Hope Unlocked πŸ”‘

Discovering You: A Journey of Reflection and Transformation with Kristin Kurtz

β€’ Kristin Kurtz β€’ Season 2 β€’ Episode 62

Embark on a profound journey of discovery with me, Kristin Kurtz, your guide to unlocking the answers that lie within through powerful questioning and deep reflection. I'll share the transformative potential of coaching as we look into a mirror, revealing parts of ourselves we often overlook. For those feeling a tug towards their God-given purpose, I have an exciting invitation to soar with my group coaching program, "There's More. It's Time to Soar and Roar in 24." Together, we'll navigate the path to breakthrough in a community of like-minded women ready to embrace their unique journey.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm your host, kristen Kurtz, and I'm also the founder of New Wings Coaching, where I empower and unlock women to soar in their calling and roar with their voices. If you're curious to learn more about how coaching can help you unlock your potential, be sure to explore the show notes for ways to connect with me further. Get ready to dive in as we uncover empowering keys and insights in this episode. So tune in and let's unlock hope together. Hi, happy Wednesday.

Speaker 1:

I am actually in my driveway. I was driving home from the gym and I just had this heard, this question for you guys when are you? Where are you? Where are you? Hello, anybody there? No, in all seriousness. So that was one of the questions that God asked Adam in Genesis where are you? And I love, I love how the Bible has so many questions and Jesus asked questions.

Speaker 1:

To get to the heart of the matter, as a coach, maybe some of you guys don't even know what I do. I was thinking about that this morning. I'm like I wonder if people don't even understand what I do like as a coach with my business, new Wings Coaching. If you don't know what I do and you would love to know what I do and how I can help you. You can just either message me or you can comment below and I'll touch base with you. But one of the things I love so much about coaching is I get to ask really powerful questions that are inspired with Holy Spirit, to help you discover where are you? Where are you going? Who are you? What's next on your path? What is God calling you to do? What is your? But God said, what are big dreams God has in store for you? I mean, I could go on and on and on with questions. These are just some that are coming to mind right now.

Speaker 1:

But a lot of times you know we, as you know if you I don't know if you've heard this before but when you look in the mirror you don't actually see like the fullness of who you are, because only people who actually see you, like me, seeing myself right now. I can't see like the whole gamut of you, know what I look like, unless you know I have a mirror and I look behind myself like there's no way for me to see the fullness of you know what I look like per se on the outside. So it's beautiful to be able to come alongside women and help them. Just imagine, like a jar of pickles or a jar of jam the inside cannot see the ingredients on the outside, so it often takes somebody coming alongside you to help you discover who you are and where you're going. Now, of course, god is our ultimate like where are you going? Where are you? Who are you? But have you ever sat with somebody who helped you very quickly, have breakthrough, very quickly, have revelation? It happens for me daily. I'm so blessed to have people around me that are either speaking into you know my book, god Said or ask me questions that help me move forward in ways that I couldn't maybe move on my own. Just think of you know sports teams. They have coaches. They need coaches to come alongside the players to help them. You know, do well in their season. So my question to you is where are you going? What are you doing? Who are you? And are you ready to like, take your next steps in purpose, with purpose, with God and with me?

Speaker 1:

I don't know if you've seen sometimes I don't know what gets shown out there in the Facebook land, but the Lord has prompted me to do round two of there's More. It's Time to Soar and Roar in 24. And the last week or so I've been sharing some podcast episodes. I've done three podcast episodes so far with participants of the last group, the first group that I did, and then I'm going to be interviewing two more today that I'll be sharing. But I also shared a couple written testimonials as well yesterday. So if you hear this, if you hear the sound of my voice and anything is sparking in you to hear more, to learn more, there's no, you know, you're not locked in if you just come and ask questions about what it is that I do, what it is that you know this next coaching group is all about. One thing that's really cool about this group coaching is that there's an option to do not only the group coaching but have three one-on-one coaching sessions with me that are an hour each. I really, three one-on-one coaching sessions with me that are an hour each, um, I really.

Speaker 1:

My first love is the one-on-one coaching. You can go super deep, um. But there's also a really amazing element of being able to bring together women who are on a wild adventure. I love to work with the wild ones. I love to work with women who are counterculture, who are doing things that just maybe imagine, like Noah, like his wife's, probably, like what are you even thinking? And we need people around us that are going to speak into the book. God said rather than but what if? Oh my gosh, like we better have a plan B for you. I'm like nope, we have his plan, we're going to run with his plan. So there's an element of the coaching and the connection in this group coaching that um couldn't happen if I was doing one-on-one coaching with you.

Speaker 1:

Not that one-on-one coaching isn't amazing because it's like my favorite, but it's really fun to be able to have the aspect of the coaching plus a group of women and, um, you know, run together. So anyways, I wanted to put that out there. I'll be kind of dropping some more podcast episodes over the next couple days so you can hear testimonials and what these gals are doing, because it's not just about the group and their experience, but I also want to really highlight what it is that they're doing, because that's my heart is to really help elevate and reveal what other women are they're doing, because that's my heart is to really help um elevate and um reveal what other women are doing. This time especially, you know, my the podcast season my hope, my podcast hope unlock. The season is called launching pioneers and really just wanting to highlight women who are out there creating really amazing ministries businesses. Creating really amazing ministries, businesses, whatever it is and it's different, like it's, it's very different and they've maybe walked through some really hard times to launch it or get it going or what have you kind of like my own business, like this has been a wild adventure, especially since leaving, you know, a full timetime, corporate, safe, quote-unquote job back in 2021 and really just leaning on him in this massive trust fall journey, but walking out as a trailblazer so that I can walk alongside other women who are in that place. So, again, there's more. It's time to soar and roar in 24.

Speaker 1:

Round two starts on 4-22-24. And that's when the doors open. We will officially get started on 4-29. So I'll be closing the doors on 4-28. I have, I'm making space for 12 women in this group, so the spots will go.

Speaker 1:

Um, I'm believing that these women are going to come in and they're going to have massive breakthrough, like this first group did, and it's just going to be an incredible experience.

Speaker 1:

So I wanted to get that out there. I don't know if, um, like I said, I don't know what Facebook's pushing through or allowing through. Sometimes the algorithm just is goofy, um, so I'm just going to keep sharing as led, and I believe that each time somebody pops on here, um, that it's for the one. So if you are hearing my voice, definitely consider, um at least reaching out to me to hear more about what this group's about. So, all right, that's it. Take a keep a lookout for the next, uh, couple of podcast episodes coming out to hear more about the group and the experience that a couple other gals have had within that first round and, like I said, there's three episodes that I've already posted from other gals if you want to hear more about their experience. Sometimes you just need to hear other people's testimonies so that you can get an understanding of what you could experience as well. So, all right, have a blessed day. Bye.

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