Hope Unlocked πŸ”‘

Chapters Unfolding: Embracing Author Creativity in Your 80s with Sharon Williams

β€’ Kristin Kurtz β€’ Season 2 β€’ Episode 66

Ever contemplated the prospect of igniting a fresh chapter in your life, regardless of your current circumstances? I'm thrilled to welcome Sharon Williams, an inspiring 82-year-old author, who exemplifies that heeding your calling knows no bounds. Her journey is a rich tapestry interwoven with hope, love, and the resilience required to embark on a writing adventure later in life. As we delve into Sharon's story, we uncover invaluable insights on book writing, the uplifting influence of faith, and the significance of love in navigating today's complexities. Sharon offers a glimpse into her forthcoming third book, delving into the transformative role of the Holy Spirit. She reminds us that the pursuit of passion is timeless, and wisdom is a boundless resource meant for sharing.

Sharon's contact info:
Facebook -

Sharon's books:
God's Whisper: Always Near
- Because He Loved Us

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm your host, kristen Kurtz, and I'm also the founder of New Wings Coaching, where I empower and unlock women to soar in their calling and roar with their voices. If you're curious to learn more about how coaching can help you unlock your potential, be sure to explore the show notes for ways to connect with me further. Get ready to dive in as we uncover empowering keys and insights in this episode. So tune in and let's unlock hope together. Welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm Kristen Kurtz, your host. I pray this episode is like a holy IV of hope for your soul. Please help me welcome Sharon Williams to the show. I am just so excited that we had a mutual friend connection to share a little bit about what she's been doing in recent times. But I would love for you to just start off by sharing a little bit about you and maybe kind of what's gotten you to this point today.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh. Okay, well, I've been on this earth for quite a while. I'm 82 years old and I'm very proud of that. So in my life I have come to a point where I have a message that I wanted to share with everyone. So at the age of 79, I decided to write a book and I found out being an author is just. It's fine if you have a message, but the hard part comes after that, and it's the marketing aspect that seems to be so difficult. But if you ever it's never too late to start something that you've always wanted to do and the time is right, you can feel it inside that it's just the right time to start. You know a project that you've been waiting to do and when that happens, you have all this enthusiasm and you're wanting to see a finished project and it's like a push forward and it's wonderful when that happens.

Speaker 1:

Wow, how do you like? Even as a child, was there a point in your life that you felt like you'd be writing a book, or was this kind of like a Holy Spirit?

Speaker 2:

surprise, it was a Holy Spirit, surprise. I've always enjoyed writing. I've always enjoyed I did medical writing more in my earlier life, but I always did enjoy writing. And I'm a fan of Facebook, sorry to say, but I am, um, and I like to put things, uh, post things out there and then get people's response to it.

Speaker 1:

It's interesting yeah, so what like? What do you like about facebook? Um, I know I enjoy it because it's a place where I get to encourage and exhort and empower people so what do you love most about it?

Speaker 2:

I like discussions about the bible and I like to get different, uh, perspectives. How do people? Um, every time you read a passage in the bible, someone can see something a little bit different than what you are seeing. And when you bring it together, it builds your faith even more. And so where you may not have ever thought of looking at it in a particular way that other person brings it to your attention.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, would you say that there's a passage maybe in recent times that has been kind of enlightening to you through that, you know, through somebody else, because I feel like every time you open up the Bible you can read the same passage a year ago and it's like something new just becomes enlivened, right? I?

Speaker 2:

am a huge fan that if you are going through a difficulty and you are sincere and you go to the bible for direction, that god will lead you to that passage. That will help you at least um, bring you some um, bring you some perspective, some, uh, direction, some hope. I would say, yes, I am. I have a particular passage that I love and not not everybody likes this. I have yet to memorize, but I do know where it's at. Yeah, it's Romans 8, 38 to 39. And that reminds me of God's love, how powerful it is and that we never lose that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, do you have it in front of you that you could read it?

Speaker 2:

I did. Yes, I wish I could go. It's just, is it okay if I click on something? I got my. I held on just one moment, no problem. Okay, here we go. Yeah, powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of god that is in christ jesus, our lord yeah so that version were you reading um new international version. Okay, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for reading. You have such a sweet spirit, like a very I don't know like somebody that would read books to you. I love it. So tell me more about how that verse has really stood out to you. You know, maybe over the last year or so.

Speaker 2:

Oh well it. It's God's promise to us. There is nothing more powerful than his promise, and so, when things become difficult, I know that that is one thing that is steadfast, that you know I can rely upon, and it's sometimes, when you are going through difficulties, knowing that there is a love out there that supersedes any other love you have known. It's encouraging, it really is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, amen. Well, you said you are 82, 82, yes, so you have seen a lot in this world. I have a lot of changes in this world. What, what is on your heart for what you're seeing now?

Speaker 2:

I can imagine that God is very sad and I'm sorry to say that. But I also see a trend towards revival and I look around and it almost seems like I'm in Revelation right now. So it almost seems like the end times, but I'm certain it's not. Wars will come and wars will go, but it always seems like man is in some type of a conflict and he's always at war with something and I don't really understand the reasoning behind that, except that it tends to go for power and greed. And I, just, I just. There's one lesson I learned late in life, yeah, and that is love, love. We don't have enough of it and that's what our wars. But think about this If Christ teaches love and God is love and God loves us, how do we think we're going to get into heaven without learning love?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yes. And you know one thing that I was thinking about, probably within the last I don't know two or three years. You know the passage love your neighbor as yourself.

Speaker 2:

Number one? Well, no, number two, I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

And how many don't even love themselves? They don't, and I don't Love your neighbor if you don't even love yourself.

Speaker 2:

I think you know, I know we go through depression, I know we go through trials, but how can you not love something that God created? I don't know. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's definitely, and I don't know if you, this is just what. I've been. I'm a deep thinker. I love it been. I'm a I'm a deep thinker. I'm constantly, you know, getting revelations and dreaming and and all the things. And you know, one of the things I was just realizing is that there is such an identity crisis in our world, um, and it's, oh my god, from the beginning of time, but it's just more prevalent now, at least from what I can see, and um, what would you say about that? Like the identity crisis?

Speaker 2:

I always knew who I was. I always knew that I was a female. Yeah, I just I think. I think people want attention. I think they are confused. I am. I believe that. Now I'm not sure about the anatomy if you are born with certain genes and have a tendency towards the opposite sex of what you have, but it seems to me like people are looking for something and they're just not really sure and they're looking in the wrong place and they're thinking about it in the wrong way, and I think that teaching our children in the schools about the different sex options is wrong, because I feel that children are exposed to that early enough in life and I think it's the parents' place to explain to children, not the schools. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And things are really ramping up in that area. One of my- well.

Speaker 1:

I know somebody who actually kind of spoke truth back to a teacher in middle school and it just kind of knocked them off, knocked them out of their socks to be asked a question, to question what the teacher was actually saying. And I was so like proud of this person to. You know, come back with a question to really. You know, Jesus asked questions, right, he asked a lot of questions to help people get to the heart of the matter. I'm a coach and I ask questions as well, rather than telling somebody. The beauty is when we can ask the questions and then the person has a revelation and then they get to awaken and move from there, Right?

Speaker 2:

Yes, you are so right, jesus. That was the way they taught back then in the biblical times. Was Jesus answered with a question causing the person to go back and look deeper into avenues that they would never have thought of going?

Speaker 1:

Right, right, it's so powerful I always say like Jesus was the best life coach and, being a life coach myself for seven years, I've seen the power of kind of turning around to ask a question led by Holy Spirit that really helps unlock somebody, because a lot of times you know there's a lot of fighting out there and what if somebody were to just ask a powerful question rather than say you should do this or you could have done this or you better do this, but rather ask a question that helps that person maybe have a like a little awakening moment you know, you're so right.

Speaker 2:

You're so right Because when you see, when you tell somebody they better do this, the walls go up, yeah and uh, yes, and so by being neutral and and kind of guiding them in a different direction, that is the teacher. Yeah, teaching method there is yes, isn't that good.

Speaker 1:

It is well. Tell me a little bit more about your book. I would love for you to share more Like what? Like what happened? What happened when you were 79? You said that that was kind of your moment to step into writing. Like where what happened. Tell us more testify. I want to hear more about this. This is so powerful. I'm with you. I have part of my coaching is for you know, the older generation, that the world would say, oh no, you need to retire. And I'm over here going oh no, you need to refire. So you refired at 79. Tell us about it.

Speaker 2:

I believe that we are all disciples of Christ and when we were going through COVID and I saw so much death and I saw so much sorrow, I thought you know, we've got to remember Jesus is real and he is alive. And Jesus has proven himself to me many times over and I know he is real and he is just as active today as he was in biblical times. So it's like I wanted to bring that message to people and so I started writing about the experiences I have had. Now, this is something people don't usually talk about, but if they have paranormal experiences, they pretty much keep it to themselves. But I wanted to bring the fact up that he is real, he is active. Don't ever doubt. You know that he is not there to help, if you will just turn to him. So I started out as a legacy, more or less, to my children and then I thought, no, I'm going to share this with others. So I'm going to put it in a book form. I'm going to put it out there for other people to read, and perhaps they have had experiences too and, knowing that they can identify with what I'm saying, it can revive that faith, that faith, and even though they may have lost a loved one, that they are assured that Jesus is there, that they are in a better place, so to speak, and I strongly believe in life after life.

Speaker 2:

I have had experiences where I actually had a visit from my grandmother and my mother and they had both passed. So it was very, very emotional, but it was. I won't say it was a dream, but it was a light sleep just before I woke up and it was wonderful to see them, but it reinforced that they were there waiting for me and they gave me proof that this was real and I just it was a wonderful experience. So why not share that with somebody else was a wonderful experience. So why not share that with somebody else, somebody that is on hospice, someone that is facing death, to reassure them that there is a wonderful place waiting for them that's more real than this world is?

Speaker 1:

how long ago did you have that experience?

Speaker 2:

Oh gosh, it's been years now, let's see, I think it was in about like 2010, I believe. But um it, it's all the details. Everything is still so very vivid to me.

Speaker 1:

Wow, and had you had, like really vivid dreams, like, do you, do you have vivid dreams often?

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, I've had dreams that have come true, and I've had dreams that have opened my eyes to other things, and I think sometimes we are spoken to through our dreams. Sometimes we are spoken to through our dreams.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

And if God wants to send a message to you. You're more relaxed, you're more receptive and it's easier that way. Yeah, I also have very, very vivid dreams and I even talk in my sleep and have said some very revelatory things. Um, within the last couple of years, I had a dream that helped to um find something and I won't get into the story because it's not necessary today but, um, he, he definitely talks to us. I believe he definitely talks to us in our sleep and I, like you, I've had very vivid dreams since I was young. It's fascinating to me, I'm always fascinated. Some days I wake up and I'm, you know, mid-dream when my alarm goes off.

Speaker 1:

And I don't know if you've had this happen before, but a lot of times my dream will. It's almost like the pause button happens in the morning when the alarm goes off and then when I start kind of drifting off to sleep, that same night it'll. It's almost like the play button starts and it continues. Have you ever had that before?

Speaker 2:

I've not. I've not had that happen, but I had an incident. It makes me wonder where our mind, our spirit are when we're asleep, because I was. I didn't know I was dreaming and but my husband told me well, I guess I was talking. And he woke me up right in the middle and I was saying something. I remember the words oh, that is so beautiful. And what I was looking at was a cluster of stars and like galaxies, and um, it was, it was beautiful.

Speaker 1:

But I would never have remembered that in this particular time if I hadn't been talking time you woke me up yeah, yeah, well, I've had people ask me a question because I have a sleep app and it's called sleep cycle, I believe, and it actually records, you know, your sleep um, so it picks up any noises that you're making and I finally, after a couple of years ago, was like, well, this would be really fascinating to have. So it's always this is part of my childlike wonder, um, to wake up in the morning and just to hear, like, what did I say last night? And you know, what's really fun is I often I'm I must be like coaching people in my sleep because I'm asking questions that I'm laughing Like, ah, this is interesting, but yeah, it's very cool. So, your process to starting to write this book you know, I know a lot of gals who you know have, I like to say, have a book baby in them.

Speaker 1:

Um, several clients I know have book babies in them. What like what. How did you get started? Um, and and really like, how did you keep going? Like what, what did that process look like for you tangibly?

Speaker 2:

well it first started out is I wanted to be remembered by my children and my grandchildren for things that had happened to me. It was to help them to realize how real God is. And but then I thought. But then, through COVID, I saw all of the sorrow and everything and I thought, well, not share it with other people. So it's a very uplifting book, which is what it was meant to be, but it hits on a lot of points. It does talk about how important it is to raise your children in Christ, and I had an experience with that. I also talk about angels. I just talk about everything, you know, that people don't usually talk about.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So how did you?

Speaker 1:

did you like? All of a sudden, one day you started writing, did you have somebody kind of walking alongside you. How did you? I have book babies in me too, but the thought for me of like how does, how would I even do this, like, how did you do it? Like, what did you like? What were your?

Speaker 2:

you know what, Kristen? I know that I enjoy writing, so that's okay, but writing a book is a totally different thing. I had the Holy spirit right there by me as I was writing this book, and I kid you not, because I had read the book and I thought did. I say that Did I write that? And it's like reading it for the first time, or you know, and in fact when I get a quiet moment, sometimes I like to go back and pick my book up and read it.

Speaker 2:

It's entertaining, so I'm not making that up. I feel like it was necessary that I get this book out, no matter what the age, and so it helped me. It helped me tremendously.

Speaker 1:

Wow, I like to say it's like the Holy Ghost writer. Yes, amazing. What is the name of the book?

Speaker 2:

The book. The first book was called God's Whisper Always near, because, um, I think you have to listen for god. What does this say? Be still and know that I am god yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So you got, did you? Did you say the first book, you have another book?

Speaker 2:

yes, yes it, uh. It knew that you were going to do that. The second book is called Because he Loved Us and that is about the three-year ministry of Jesus. It starts out I talk about Genesis, because Jesus was there at creation in Genesis, and then it goes on to talk about John the Baptist's birth and Jesus' birth, and it follows him through with the major miracles that he does the I Am statements and the Sermon on the mount and the rice, the raising of lazarus, and but I didn't go any further then, uh, right up to the point where he would for palm sunday, when he would go into jerusalem for the passover for last time.

Speaker 2:

But I'm starting a third book and the third book is more difficult and the reason being I'm going to go ahead and the extend the story of Jesus by starting with Palm Sunday, him going through Jerusalem, his crucifixion, his ascension, and then also what he gave us when he ascended was the Holy Spirit. And I'm going to talk about the Holy Spirit because we really do not hear very much about that. It's so, and the funny part is we don't hear very much, but it lives within us.

Speaker 1:

Right, I would say like I was. I don't I'm not sure what your faith journey looked like, but I was saved from addiction when I was 25 and I didn't grow up in church, um, but the church that I no longer go to, um that I was saved at. They they really didn't talk about Holy spirit and gifts of the spirit and I, I just I started getting this stirring in me probably seven, eight years ago that there was more stirring in me probably seven, eight years ago that there was more yes, and it's been such a beautiful adventure to learn more about.

Speaker 1:

It's the Trinity, it's not the, it's not two, it's the Trinity Right.

Speaker 2:

And look where it has led you. Yes, it's wonderful.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I mean, I wouldn't be doing a podcast if I didn't have Holy Spirit. That is so true, I mean every day. It's like you're on your own. Yeah, here you go. I mean, I had no idea how to do this right, probably like for you writing a book. That's why I asked, like how did you know? Like how did you do it? How did did you work with a publisher? Like how did you? Did he show you along the way, like what the next steps were to get a book out?

Speaker 2:

I'm sure. Well, I did work with a publisher, but I already had the book in writing and what they did was edit and format and um, I don't, and then also I have an audio. So they did those type of things for me and put it out in Amazon so would you say like for those?

Speaker 1:

I'm just when I do, when I do this podcast, um, part of what you know, I'll just say I used to feel like Moses. So I thought, oh, I can't do this kind of thing. And he was showing me years ago to do a Facebook lives you know, when I would leave work, because I would just get this like message on me that I felt like I had to share. But then I felt like my voice was kind of locked up and he just showed me do it for the one, do it for the one that needs to hear this today. So I've really lived out the for the one. And when he was showing me to do this podcast, it was a reminder again of for the one. So as we're talking today, I'm always imagining the one that's listening to us, right, I'm not for a huge platform, I am here for the one. So, as we're talking, and there's somebody listening to this today that has a book in them and they're like, well, I couldn't do that. Do you have anything that you'd want to say to them today?

Speaker 2:

yes, they, yes, I do. If they feel like they cannot, then go at your own pace, start at least. Start it, keep it and add to it, and when you feel like there is a message that you want to write about something that you want to let others know, then put it into your book. I have saw where some authors will write a book for years until they just feel like they get it right. But never tell yourself you can't do it, because honestly can, and sometimes it's best to take smaller steps to accomplish that rather than try to do it all at once that's very powerful, to, to just, I think, what you're saying and to encapsulate it's, it's that pace of grace, you know, like.

Speaker 1:

It's not like a horse race where you're trying to race somebody else. You're, you're moving I like that, yes exactly sometimes it might feel like a turtle which is all right. Hey, the turtle, the turtle won yeah, and they have a really protective shell. I loved Um. Well, I am excited for all he is continuing to do. Through you. I will be sure to link Sharon's books in the show notes. Um, thank you for the word for the for the one. Would you be open to praying over the listeners today?

Speaker 2:

Yes, I will be. Yes, that would be fine. Dear Father, we thank you for all the blessings so many, we cannot even number them. I ask that you would be with those that have a message that they feel they want to relay, that you would be with them, that you would guide them, that you would give them encouragement. Dear Father, it's only through you that impossible things are possible, and I just ask that you be with the audience, our listeners, and just let them know that they are never alone, that you are always there by their side, and all they have to do is call upon your name for encouragement, for strength, for health, whatever the issue may be. Dear father, you are the almighty god, and we praise you through Jesus Christ, amen.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much. Well, it has been a joy to hear more about you and all of the wonderful things that he has led you into, especially these last few years. I'm just amazed by you, and it's God working in it through you.

Speaker 2:

I have one last thing I want to say. Do you? I don't know it may not show up, but I used to be afraid to talk to an audience and I would always. I would hyperventilate and I tried masters and I tried drugs and I tried hypnosis and I tried all different things.

Speaker 2:

But when you look at your audience and you are afraid to speak, if you're afraid to speak, you'll never get your message across, and I knew this. So I prayed that God would show me how, if he wants me to get a message across, how am I going to do it if I can't speak? So I learned that when you look at an audience, if you fear them like you're afraid that you're going to say the wrong thing or make a mistake Don't worry about that. Instead, look at your audience with love and know that God loves each and every one in the audience, and if you will look at them in the same way, you're able to speak, because it's like talking to a friend. So it was in that respect I was able to overcome, and so now you can't shut me up.

Speaker 1:

I love that, that is. That's a word for me and for others. As you know, some of us who have had maybe more challenges with our voices and wouldn't you say, I mean and I don't know if this is, this is what I'm just sensing A lot of us that do have messages, we've had more challenges with our voices. Just think of Moses, you know, oh gosh, yes, and I remember somebody said like God called him, but God knew he had a speech impediment, yes, and I was like that's a whole other thing.

Speaker 2:

God takes our insecurities, our inferiorities. He takes them and he uses them, because when he does, he shows his glory, what he can do with us, and I think it's really neat.

Speaker 1:

Well, you are a powerhouse. He is just powerfully moving through you and thank you for that additional word, and I know that you just unlocked somebody for sure, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

I hope so, Kristen. Thank you so much for this opportunity.

Speaker 1:

You are a brave voice who's setting others free, and I'm going to close today with our anchoring verse. It is made a God of hopefully, with all joy and peace and believing so that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound in hope, and that's Romans 15, 13. So, sharon, thank you again for being on, hoped, unlocked. You are, like I said, a powerhouse, amazing. I can't wait to see more books. I was going to say more books, more books being birthed. That's hard to say. More books being birthed for you and just the impact that you're having on so many. Thank you again.

Speaker 1:

I will be back next week with another Hope Unlocked episode. Bye.

Speaker 2:

Bye, thank you.

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