Hope Unlocked πŸ”‘

Transforming Pain into Purpose: Daryl and Judy Slegh's Story of Hope, Healing, and Resilience

β€’ Kristin Kurtz β€’ Season 2 β€’ Episode 69

Imagine raising five children and facing the heart-wrenching challenge of seeing one of them struggle with substance abuse. That's the reality that Daryl and Judy Slegh confront head-on in this episode of the Hope Unlocked podcast. They invite us into their world, sharing the birth of Nephros Ministries and how their faith guided them through some of life's darkest moments. Their stories of resilience and unwavering hope offer a beacon for anyone navigating similar storms.

Daryl and Judy don't shy away from the gritty details. They recount the terrifying night their son consumed a drug-laced drink and the subsequent hospitalization, revealing how they chose unconditional love over despair. This chapter also introduces Judy's heartfelt book, "Help. I Have a Prodigal," a guide for other families yearning for hope and healing as they watch their loved ones navigate troubled waters. Their message: There's power in relying on God's wisdom and love, even when the situation seems beyond human repair.

But the episode isn't just about struggles and challenges. Judy's miraculous recovery from a traumatic brain injury and heart attack forms a crucial part of their testimony. Her divine encounters and the couple's continued ministry work underscore the idea that purpose and impact know no age limits. From their support group initiatives to plans for leadership training and community expansion, Daryl and Judy embody a life of purpose-driven resilience. They invite you to join their journey, connect, and become part of a support network that transforms lives, one story at a time.

Daryl & Judy's contact info:
Website - https://www.restoringtheruins.com/
Email - judy.slegh@gmail.com

Judy's book -
Help! I Have a Prodigal: How to Gain Hope and Healing When Your Loved One has Gone Astray

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Speaker 2:

Hello and welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm your host, kristen Kurtz, and I'm also the founder of New Wings Coaching, where I empower and unlock women to soar in their calling and roar with their voices. If you're curious to learn more about how coaching can help you unlock your potential, be sure to explore the show notes for ways to connect with me further. Get ready to dive in as we uncover empowering keys and insights in this episode. So tune in and let's unlock hope together. Welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm Kristen Kurtz, your host.

Speaker 2:

I pray that this episode is like a holy IV of hope for your soul. Please help me welcome my new friends, daryl and Judy Slade, to the show. Please share a little bit more about yourself. It's super exciting how we connected. I guess I'll back it up a little bit. We connected through Marie Larson. She was actually a guest on the show gosh earlier last year and she has something called Prayer Hub that I go to once a month and I just happened to meet this lovely couple there and I really felt Holy Spirit prompt me to ask them if they'd be open to sharing on the podcast. So would you be open to first sharing a little bit about yourself and then we'll get into kind of what the Lord has you doing these days.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm Judy and Daryl and I attended Prayer Hub and met her over Kristen over lunch and we discovered that we love to focus on hope after having a really devastating thing happen in our family that we're going to talk about shortly. Daryl and I have been married 42 years. We have five children, four boys and a girl, ages 39 to 31. And we have been blessed in so many ways, but there was a season that we started talking about with Kristen and we would love to share what's been on our heart.

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely yeah, I'm so blessed we met each other.

Speaker 4:

And I enjoyed being in the background for years, intercessor supporter as Judy spoke, at the various places for the different ministries we have enjoying hiding in the back and after a traumatic brain injury that we'll probably talk about, I think God made it clear that it was time for both of us to to come up front and, uh, and for me not to hide as much, which is why I'm also on this, this talk, not just duty alone.

Speaker 2:

I love it. I'm so glad you're here with us, daryl.

Speaker 4:

It's a blessing for sure I understand the coming out from behind more in deep ways and we do find that, um, when a man is involved in front, the chances of men getting involved is greater, um coming to some of our sessions, coming to prayer ministries or or um or needing help. So it it's good. I think it's a plan of the lords to show men needing help and yes, especially in this season, wouldn't you say?

Speaker 2:

yes well, you guys take it away, um, maybe share a little bit about I don't even I. I feel like you've had such a long journey together like what does that look like, just even in birthing um ministries? You know, what does that look like for you?

Speaker 3:

yeah, in 2010 2010 I was taking a course on inner healing and I received a lot of inner healing myself, but then, over the years, I've helped other people to receive inner healing, shedding all the emotions that well up in us over our life and then to create an intimate relationship with Jesus, and we've been hosting that since 2011 with. We have a very unique name. It's called nephros ministries, and nephros means kidney, which God seemed to say you're a kidney in the body of christ, and so we simply host prayer sessions, uh discovering, uh the stuff that needs to be cleaned out, like get rid of the, cleanse out the bad and keep what is good and create a better relationship with jesus. And then, following that, we've been launching our kids into high school and college and involved in a lot of activities with them, and they were all successful through their college years, which delighted our heart.

Speaker 3:

But in the season of one of our sons, he went to a private Christian university and after he got out of college, he went to live near an area where they do a lot of partying and he got into alcohol and drugs and we felt there was a warning piece to that, like he's drinking more than he should, or he is out and about and and he came home to pay off his high tuition as christian uh college he went to and and then we saw more of that. And then, daryl, why don't you take over the next portion, where the fall happened?

Speaker 4:

yeah, um it just he went on a uh, uh, uh. Well, one night we got a call that said hey, I've been picked up for dw, I'm gonna spend the night in jail. Um, god worked there, even um, in the fact that, um, some federal prisoners were being transferred to this local place, and he spent unexpectedly a night in jail with some really tough federal prisoners being transferred, and he came out of that saying, boy, I never want to go back in there again. So we always had hope that things are changing. God is working in what the enemy meant for evil, god is turning for good.

Speaker 4:

But he continued to make choices that were bad, including a trip to Las vegas, and as he took various things to stay awake, like red bull or different things, um, it turned out that something he thought he took to help with that was something somebody slipped him in some way and, and by the time he came home and began hallucinating, um, taking him to the hospital, reported that he had stuff in him that could really kill him and that should be mixed together. And so we went through some stuff in our house with incredible hallucinations, visitations by demons that even Himself speaking to Him, god the Father, and so just a tremendous partnership with the Lord in making him aware that what he was going through and the lies he was hearing about what he should do were also balanced out by God Himself saying no, that voice you're hearing is not from me, and so it was a couple of years of going through this.

Speaker 3:

And it was very painful.

Speaker 4:

And we reacted differently. I was in fear oh, the next phone call, will it come in? Another, another time in jail? Some fear was what I had to battle with. Judy had to battle with anger. How could you do this to our family and to us and stuff? And so Judy mentioned the inner healing tools that we were using on other people. We used them on ourselves to get rid of the spirit of fear in me and the spirit of anger, and this is not from God. The enemy has come to kill, steal and destroy from our life, and this is not from God. The enemy has come to kill, steal and destroy from our life. And how important it is. In the Bible, where the prodigal father went on with his life, it's pretty clear. He went on with his farming or whatever his business, was always looking to a distance, hoping that his son would return. But it's important for loved ones to go on with their life while they pray for someone who has gone astray, and that's what we kept doing for us.

Speaker 2:

So how much longer was it after you guys started, you know, gaining tools for inner healing, that all of this started occurring?

Speaker 4:

Four or five years between starting in 2010 and 11, and this was in 2015. So we had several years of experience on practicing on helping others and suddenly we needed to help ourselves get through it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, as a parent, you know, I have two teenage boys. My heart goes out to you and also, being one that went sideways with alcohol and drugs, you know, in my teenage, from 15 to 25 and coming out and being able to share the story, I imagine that your son, yeah, tell us more Like what happened with him.

Speaker 4:

You could share the garage sale. Yeah, it's in the first chapter of the book she wrote, but that can come later. Go ahead.

Speaker 3:

Before we realized the problem in the DUI, we kept warning him and are you going to church, are you getting close to God? Because at one point he was very close to God and it was just like, oh, he was lying to us, he was covering things up and then when he got the DUI all of a sudden came out like oh man, I really blew it and then he was believing this reality of like well, I can handle it, he can't drive. So he'd ask friends and then he'd be gone all weekend. So warning signs kept coming to us and we would have to keep releasing our emotions to God and navigating it. And he said well, I'm taking care of every aspect, you have to do nothing but drive to and from work.

Speaker 3:

But then there were times where we would really pour into him on the drive, or listen, or we'd have friends who were believers that would drive him to and from work. And that was just another aspect of like people pouring into him truth, which was really huge for us, because we had never experienced this before as parents. Like oh, people considered us a perfect family and it was really shaming to have that happen. We had to even deal with that emotionally and like who do we confide in, how much do we share, and all of those emotions and what helped us was doing inner healing prayer ministry. And what helped us was doing inner healing prayer ministry.

Speaker 3:

We had a sense of compassion for those people, to help them to connect to God. And so we had to connect to God ourselves. And then one day, right before he went to Las Vegas, we went to a Christian leaders connection time and there was a woman that came up and said I feel like you are really hurting because you have a loved one that is in crisis and I knew exactly it was for our son and she said well, you were supposed to start speaking God's declarations over him and they will come true. Well, back then I had no clue what a declaration is and I've grown in that. So let me share a little bit on that, if you're okay with that.

Speaker 2:

Because there could be somebody listening that has never heard of that before.

Speaker 3:

Right. So a declaration is a statement that God says to say or to believe, or to pronounce as one of the promises he has for us, so that we're actually speaking it to ourself, to grow our faith. But then we're also speaking it out so the enemy knows we are declaring a relationship with God. It's not hidden. So a lot of these things are supposed to be spoken. Sometimes, even in our family, home or places that we go, we just say that God is with us right now and anything that is surrounding us right now has to go in the name of Jesus Christ. And it's really unique. I'm going on this tangent. The tangent is we just spent some time away on a vacation and one of the first things we do when we walk into a place we're renting for a hotel room Do you want to share what we say as we walk in?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we just declare that anything that is in this room that does not please the Lord, jesus Christ, that it has to go in the name of Jesus until we leave. So we know that we don't necessarily have authority over the whole building or what happens, but until we leave, because we are paying for it in the name of Jesus, you have to go where Jesus wants you to go and leave this room because of his authority that we carry, and sometimes we lose sleep and we think, oh, we forgot to take authority over it or we've encouraged others to do it, and they're amazed. Our kids now know to do that for when they travel, and so it's one example of how to use declarations when you travel outside your house, and, of course, you should take authority over your house, your apartment, whatever you live in, your townhouse, because whoever lived there before may have left, in a sense, some kind of spiritual trash, and you have authority now that it's yours, to take it, and so that's one example of declarations. But, yes, we continue declarations over our son too.

Speaker 2:

So what did what did that look like? Um, for you guys, just even with you know people in your like. Did you have people in your corner that were supporting you? I know you said that. Um, you know, I know the enemy is one who definitely casts shame on people, right? So were there people in your corner that were supporting you, praying over you? I mean, I'm, what did that look like? How did you seek out support?

Speaker 3:

yeah, we had, uh, some friends at church, some very close friends that we were have, asking them to pray with more detail, but not all the minuscule things, because we were still kind of navigating every day with like not knowing and so. And then there were some people that they just came and hung out at the house because there was over the four days that he was in and out of reality, we did not get sleep, and so we actually had some people come during the day and he is in and out of reality but he they would give us a chance to be able to take a rest or a nap, or one of our sons came and hung out and stayed and was the person on call during the night.

Speaker 3:

One of the last nights that we were really struggling with this four-day in and out of reality thing and that happened in May and in March is when the DUI started and the declarations piece started in April, and so there was a lot of support there and some people we met with some other drug and rehab counselor on how to support as parents and that was helpful too.

Speaker 4:

And he was willing to meet with one of our pastors and, in a continual relationship there, eventually wanted to be re-baptized in a lake. At 11 o'clock at night, so with the lights of our car shining on the lake so we could see he went into the water with myself and the pastor and came out with a picture that we still have of his face shining amazingly, and that was a big part too to have family, friends and a pastor that ministered to him.

Speaker 2:

So you had a lot of support on the journey, for sure. It sounds like.

Speaker 4:

Did you end up finding out what was slipped in his, his drink? Um yep, we have the report someplace. From what I remember, it was a combination of of of um cocaine and something more serious, um methamphetamine. Yeah the names. We've had no experience since then, that six years eight years later.

Speaker 4:

I forget the names, but the mixture mixture was dangerous and I remember being there with the doctor as he came with Portlake. He could easily not be alive and with one of them, I think, meth, you could take it one time and perhaps be addicted for the rest of your life. So we were praying against that.

Speaker 3:

If that was true or not, that at one time could do him in, and it did not and and we brought him in because he was pretty much comatose, unfunctional in and out, he wasn't really like. We thought, oh, he could be on the point of ODing. So that's where we brought him into the emergency room and then they held him until say, okay, it's time to go. So that was the last few days of what we experienced.

Speaker 2:

So I imagine, through all of this was this kind of a turning point for you guys, like in taking next steps with your ministry, like what did that look like? And share a little bit more about him, and if you're led to like kind of what his journey has has looked like since then yeah, he started doing a through substance church internship program so that he just immersed himself in that.

Speaker 3:

And there was another course he took single life workshop. It's just like all the things that happen you can just let go so that you really can prepare for a godly marriage. So that was really powerful. So we witnessed his process. For us, we were just kind of wondering what to do about all of this and just making sure we are emotionally healthy by letting go of the wrong emotions and partnering with God's truth about who we should be doing. As far as praying and pulling back in the declarations piece, because he had a long journey of recovery after baptism, like building confidence in himself.

Speaker 4:

And, like the prodigal father, when he finally did see his son coming back, he didn't run to him and say boy, you really screwed up. I hope you learned your lesson and it'll never happen again. He just hugged him and said let's celebrate, praise the Lord. And so we knew and we continue to use that in obsessions today with others who have loved ones who have gone astray. The goal is to clean yourself off, to be unconditionally loving your loved one and not thinking of and being willing to point out all the mistakes he's made, and loving him instead of hounding him.

Speaker 2:

That's definitely a huge key right yeah.

Speaker 3:

Right, and then, months later, as our son is doing much better, then God told me to write a book about our journey and how to release the hurt and the pain and the hopelessness and the despair and the lack of knowing what to do about the situation.

Speaker 4:

Perhaps the lack of support, because some people we've heard the pastors had no desire to talk about their loved ones, especially if they've gone astray in lifestyles that are embarrassing to the church, and it's just support from the church isn't always there for people.

Speaker 2:

What is the name of the book?

Speaker 3:

It is called Help. I have a Prodigal how to Gain Hope and Healing when your Loved One has Gone Astray. It's on.

Speaker 4:

Amazon and Barnes Noble bookstore. Right. And through the website that we created, you can purchase it there too. I think we created a website.

Speaker 2:

We'll link that in the show notes so people can find the book, and I'm sure that you have more information that you're putting out there as well.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and the book is very unique. It's not just a oh, this is how we did it sort of book. It's actually saying, okay, we're going to really talk to God about this and to release the emotional pain because of our situation or other people that I've seen with all sorts of different lifestyles, styles, and so it's just like what is the mountain of emotions we have to dismantle? And then, knowing that God is still at work, even when your loved one is totally gone astray, and it's like then a lot of people fall into okay, what do I have to do to fix this situation? Because we are ingrained to be fixers, especially as parents, and that is really hard. Like what do I do? And the whole book is about we have God knows everything. We only know a small snippet of what's really going on and so from 2016 to 2019, but took over three years.

Speaker 4:

Judy's describes her sort of kicking and screaming with the lord because she didn't really want to write, sometimes even waking, telling. I remember saying I'm going to bed and I'm not finishing this chapter until god shows me what to do. He's got to give me stuff, and she'd wake up in the middle of the night and get something. I remember one of the most powerful and it's in the book is a checkers example where a parent teaching a child how to play checkers, whether the child knows it or not.

Speaker 4:

The parents are probably rearranging their pieces in such a way that when it comes time for the child to jump, he could jump two, three or four at the same time. But if he doesn't, the parent just quietly rearranges the pieces to give the child yet another chance down the road and God sort of said don't get upset with your kids because I don't when they don't make the right choice. I just rearrange something in their life down the road and I will never give up or desert them. I'm always willing to work on their life and prepare yet another chance for them to make the right move.

Speaker 2:

Wow, I love you guys were showing me something even before we got started today, and I love the visual and the simplicity of what he gave you to share.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you want to explain that, Judy, even though there's no visual.

Speaker 3:

Oh, the jewel.

Speaker 4:

The jewel yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So in the middle of hearing about speaking declarations, I made a long list of all of God's promises, like he never leaves and forsakes our son, and so I started speaking those, like I said, our voices are very powerful, and so we were declaring that over us and our son, and then God said, whose declarations are those? And I said, well, they're from the Bible. He said, but they're not specific to your son. And I'm like, oh my goodness. And so then he, god, reminded me over the next few days that he saw our son as a jewel long ago and he has given certain characteristics that are very unique to our son, and one of them is.

Speaker 3:

he just loves people. He is attracted to anybody's alone and he wants to be their friend, and he's done that through his whole life.

Speaker 3:

He would see people on the beach as a three-year-old and want to go meet a little boy, or he gave extra lunches for people that didn't have enough lunch at church, didn't have enough lunch at church or in college.

Speaker 3:

He would go to a young youth camp because they needed kids to coach and affirm them, and so he had that pattern throughout his whole life, and so one of the Jewel-like characteristics we saw in our son. So I actually saw a jewel, a little plastic jewel, a diamond that was hidden by the rough, and that is our son is able to love people just as Jesus loved people, and to walk into any in and out of any drug and alcohol situation unscathed, because he's with Jesus and that he would actually transform people that he used to be friends with because of these things, and he would be like Jesus, transforming them from death into life. And, and so we saw the jewel. But on the outside of our our son, we just saw mud and crud and uh, and he could not even see the good inside himself.

Speaker 3:

After he got convicted of things and had that experience, and so he needed to process them himself. But then to see our son as God's jewel was part of those declarations, but then we had to remove the judgment, our judgment of seeing the mud in the crub, and to call out the jewel in him rather than all our disappointment. And so that book does that by dealing with the emotions and interacting with God and partnering with God's heart for our son, rather than our own agenda of our heart, what wants to happen? And then we release our son into God's care and then watch him to navigate his connection with God.

Speaker 4:

And what Judy discovered with this Jew jewel stuff was after the book, so it's not really in this book, but it was something afterwards that we now include in every talk that we give up about loved ones. And what Kristen was referring to was Judy showed her a picture of a plastic jewel and then another one that was covered with mud type material, mud-type material. And it's important, as you look at your loved one, your prodigal, to realize the jewel that's being covered up with that mud and to pray against, not to hammer it off, but to pray against and ask the Holy Spirit and God to soften that heart, to release that crud that's on him so that, knowing what the jewel is inside, it can be exposed to other people and all the incredible facets of that jewel that God has created.

Speaker 2:

So incredible, and I'm sure the listeners can. If you guys can just even visualize what that looks like, you might even be feeling that way about yourself. Right? We all have those things that we can look in the know. Think that we're dirty and muddy, right, have you? Do you want to speak to that even a little bit?

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, that's powerful. It reminds us in our groups that we're doing. They point out that because of their loved one and perhaps the way they mistreated their loved one or their loved one has mistreated them they feel they've got mud thrown on them, whether it's real or not that they are covered with mud. So as we do this presentation you're exactly right they realize oh my gosh, I can see myself like this too. And again, the goal then is to get this mud and stuff covered off of you so that your loved one and others can see the jewel that you are, but what the mess has been made to cover you up.

Speaker 3:

And another aspect of that is in doing inner healing with people. A lot of times they feel like they come with a whole bunch of mud or not really connected to God and we all look at our own wrongs or what has been done to us. Either we're taken captive by situations we had no control of or, by making our own choices, we become prisoners, and so then we feel like we're disqualified from activity in a church situation because we see if they only knew that stuff, or they see the mistakes we've seen and so we sense there's huge amount of judgment. If we walk into a church situation we might even have wounding from a church or growing up being forced or to do things that we just don't feel comfortable with. But God's heart is to always woo people back to him and to his nature and that is really powerful. Forget that sense of freedom, like Jesus really loves me. Or.

Speaker 3:

Father God is approachable. You know he knows me from all creation those sorts of things.

Speaker 2:

Yes, creation, those sorts of things, yes.

Speaker 2:

And even before we were we were talking um, a friend of mine, within the last you know 24 hours, had recommended a movie to me to watch called ragamuffin, and you know, if you guys are led to go watch it, I know judy and daryl might go watch it soon, but it's definitely a movie that shows the father's love regardless of what we do.

Speaker 2:

And that's a story about Rich Mullins, who was a kind of like an up and coming Christian artist, walks through his story and just the love of the father, even though he, you know, walked into situations of he had a lot of heartache and a lot of father wounds growing up and ended up turning to. You know, alcohol was his main thing, but he ran into a mentor through a cassette tape and he ended up well, I won't share the whole story but the end all be all was that he was able to share through his experience, through his heartaches, through multiple times of going back to the bottle and being able to freely and being able to freely, you know, open-handedly and open-heartedly share with the audience. You know some of his struggles and, anyways, I just thought I'd share that for those of you who are listening that might want to watch that movie. It might be really freeing for you as well.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we're excited to watch it.

Speaker 4:

And as you're talking, I'm looking at it. Besides the book that Judy created, she created some kind of postcard thing that people can put on their refrigerator and stuff that fits so much into what your entire podcasts have been for this season and the previous ones Speak hope, think hope. The speak hope meaning declarations out loud, not just thinking it, but speaking it out to the world. And think hope, speak, hope it, but speaking it out to the world. And um, think hope, speak hope. Uh, so first of all thinking it but then speaking it out to the world. Making declarations, um, of what's going to happen in your life is certainly that doesn't have to be just about um, think hope and speak hope about your loved one, but about you yourself making declarations about you to think hope and speak hope, and these sort of cool little postcards that people take along with them and we can hand them out to people personally do you guys have those on your website too?

Speaker 3:

uh, we probably should do that yeah bunch of these printed to do connection points. And then 2020 happened, and everything has been sitting in a box in our closet since that time.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, 2020 was a dramatic brain injury for Judy and it eventually led to me getting more involved too, Changed the direction of our ministries.

Speaker 2:

Well, tell us a little bit more about that. Change the direction of our ministries even. Well, tell us a little bit more about that. You know I love we look back on our journey and you know, a lot of times when I'm coaching gals kind of look back for a moment to kind of capture those pivotal you know it's like a pivot point. Right, it's like a pivot point, whether it was something really challenging that pivots us or even something, you know, completely unexpected that causes a pivot Would love to hear more about, you know just even that situation that caused your pivot.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I'll talk about it, because for three weeks Judy has no memory so I could tell her whatever I would want to. She just has to believe me. But I've shared enough with other people that I can be held accountable. This was as only four or five days before we were going to do a help. I have a prodigal zoom session because of COVID going on, including two people in England it was gonna be about 35 people.

Speaker 4:

Four days before that, we went for a bike and I forgot to put the helmets in our vehicle and when we unhooked the bikes realized no helmets. We just decided, well, it's a pretty safe route. But 20 minutes into that safe route, judy was ahead of me on the bike path and she went off the asphalt bike path and then, in trying to get on, the lip was just a little too big to get back on successfully and I remember her trying to put her left foot down as she headed toward the asphalt and didn't make it, so it was her head that slammed against the asphalt and as I got there and trying to determine where the bleeding was coming from, within a minute of that a guy pulled up on a bicycle from the other direction and said D Darrell, can I help you? And he turned out to be someone who used to work with me a couple of years back, and so God had somebody right there already helping through this process that what the enemy meant for evil he was going to do for good, and that was a statement that he spoke to me. Often in the next few weeks, this person helped us take Judy back to where we had our bikes, put them in, and when I got to the hospital she was coughing up blood. And during COVID. Then I had to stay for an hour and a half in the parking ramp until they called me in and said we're making an exception for you because she has two skull fractures, there's a blood clot in her brain and we're too full, and so is the second nearest hospital, so you need to go to the third nearest hospital, which is in downtown Minneapolis. And so she spent over a month there, including the surgery that removed the blood clot from her brain and part of her left temporal lobe to make room for the healing process that was needed.

Speaker 4:

And so we started a caring bridge, because they said the day after the surgery we've monitored her for 24 hours and there's no brain activity. So, based on other serious injuries like this, she might wake up in days, in weeks, in months or never. And so we started a prayer chain and just prayed, first of all, of course, that she would wake up, and in four days she did that. It was a step-by-step thing. The next thing everybody to pray for is that she would remember that she would not be paralyzed on the right side because a part of the left brain was removed, and so that was one of the things Even if she does wake up, she could be paralyzed in the right side. And then, a couple of days into that, we discovered that she was moving her feet and her right hand, her right foot, and so that crisis was passed. And then we prayed that the ventilator would be removed and that she would remember me, because they said, depending on the piece of brain that we removed, her memory, speech or emotions could be affected. And so days later, she whispered that she wanted to talk to Daryl. So that was that. She remembered who I was.

Speaker 4:

And so there's, step by step by step over over a month to CaringBridge. Through CaringBridge we had up to like 32,000 people, hits and stuff of people praying for these step-by-step processes that she would eventually swallow to pass the swallow test, so that when she came home she didn't have this kind of liquid that was put into everything she could swallow without it going into her lungs. And, yeah, there were prayers for no lungs collapsing, no pneumonia, and God just kept answering, step by step. I know that we pray, we believe that God can heal instantly and we declare that many times or pray over people, but God made it pretty clear that he is also a healer through a process, and processes can take time and you can build relationships with people. There may be reasons for this process, even if we don't like it.

Speaker 4:

And over the course of even now, coming june 3rd, um, for four years, um, there's still healing being done. Very, very little now, um, but god has changed her somewhat. She no longer can teach for eight hours of some of the things she used to teach on, and so, but again, that's the reason why I think God is pulling me more into sharing this time with Judy as speaking in front of people, so he has purposes for, again, what the enemy meant for evil, god will turn for good, and declarations were so important to me because he kept telling me different things. Daryl, the only power Satan has over you is the power that you give him.

Speaker 1:

when you fail to trust me, daryl, it's who you are in the storm, that counts Just different.

Speaker 3:

Your heart, daryl, like oh my gosh, I can't even imagine like just all of the inner work that's happened with you walking through this with her right, and he even prayed over the land, he, but our whole household at home, because covid was in full scale disconnection. We they would connect by facebook or fac, but in the midst of all of that I just wanted to be home. A month later I came out and I grieved because I had lost so much as far as being able to think and pray and read scripture.

Speaker 4:

Or you'd read it and it would just would not mean anything, it just there's no connection right.

Speaker 2:

So how, like? How does that look for you today? Because I, honestly, when I met you, like I never would have guessed right.

Speaker 3:

God has done a supernatural healing in me and progressively over time, and there's times where it's just like, oh, I can't really focus on anything. And there was even times where it's just like I could even turn off my brain because it was just too hard to think. And sometimes how many people are feeling like, oh, I just want to disconnect, I just want to escape. And I have so much compassion now because I've been having so many different experiences with my own traumatic brain injuries like I totally get it and understand and how to lead them into being able to rest and let God flow. And there were so many other things that lingered on. I had other fractures that I had to work through. I had had five months after that brain injury, I had a heart attack and had to have two different surgeries.

Speaker 4:

Or more stents put into your arteries.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and so there was just attack after attack, and my big question is God, where are you in all of this? Is God, where are you in all of this? And a year after my brain injury, I'm in church. The day that they would be doing surgery, I had an encounter with God saying that he actually orchestrated saving my life right in the middle of church.

Speaker 4:

A year later that he came down and I'll give you this illustration and this is you envisioning what happened a year before, right during the surgery. Go ahead yeah.

Speaker 3:

So we're in worship and I heard there was a song about the eyes of the Lord come down and all of a sudden I heard in my mind she's crashing, she's crashing. And so the eyes of the Lord came down and orchestrated all the people in that surgery to do the emergency work right at that moment to save my life.

Speaker 2:

Wow, and was that something that they told you at all?

Speaker 3:

No, I feel like I could go back and dig into all the surgical medical records, but I just have to trust because I just sense like, and I've heard God's voice in different ways over my life, so that was a way. And then another piece was two years after that. Like God, where were you in all of this? You could have sped up my healing process Because, like other people, I don't like price process, I like to make miraculous, at least I quick I'm hoping for. And then, two years later, I was at somebody else's funeral and there's that song. I can only imagine that was going on. And all of a sudden I have a flashback of being in heaven. So two years earlier my body, my whole body, was dead. I was brain dead.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, for 24 hours. The only report they gave me was the surgery's done. We've monitored for 24 hours and there's no brain activity. And that's when they said she might wake up or never wake up. So go ahead.

Speaker 3:

And so I'm seeing myself worshiping in heaven, dancing, just like the song said, and all of a sudden I started crying because deep inside of me I missed being there and I started like not sobbing for the person who passed away, I'm sobbing because I'm not in heaven. So it was a real interaction for me. And then all of a sudden I see Jesus come up to me with concern on his face and saying Judy, you need to go back. And he wipes away the tears off of my face and saying Judy, you need to go back. And I was really sad. And yet I sense there is a purpose for me being here, even in the midst of lingering pain or not being able to do what I used to do for prayer, ministry and writing and speaking and talking, and there were some things that were back, but I just felt like I have lost so much, so there must be a greater gain, because here I am on earth again, and so I live in that reality now what was also make tying this in is, um.

Speaker 4:

Two years before then, when the either the day the morning after the surgery, or the morning after the injury, or the morning after the surgery, the first thing that occurred to me when I woke up was the thought of Daryl, she's worshiping me in heaven. And for two years, all she had was me saying well, that's what God told me on one of the very first days after your injury is you're worshiping her in heaven. And then, two years later, to have sort of a confirmation of that as jesus wiping those tears away, saying it's time to go back, those two things were powerful connection two years apart, wow judy, oh my gosh.

Speaker 2:

Daryl, oh you guys. So since then, I know you, you, you are birthing or in the midst of. Well, tell us another. You have another ministry, you have a lot going on and you're still going. And if you're okay with me asking your age, I think that this will encourage somebody, somebody who even my I'm. I'm going to be 40, I'll be 47 later this year, and I talked to some people who are in even their early 40s. They're like, oh it's, you know, it's just too late. You know, like it's, you know, my time has passed and I'm, I'm all about no, no, no, let's your time to get refired. You're not retiring, you're refiring. So if you're okay with sharing, you don't have to give exact age. If you'd like to, you can. But I do really feel like, um, you know part of my, you know, calling women up specifically, no matter the age is.

Speaker 4:

Go, look in the bible how many people were of older age that were still going and making waves with a november I'm exactly 70 and a half years old and with the September birthday, Judy's 66 and almost 67. So 70 and 67. And actually two years ago, when I retired from my work, we felt God gave me the phrase that we're going to go from retirement to refirement. So I said that in my speech to all the people at my company, thanking him for a great time there and and saying I'm going from retirement to refirement. And you use that phrase now too, and I love it.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, when I say that people are like, oh my gosh, I love that phrase. I'm like, well, it's, it's true, because I don't. I don't know about you guys, but I feel like if God's calling me to do something, and I love it and even if I don't feel comfortable doing it all the time, I'm going to do it and I don't feel like we're called to just go sit on a couch, like once you retire. You're not called to just go gallivant around the world and, you know, eat bonbonsbons, like there's still a mission that we have until the day we die. Do you agree?

Speaker 3:

yeah, and I come up with little um bulbs. So I hear like, uh, 40 is full of god's glory and, yeah, 50s, it's really nifty 60 still alive000.

Speaker 4:

still alive, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Love it. You guys are amazing. So what are you up to now? What are you guys up to now?

Speaker 3:

We are. Last fall we started hosting a group that is supporting people that are prodigals or estranged people and that was purely by a request to come to a Lutheran church and host it or people. Well, this woman had not seen or talked to her son for seven years or thereabout, and she said all we do is sit and cry and feel sorry for ourselves, and wouldn't it be nice to have this help? I have a prodigal group so that they can come together and learn from God, his true nature towards them, but also have support and prayer and encouragement, and we have been holding it from September till May, going through the book, and it's been very growing and there was was a lot of emotional release to these times and encouraging even amongst themselves.

Speaker 3:

but we were kind of the hosts that gave different illustrations, like the jewel. We have other illustrations we've used throughout the nine months we were together, or the 10, 10, 12 sessions, and they have gotten to the point where they don't want to separate because now they feel there's a sense of community and fellowship and prayer support and some of these things have just the prayer support. We even have this thing by text message and they're like oh, please pray for this is really difficult with a prodigal right. Then they're like, oh, please pray for this is really difficult with a prodigal right. Then. And then all of a sudden God comes through with an answer or an affirmation or a solution that we just celebrate with them.

Speaker 4:

And we're still trying to explore this because we're not a counseling group that could go on for years. Once the contents of the book have been explained, it's like, well, do we start over with a different group? But the pastor and the person that Judy mentioned and us would all like to expand it. So during the summer we'll be advertising it in different ways to Christian psychologists and to other ways, and we're going to have perhaps what we think is a larger group and we realize we can't be every place for every group that might start up. So that's the purpose for having during this June and July August time, hopefully God helping us to create a study guide where Judy and Daryl do not have to be in every group, but with a study guide for chapter 1 through 10, you can go to a YouTube channel to hear the two of us speak a little bit about this chapter, then go back to your study guide and continue through the questions.

Speaker 4:

And that's our goal is to create something that we do not have to be at all the time. But the group wants to continue and for another year at least, we will continue and invite new people in there and just learn what happens as you go from a small group to perhaps a larger group, and God may raise leaders there to say, hey, we're going to break into small groups because people share better in a small group, and so God may be doing this to grow leaders from the first year. And we just have no idea yet. We're still only you. God knows what's going to happen with this group that does not want to stop.

Speaker 2:

And that's a testimony right there that you know the power of having community around you. Prayer, your, your book came from your own experience of you know, walking through literally the fire and now you came out with keys to give other people. So, if I'm hearing right, is this something that you think you know you could even raise up, help, you know, just kind of raise up some leaders that would then facilitate groups even around the world, because I'm seeing this like I'm seeing this around the world may even hold a leadership, you know, a one or two-day leadership conference so that they are able to be equipped to host it, because a lot of people that are going to lead this have their own prodigals Like.

Speaker 3:

sometimes they're a prodigal brother or sister, or mother or father.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, not just parents, Not only just children.

Speaker 3:

And we have had other groups before, like a group of small Christian university parents or just the moms, or we had I spoke at a women's event, day Set Apart for Women, or we had a small group and another group that had all sorts of co-ed and then we also, this current group, is like some of the prodigals are alcoholics, some are just estranged because of the family dynamics for years or all of a sudden they said, oh, we need boundaries. And that just decimates the parents. Because what's going on with that?

Speaker 4:

Or lifestyles that indicate they've walked away from the Lord, and so various reasons why they have a prodigal loved one, and we let them determine for themselves if they have a prodigal. We don't at all try to make a definition, to tell them, even in the book. You decide if you have a prodigal and if you do, there's help here.

Speaker 3:

And the key is that we are all hurting, and so God wants restoration, and some of that comes through fellowship, rather than sitting at home saying, oh, what's the next strategy that I can do to get emotionally clean and how much more therapy family therapy we need, or individual therapy, but mainly we need therapy done by God himself.

Speaker 4:

First and foremost yeah, what's nice is with from our inner healing prayer ministry that's been on since 2010. Judy has connected with christian psychiatrists, psychologists, who, yeah, we recommend people back and forth. The inner healing stuff is meant for like a one time, two time at the most. But for people who need ongoing stuff, we recommend them to a christian what do you call psychologist and therapist? And they likewise if they feel like boy, there's something deep um needs to be pulled out through a session interacting with god. They send people to us and so there's a network of of people that can be used in the future as we perhaps create a study guide that this we do not have to be every place, like you said. If it's for the world, well then, if it's outside of minnesota or or the united states, with a study guide, um and some hints that, and perhaps a leadership conference to train those leaders, it can go beyond just the two of us physically appearing someplace yes, so are you.

Speaker 2:

Are you guys writing the study guide together?

Speaker 4:

yeah, um, we work best sometimes separate. One of them creates and the other one modifies rather than sit together. So we have to laugh at the dynamics that god has created in us, and it'll be both a testimony and a chance to grow iron or sparks flying, um, as we create it's the refiring working together, right um?

Speaker 2:

so so, judy, you initially wrote the first book, right? Um? Did you write that one together or did you write that? Um? Obviously it was a holy ghost writer book. Yeah, co-writing. But, daryl, did you help with that book too?

Speaker 4:

only with grammatical stuff afterwards and things like that. So that was an example of being in the background. You create and I'll make comments and whether the constructive criticism.

Speaker 2:

Hopefully that's the goal yes, I like to say constructive feedback, because it's just nicer. What do you think?

Speaker 4:

Thank you, I will use that in the next three months.

Speaker 2:

Because it doesn't go together, does it? Do you think constructive criticism goes?

Speaker 4:

together. I love it and it's accurate.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't fit. I'm a big word person, like I'm a wordsmith, so he's constantly showing me like let's flip the script. Excellent Thank you, I love it Well, so this one, you're actually, you're giving more voice to.

Speaker 4:

Yes, a joint creation this time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So can I ask, like with your son, is this something that he even like kind of gives voice to or is involved in this ministry side at all?

Speaker 4:

Well, to be honest, once when we share with some of our kids, he sort of said I don't necessarily want to hear too much because it brings me back to the past, and I don't think it's an open wound, and every time we talk it's just. The first chapter of our book tells most of the what we shared about what happened um, probably some things that we didn't share here, and so he doesn't need to be a part of that because he's beyond that, and so we want to honor that to the best of our ability yeah, he he is.

Speaker 3:

he is a an example of somebody who's been totally transformed. He's happily married, he has two beautiful grandchildren which we love to see, and he is just very spirit-filled and is ready to go and serve and look for ways to grow. Other people and encourage other people. Other people and encourage other people.

Speaker 4:

And we see a gift of prophecy from Judy's grandma to her, to this son and another spouse and sibling, and so it's fun to have him share the dreams he has or prophetic words he gets, and so it's true of any kid, a child, if you interact to see how God is interacting with them hopefully appreciating the different gifts and not comparing one child to another, but he has different spiritual gifts that are coming out since then.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and he's also well aware of spiritual warfare because we wore it for him and we had even an encounter with him during those four days of in and out of reality. The book is very. One of the reasons God had me write this book is because spiritual warfare happens a lot, but people are not really aware of how to deal with it.

Speaker 3:

Sometimes it might be something a generational mindset like, or it might be like alcoholism comes down the family line, or it might be uh something where it's just like warring against our own, like fear or anger, or uh warring against, uh, just the enemy speaking lies into ourselves, like you can't sleep because you're thinking about this. And how do I solve this? How do I solve that and how can we bring our, our mind, willing emotions, at peace at night? And there's even a small chapter on that.

Speaker 4:

So and you mentioned generational stuff. Based on our experiences, we know other christians. Some believe, well, once you've been born again and your new creation, all things have passed, that there's absolutely no such thing as generational curses. Nothing that's passed and all we can say is I experienced it.

Speaker 4:

The fear that I mentioned was the biggest one for me. I saw it in my grandmother, I saw it in my mother, worrying about crops and failures and stuff, and I see it in me. And so when it came time for me to do inner healing stuff on myself, I had to what I would call break generational curses and and put a stake in the ground and say you will not pass from me into my children. God has not given me a spirit of fear, but a power, loving, a sound mind and and I I do not partner with the past and again, christians can differ as to other. They even believe in something past, generationally. We find some resistance in in some groups but others. It makes it very clear and in the healing sessions we deal with that many times and Judy mentioned it made me mention what I had to go through with the fear based of what's happening to our loved one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I actually never had heard about generational things until I had. Well, I was saved in a church that really didn't expand on the basics, so it was just a lot of kind of learning the last, I would say the last seven years. I was saved back in 2003. Yeah, it's, and it would have been nice to know back then. It would have been nice to know the um, yeah, just that there was a lot that needed to be.

Speaker 4:

I need to be delivered in essence from right, yeah, even deliverance can scare, people, uh, so yep yeah, and the inner healing like I had.

Speaker 2:

Um, I think my first sozo session was in 2017 and it it really it just broke open. I I felt like you know, kind of like what you were saying was, you know, breaking off those generational curses. Like I have been told by several people that I'm like a breaker in the family, and I'm sure you guys are as well. It sounds like, and I don't know. For me, what I've noticed is there's a lot of arrows that come at me, but I keep going. There's a lot of arrows that come at me, but I keep going. Like I I feel like there's just a lot warring, um, that tries to war against me and the mission. Um, but we have, we have power tools that can defeat the enemy, right?

Speaker 4:

power tools. I like that and picturing whether it's going to get power tools. Yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Power tools are not silent. Oh yeah. Yeah, that's where it's just like. I will not partner with spirit of fear. I just go that. I use the scripture 2 Timothy 1.7, which says Daryl, God does not give me a spirit of fear, but a power of love and a sound mind.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I use a scripture 2, timothy, 1.7, which says Daryl, well, yes, god does not give me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a son.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, and so that's really good. And another piece is just how do you deal with when you see the enemy is really working in your prodigal's life? The enemy is really working in your prodigal's life, and so there's even a part of how to do that, because we are connected in our mind, willing emotions, to that prodigal, and so to be able to forgive what they're doing and asking God, what should I pray about that situation, into blessing them rather than saying God, change them, god change them. And it's just one of my favorite things was to pray God, give them dreams and visions of interactions with you in the night, or put people in your path that they will have a God encounter without me even knowing about it, and so those are really powerful things. You're blessing your prodigal with having dreams and visions from God.

Speaker 4:

I really like that part about other people, because we maybe want to try to fix our kids ourselves, but God may be using somebody else who can do it better than us, because perhaps we've done some things to pull them away, and I think we've seen that in a few cases that it's powerful to have someone else come alongside your loved one, and so pray for that.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's good that's good, that's, that's a huge key because, um, you know, we, we can't control people, um, but we can impact them, right. So I mean, just, I think, when you say interceding, like it's, it's being that, um, you know, creating that bridge between you, know, God, and somebody else to then meet your child or your spouse or your family member, because we, we can't carry that weight on our shoulders. Ask me how, I know, once we release it, um, you know, I, I think I think things move. Yeah, sorry, my dogs keep barking, we've got lots of squirrels visiting here today. Um, but, yeah, we, you know, once I, even myself, or for other people in my family and such, when I, you know, fully surrendered them.

Speaker 2:

And then, you know, I don't know about you guys, but it's easy to kind of come back and go okay, god, like I'm going to try to like control this. It's a whole process, right, it's a process to fully surrender the people, because we love our people, we love them and we want to see the best for them and we think we know what's best. And you know, I just look over, you know, my own journey and look back and it's wild how God has marked my steps to, like you said, what the enemy meant for evil, he's now using for good. Just my own journey. I shouldn't even be sitting here talking to you, but I believe that there were people interceding on my behalf back when I was really sideways, you know, wandering.

Speaker 3:

Your pursuit has really showed that God has renewed your mind, to renew our mind, to get rid of disappointment or feeling blame, shame, or feeling judged, and that's hard to let go of. And, god, if we've asked for forgiveness, we have let go of it. But our mind keeps saying, oh, I have to go back to that, confess it again. Keep saying, oh, I have to go back to that, confess it again. But scripture says we can be free Whom the Son has set free. We can be free, indeed, but to be free means to be aligning to God's heart for ourselves and our loved ones.

Speaker 4:

Boy. That reminds me so many times in these inner healing prayer sessions it's great to have men coming more and more, and so I deal with the men. A verse that comes up so often is 1 John 1, 9. Now, if we confess our sins, god is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, but the next part and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So not only have you been forgiven, but you've got to stop hounding yourself because you've been cleansed. Any attempt of past guilt and condemnation is not from God. It's from the enemy who's come to kill, steal and destroy, which is John 10.10. But you've been forgiven and cleansed and like taking a shower, the stuff has gone down the drain and you're not meant to be hounded. It's not from the Lord and you're not meant to be hounded.

Speaker 2:

It's not from the Lord. Yeah, I was thinking about that earlier today, and just how many, even myself, but how many people for years. It's this unwinding right. There's an unwinding that has to happen in the mind because those grooves whether it was people that spoke ill of you, um, or you know, just over yourself. You know we talked about earlier the power of our words, like I was hearing somebody today talking about their body and kind of cursing their own body and I thought, oh my gosh, I mean again, we need to flip the script because our body is going to respond to that yeah yeah, this is right and I think, that's a lot of why we see so much disease.

Speaker 2:

Um, autoimmune issues, uh, stem from trauma, but I I also believe that they stem from just our own self. You know hate, self-deprecation. Would you guys agree to that?

Speaker 3:

100% yes or not being able to release the trauma and the drama of life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Well, we could talk forever. I'm sure I might have to have you guys on again.

Speaker 3:

I think it would be good to talk about declarations. We've talked only about alcohol and pretty much drug abuse situations. There's so much more dynamics that God wants to heal, and I even have stories about how God rewired my mind or my thinking, just by bringing me back to a little simple memory that it was just like well, that's a lie. You're believing about the nature of god. So now, partner with the truth, and those are so powerful for me personally. Uh, I could.

Speaker 4:

I'm sure I could write a book but it you've done maybe over a thousand inner healing prayer sessions and me a couple hundred, and stories that can come out in another talk discussion about how people have been set free from things. It's the key in these sessions. It's just we're not counseling but asking Father, son or Holy Spirit questions and listening for the voice. Jesus says my sheep hear my voice. So Jesus said I'm giving you voice. So and Jesus said I'm giving you a counselor who will guide and teach you. So we have every expectation of being able to hear God's voice because we have a 24 seven counselor living inside of us and these sessions just go with the expectation and the declaration that you will hear from the Lord. Now let's ask him questions.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and I love that. I mean, you know I'm a life coach and I get to ask questions as well that draw out, you know, like gold or keys, different revelations, and it's so beautiful because we all have these areas that, in essence, like I feel like I do deliverance in a different way, just like you guys are doing deliverance in your way to help set people free. Um, so I love that we each have this beautiful peace and pathway to help set others free. I'm just so thankful for the work that you guys are doing and, like I said, I would love to have you guys back. Um, can I give you just maybe a little idea? I'm like declarations what if you guys did something on that YouTube?

Speaker 4:

oh, yeah, yeah, that would be really good, it will definitely be when the chapter comes up in declarations in the book. That's what we expect to have, as the people for chapter 10 or whatever, go to YouTube and there will be something on declarations.

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely well, you guys have such a or 10 or whatever. Go to YouTube and there'll be something on declarations. Yes, absolutely Well, you guys have such a beautiful treasure trove of freedom that you are just beautifully releasing to the world and I'm so thankful that I had a chance to interview you today and, like I said, yes, I would love to have you back. Can you just share verbally what is your website name?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, thank you. There's two of them One for the Inner Healing Prayer Ministry, nephrosministriesorg Nephros is the Greek word for kidney N-E-P-H-R-O-S-M-I-N-I-S-T-R-I-E-S. Nephrosministriesorg O-R-G. And then for the Help. I have a Prodigal. We put that under restoringtheruimsorg because we thought there could be other stuff going, but it's in a sense restoring the family ruins, in this case by prodigals. But God has other ideas, I think, for us to put it under. So actually, I think, if you typed in help, I have a prodigal. We've made it so that it takes you to restoringtheruinsorg. Restoringtheruinsorg. One continual word.

Speaker 3:

And we haven't really done much with this website, but in the next couple weeks we're going to get it relaunched, because I haven't had the ability to post things, and now God's given me poetry and metaphors and I have a real heart for young Gen Z population, because I taught high school biology. And there is so much more things that are going to be released, but God has to orchestrate it without me going on my own piece again. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Step by step, right, it's one at a time, and it's beautiful what he's doing through both of you. I'm so glad you were able to come on. So if you were to think of, you know, the one person who's listening in today, is there anything else that you would want to say to them specifically? And then would you just pray us out?

Speaker 4:

You should say one thing and you can pray it out Don't do it alone. When we started these prodigal groups and we tried to picture doing all this in the day, we had to leave only so much time for these little small groups, and we were stunned that the people did not want to leave the small groups because they were meeting with other people and hearing and crying together about their, their loved ones, and and so don't do it alone, because other people are out there who have the same problem with you. And if you don't find a group of people, it's a similar thing to have a support group that will support you, even if they're not going through it.

Speaker 3:

For me, it's don't do it alone, judy and we are even looking at maybe doing zoom support sessions. So we'd love to have contact information from you to be involved some way somehow. Uh, so there is a contact link so you want to yeah.

Speaker 3:

So let me point that out. So, jesus, you know how to orchestrate all of this. You lived on earth and you saw people that are really hurting and you stopped for the one and you've been teaching us to do that. But then there's also community and fellowship, especially especially those that are in pain, even in the same church or the same neighborhood, and a lot of it. We just put masks on and say I'm okay, but deep down we're not, and so we ask for you, god, to orchestrate this connection, thank you for the connection with Kristen, to be able to broadcast what is on our hearts and what is on your heart. And so we just thank you, god, that you are orchestrating this.

Speaker 3:

So the people listening here may be some of those people that are the seeds to plant into others, so that they know others, so that something can grow. Where people are dead, they can be connected to Jesus, and we even say that to the prodigals right now are dead, they can be connected to Jesus, and we even say that to the prodigals right now no longer dead be resurrected by the loving relationship that Jesus has been being held for them. So we just say yes and amen to that and we just speak, peace that passes. Understanding for those people that listen to this that they will start getting small steps in progress in connecting to God in a deeper way, and I just declare over them you are loved by God, father. God, jesus and Holy Spirit to be able to grow and know more of the nature of God, so that their minds will be renewed and stay that way. In Jesus' name, we pray Amen.

Speaker 2:

Well, you both are brave voices, setting others free. So thank you. I am going to close with our anchoring verse for Hope, unlocked it is, may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace and believing so that by the power of the holy spirit you may abound in hope, and that's romans 15 13. I'm imagining that that's probably an anchoring verse for you guys too that's why we're laughing yes, I'm guessing I love it.

Speaker 2:

Well, I love this connection. It's beautiful. Hope is I'm a hope igniter that's one of my little titles that the Lord has given me and I say you guys are both hope igniters as well. So, again, we will have all of the contact information for Judy and Daryl in the show notes. Please reach out to them If you want to hear more about what they're doing, if you want to help out. I just know that there's some really beautiful connections out there. So you want to hear more about what they're doing, if you want to help out, I just know that there's some really beautiful connections out there. So reach out to them and I will be back with another episode next week. Thanks, judy and Daryl. Thank you.

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