Hope Unlocked πŸ”‘

Dana Jarvis's Path to Building a Ministry of Hope

β€’ Kristin Kurtz β€’ Season 2 β€’ Episode 72

Have you ever wondered how to transform pain into a powerful ministry? Dana Jarvis shares her deeply moving journey from facing personal tragedies, like her father's battle with leukemia and her son's struggle with addiction, to becoming a beacon of hope through her online ministry, Hezekiah's Wall. Her story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of faith.

Public speaking often feels like a giant wall for many, but Dana and I know firsthand how to climb this wall and find our voices. With the encouragement of a spiritual mama/mentor, Dana moved from the comfort of working behind the scenes to stepping onto the public stage. In this episode, we discuss the importance of prayer, music, and scripture in battling fears and emphasize that your voice has the power to break chains and offer hope to those in need. If you've ever felt the crippling fear of public speaking, our conversation will inspire you to release your ROAR.

This episode isn't just about overcoming fears; it's about stepping out in faith and obedience, even when the path ahead is unclear. Dana recounts her journey of launching "Splash of Hope," a weekly prophetic prayer initiative, and how it has transformed lives, including her own. We also touch on the significance of community, support, and trusting God's guidance. If you're facing personal barriers, Dana's story will encourage you to move forward with courage and confidence. Join us for a deeply enriching conversation that underscores the power of faith, support, and resilience.

Dana's Contact Info:
Website - https://hezekiahswall.weebly.com/

Resources Mentioned:
Dana's books
Echo of Healing and Deliverance Church Online (FB Group)
Hezekiah's Wall Ministry (FB Group)

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm your host, kristen Kurtz, and I'm also the founder of New Wings Coaching, where I empower and unlock women to soar in their calling and roar with their voices. If you're curious to learn more about how coaching can help you unlock your potential, be sure to explore the show notes for ways to connect with me further. Get ready to dive in as we uncover empowering keys and insights in this episode. So tune in and let's unlock hope together. Welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm Kristen Kurtz, your host.

Speaker 1:

I pray this episode is like a holy IV of hope for your soul. Please help me welcome my friend Dana Jarvis to the show. I am just so excited for her to share more about herself and her story, what she's up to these days. She's just another really sweet friend that I've met through social media and I am just so thankful for social media in that aspect. I know for some of you, social media may be not your most favorite place, but I would love just and maybe this is just a key for somebody today just kind of open your heart to, maybe even you know reaching out to new people today, because there are so many incredible women around the world that might be waiting for you. So I'll leave it at that. But, dana, would you just mind just sharing a little bit about yourself, and then we'll get into your story.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I just want to say hello to everyone who's listening. Say hello to everyone who's listening. I am Dana Jarvis. I currently reside in Virginia. I am the minister of a ministry that is online, hezekiah's Wall. I will share later the testimony of how that came to be, because it kind of came through the passing of my dad and I currently have an online church that actually has just been launched within the last couple of days, so definitely been working on that. I am the mother to I'll marry and just basically to describe me, I guess you could say the Lord gave me a word a long time ago to describe me and that was a wildflower in a gave me a word a long time ago to describe me. That was a wildflower in a field of roses. So that's about the best way to describe me, but that's just about me. I love to write. I have authored, you know, three books. Currently, that writing season has kind of been put to the side because of the online church platform, but I do hope to write again soon.

Speaker 1:

OK, well, what was like? Can you share like maybe even your first book what that journey looked like for you in the name of it? We'll be sure to. If you would like us to share the links to your book in the show notes, I can definitely do that as well share the links to your book in the show notes?

Speaker 2:

I can definitely do that as well. Okay, when I went to write the first book, I had always wanted to publish a book. Even when I was in high school I wanted to publish a book. I loved to write. My writing style, of course, changed because when you're in high school I guess you could say I wasn't really walking with the Lord because I was a young teenager. So I kind of went from writing like Edgar Allan Poe over to Christian type writing, and my first book is mainly the true life experiences. It's a book of encouragement and some miracles that me and my son had experienced in our life, some that I had experienced with an injury he had and you know, a miracle where I was saved when a gun went off, and different things like that just to kind of let you know what the book entails.

Speaker 2:

There is true stories mixed with some devotions, and it was just the best feeling ever after I published that book. I just praise God that I was able to complete that, because writing is just a passion of mine.

Speaker 1:

I love that. So how long ago was your first book published?

Speaker 2:

Oh, my goodness, that was back in. It was before 2015 when the first one came out. It's been out for a good long time. My most recent one has been within the last year or two and that was more centered toward addiction. Because as a mother, I've walked with a son who faced addiction and he overcame it. Praise God, with God's help, he did come out of it. But that kind of you know tells what he went through and, as a parent, how I had to be there and stand by him and pray him through that ordeal well, what a gift to be able to, you know, have a book that you know families can turn to in those times.

Speaker 1:

Um, not only I can only imagine the amount of encouragement that you pour out in the book, because I know you as a huge encourager personally about, um, just even this journey, even the last you know since 2015, I think, was there something, uh, just kind of pivotal that happened in your life to kind of shift you into what you're doing now?

Speaker 2:

With Hezekiah. I had started writing way before 2015. And you know I wrote for, like Spirit Fuel, elijah Lewis, different ones like that. But come 2015, my dad was diagnosed with leukemia. That was probably one of the hardest battles I've ever faced. I remember putting my face up against the wall like Hezekiah did in the Bible, and I begged for my dad's life to be spared, because I didn't want him to leave. I just did not want to see him go through this because it was a terrible battle. But through that I saw God spare his life a little longer. But in 2015, he did finally pass away and he went on to be with the Lord, and it was right.

Speaker 2:

After Dad passed, the Lord spoke to me and he said these two words. He said he hasiah's wall. And immediately I saw in my spirit the very picture of me with my head, my face, embedded into that wall, crying and praying for my dad. And I knew then that the ministry was about to shift. Everything was about to shift because I felt it, and that's how Hezekiah's wall, the name of my ministry, came to be and it just changed me. I can honestly say, from that day forward, the lord changed me through that, because you know, when you're going through an ordeal like that, sometimes you do just want to press your face into that wall and just scream yeah, and that's where I was. And I know that there's probably other people that can relate to that. But through that I was forever changed. I know where he's at, I miss him terribly and you learn to just keep moving forward. But but through that, hezekiah's wall was birthed into my life.

Speaker 1:

Wow, so prior to hezekiah's wall was birthed into my life, wow, so prior to Hezekiah's wall, I know you mentioned you were doing some writing Like, how did you obviously you're very prophetic, like you're writing Just kind of tell me a little bit more of this journey. To me, even coming to that point, what did that look like for you, your journey with the Lord and discovering your gifts and all the goodness that's within you?

Speaker 2:

I started out as a very shy, a very withdrawn girl. Ministry was not anything that was on my mind. I would go into a church service. I'd sit in the far back, hid from everybody. I did not want to be took up front, I did not want to be centered on nothing. I did not want to be centered on nothing. The Lord really had to drag me out, so to speak. He was persistent with me. The writing was okay because I was behind the computer, nobody saw me, nobody heard me. I could do this. This was comfortable for me. Then, all of a sudden, that comfort zone got took out from under me and he wanted to branch me out after dad died, into doing videos, which is something I was not comfortable with. You know, I remember meeting a conversation with God saying I cannot do this, you have the wrong person. I'm not a speaker, my voice sounds funny. I mean, I could come up with every excuse there was and he would not. You know, the Lord does not take no for an answer. He was very persistent, very patient with me. I finally did branch out and do this and when I did, it was the most freeing experience that I had ever felt Because, like I said that shyness was more of a hindrance to me than anything.

Speaker 2:

I didn't feel them like that. It hindered me from stepping out. I wanted to be so much bolder than what I was. I didn't speak. I knew that I would watch these speakers online and I said I wish I had that boldness to speak and I wish I could say what was in me, because I wanted so much of the Lord and I wanted to press in for it.

Speaker 2:

And, believe you me, I prayed for the gifts. I prayed. I went to other churches to try to experience what I was looking for, because I was hungry for God and the things of God, but I was so shy. So I started to pray Lord, give me boldness when I take this shyness away from me, because I don't want it anymore. And over the years I've seen that shyness leave me and there's more of a boldness that has rose up in me. And I've, you know, videos. Now I don't fear them anymore like I once did, you know, to get up in front of crowds Sometimes I still get butterflies yeah, yeah, it's a computer screen, but the Lord has helped me to minister in front of people. I praise him for that, but I still need to work on that area just a little bit, because I can really do the computer screen and corresponded with people, but up in front of a group of people. I'm still working on yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, can you like, can you even recall like a time, you know just do you feel like it was something that either somebody had said to you or you just kind of had this inner feeling that you were shy, you know, growing up, or maybe something in high school? Can you recall just even anything in your life that might have kind of Ever since I was a little girl.

Speaker 2:

Now my mom and I'm not saying it's because of her she's shy like that. She's still to this very day. You can say anything and her face would turn red. But I remember as a child I was very quiet, I was very shy because I mean, anybody would speak to me and I would kind of be the type of girl that would hide behind my mom and nobody really that I recall said anything or did anything. It's just kind of it was there and as I went to school you've got those that'll bully you and say things to you. And I think that it came from a lot of that too, because once somebody says something, you kind of take it on, you believe it, and that makes it even worse. You just kind of want to hide yourself behind everybody else. And I had a lot of bullying experiences in school.

Speaker 2:

You know you got these up in higher grades that think that they're better, I guess you could say, and they like to pick at people. Well, that's kind of my experience when I was in, especially in high school days. You know you got eighth grade and you've got a senior over here. You know picking at you and they know better. I mean, they're girls picking on girls, basically. But I think that that had a lot to do with my shyness through the school years.

Speaker 1:

Well and I think you know a lot of times, just even in the women that I've talked to and you know, as we were talking even before we started interviewing like part of my coaching is helping to unlock women's voices to roar Right, because that's part of my story too is just just being more comfortable as what I would call like a stage hand, like somebody behind the curtain helping other people go out and do their thing Right. And he was like for me, especially last year, like okay, your voice is going to be stretched and it took a lot of prodding, just like you, to kind of take me out from behind the shadows in greater ways. But what.

Speaker 1:

I've noticed in talking to a lot of the women that I, you know, happen to connect with. These women have such a bold message in them, but there's, like you know, the enemy is really trying to hold them back from speaking. Um, absolutely because they carry so much within their sound. Would you agree with that, with yourself as well?

Speaker 2:

I would, because I had had a prophet tell me the devil was trying to silence you and it's not with the fear. And there was a lot of fear in me the first time I got up to speak and my spiritual mama, who is now went on to be with me. She's the one that really pushed me. She said there's something in you that needs to come out and you know, the line in you is not asleep anymore, and that's what I would say to any woman that feels like it's locked up. The line in you is not asleep anymore. He is very much awake and it's time to roar with that message that God has put within them.

Speaker 1:

Because that's kind of how I was yes, when was the first time that you like stepped on stage in front of a group? How long ago was that?

Speaker 2:

that has been about since. Let's see, the first time was 20, 2021 maybe so pretty recently. Yeah, it wasn't. I did a lot of the online ministry until I met my spiritual mother. That has passed, she's passed on now. She had a church and she's actually the one that God used to branch me out onto the platform in front of people. She had to work with me too. It was kind of like one of those pool and dirt situations because I told her. I said you know, I'm comfortable sitting behind the screen. She said, yeah, but he needs you to actually look them in the face and touch them and minister to them, and I love to do that. Once I get into it and once I get past that fear, I'm fine. It's like he takes over and I don't even think about it anymore. But it's just me. Getting that platform to start is the thing.

Speaker 1:

What does it look like for you just tangibly? Let's just say Dana's going to go speak on July 1st 2024 like how would you kind of prepare yourself to to step on that stage and speak? Is there anything that that you've learned? Just praying over yourself, having others pray over you? You know what I'm saying. Like, is there something that you found that really helps just dissipate that fear?

Speaker 2:

I would just pray and play certain music. I would pray, I would speak over myself you know scripture over myself. I would try to fight that fear because, believe you me, that fear will hit me every time right before, like a couple hours before I'm ready to go. You know the feeling of you can't do this. You know you're going to start messing up in front of all these people. But I realized that I'm human and even if I may mess up, as long as I get that message out, that's what he wanted me to do, because it was for somebody. If I hold it back, then they've not received what he needed them to receive and I try to keep that in mind when I go to prepare to do one of those type services.

Speaker 1:

So you, what I'm hearing is you. You might be hearing these lies, but you've got these, like I like to call. Flip the script to like battle. Oh, you can't speak, or oh you, oh, you know there is it?

Speaker 2:

kind of the same lie coming every time yes, usually it is, because he usually torments me with the same thing. You know you're gonna mess up. All these people's gonna be looking at you. You know trying to keep me as the focus, because you know I came from a place that I didn't want to be everybody's focus Because I was easy. My face would turn red, I would stutter, kind of like a monster situation. I didn't think I was eloquent enough to speak and the Lord had told me your voice carries more than what you think it does.

Speaker 1:

Basically it may sound funny to you, but to others it's carrying what they need so good. Well, I love that and I hope the listeners are hearing this For anybody who has had kind of that war on your voice, if there's. Maybe you've been invited to speak and you're like, oh no, I can't do that, I can't do that, I can't do that, and it's like what would you say to that that person specifically today? Like just a word over that situation.

Speaker 2:

I would tell them yes, you can. You can do more than you think you can. You're stronger than you think you are and basically, like that quote braver than what you believe. But you know, I'm coming from a place where I did not want to speak. It was to the point that the Lord was giving me dreams and I tried to get me to align up with what he needed me to do and don't believe the lies of the enemy, because that's just it. He is a liar and the father of it and he's trying to steal your voice, because there's something there that somebody else needs desperately and you know it may break them out of a depression. You just don't know that one word could break them out of something that they can't seem to get free from, and it may give them hope for the situation that they're walking through.

Speaker 2:

So don't ever bottle up what you got, because if we're ever in a time that it needs to be released, that time is now.

Speaker 1:

Yes, amen, yes, yes and yes. Well, can you think of, I mean just even an example, a testimony of you know a time where maybe there was you know kind of it felt like there was a wall trying to keep you from speaking and you heard, maybe from somebody specifically on the other side, that once you pushed past that wall and released your sound, what did that? What's it? Do you have an example kind of coming to mind?

Speaker 2:

I always felt like that there was a wall. I kept, like I said, even with my spiritual mama. I would say she is the one that you know would speak to me and tell me the most you have something to release, you have to release it. And you know she just had to keep pressing that into me because you know there would always be a wall. Come up like you're going to forget. I would hate to get on a platform that was my worst fear and forget what I'm getting ready to say. But she always said when you start speaking, the spirit will flow, and I found that to be true. Once you start this kind of steps inside of you just takes over and it just flows so easily and every wall that was there just breaks. But it was really her that prompted me and I know the lord put her in my life for that reason, because I needed somebody to bring that side of me a little bit further from the internet.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, he likes to take us out of our comfort zone sometimes, but that's a good thing, I mean because he brings us out, you know yeah absolutely, and would you agree that we need other people in our lives that are you know, I've been called an eagle mama who kind of flicks the babies out of the nest to soar? Would you agree that we need people in our lives who are going to do similar to that, where we we get comfortable? Do you know about the eagle's nest and how like it's really fluffy for a while and then all of a sudden the mom starts pulling the fluff out. Yeah, it's really uncomfortable, like it starts poking them with the little sticks and it gets to a point where it's time Time to go.

Speaker 1:

Time to fly.

Speaker 2:

I totally agree with having people in your life to do that. You know, iron sharpens iron and you need to have those people in your life. That's going to sharpen you, that's going to encourage you and push you, because they see in you what you don't see.

Speaker 2:

And it's like her she saw something in me that I didn't see in myself I didn't have enough confidence in myself to do it, but she could see it and the lord used her to show it to me to prompt me to be kind of like you said, that eagle pushing me out to sword. It was time to leave the nest and for many you know that might hear this it's time to leave the nest, you know, because I feel like that is a word somebody needs to grab a hold of.

Speaker 1:

It's time yeah, I've been saying it's due time, like it's it's overdue time. So have you had you know? I don't know where you've spoken maybe on a stage or what have you but have you had anybody that's like kind of come up to you after and was just like I needed to hear that today?

Speaker 2:

Yes, I have. I have had, like I said, I've had one girl that she said she felt led to come there and I had prayed with her and she had gotten free from some things that she needed to get free from. I've spoke words over others that said that they don't even know how I knew that when I didn't speak. But I have had several people you know come to me after the fact and say thank you, I really needed that.

Speaker 1:

Well, and part of I'll just share, part of why I have Dana here today is because do you mind me sharing what you do on Saturday?

Speaker 2:

Oh no, that's totally fine, you can share it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I've been getting these just amazing hope-filled encouragement, exhortation, prophetic words in my messenger on Saturdays, and there has been so many times that it's just been so on point and so on time, because I'm walking through a pretty wild faith journey right now. Now, and you know again, to have people who you know hear his voice and then release his sound through your sound. It's just been really incredible. So I was just like girl, can you share your story like this? I've never had anybody do this with me before, so could you maybe even just share a little bit about that and like, like, is this something that like? How did you get started with doing these messages?

Speaker 2:

I had actually started. Some people was asking me like for prayer messages, like individually, and I started doing them, you know, just on an individual basis.

Speaker 2:

They were needing prayer from their family, whatever it was, and the Lord started speaking to me about prayer recordings and I kept hearing it and you know how I am I'm a little bit of a procrastinator, Lord and he kept showing me little by little how he wanted me to proceed in it. And then that's when I heard the name from which is called Splash of Hope, because I wanted to get to. That splash of hope into someone's ocean of pain is how he brought it across to me, which was a very powerful statement for me and that's what started the prayer recordings you know, once a week sent to the messenger or the email. And you know it's not only changed the people that I've sent it to, or maybe been a lifeline to them, but it has changed me in the process. It's really the feedback that I'm getting changes me yeah, tell me more about that.

Speaker 1:

How has it changed you?

Speaker 2:

it's just I don't. I don't know how. It's kind of hard to explain, but I just, you know I hear sending back their feedback and a lot of them's in tears and I realize you know here I was trying to hold back on something that they needed so bad and you know it's just taught me not to be that procrastinator like that anymore that's.

Speaker 2:

That's a huge key right there yeah, to not hold back, because you know I've had many, like I said, voice message me back and they're just enthused, or like you have no idea what I'm going through. But yeah, you know this message gives me hope and to do that how you mentioned that this can be done through emails.

Speaker 1:

Is it kind of like a newsletter that you do on a weekly basis?

Speaker 2:

No, it's just like the prayer recordings Like I send you on Messenger. Some people prefer to receive them by their email so I can do that Send the recording through their email, basically.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, incredible. Yeah, I totally agree. And, like you said, as we do these really uncomfortable things, and it's not and I I'm guessing for you as well that you're not doing it for accolades, you're not doing it for having a huge platform, you're not doing it for you know what I mean, kind of like what the world would, would have you to do. You've got to get all the people and have the biggest audience. Would you agree with that?

Speaker 2:

The world wants you to look for the followers, but, like I said, I always point to him. This has nothing at all to do with me, anything that I'm doing. It's all God, it's all the glory for me. I don't want any of his glory whatsoever. I'm just convinced that he works straight.

Speaker 1:

And as we're pressing forward both of us, because, as I was sharing before, we pushed record, this was a huge step of faith for me even to do this podcast. But he was speaking over me in ways that I knew that it needed to get out, because I really love people's stories, first of all, I've always loved people's stories, um, but to also, you know, get the word out about what other women are doing, um, but at the same time, like I think this was probably one of the bigger voice stretches that he's ever had for me. But I had a recent mentor His name is Joseph. He said something to me because I had mentioned something about feeling like a Moses and he said I hope I don't butcher this he said Moses was not called to be like a speaker, he was called to be a deliverer.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And that just really hit me, because I am not, I wouldn't, I would not put in my bio Kristen is a speaker, but I do know that and I'm'm, and I would imagine with you too, like this, isaiah 61, anointing of setting the captives free, I am all for that, and if it takes using my voice, hallelujah, how about you?

Speaker 2:

absolutely, because you know that's where I am drawn to. Um is the broken. Because you know, like I said, when I started this, he gave me that. Because you know, like I said, when I started this, he gave me that through a prophecy. You know you are to call for Lazarus in them.

Speaker 2:

You know that is dead, that is broken, and it was very powerful to me and very astounding all at the same time, because I'm like, really, that's basically what the ministry is for the broken, the wounded. I'm calling forth that to come out and say what's more for you than what you think God's going to fix this situation. You just have to hang in there.

Speaker 1:

Well, you are definitely a powerhouse and I'm so thankful for your voice. Can you just tell us a little bit more? I love the timing of this, because this season is called Launching Pioneers and I definitely believe you're pioneering in ministry. Can you tell us a little bit more about what you just launched, what you said two days ago?

Speaker 2:

you tell us a little bit more about what you just launched, what you said two days ago? Yeah, the online church. Um, I started out with the broadcast echo of healing and deliverance. I, as the lord led, I didn't really have it on any specific basis, um, not a day or a time, I would just announce it in that. But here, it had been on my heart for years and, like I said, I'm one of those that holds back a whole lot, but I can't anymore. Um, he turned it into basically an online church platform.

Speaker 2:

I have created the private group where, you know, people can come into and share and encourage one another, those that want to be a part of it. It will be live streamed and then there'll be like special services. It'll be live streamed too. I, there'll be like special services that'll be live streamed too. I have one with my other spiritual mom and we're going to do a healing service later on and different things like that, but it will have a specific day and a specific time for everybody to be. You know, put on their calendar for it. Basically, it's just going to be a church online, which is a territory for me, but I'm going to let him be God and do the best I can with it.

Speaker 1:

I love your. You just go. It's kind of even. Do you feel like it's kind of I'm just hearing kind of a go before you really know?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I mean it was time because you've been pushing me for a while and the push has become stronger in this last little bit and it's I said, okay, we'll do this. And that's when I announced it and I launched the private group for it and everything. And it's already got like 200 plus members in there and, like I said, I'm not saying that to glorify me, but it makes me move so quickly.

Speaker 1:

But I know that he's doing something through this and you know it just takes obedience, you know, to step out and do what he asks, and then he just takes over and just even kind of that go before you know to step out and do what he asks, and then he just takes over and just even kind of that go before you know phrase that I just mentioned. Like I think a lot of times, um, like, even in this situation, did you even know the fullness and all the steps and what's next? And you know, you knew that there was this you know mandate and this next step, but did you have the fullness of it before you took the step and put it out there?

Speaker 2:

I mean, he had been building it up for showing things and a lot of times I'd push it to the back of my mind. But here, right before I launched it, everything just kind of come into play. I just kind of I could see it more clearly and, like I said, he was prompting me to do it. You know it's time, it's time. And you know I knew then that I just couldn't hold back any longer.

Speaker 1:

I see the excitement in other people and I'm like Lord, you know it is time, yeah but it's a big part of like we don't have to have all of the pieces before we step out and do something too right exactly, and I didn't have all of it before because I kept thinking how in the world can I do this?

Speaker 2:

but it seemed like, little by little, they kept, you know, coming into place until now. Here I am finishing up and you know, I kind of stemmed from a dream and I believe that was all my heart when my spiritual mama passed, because the name of her church that I helped her pastor was echoes from the past, the voice of healing and deliverance. And when she passed I remember this dream so clearly because I was standing by myself and there was a hand that reached out to me and it handed me a sign and when I turned that sign over it was our church sign and I didn't get the building. She kind of wanted me to follow in her kind of like Elijah Lasha moment to keep the church, but I was unable to get the church building. But I feel like the Echo of Healing and Deliverance, which is kind of the same title, just not the exact same title I didn't want to use the exact same one is now being birthed into my life through this online church and I feel like it stemmed from that dream. Wow.

Speaker 1:

Well, what do you feel is like even another stretchy step he's maybe calling you to take in the future? You don't have to share it here if you're not led to at this point, but do you feel like there's something else that is on the horizon as well?

Speaker 2:

If it makes sense, I can feel it, but I'm not really sure as to what he's doing, because this church is like a huge step for me. Really it is, and I guess I'm focused on it, but you got that feeling that he's got something brewing and you just don't know what it is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like the multiple births, it's like you're having triplets.

Speaker 1:

I think a lot of us are in the season Like there's I don't know about you, but I just have I mean, I have notes upon notes and revelation, so many dreams and all the things that have just been. Sometimes it just feels like puzzle pieces and they're just not ready to connect just yet. But I do feel like there's just a lot stirring in this time right now for myself and many of us who are just willing, we're just willing, vessels who will say yes, even when it doesn't make quote unquote sense, right.

Speaker 2:

That's right, just get that. Yes, jump out of the boat, so to speak, like Peter.

Speaker 1:

Well, and one thing I was going to say I forgot to mention with your messages. One of the things I love so much that you do is you have music in the background. Um, one of my, one of my very unique ways of coaching is I integrate music and I love just hearing lyrics that really shift things. You know music shifts, um, but I love that's part of what I love about your messages because it always either I I just maybe had listened to that song recently, or the the lyrics bring me back to a time, but kind of this like reminded to remember moment. So I love that you do that. I just had to mention that Kind of a something, a download, that you received at some point when you started doing these messages.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Every time I minister whether it is in person or online, any way I minister there is music in the background. That is that's kind of the way I minister, Because when I used to minister at the church, she would have the sound system playing the exact song that God would show me for that service. Because I just honestly believe music can shift things. If it's the right song, it can really shift people, and it shifts me in a certain way too. I mean I just got to have that music behind me. I know most people might not mean it that way, but I'm just different, but I do like to have the music in the background.

Speaker 1:

I love it and I love that you said it's different, because that's what I tell people. You know that might come to me about coaching. I'm like I'm different. I just want to warn you, I'm a little different and I do things differently and you do things differently and it's so beautiful that we can, you know, step out into these places as he leads, but then bring in these elements that are very different. It's very unique, it's very set apart, right.

Speaker 2:

Yes, cause I came from. I grew up in a church where it was very strictly religious and I broke out of that religious mindset and stepped out into the difference. So I am very, very different because you know that church I came from, they didn't believe in women ministers whatsoever. So you know, I broke out of that and the Lord is just yeah, it's just amazing to be different.

Speaker 1:

So that's a whole other interview, I bet.

Speaker 2:

It would be yes, it would other interview?

Speaker 1:

I bet it wouldn't be. Yes, it was okay. Well, how long, like we just touched there for a second. But how long ago was it that you broke out of that?

Speaker 2:

um, no more legalistic church I grew up in and that's how I was raised. Um, it was just you know, women don't do this and you have to do this, and if you do this wrong, you know god's gonna be mad. I mean, there was just you know, women don't do this and you have to do this, and if you do this wrong, you know God's going to be mad at you. I mean, there was just so many things the Lord had to break me out of that I was taught throughout my life.

Speaker 2:

I went there all through my teenage life and then I kind of got out of church, got married and then I kind of got back into the church, but I went to the same kind of church because that's all, because that's all. And then finally I met a friend that I worked with and she was in what you call a non-denominational, more of an Pentecostal type church. That's when it all started breaking off of me and I broke out and I just saw God in a whole new light. He's not this God that's sitting up there angry with every little bad thing I do, and he wants me to speak as well as anybody else, because he's given me something to do and to say and I'm not going to back off from that. Even my family some of them says you're not supposed to be doing this. It's wrong for a woman to minister. Well, no, because he is pouring it out on not just his sons but his daughters.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was going to ask if you've had anybody kind of come up against that and what your experience has been, but it sounds like you're already taking care of business.

Speaker 2:

My family. I have several of my family that would love to argue with me, and I just avoid that because I'm not going to argue with you about it. That would love to argue with me and I just avoid that because I'm not going to argue with you about it. You know, god called me and I'm doing what he says to do and not what man wants me to do.

Speaker 1:

Did you guys catch that? Did anybody who's listening catch that? Could you say that again?

Speaker 2:

I'm doing what God wants me to do, not what man wants me to do.

Speaker 1:

Amen, yes, I think we can stop now. I'm just kidding. I mean, truly, has it been challenging at times to have moments where it's been challenging to fully walk that out. You are confident in that now you say that with complete confidence, but has it been a process to get to this point?

Speaker 2:

it has. Because you know, when I first got started in ministry, my very first thought was what in the world are people going to think? I don't think about what the people would think of me than anything. And that's when I received a prophecy from somebody. I did not even know and still to this day do not know, and and the only thing they said was the Lord wanted me to share this with you, and it was right before I started ministry or writing anything.

Speaker 2:

Fear not their faces, and that's what I was looking at what would it look like when they see me coming out. And I knew right then I had to go with it. And it's been a process, you know, because I have those that come up and say you're a false prophet. I never claimed to be anything like that. I've had my family come up against me with their arguments. As of right now, I can say I am fully confident of who I serve.

Speaker 1:

Not me. I am fully confident who I serve. And yeah, I mean for the listeners who might be kind of walking through that right now. What would you say to them to help them keep going?

Speaker 2:

I would say you know, just turn off all of that negativity, because the enemy is behind it. He's behind every word that they say. And just remember you serve an audience of one, and it does not consist of any man whatsoever. You serve man, because god's gonna take care of all the naysayers. You just keep moving forward and do what he wants you to do, because there's something great that he's got for you through this, and it's time. The time is now yeah, amen.

Speaker 1:

Well, I think we, we really have that, that. That is a strong word right now. Just, it's now, it's time, it's due time. Those of you who are listening that you know feel this. This, pull back. Um, I, just, dana, would you? I, I love what you've shared today. I, I feel like I want to have you back again to share more At this point. Is there anything like, if you imagine, as we were talking before we got started, that you know, I really always want to see this one, I see this one woman listening and, as you're just envisioning this one woman who's listening to us today, is there anything else that you would want to speak over her? And then would you just be open to praying us out?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, totally. I would just say you know to let go of any fears, anything that's trying to hinder you or hold you back. You know the enemy may have been lying to you, telling you these things that you've got going on right now, but I just see the hand covering you and he's covering you with peace. He's covering you with a new strength and a new boldness. It's rising up in you and I just see you soaring and it's time for you to soar. Not only does God believe in you, but I totally believe in you and what he's going to do in your life. So don't give up, don't give in, don't bend and I know you may have been bent, but you are not broken and God is going to bring you through on the other side of all this and you are going to be stronger when you walk into it. You're going to be stronger coming out of it. Just be bold, be brave, because the Lord is with you.

Speaker 2:

I really do that to any that's listening right now. I just want to pray, father. Right now. I just pray over everyone listening.

Speaker 2:

Lord, I just thank you for the privilege and the honor of being on this broadcast and I just ask that you cover them with that strength. You cover them, lord, with that voice that will just completely roar for you, lord, that they will not hide in fear, they will not be hindered by the enemy's lies, but, lord, they will come forth with a brand new strength. Lord, that you would cover them on every side. Be that wall of fire round about Father, lord, that you would cover them on every side. Be that wall of fire roundabout, father, and let these women break forth into breakthrough. Father, the breakthrough that they need right now. Father, I just ask you to release it in the mighty name of Jesus. No devil out of hell can take it, lord. They cannot have it because you, lord, have spoken it into these dear women's lives. So I pray right now for a release over them, father, and a refreshing over them this day, and we pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen and amen, amen.

Speaker 1:

Dana, you are a gift and you know, as I say to every woman who comes on here, because a lot of times there is, you know, a lot of us have had these moments of our voices being kind of locked up. I just want to remind you that you are a brave voice that is setting others free, and thank you for your voice.

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to close today with our anchoring verse. It is may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace and believing, so that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound in hope. That's Romans 15, 13. So thank you again, dana. I would love to have you back on again to share more. So I will be sure to check in with Dana, get all the information for her books or this new church that she just launched, any links that can help point you to her to connect. I think that would be amazing and those will be in the show notes. So thank you again, dana. I'll be back with another episode next week. Thanks, dana, bye-bye, thank you.

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