowing about and done exploring this side of heaven. I know of it because that's just how God, that's how many plans he has for Hope Slinger, and so I am so excited about that, though I'm excited for the journey to get through as many of them as I can, and that is exciting. So, yes, we always have stuff to talk about, kristen, and I was so blessed to be a part of this last coaching group. So there you go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was so excited that you were glad to take part in it. Like what, what led you to take that step to be part of the group?

Speaker 2:

Well, I think to answer that it would be great to tell you what didn't, what did not motivate me to do it and, in fact, what almost stopped me from doing it. And one would be the time commitment. I didn't know that I really had time for it. Another one would just be how many things have we said yes to but that we maybe shouldn't have said yes to? Or maybe we were correct in our saying yes, but we didn't give it the time, we didn't honor the time, and so we really didn't get much out of it. So I wondered if that would be the case too. If, maybe, would this really be beneficial Just because am I willing to honor the time if I say yes?

Speaker 2:

And and also, you know what, like it's it's I know to do, coaching is, you know it's a commitment on many levels, and one of those levels is, you know, financially for people. So it was just like all of these things. You know, we're kind of rolling around as to why maybe a person wouldn't do be a part of the coaching, but for me, what really sealed it and I built it up to this huge thing, but really it's because God told me. I mean, I don't want to throw that around flippantly, but it was a resounding yes in my spirit. I wasn't quite sure what I would find in the group or what exactly he had for me, and I think that was actually an advantage, because in me not having really any expectations for you or for the group, um, he was just able, papa was able to come in and just really really blessed during a very, very dark time in my process, so he knew I needed to be there. He told me that I needed to be there and I obeyed and I was there.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

Well he told me I needed to do it. I obeyed and I was there. I didn't know the promise of it either. I had eight keys to give to you guys each week and to bring you together, and I knew that there would be coaching. I knew that there would be connections and beyond that, it was literally kind of like a week to week what are we doing, lord? And it was there was some tension in that.

Speaker 1:

I'll be honest, because I think, like you, you know the process that you're walking through that some of our listeners have listened to your story. I think your podcast with more of your story was launched gosh, was it a couple months ago, I believe? You know we see in part, right, we see in part and it's the obedience to take that step. Listen to the yes, go. When he says to go. You may not understand fully what it looks like, but I don't know about you when I have taken those steps and he says go and I don't know what's on the other side. Yeah, there's like mountains and valleys and ups and downs, but there's always so much goodness that walking through that door. So what would you say? You know because of your journey and I'm going to let you share a little bit more about that. A little bit, but what would you say would be like the most impactful or valuable part of the program that you experienced?

Speaker 2:

Well, I think it was seeing how a beautiful picture of how the body of Christ is supposed to come together and work really. I mean at its core. Uh, because seeing when you're in a coaching group like that, it gives a unique perspective on how God is working in other people's lives. Like it gets you out of your own purpose, your own dream, your own thing that you're doing with God, which is fantastic. Purpose your own dream, your own thing that you're doing with God, which is fantastic, like you have to know that and you need to be secure in that. But then it is such a blessing to step out and to hear you know seven other women that you get to speak with every week that are going through their own purpose and their own journey. So I guess, even though it may sound a little backwards, probably sounds a little counter intuitive is that I was able to decrease and really seeing what God is doing in other people's lives, that increased. So for me that was the most impactful.

Speaker 1:

That's. That's huge. I, that's a huge key actually. You know, I'm I'll be honest, I I was like Lord, but I love, I love the one-on-one coaching the most, coaching the most. As you know, yes, I'm a connector. I love, love, love connecting people and he keeps showing me, even over the last I don't know, especially the last two years, like coaching and connections, coaching and connections. So what better place to facilitate coaching and connections than in a group coaching setting where, um, you know, I knew that there's a deeper element of a lot of women walking through things.

Speaker 1:

Like I said before we started the show, like I carry um stories of many women from around the world that are walking through a lot of um wild adventures and they're trailblazers, they're, you know, leaders, they're pioneers, and and yet I can't share their stories because of confidentiality. It's just not my place to share their story. Of course, if they want to share their story with me, like on this podcast, awesome. But to get some women together where they can openly share if they're led to, and to have that like common bond of you know, we're trailblazers, we're pioneers, we're we're launching things, we're walking through the hills and valleys and we can support one another like that was the ignition for me to be like okay, yes, like let's do this thing and I love, love that, I think it's, it's beautiful. Um, is it counterintuitive? I don't think so. Not for everybody, right.

Speaker 2:

No, I would say it's that way for the world, you know, because, um, you would go into something and you would, you know, the world would say you're going to do this thing for eight weeks and you will come out. Yeah, you will come out bigger, you will come out this way and I'm like, no, I felt like I decreased, which was awesome, like in a, in a true spiritual sense, um and and just having that perspective of not at any slight of myself, not cutting myself down at all, but just like having that camaraderie for the time, the eight weeks. I know that I have these sisters, that when I go to talking about big dreams, when I go to share, maybe where I am at see, there's a whole, nother level now of of knowledge, but of of our hearts being knit together to see we're going to be able to pray different, we're going to be able to talk different. It cuts through. It cuts through a lot of the stuff that that sometimes can stay on the surface with our relationships and within the body of Christ.

Speaker 2:

If there is ever a time that we need to cut through the red tape and get through, surface is now like we need to know who's in our foxhole and and be able to, you know, to move in that, because that's how kingdom is being brought to earth, it's that's how resources get, get spread around for the kingdom. I mean it, it is all about that collaboration. But I think one thing I loved that you said that that is arresting me a little bit. I want to share this. You have always had such a and still do have a gift of, of, of that connection. So you know, you've always been able, flipping the script and and connecting these people and the perfect song for the perfect time and all of these things, and you love, like your heart, is that one-on-one.

Speaker 2:

And there is such a space for that, like that is a needed thing in the church. But I really think we are walking into a time, too, that we are going to need to be able to link and lock arms with groups like Mighty, mighty and Many and so many people. Mighty groups, many people. It will be a component. It's not that we stopped doing one-on-ones, it's not that we stopped doing the connecting, but in your coaching group, you, you now have said, okay, these people are connected, now let's go a little deeper, and that's what I love. That's what I love.

Speaker 1:

So good, Like that's such a confirmation. You know again, like I saw in part last fall, of what was to come, and I didn't know fully, I just knew that I was to call in the Eagles, so you're one of them. What would you say, without saying too much, because I'm not disclosing the eight keys that you know he gave me to release each week? Um, which key you can give one key, which key would you say was the most um breakthrough inducing for you? Do you like that breakthrough inducing?

Speaker 2:

Well, I will say that they were all good, but the whole idea of celebrating before the celebration, like that, was a key that was released right at the lowest time and I was like, how does this even look, Lord? Like you're calling me to celebrate before I celebrate? And so that was such. For me, personally, that came at the perfect time because it kept me as it served as a reminder to keep my eyes on him. And when you truly do that I'm talking even from being in the pit when you truly do that, when you truly let yourself gaze upon him and you look for those things to celebrate, it changes, Like it gets you through some stuff that in looking back, you don't know how you got through it. But that I mean. So it was a, it was a, it was a key that really was more like a lifeline, because it was so scriptural to celebrate before we celebrate.

Speaker 2:

Like when did? When did the victory happen? Was it when the three guys came out of the fiery furnace or was it in the furnace? Like I'm gonna tell you, it was in the furnace. That's when the victory happened. They didn't wait to celebrate when they came out. There was celebrating going on in the middle of the yuck and so I just kind of took that and I ran with it and it was pivotal through for for getting me through some bleakness. Yeah, so that was my favorite.

Speaker 1:

Amen I mean it is very counter intuitive, right? Yes, most of what I released was kind of counterintuitive in a sense when it comes to like a group coaching experience, when it, when it's called, there's more it's time to soar and roar in 24. My heart is to help women like soar in their calling and to roar with their voices. So you know, just in that knowledge, I would love for you to kind of share where you're at and how this will be kind of helping you to soar going forward and to roar going forward.

Speaker 1:

Cause we're not going to do what you're doing and you're welcome to share, kind of, where you're at, whatever. Whatever you want to share, the floor is yours.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, absolutely, lord. Let's just let them know where we're at. So if you have followed anything of my journey, you know that we received a download of a dream last December 1st, last November, 1st of December, and my family farm became up for sale very unexpectedly from my, from my mom and my stepdad, and so I immediately went and sought the father's face all of the month of November, all the month, and it was a very, very telling, difficult time. Well, fast forward, the next three months, 1st of December to the 1st of February, was nothing but fun to gathering. He gave me a promise concerning the land, that I would buy the land, I would possess the land and I we would establish a healing center that would reach the nations. Establish a healing center that would reach the nations.

Speaker 2:

Now, because it happened all around when my parents were selling the farm, like that's what got this whole ball rolling. I did not wake up one day and say, oh, I've heard from God, I must go and establish a, a healing, refuge and retreat center. No, I would not have thought of it. I would have still been going down my my merry way of of serving him and whatever. But this was not a specific thing until until the crisis happened. Right, and the crisis was that my parents went off track, they went off script and they decided they were going to sell it. Okay. So that's the reality and I won't drag it out. You guys walked with me through the highs and the lows. We missed deadlines, we it was miracle after miracle. The healing center, it is up and running in the spiritual sense and it is actually up and running in the physical sense. It just doesn't have a physical address at this point, but anybody who's sowed into this center, into this dream. We had to gather in $425,000. And God did it. That's the great news of the story that I will go to my grave singing and shouting he did it. He did it in three months. Now, the only pivot came last month, when my parents went ahead and sold it to somebody else, even though we had full funding. So that was an incredible like I'm rolling with God, I'm rolling with God, I'm rolling with God. What? What just happened here? Right, and so it was in all this time that I was in this group and I mean it was up and down and we would. It was. It was a crazy time. And so when I say that this came at the perfect time. I'm not just whistling Dixie, like it really did come Um.

Speaker 2:

And so we are, in the aftermath of that decision that other people made and newsflash. Everybody has a free will. Now, god is not usurped, he is not. He didn't lose one ounce of his authority during this whole experience. But everyone has their free will and this is what they chose to do with their free will.

Speaker 2:

So obviously I went to God and and Lord, did I hear you wrong? Did, are we still good? Like yep, I heard, I heard so clearly. The promise still stands and you know what? This center is alive and well and people are being healed. Even before it's operational, even before it's official, it's operational. And so that really kind of became the thing that I would say to people. So now, in all the aftermath, as the dust is settling, now we have full funding $425,000 that God has provided and we don't have a place.

Speaker 2:

So it's, it's interesting, because I mean, it was, it was sold, but even that like I, don't I, the story's not done. That's what I keep telling people. When people sewed into this vision, they get to come along on the whole ride with me, which means they're sharing in the blessings already, like the faith that it's taking to walk through. This is the faith that they are seeing in their own life. The, the financial provision that is I mean my husband got the financial provision that we are seeing in our own personal lives, apart from the healing refuge center, is amazing, and I know the people that have sowed in are having that same provision, that same unlocking. So it's just this momentous thing I thought was going to culminate in the purchase of our family farm.

Speaker 2:

But what God has since showed me is what if there is truly more? What if there is so much more, my little daughter, that you haven't even thought of? But see, it is a process and we have to walk through whatever it is in that season that we're supposed to walk through. But make no mistake, healing center is is alive and well. The healing refuge and retreat center is is a beacon of light and it's already. He is using that already to heal people and he's just preparing wherever it is supposed to be, wherever the physical dot on the map is supposed to be, for that place. That is still being prepared in the meantime. You know, we're a road show, that's the best way I can describe it like we don't have a home thing that we can play at we're on the road, and that's fine, that is totally fine so that hopefully can bring everybody kind of up to date on on um, and and I'm looking at.

Speaker 2:

He's bringing properties in for me to go look at. I'm looking this afternoon at a place oh my gosh, I it's, it's amazing, like in your area. Well, here again, god, it is so hilarious, it's about 45 minutes away now, kristen. Okay, so if we're going to, if we're going to like jump on and ride and and buckle up with God, I'm just saying you better be ready, cause do you know, I have a, I have a thriving, it is our soul, almost our sole income massage therapy business, right here, not 45 minutes away, right here, right, and so it just brings up so many and it's even more expensive, like we would have to go back into gathering mode.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's a stretch, I don't know, but I know he put this in front of me and he said, at least go look at it Enough, said like I don't drag my feet anymore because he's plowed through every roadblock that the enemy tried to throw in our way from not having any belief from others, not having belief myself, not having any money, not having access to money, he has blown everything. And then he blew my mind when he went ahead and let somebody else buy it, like I can't get in front, which is amazing, because I don't need to be in front. I need to be with him. Yes, yeah, so that's, that's where we're at.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love your faith and I love that it's um. You know it's drawing others. Even if they don't seem like they, you know, are even partnering, they're still watching.

Speaker 1:

I hope so, I hope so and I hope that they see that faith and that they know we know that, because your testimony is like, like you said, you're still living it out, you're still walking it out, you're still taking each step. You're sitting in um, you know intimacy with him. You're not like, okay, god, like I'm done with you. Like what kind of? Because some people might honestly like some people might and I don't know about you, but but I don't, I don't have any u-turns like there's no turnarounds with me.

Speaker 1:

Like there's no plan b, there's no, you know, uh, etch-a-sketch. I don't know why I'm seeing like an etch-a-sketch right now, right where you could just like shake the race. It's like no, this is the path we're going forward. Yeah and um, you know that's it's not a journey for everybody but, like I said, there's people that are watching and their faith is being stirred up in incremental steps. This is wild for people. I mean, this is like arc building it is so wild.

Speaker 2:

You don't know the Well. You probably do the conversations that I've had with people and that's what they say Like this is, this is so crazy, like we are popping the popcorn and watching this because we can't even anticipate. Yeah, yeah, we, we, they did what. Yeah, oh, we raised the money, what we gathered in all the fun, what, yeah, we raised the money, what we gathered in all the fun.

Speaker 1:

What? Yeah, it's, it's. I mean, bring it, bring it, lord. We're celebrating, we're celebrating, we're celebrating 30 here. It's just not. We don't have the keys quite yet in the physical, but they're coming right so we have the power.

Speaker 2:

See, we have the power, and that power is not diminished by the circumstances. If we could ever ever get that, it doesn't. Let our, the holy spirit power, the power that we are supposed to walk in, cannot be diminished. Even if our body is telling us, even if our circumstances and our mind and our eyes are seeing something, that power that we walk in cannot be diminished, it cannot be defeated. So that's just where we have to stay. And then, yeah, all this other stuff is going to have to figure out. You're going to have to get in line, you're going to have to work out the kinks. You're going to have to, you're going to have to submit to the promise I have, to the power that I'm walking in, because you are not that powerful. Circumstances are not. They have a power. They are not all powerful.

Speaker 1:

So amen, amen, girl. And you know, one thing I would say is I don't, and if I, if I'm, if I'm remembering correctly, um, I don't think you've once said I have to figure this out, nope, um, when I hear that and I've said it too it comes from me.

Speaker 1:

It's like, oh, I have to go figure this out. When I hear that, um, we're, we're taking the responsibility, and I don't know if this is for somebody. Maybe you can speak to this a little bit more but you know, when we feel like we have to figure it out, that's where it just gets confusing, it gets complicated. We're, you know, striving, starts to come in. How would you like, as I like to say, flip the script on that, like that nugget for somebody? What would you say to that one woman? Because I'm actually thinking of somebody that I know that's walking through some stuff right now that really feels like I don't know what to do.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to have to figure this out so one thing that's bubbling up is to recognize even that thought pattern of I. If, if ever, these thoughts are going through your head of I have to figure this out. That should be check, that should be stop sign. That should be flashing. It should be like a door coming down, like it should be stop sign. That should be flashing. It should be like a door coming down, like it should be every kind of attention getter that Holy Spirit can give you and this is the most important thing Be able to recognize it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, but then with that, when you said, flip the script, that is exactly. You have to then say I am aware that I'm wanting to leave you, lord, and go figure this out, and what you're calling me to do, what the invitation is, is to turn back into you. To turn back into you and ask you Lord, what do you know about this situation, what do you want me to know about this situation? So you're not flying out, I'm going to do this. You're not flying out, I'm going to do this. You're turning to him and saying Lord, what do you want me to know about this situation? And then you can move on to the second question, which is now what do you want me to do with that knowledge? That will cut off your flesh, it will cut off your running around like a crazy woman. It will bring you back and you know what he might answer instantaneously. You might have something bubble up in your spirit, he might give you a dream, he might give you a conversation, confirmation. But guarantee if you're going to ask him with that sincerity and say what do you want me to know? Okay, now, what do you want me to do with what you just told me? It will change and revolutionize. Maybe a baby step.

Speaker 2:

He may, it may sound really weird, it may make perfect sense, whatever, doesn't matter. Whatever he, and then, and then act on it. Act on it Now. Don't wait, don't explain it away, don't say that's crazy. Well, I mean, you can say that's crazy, like, don't be lying, but I mean walk through it. Walk through it immediately or as soon as possible, walk through it. That's what I'm doing today. Going to see this property has all been me asking those two questions and then me talking to these people. That's it. That's how this thing is working, and so don't fall into the trap of thinking you're not doing anything, right. That's, that's from the enemy. You turn in and he's going to tell you exactly what to do, exactly what to do, when to do it and how to do it, and that's what you want to, that's what you want to operate in.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm actually going to have you send me those questions and we'll add those. To have you send me those questions and we'll add those to the show notes for those of you who didn't catch those questions right away. You know, like I said, I love keys, I love things that unlock people. I feel like this is a huge, like these are coaching questions.

Speaker 1:

Like Lord, like the solution here Lord, like Lord, um, like the solution here, um, so that is, that's huge, because, um again, and I also want to just capture that it's going to sound crazy sometimes. Right, yeah, like what would you say? Can I just ask you one more question?

Speaker 1:

What would you say to those Um, you know one thing that that I know, um, as as a coach who comes along. Um, you know one thing that I know, as a coach who comes along you know the fun, wild and free ones. I believe that we really need to have like he just keeps highlighting this to me as kind of what I do is I'm that, but God said coach, not the. But what if coach, yes, and just like, how has that impacted you? To have? You know how am I trying to say it? So there are times that he gives us something that we cannot release to everybody right away, especially if we're walking out something that does look really crazy, but just the reminder to have people that you know in your um, you know back pocket or walking beside you that are not your. But what if people like, what would you say to that?

Speaker 1:

As far as having them there or there and then also you know, in your situation it's a little bit different, but sometimes just you know we carry something that isn't always ready to be like voiced out the whole world.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Um. Well, I mean, don't discount those. I think that would be. The biggest thing is there will be people that are not going to be on board until certain times, like I know that there will be a whole nother level of investors and things that you know, if I'm looking at a property for 750, I'm going to be gathering like he's going to show some more people to me. Or there might be people that didn't get in on the bus on the first round that are like oh no, god's telling me to do it now.

Speaker 2:

So don't discount it, don't feel like you have to give it a premature birth, like you. Your promise from him and what you're hearing from him, him, is powerful enough, it is vital, um, enough that it will survive with you and him. He will send you those, those people, he will send you that inside that inside group. And I love, love, love the the example given on our last coaching session together and it was said you know you're going to find out the people that you're going to put in the you're going to invite into the birthing room, the birthing suite, and then there's going to be the people that you know are going to be hanging out and maybe they'll make a trip to the waiting room and they'll be around for some of it, but then you know what?

Speaker 2:

There's going to be people that maybe would make the first birthday party, right, okay. Well then there's maybe people that know that you've birthed this thing, but maybe they'll get a graduation announcement. I mean, like there's all these stages. So I would say, don't let that define or or come find the dream from God, but just be very aware, make it be an, make it be a prayer. Lord, show me who's supposed to be with me right now and then honor those people. Honor those people and and keep it real with those people. People Honor those people and keep it real with those people.

Speaker 1:

So I don't know if that speaks to that or not, but yeah, and I think that one of the other keys I just want to share too, just because it's bubbling up. But you know, once we have that word from him, there are going to be those, but of people and it will. Just, you know, there's going to be arrows, it's going to hurt a little bit, right, and we're human and we hurt, we are sad, we're mad, we're angry, but you know, just keep going with him. Those people, like I said, they're watching, they don't get it, they just don't understand, like, for they do not know what they do, right, right, I just want to write that they do not know what they do, right, right, I just want to write. Write that, um, would you be open to like, if you have any other words for the audience, um, and then would you just be open to praying over?

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, yeah, I would. I would love that, and my only word is just whatever he is telling you in your hearts, like, make this so relational. It's. It's encouraging to hear people's stories, right, and everybody has had a front row seat. I have been transparent and honest and vulnerable, and a lot of tears, because that's how God has told me to share this, and so I've been obedient.

Speaker 2:

But you, everybody, although it's fun to watch other people it's helpful to watch other people you have to understand that you have something like this in your own life and you may never be called to share it publicly, but it is relational between you and God and Jesus and Holy Spirit, and it is relational. That's where don't get off track with worrying about what other people are doing. Keep it relational with him. He will insert people, he will insert you into other people's lives. He will take care of the planning and the orchestrating. He really, really will keep it very relational and and what I mean is just be madly in love with him, just madly in love with him, and everything else will will really really fall into place. So with that, let me just let me just close us in prayer. Heavenly father, you know how madly in love with you I am.

Speaker 2:

And I thank you, lord, that you are continuing to walk through with me, and not just with me, but with your whole church, your entire bride you are, you are purifying, you are refining. You are calling up higher the things, the religious things of the past. Dear Lord, you're saying, but have you looked at it from my perspective? Oh, you're calling us up and we are listening, lord. We may be fumbling through it, we may be learning every single day, but we are following you. We are following you and not just following Lord, but we are just saying I'll wait with you, I'll sit with you, I'll walk with you, I'll run with you. You tell me, and that's what we're going to do. And, dear Lord, that crucifies, that absolutely just makes the enemy underneath his feet, where he already is. But we are then so aware of the power that we are walking in. So, lord, I just pray.

Speaker 2:

Everyone, within the sound of my voice, that are hearing your words come through. It is hitting in a spot. It is a go time, it is a confirmation, it is a little bug that just will not get out of their brains about what is my dream, what is my purpose. Why did I lay that down? Oh, they're just going to be seeking your face, lord, that is what's going to happen from this episode and I thank you. I cannot wait to hear the stories. I cannot wait to see the kingdom move and become so apparent, so apparent and strong and beautiful, and and able to collaborate together. It will be a thing of beauty, lord, and let it start today. Let it start today with the people hearing this, this broadcast today. So we thank you, continue, continue, lord, your awesome work, and we pray this in the name of Jesus, amen.

Speaker 1:

Amen. Thank you, Amy.

Speaker 2:

I love you. You're so welcome. I love you too too I can't wait for number four?

Speaker 1:

yes for sure. I mean there's more right, it's time to score and roar in 24. I mean, how cool is that? Um, if any of you want to hear more about the upcoming group, feel free to reach out to me. Um, all of my information is in the show notes. I will also. I said I will post the two questions that Amy posed to us and then also her contact information, if you would like to sow into what she's doing in this time, cause it's so good on her.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my goodness, it's so good and also okay. So see, this is how transparent I am. I feel like I need to tell and share with the audience, like it'd be great if you think I came up with those questions, but really somebody else did and he deserves the recognition here because he would give it right back to God, which I think is awesome. But Jamie Winship is who asked these two questions. So, although I would love to take credit for it, I really wouldn't. I want to give credit where credit is due. So those two questions are from Jamie Winship and you cannot go wrong with listening to him. So there you go, awesome.

Speaker 1:

Was that? Did you read his? I think it's called Living Fearless book.

Speaker 2:

I have not read his books. I have just heard him come across Like I don't know. My feed is is fully and anointed and I hear more things on that. This is as much as he needs today.

Speaker 1:

Yes, exactly, I love that. Yeah, well, if you guys haven't read that book, it probably is one of the most impacts.

Speaker 1:

I actually integrated that into a um course that I did last year, so definitely, I think he's on different podcasts and Jamie on here today, so yes, we will definitely get the questions in the show notes and reach out to Amy If you um, you know, just have anything you want to share with her. If you want to know what she's doing, you'll know how to get hold of both of us in the show notes. So thank you, amy, for being a brave voice that sets others free. I'm going to close with the anchoring verse for the podcast. It is may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace and believing, so that by the power of the Holy spirit, you may abound in hope. Romans 15, 13. So I'm sure we'll have Amy back on here in in a very short time. In the meantime, I will be back with another episode next week. Have a blessed day. Bye, thank you.

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