Hope Unlocked πŸ”‘

Architect of Wellness: Jill McLaughlin on Health Freedom, Autoimmunity, and Holistic Healing

β€’ Kristin Kurtz β€’ Season 2 β€’ Episode 74

Jill McLaughlin's journey from Architect to Certified Holistic Nutrition Coach and Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach is truly inspiring. In this episode, she shares her path to becoming a health advocate and insights from her business, Healthful Elements, Inc.

We delve into "The Essential Thyroid Cookbook," a collaboration with a registered dietitian and culinary nutritionist. Jill reveals the rigorous research and dedication behind this bestseller, known for its scientific approach to thyroid and immune health. The cookbook is both a culinary guide and educational resource, showcasing the passion behind its creation.

Jill is a bold voice in the health community, fearlessly addressing health freedom concerns and the alarming rise of autoimmune conditions. She discusses potential links between vaccines and these disorders, drawing from her investigative findings on vaccine ingredients and their impact on health. Jill's commitment to a holistic approach, integrating faith and spirituality, underscores the significance of looking beyond conventional medicine. This episode is a profound exploration of health, hope, and healing, highlighting Jill's courage and dedication to helping others.

Resources mentioned:

Healthful Elements

Coaches for Health Freedom

Why I’m Against Mandating Vaccines

Why I’m Against Mandating Vaccines (PDF/downloadable version)

Essential Thyroid Cookbook

Your Root guide (including Dosing guide!) 

Interview with Kenny Mauer: Listener discretion advised. Very difficult starting at 32:28 - https://us02web.zoom.us/.../oLIxVwnzhlSj6b6NkD1kRvd... (Passcode: e=mW89l1)

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm your host, kristen Kurtz, and I'm also the founder of New Wings Coaching, where I empower and unlock women to soar in their calling and roar with their voices. If you're curious to learn more about how coaching can help you unlock your potential, be sure to explore the show notes for ways to connect with me further. Get ready to dive in as we uncover empowering keys and insights in this episode. So tune in and let's unlock hope together. Welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm Kristen Kurtz, your host. I pray this episode is like a holy IV of hope for your soul. Please help me welcome my friend Jill McLaughlin to the show.

Speaker 1:

I am just so thrilled to have her here with us. It's really been. I've really been waiting a while for you to come on here. We've had some, you know, just inadvertent reschedules. I know that it's timing, like the timing there's always, like this divine timing on things, and I cannot wait for her to share more of what she's planning to share today. And then some we don't. We were doing this real and raw. So, jill, would you share just a little bit about yourself and maybe about your business? We'll start there and then we'll, we'll get into the meat.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Thank you so much for having me. This is such an honor. So my name is Jill McLaughlin Some know me as Jill Grunwald and I'm a functional medicine certified health coach. And I'm a functional medicine certified health coach. I primarily specialize in hormone balance for women and also helping people women, men and some children reverse autoimmune conditions. So I really love the sort of overlay of hormones in the immune system because I find that a lot of practitioners and, mind you, I'm a certified health coach, I'm not a licensed medical provider but I find that a lot of practitioners, whether they're licensed or not, often just focus on hormones or they just focus on the immune system and the real magic is in looking at both of those systems to really help people. Help to bring people back into balance. Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

I'm on my 19th year this year. Actually, she's kind of crazy, yeah, and I love it. I love it. I'm also the founder of, so the name of my business is healthful elements love it. I'm also the founder of, so the name of my business is healthful elements Inc. I'm also the founder of an advocacy organization called coaches for health freedom, which I'm sure we'll talk about today.

Speaker 1:

Yes, absolutely, wow. Well, it's like longstanding for you to be in business 19 years, what? What led you to start this business and get into health coaching?

Speaker 2:

So I have a background in architecture and the arts. I actually have a degree in architecture and I worked in the design build field for a few years. This was when I was in Seattle feels like a lifetime ago and I was tired. I was getting tired, you know, it's not like I was on the couch, but I was like more fatigued than I should have been. I was less motivated to go to the gym. I was experiencing an afternoon slump at work and I'm just like you know something's going on here.

Speaker 2:

And I, upon the advice of a close friend who I went to college with, who was actually in Atlanta at the time her mom was friends with an herbalist in the San Juan Islands, so you could just hop a ferry in Puget Sound from Seattle and head up to the San Juans and this woman really changed my life.

Speaker 2:

She what I didn't know at the time was that she was also a nutrition expert and she talked to me about some dietary changes that just completely changed things. I mean, I started to about like the power of herbs and the power of really what God has given us to keep our bodies in balance whole foods, nutrition, you know, herbs, um, and people started asking me hey, what are you doing? You know like you look great and I had lost some weight and was slim again and I found that I was just giving random advice to people not random advice, but advice to random people who were asking me um, you know what I was doing. And a few years later, I decided to leave Seattle for New York. I went to nutrition school and then I got a second certification in 2018.

Speaker 1:

Okay, wow. So you mentioned some of the foods that helped, you know, kind of bring some healing back to your body, and I know that it's different for everybody, but I had a similar situation happen in my own body where I eliminated gluten and within three days I felt like a million bucks, and it came through the advice of somebody you know, out of unconventional or out of conventional medicine, right Outside of conventional medicine. So what, like, what did that look like for you specifically? If you don't mind sharing and again I know this is different for everybody Her story may not be exactly what you need, but it could be potentially a key.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So I was eating at the time largely what the media was telling us was healthy. I mean, I wasn't paying a lot of attention to what the media was telling us to eat, but at the time the USDA food pyramid, which you know I never studied in school I chose a school that did not teach the USDA food pyramid but the focus at that time was low fat this and low fat that and pasta bagels and you know really high refined carbohydrate foods and you know really high refined carbohydrate foods, and I significantly cut down on processed carbohydrates and I started focusing more on fat and protein, which just, I mean it fired up my metabolism. My brain fog went away. You know my blood sugar was balanced and I chuckle about this because, you know, even to this day, many years later, I find that the foundation for most of my clients, a foundational piece of their I don't want to say healing, you know I'm really careful about my language I don't want to say treat, cure or heal but a foundational piece of their success.

Speaker 2:

Success is getting their blood sugar balance. It's so important. It's important for the immune system. Insulin, which regulates blood sugar, is a hormone. A lot of people don't know that insulin is a hormone. So if insulin is all over the place, it's going to be challenging to balance other hormones. So it's it's so foundational for everyone. Yes, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you for sharing. You know that part of your story too, and I know that you well, part of how I was introduced to you was on my own journey of being diagnosed with Hashimoto's back Gosh. I think it was probably 17, 18 years ago, I don't know exactly how long ago it was, but it was shortly after I had my oldest son and he's going to be 19. So we'll we'll do the math there, but I remember just going on a journey of my own I'm a researcher and I I was like local, you know, I don't even remember what I typed in and I found you and I remember, um, I believe at that time cause it was probably in your early stages of you know, in your business right when I came across um, and I'm pretty sure this was your site that you had some different numbers to look at when it comes to, you know, the functional side, functional medicine side of getting your thyroid test done. Is that?

Speaker 2:

bringing about yes.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and then I think I got on your email list. I mean, and I remember going, my goodness, this woman is a prolific writer and my eyes, you know, opened, my ears perked up and I was really listening. Um, I got your cookbook when it came out, which I would love for you to share more about that. But I just um, started digging in and listening and, um, I just love what you're up to and especially, you know, we've connected more, especially over the last couple of few years because of some reasons which we'll get into more. But, yeah, so tell us, could you tell us a little bit more about just even your cookbook and how that came to the forefront? Had you written a book before that? Tell us a little bit more about that.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for asking. I had written a few ebooks prior to going on the journey of publishing a book book and the way that it came about is so when I was living in Kansas City for a brief time before I moved to Minnesota. So after school, after school in New York, I was in Kansas City for a short time and I got involved in the local sustainable food movement and met a close met a friend who's become a close friend and she's a brilliant culinary nutritionist. Her name's Lisa Markley Just absolutely brilliant. She actually went to Bastyr University in Seattle. We were in Seattle at the same time but didn't know it, or there was a couple of years that overlapped. But she is a registered dietitian, brilliant recipe writer, recipe developer, and we were on the steering committee of this local sustainable food grassroots organization.

Speaker 2:

We were diagnosed with Hashimoto's a couple of years later, around the same time, and I was doing an online class called fire your thyroid like fire up your thyroid, and it was a multi-part, you know online course and she took the course and the night after the last class I was teaching these evening classes and the night after the last class I was teaching these evening classes and the night after the last class, she texted me and said whenever you're ready to put your nutritional recommendations to the plate, let me know. And I was like, oh my gosh, we're going to write a cookbook. And we did and it got published in 2017. It was a bestseller right away, which I'm very humbled to say. We worked really hard to, you know, make it the best we could and get the word out before it was published, and it's still going strong today. A lot of doctors carry it in their practices.

Speaker 2:

I'm just, I'm so grateful. I'm so grateful. It was a very difficult journey. Publishing a book is very well if there's self-publishing and there's traditional publishing and we don't have to get into the details of all that. But you know, self-publishing is a hard road to hoe if you want to do it right, especially a cookbook. So it took us a long time to get it done. I'm so grateful that we did it and it's still going strong today. It's called the essential thyroid cookbook.

Speaker 1:

Well, and the thing about this cookbook, too, is it's not just recipes. Tell us more. A little bit about that, cause I know there's more to the book than just recipes, right.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and that was one of the first things that Lisa yes, and that was one of the first things that Lisa and I talked about was I don't want this to just be another cookbook. I want there to be an educational component to it and I want people to understand why we are utilizing some of the ingredients that we're using. We actually created this really nerdy rating system, for you know, we I I spent a few weeks doing this intense research on, like, the most thyroid supportive nutrients, the most immune supportive nutrients, where that overlaps, and we created this chart and then we published it. It's a free, you know, it's just a click. It's not even an opt-in. People can find it, um, in various places on my website, but Lisa took all that data and created her recipes from that science. So it really is. You know, the recipes are specifically thyroid and immune supportive and the first third of the book is educational. So it really is a twofer. It's a. It's a. It's a book on thyroid health and Hashimoto's, as well as a cookbook.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and being a researcher, I love, like you, I love just reading about it. I love recipes too, so it's just this beautiful, like. How many pages is it?

Speaker 2:

It's huge 260, some, I think.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, yeah. So how many years did it take to launch it?

Speaker 2:

five. But keep in mind there was a lot going on for both of us during that time. Um, lisa has struggled with Lyme disease and um um, both of my parents were ill, so I had moved to Minnesota, but my parents were still in Missouri and both of my parents weren't in good health, and so I was traveling. Every few weeks I was going back and forth, back and forth, from Minnesota to Missouri and still operating my coaching practice. Um, I became a mom in 2013. So there was a lot going on. So, while five years might sound like a long time and it is a long time there were reasons, and you know a lot of people who publish cookbooks say man, if you want to do this right, it's going to take you at least a couple of years.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely. Well, I mean, and that just kind of segues, I would say, into just who you are, and very tenacious, steadfast, right, would you agree?

Speaker 2:

Yes, thank you Right. Yeah, yeah, I'm tenacious.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes you are, yeah, I'm tenacious. Yes, yes, you are. Well, all that to say, um, I will. I will link the cookbook and the show notes. Of course, we'll have all of her website and information for you guys to check out later.

Speaker 1:

But, um, a big part of why we connected um on a deeper level is because of a lot of things that have been going on the last four years and I just really wanted to have Jill on to share. You know part of her story. You know the season's called Launching Pioneers. The first season was Voices of Hope from the Valley. So I do believe that you know, in Jill's story there is an intertwining and there's a lot of hope to be had in this time, um, but there's also a lot of um things that her and I have really walked through kind of parallel. Um, we both are very outspoken about some of the things that have been going on in this world and, um, I would just love for you to share what's over at, whatever's on your heart today, um, with the listeners, because it's due time for you to share.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so, gosh, there's so much I could say and I, you know, I'm just so grateful for the opportunity to talk about this and you know I've done other interviews, but I feel like this interview in particular is special because of you and who you are and, um, I was so grateful to find out that you and I were like-minded when it comes to health freedom. So you know, I I have been very pro health freedom for a long time, even before the craziness of the last few years. So in my work around autoimmunity, when I kind of started, I didn't intentionally branch out from working with the female population, it just kind of happened naturally. As the months and the years went on, I started working with more men and I started working with more children, mostly around alopecia. So that's been the other primary focus of my practice for a long time. Over a decade is alopecia. So Hashimoto's and alopecia have kind of been my two primary focuses, although I've worked with people with, just you know, autoimmunity and it became very clear to me over 10 years ago that ingredients and vaccines are a primary trigger for autoimmune conditions. I mean, you really have to look at why are we seeing such a spike in chronic disease in the childhood population. Why, what's going on? I started asking these questions before my daughter was born and I implore everyone to read a vaccine insert. Read all of your drug inserts. A lot of people don't read I'd say the vast majority of people don't read them, and I started doing that years ago and was shocked at what I found. I already knew that things like heavy metals were a major trigger for immune dysregulation. You know mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic. Well, there's a lot of heavy metals in different types of vaccines. You know not just, uh, you know the flu shot or the covid shot. I mean, there's various types of heavy metals in vaccines and it really angered me and really started making me question the whole vaccine schedule. Yeah, and again, this was a long time ago. So I'm an anti-vaxxer. I'll come right out and say it. People can say whatever they want to about me. They can label me, they can make fun of me, they can call me a conspiracy theorist. I really don't care. In the summer of 2019, it was June of 2019, so you know what? Gosh? This is 2024, five years ago. This is so crazy.

Speaker 2:

Um, California and New York each did away with an exemption for school kids. So New York had one last exemption. There's three exemptions right, religious, medical and conscientious. The state of New York had one exemption remaining religious and they did away with it. California had one exemption remaining medical and they did away with it. California had one exemption remaining medical and they did away with it.

Speaker 2:

But this happened within a few days time and I can see exactly what was coming. I mean, I sat up in my chair, my antenna was extremely high and I said Everything's going to change. They're coming for all of us. It's not just the kids, I think. At that time I don't like to quote statistics unless I'm really sure of what I'm saying, but I believe at least at the time, only 7% of children in the United States had not had any vaccines. You know they're vaccine free. So I said they're not coming for the kids, they're coming for the adults, they're coming for all of us. This is a pivotal time in history. And I started talking about vaccine passports. I started talking about how we're not going to be able to travel, people are going to lose their jobs, like they're going to shut borders, like this is such a pivotal time in history. Now, mind you, this was what 10 months before COVID hit.

Speaker 2:

But I could see exactly what was going to happen and I was panicked. You know I was. I was I mean I wasn't running around with my hair on fire but you know I was burning on the inside about what was transpiring in this country and, having been a writer, I said I have to write about this. I have to write about this. I cannot sit by and and just do nothing.

Speaker 2:

And people thought it was crazy. You know they're like you live in Minnesota. Why do you care what's going on in California, new York? And I'm like, yeah, those are the bookends of the country. This is going to close in on all of us and, believe me, coming for the adults, they're coming for all of us is going to close in on all of us and, believe me, they're coming for the adults, they're coming for all of us. I didn't think it would happen as quickly as it did. You know, covid hit that following March and I was like, okay, here we go. I know exactly what is going to happen here. So a lot of people who thought I was crazy don't speak to me anymore because they can't admit that I was right and I have said all along I don't care about being right, I care about the truth, exactly, exactly. I want to be wrong. I would prefer that I was wrong.

Speaker 1:

Exactly yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I threw my readership a complete curveball and I warned them. I sent out a newsletter beforehand with a poem. And you know, I just said I'm getting ready to throw you guys a curveball and a lot of you are going to get mad at me and a lot of you are going to unsubscribe and some of you are going to send me hate mail and I really don't care. And I published an article. It's really a piece of investigative journalism, honestly, because I really dug in. I mean, once you start digging into this stuff it's just there's so many tentacles to it. But I I did outline the dangers of different shots, but that wasn't until the end of the article. The first, probably three quarters of it is talking about sort of the collusion between these governmental agencies and big pharma. I mean it's shocking, it's criminal. So it kind of went viral and I really didn't know what to expect. I just I didn't know what to expect. It kind of went viral.

Speaker 2:

And then I was really in recovery after I published. I mean it was just such an emotional and mental outlay I wasn't scared. But you know it was, it was a big, it was a, it was. I pushed a boulder uphill to get that thing published.

Speaker 2:

And after, you know, I think a few weeks went by when I was still kind of wondering, like what's my next step with this? You know, I'm not just going to publish this and go skip down the street. I'm not sure where God is taking me with this. And I literally woke up one day with this idea in my head of starting an organization called Coaches for Health Freedom, because practitioners of different types even a couple doctors, some nurses, you know, massage therapists, chiropractors, health coaches were reaching out to me in those weeks after I published, saying where did you get the guts to do this? Yeah, this has been heavy on my heart, but I have not wanted to speak out because I'm afraid I will lose my business, I'll lose my clientele, I will lose my practice, I will lose my brick and mortar, I will lose my income. And I said to all those people you have to ask yourself what you're going to lose if you don't speak up.

Speaker 2:

Amen, sister. So I started an organization called Coaches for Health Freedom. There's no money attached to it. I don't take donations, um, and it's really meant to inspire other practitioners or anyone really honestly, anyone but practitioners who have an audience, whether it's an online audience with social media or their newsletter, or they have a practice and they're working with people on a one to one model, encouraging them and inspiring them to to speak out on this, because it's going to take all of us and they're not done with us. You know that, kristen, they're not done with us. Yeah, we're in a lull right now, but they're going to come back and they're going to try to mandate something else and they're going to try to mandate something else.

Speaker 2:

So I've been sort of toggling these last couple of years between, you know, running my coaching practice and working with clients one on one and teaching some courses, but also, you know, I have I'm very active in the health freedom movement and I've actually gone to a lot of conferences over the last few years. I went to my first conference in, you know, the fall of 2019. So, yeah, I and I will say one other thing about this, which is there's a whole section in that article about the relationship between ingredients and vaccines and autoimmunity. Yeah, yeah, I mean, it outlays it very clearly.

Speaker 1:

Can you, could you share just maybe briefly, about that, cause there might be some listeners who have been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition. I've been given some titles myself. I have three that I've been given over the years and I don't like to speak it over myself because I am believing for healing fully, but I can't help but wonder, all of the years of you know, we have parents that did things that you know they were just doing what the doctors had recommended. I did similar with my boys when they were first born. Because I wasn't a doctor, I didn't do my research back then. Right, mamas, individuals out there who maybe have their children, have been given a diagnosis or, you know, they have one themselves. Like what? Could you go a little bit deeper on like the correlation there and even maybe explain a little bit more about heavy metals, because some people are like I have no idea, cause I was told I had heavy metal stuff going on back in 2018, 2019. Nobody had ever told me that before. It wasn't until I started working with a naturopath.

Speaker 2:

Yes. So I want to say you know, vaccines are not the only delivery mechanism for heavy metals. A lot of people have metal fillings in their mouths that are off gassing. A lot of people have metal fillings in their mouths that are off gassing. You know there's there's some people live near like plants, like a coal-powered plant. You know there's.

Speaker 2:

There's various ways of of um coming into contact with heavy metals and I kind of focused on that one um, you know, a couple minutes ago when I was talking about this. But some of the other ingredients, if I'm answering the question that you're asking, some of the other ingredients are like MSG and acetone and foreign DNA and E coli. And again, I'm just kind of painting a broad brushstroke. Different vaccines have different ingredients in them, but you know polysorbate 80 and 20. So God did give us a innate system for detoxifying our body. You know we have glands and organs that are meant to detox us. I mean, we have different toxins than our ancestors did, obviously, right, like we're exposed to different things now than our ancestors were. But I don't want to paint a picture of doom and gloom and I don't want to paint a picture of shame or oh, if you gave your children vaccines, you're a bad person. I mean, I don't believe that. And and some of the feedback that I got when my article was published and you know I was getting feedback over over many weeks and months as more and more people read it people were reaching out to me saying this was so factual and such a kind of punch in the gut. But there's you haven't shamed anyone, yeah, and there's even, like, I don't have the article in front of me so I I don't remember, but there is a paragraph in there offering what's the word I want to use, uh, um, offering compassion, I guess, to parents who feel guilty for what they did. They didn't know better. We've been told for decades that you know vaccines are the way to eradicate disease, which is actually false. It's false. It's a false paradigm.

Speaker 2:

However, the majority of people have vaccinated their children. Like I said earlier, only 7% I think it's around 7% of children in the United States have never received a shot. So there's no blame or shame here and I hope I'm answering the question and you can ask it again if I'm not getting to the core of what you were asking. But the body has an amazing capacity to detox if you give it the right support system. So I don't think all is lost. I mean there are even nonverbal children who regressed as soon as they got their shots. I mean there's, you know, many, many, many, many parents all over the world who said I had a perfectly healthy child until we went in for the MMR and they never spoke again or they never made eye contact again. There are children, even adult children, you know 20, 21, 22, who have regained their verbal capacity. So I don't want to paint a picture of shame, blame, or all is lost, right, because it's not.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, yeah. Have you seen or worked with any children who have been supported through your work and seeing some of those like a testimonial that you'd be open to sharing?

Speaker 2:

Yes. So first I will say I've worked with enough kids and, again, all of the children that I've worked with have had alopecia. I haven't worked with any children out, you know, in the world of autoimmunity it's all been. You know, kids with no hair, or you know, half a scalp of hair, half their scalp is bald. You know, whatever Alopecia can come in a lot of different patterns. Some are completely bald, some have spots all over their heads, but I'd say roughly 50% of those parents are fully aware of what happened. I mean, they came right out and told me they're like yep, we went in and took Johnny for his MMR and a month later all of his hair was gone. So they know, you know, and it's not my position to tell them or to diagnose and say, oh well, your child has autoimmunity because you gave them their shots, like, and there's plenty of children who've had their shots and who don't have autoimmunity, you know. So I don't want to again, I don't want to paint this picture of doom and gloom, but yeah, I've worked with several kids who have seen incredible improvement in. You know, it's called immune modulation, where we balance the immune system and we're also doing other things, like in the case of Hashimoto's, like for, you know, for my adult clientele, we're doing other things to specifically support the thyroid. In the case of alopecia, we're doing things to specifically support the thyroid in the case of alopecia, we're doing things to specifically support what's called follicle stimulation. So, underneath it all it's, you know, autoimmunity. It's one disease, but there are specific things we do depending on the type of autoimmunity, right. So, um, yes, I I've worked with a few kids who've regrown their hair, but also, you know, their parents are just so relieved because they, they, they're like, well, I feel like we got our kid back. You know, they're not their. Their energy is more stable, their moods are more stable, which largely does go back to blood sugar. By the way, not completely, but we're working on balancing blood sugar and we're working on, you know, regulating the sleep cycle.

Speaker 2:

And we're healing the gut. You know that is such a critical piece. It's probably the most critical piece of reversing any autoimmune condition is healing that microbiome or that digestive environment. And then we have this, you know, gut to brain axis, right when anything that's going on in the gut is going to affect that blood brain barrier. So if there's dysbiosis in the gut, oftentimes there is fatigue or maybe some dizziness or, you know, mood instability, and when you heal that gut it automatically has a positive impact on the cognitive system and on the blood brain barrier.

Speaker 2:

And so we see a lot of like mood disorders fall away. Fatigue, fall away, confusion, fall away. People who have a hard time like, oh, what was that word I was trying to think of? You know they can't think of. They have what's it called Word. You know where people can't think of. They have what's it called Word word. You know where people can't think of the words they want to use, which actually is kind of happening to me right now, but there's a term for it, yes, so we see huge improvements in all of those areas.

Speaker 1:

It's incredible. I mean just the fact that you get to come alongside these people and literally get to the root and no pun intended, we have both of us. I think that was just another element of how I got to know you a little bit better was that there are some things that have helped support both of us. I don't know if you wanted to share a little bit more about that and how you've integrated some of these modalities into your practice, and maybe even some testimonials, if you're open to sharing.

Speaker 2:

Testimonials around reversal of autoimmunity, specifically Some testimonials around reversal of autoimmunity specifically. Yeah, just through, you know, getting to the root, yeah, yeah, and that's you know. That's why my shortest program is six months, because we are peeling back the layers. And again, I'm not a licensed medical provider. I'm a sleuth and I'm tenacious and I'm really good at recognizing patterns and I'm really good at asking questions, but I'm not diagnosing anyone with anything but what we are doing.

Speaker 1:

So being a sleuth and being tenacious, have you? I think my internet is going out a little bit. Can you hear me still? Yeah, perfectly, it said my internet was unstable. So we're just saying internet, you stay open. So in that, in getting to the root and being tenacious, I think where a lot of us maybe have had just maybe years of potentially not being well, unfortunately, a lot of practitioners you know in the in, you know Western medicine, don't typically get to the root. Would you agree?

Speaker 2:

Wholeheartedly. Wholeheartedly, I mean. The medical community is set up very differently than, like a high touch coaching relationship right, when they might run some labs and you know, the vast majority of the time the labs are using outdated reference ranges. You know those numbers in parentheses next to your value when you get your labs back, parentheses next to your value when you get your labs back. The vast majority of clinics are using, and labs are using, outdated reference ranges. So, again, I'm not diagnosing any anyone with anything right, but we're taking their values and we're comparing them to the functional ranges and finding out what's really going on.

Speaker 2:

And you know, do I hit it out of the park every time? No, as a matter of fact, I'm finishing up with a client next week and she has a lot going for her. She has a lot going for her, but there's some things that we have not been able to figure out, you know, and she's not unhappy. I mean she's been very happy with our coaching program, but she's been a puzzle, she has stumped me. So I'm not infallible and I don't know everything, but I am tenacious and I love looking at data and I love asking questions and a lot of times people say I can't believe you just asked me that. No one's ever asked me that. No one has ever asked me this question. There's never been a doctor who's asked me. And actually, yes, that was, you know, part of my picture a few years ago, or, yes, I just experienced that, you know, last month. You know I'm speaking very generally, but our medical system is not set up to really support people on an ongoing basis.

Speaker 1:

Exactly and the fact that you just said you know as a coach. I'm a coach as well, but I think one of the biggest things that we get to do as coaches is we get to ask those questions, because sometimes you know you might have a thought about something and unless somebody asks you a question to actually kind of dig it out, it just kind of goes to the wayside, right. And if you don't have somebody asking you, if you go to the doctor's office, you're just really trusting that they know what they're talking about. And I'm not slamming all medical professionals, because I've I've come across some, some good ones over the years. Um, but as a general sense, in my experience I was tossed around the system for years and years and years because there was nothing that was getting to the root. It was slapping medications on me and then, if you guys have seen commercials before, there's warnings. So it creates this cascade of side effects that you need to have another medication to help with the side effects. Would you agree?

Speaker 2:

Oh, completely, and we can go down that rabbit hole, if you want to, of what I think the whole system, I mean, yes, it's criminal. It's criminal Our pharmaceutical industry, and I'm not saying all pharmaceuticals are bad, but, as they say, there's a reason, a season and a lifetime for many things in life, and I believe that pharmaceuticals should be used very judiciously and for a reason, but not a season or a lifetime necessarily, necessarily. You know, I mean it's I just my personal, non-medical opinion is that there really shouldn't be any long-term pharmaceutical use. But there may be some people listening, who, who disagree, and that's okay. I mean, I will say, like, in the case of type one diabetes, you know those people need to be insulin dependent.

Speaker 2:

So I don't want again, I don't want to paint this, I don't want to be black and white about it, but there's a lot of people on pharmaceuticals that do not need to be on them. I mean, don't get me started about statins, okay, like, don't get me started about immune response modifiers, don't get me started about a lot of different drugs out there, and a lot of people feel like, well, this is the only way. You know, this is, this is my way out, and a lot of. We've been conditioned as a society right Absolutely, or a pill for every ill or a shot for every ill, and that's just not how the body is designed to work. That is not how God designed us to operate.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely. I mean again like if what you don't know, you don't know Right. And so for myself, for, as an example, like I was part of the system for many years because I trusted the medical system, I trusted the doctors who went to school for many years because I trusted the medical system, I trusted the doctors who went to school for many years because I didn't have a medical degree. I did some research but I didn't trust myself to go down my own pathway until I figured it out that I was actually being tossed around and I started doing my own research and going deeper to find out. You know, what is the root of this? Well, what is there's even spiritual roots of disease as well. I don't know if you've looked into some of those things, um, in your research, but, um, there's, there's just so many facets that, um, you know trauma. I know I've learned that trauma is a huge piece of triggering autoimmune. Have you heard that as well?

Speaker 2:

Oh, a hundred percent. I mean I, I I'd say it's one of the biggest ones. I mean I did say earlier I don't want to talk out of both sides of my mouth I did say that gut health and the microbiome is, you know, 70 to 80% of the immune system is in the gut. But trauma, emotional trauma, can damage the gut. So I do believe that trauma is a huge component of the onset of autoimmunity. And I was um, I interviewed, I don't know two or three months ago I interviewed one of my colleagues about this Um cause we're so aligned. She, she's a psychotherapist but we're aligned around the critical importance of nutrition and, you know, managing blood sugar. You know there's a lot of overlap. We complement each other well. And I interviewed her about trauma and autoimmunity and it's funny you asked me about, you know, like, the spiritual roots. I recently finished a book called exposing the spiritual roots of autoimmune diseases and I'm going to incorporate some of this book into my next course on autoimmunity and I'm going to read scripture and I mean it's chill.

Speaker 1:

Amazing, what it's amazing. Truly, tell us a little bit more about that. Tell us, are you open to sharing, like, are you at a point where you can even share a little bit more about this? Next?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I am. I haven't launched it yet, um, but I'm. I'm launching a course called mastery. So so, backing up for just a second, um, the fear that a lot of people have when they've, when they've got an autoimmune condition is developing another one right, and a lot of people already have multiple autoimmune syndrome. So it's called Moss multiple autoimmune syndrome and I'm developing a course called MOSTRY M-A-S. You know MOSS, so mastery, mostry, you get it. So I am I guess you could call it coming out.

Speaker 2:

You know, I'm coming out as a faith-based practitioner and you know, my community of friends and my community of colleagues has changed drastically since 2019. I mean, I'm so grateful, I mean, to know people like you and you know we have some mutual friends. I'm just, I feel like we're locked arms, we have our we, we have our arms locked and standing in the truth and, um, it just felt like a natural step for me to to start bringing in my faith, which has developed a lot over over recent years Okay, recent years, like, really since 2019, I've been on this journey of like. Oh, maybe my mom was right. You know, I was raised in a Christian home and I largely rejected it most of my life, much to my mom's chagrin and she's passed on, but uh, I am. You know, proverbs 22, six says raise up a child in the way they should go, and when they are old they shall not depart from it. I think about that scripture all the time and I'm so grateful for my upbringing, even though I rejected it for decades. It's like I'm fully statured in it now and knowing what I know about aborted fetal tissue in vaccines, which I'm wholeheartedly against, and some of the spiritual roots of autoimmune disease, which I kind of knew about before.

Speaker 2:

But then I read this book and I got my mind blown and I just had my highlighter and I'm like, oh my gosh, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta say this in the course and I gotta say this in the course, and I got to say this in the course and I don't want to plagiarize this guy, but it's like I, it's going to be a component of the class and it may turn some people off and that's OK. I mean, it's going to be very science based. I'm going to present a lot of science and you know I'm really it's going to be the best thing I've ever done. But I shouldn't say but and and there's going to be a biblical, faith based component to it which I I know is going to resonate with a lot of people, and hopefully it does open some eyes to the spiritual component of dis ease, right, whether it's cancer or autoimmunity or fill in the blank. So, um, I highly recommend this book.

Speaker 2:

It's just a little book but it's it's just chock full of so much wisdom and I just it was so eye opening to me and you know it does talk about trauma and it talks about the disconnect that can happen within our own spirits when people have experienced trauma and when you are disconnected from yourself and disconnected from God, that can be the onset of dis-ease in the body.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, we can talk about gut, we can talk about hormones, we can talk about heavy metals, we can talk about toxins and I am going to talk about all that stuff. But there's going to be a whole module in this course about what I've learned from. His name is Dr Henry Wright, who wrote the book. I think it's so important and I do believe that a lot of people are hungry for this type of information. You know it's. I don't want to just throw science at people and say, here go, do this dietary experiment and here go, do this hormone test. Yes, those things are important, but we are spiritual beings and we have to acknowledge that in this journey of healing and in this journey of dis ease, reversal, we have to acknowledge that, that that component of the human condition.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can only imagine how many people are starving for this, and they don't even know it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's so time I love. I mean just all of the things that you've learned over the years, your own experiences, your, your boldness, you know taking steps that, um, you know, maybe are a little counterculture, right, even in um the health coaching industry. It's just another step for you um to spread your wings and really help others do the same and again being a mouthpiece for for Christ in this time for for Christ in this time and I.

Speaker 2:

That's one of the reasons why you and I kind of snapped together like two magnets. You know, it's like I. I looked at what you were doing and I was like, oh my gosh, this woman is so brave, she's so unapologetic about her, her beliefs, and she's so out there, and it just resonated with me so much and I've done some coaching with you. I was looking for somebody like you. You know I was, I was. I don't want to paint this picture of unicorns and moonbeams. You know, as far as the trajectory with my practice, I've gone through the dark night of the soul these last couple of years wondering what God wanted me to do, because so many people are vaccine injured. The COVID shot's not even a vaccine. It's not a vaccine, it's gene altering technology. But there's so many people who are damaged and I've had so many prior clients reach out, people who had done really well. You know, like maybe somebody worked with three, four or five years ago who, who, who did so well. They got their hair back, or they reversed their Hashimoto's, or they reversed their psoriasis and they got the COVID shots and everything fell apart. All their hair fell out, their psoriasis came back there. Their Hashimoto's antibodies went from 50 to 5,000. You know it's. So.

Speaker 2:

I've been through a very difficult um, I've walked through the valley these last couple of years. I mean, was there a high and an exuberance and a relief in publishing my anti-mandate piece? And you know largely getting good feedback and you know people from all over the world emailing me saying you've changed my life. You know that's all wonderful, uh, but alongside that was people are getting forced to do something that they don't want to do to keep their jobs or family pressure. I mean, a lot of people willingly got the COVID shots and there's no judgment, right, I'm not judging anybody, but a lot of people did it under duress. So whether people did it under duress or they did it willingly, we are seeing the fallout of the damage that this gene altering technology is doing. I mean turbo cancer is just absolutely overtaking the society. I mean it's shocking. The mainstream media is not covering it, of course, but you and I know what's happening and we're also seeing an absolute skyrocket in autoimmune diseases.

Speaker 2:

So where was I going with this? I think it's important. Oh, we were talking about bravery and being unapologetic. I just and I said in my article. I would be such a hypocrite if I did not speak out on this because of my belief system and because of my knowledge about how these ingredients are actually the trigger for autoimmunity for a lot of people. I would be such a hypocrite if I didn't speak out about this. And you know, joshua one nine says have I not commanded you Be strong and courageous, so I will die on this hill. I will never stop talking about this and I just hope that more people start to wake up to this spiritual battle that we're in, because we are in a spiritual battle right now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely so, knowing like, let's just say, somebody is listening today and they, for some reason maybe have never heard that. You know these COVID shots are causing, you know, a downfall on the backend, right, what? What can they do? Like what? What is a solution that can help them to move forward? Um, I know there's a lot of things out there, but is there anything that you've seen or done over time to help um, support, um, you know whether it's clients or what have you? Because there is hope. There is hope. Um, I'm wearing a shirt today because I felt like it was appropriate. Um, you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it for good. So I believe that you know there's people waking up. There's a lot of things that we've seen over these years that, honestly, like they shake my insides because I'm like, oh my word, this is so evil. But I realized that if you flip the script of the word evil, it's live. So, with that being said, I'd. That being said, wow, your thoughts are on that?

Speaker 2:

so I don't want to be a commercial for any particular products. I mean, unless you want me to speak on this, I don't want anyone listening to this to feel like, oh, she's just promoting some product. But I will say in my dark night of the soul so this was fall of 2022. Yeah, A year and a half ago where I was about to throw in the towel on my practice because I was so overwhelmed with emails from people and not even necessarily like former clients, just people from all over the world saying I took the COVID shots and all my hair fell out. What do I do? I'm like I don't know. I don't know what to tell you.

Speaker 2:

And at the time, there were several like COVID shot detox protocols that were being published and I was kind of you know, like keeping my finger on the pulse and kind of, you know, paying attention, but kind of keeping it at arm's distance to some degree, because this was also new. And the protocols that I was looking at were like some of them were 30 to 40 supplements long and I'm like nobody's gonna do that, Like I'm not gonna do that. I mean, I haven't had the COVID shot and I wasn't looking to to detox from it, but I'm like I'm not gonna share this with anybody because this is overwhelming, it's expensive, um, and it's not like I was trying to hold out on people, but but again, I felt like at the time we were kind kind of throwing spaghetti on the wall, like like, oh, this doctor published this and that doctor published that. And then you've got these other doctors saying, well, you know, you can't detox the synthetic spike protein, it's self-perpetuating. You know it makes itself in perpetuity. You know the synthetic spike protein continues to make itself and there's no mechanism to turn that off. I do know that that's now false.

Speaker 2:

And then in January so January of 2023, I was introduced to a protocol which I was skeptical about. Right, I'm like, okay, here's another one, you know. And. But I trusted the person who had approached me and she said look, you and I need to talk, because she's like I've been following you for a while and I know that you've been very brave and outspoken about what's happening. She's like you need to know about this and it's a simple protocol. It's simple and I'm like okay, so we get on zoom. And when I thought it was going to be a 45 minute conversation ended up being, I think three to three and a half hours and I got my mind absolutely blown. So there there is a mechanism that has been extremely helpful in cutting off that communication between the synthetic spike protein and our cells. It literally it's like the equivalent of. You know, like a cell phone has a signal, right, All of our cell phones have a signal to a satellite. You take that cell phone, you smash it in the driveway, it blasts into smithereens and it no longer has a signal. So this is a similar mechanism.

Speaker 2:

And I also want to say I don't want to just keep harping on the COVID shot or people who've had the COVID shot. I know there is a lot of regret in the community and I have a tremendous amount of compassion for those people. But I also want to say the spike protein is aerosol, so we've all been affected by it, you know, to varying degrees. So we have all been affected. So I take this protocol myself and I don't want to be a commercial for it. I'll say more if you want me to say more about it. But what?

Speaker 1:

You're welcome to. I mean, I once I heard you talking about it I was like, girl, I'm, I'm trying this myself because I was around a lot of people who were getting it and I'll I'll share you know openly about what was happening to me. I had a hysterectomy years ago and I was starting to bleed. Yeah, so let let that be a testimony of there's and there's other things that that just even being around other people who had it was doing to my body and others and again it's just to my body and others and again it's just it's it's, it's a support system. I'll just say that it's definitely been a support system to my body and because, just like you, I I've been, you know, in, like, you've been in my back pocket for many years, sharing what you've learned and you're very straight to the point and I know your heart. So I was like, okay, I want to hear more about this, you know.

Speaker 2:

So the company is called Root and the nanobiotechnologist PhD formulator of these products has created a product that, like we talked about, cuts off that communication between the spike protein and the cells. So I want to back up for a second and say she's deeply Christian. She and her husband are both deeply Christian. She had a prophetic word spoken over her when she was, I think, 19 years old. I don't quote me on that, I think she was 19. She's brilliant. She's got an eidetic memory. She's an idiot savant, but she's a social idiot savant. So she's not antisocial, absolutely brilliant.

Speaker 2:

She had a prophetic word spoken over her that said this this pastor said to her there's going to be a crisis in healthcare and you will be the solution. It gives me chills every time I tell somebody this. So she and I are the same age. We're both from these small towns in Missouri, which is kind of funny. I've never met her but, um, you know she's now 54 and she knew. She also knew what was coming with COVID and she already had the solution before COVID hit and before the shots were rolled out, because she used to work for big pharma which raises some eyebrows, but she left under a crisis of consciousness, she left the pharmaceutical industry, but she knew what was coming and she already had the solution created.

Speaker 2:

So you know, it's a clonoptenolite that short circuits that communication between the spike protein and the cell. But also, what's really really important, and the reason that her specific zeolite, clinoptenolite, is different than anything else any other zeolite on the market, is because it um eliminates or alleviates what's called mineral gapping. So every cell in our body um has occupancy. You know, like there's a space within the cell that has to be occupied by something. For a lot of people it's occupied with toxins, heavy metals, pesticides you know, toxins that that we have not been able to expel from the body. So this product has a negative charge in toxins like heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides. Other toxins have a positive charge.

Speaker 2:

So when you ingest this clonoptonolite, it acts like a magnet. They snap together and the toxins are pulled out of the system safely without contaminating surrounding tissue. This is so important because there's a lot of what's called chelation, which means to bind. There's other forms of chelation that, yeah, you might pull the toxins out of the tissue but it's going to contaminate surrounding tissue in that detox process and people can actually get sicker than they were before they started their detox, this clonophthalate simultaneously at the same time. So it pulls the toxins out and it immediately infuses the cells with minerals so that those cells are reoccupied with what they're meant to be occupied with, which is minerals.

Speaker 2:

I've been harping on minerals for over a decade. I mean, minerals are just so critically important for the human body. So, instead of leaving that cell empty, or cells all of our cells empty, where they can collapse on themselves, if there's nothing to occupy that space, the cells can collapse and that in and of itself, can be a contributor to autoimmunity. So it pulls the toxins out and this is the only clonophthalate on the market that re occupies that cell, the cells, with minerals so that they don't collapse. So it is a completely different animal than any other zeolite on the market and it's it's a major detoxifier and many of my clients, former clients, students have been on it for over a year now and just seeing absolutely incredible results. I mean just just incredible.

Speaker 2:

So you know there's a couple more products from root that I really actually love. Um, we don't have to get into them. Clean slate is, hands down, the most important. If people can only do one product, they need to do clean slate. I also do love immune defense shield. That's my second favorite product. I do love that for anyone with a history of autoimmunity or cancer. But we can stop there unless you have other questions. But for people who've had the COVID shot and have had adverse reactions or who are just concerned about the synthetic spike protein, I think clean slate is so critically important.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I would agree. I've been on well, I think it's been since about April of last year and I've taken immune defense shield every single day. I have not been sick for at least two years. Yeah, I mean, I don't even get anything. Nothing like nothing comes at me and I love it, um, and it's, it's. I feel like it's just a I don't know.

Speaker 1:

There's just something special about the fact that, well, the protocol name that is suggested is called Trinity, and the fact that it's called Trinity, like I'm big on names, I'm really big on words and roots, like let's get to the root, like that's been huge for me, even since 2020, like the Lord was really showing me a lot spiritually about roots and weeds and trees and the garden and all the things. So the fact that you know this came across my path, you know, because of you, and thank, thankfully, you know, thank you for sharing and again, boldly. You know, because I know one of the things that you mentioned that I really appreciated was that you're not one to like jump on product bandwagons, you know, yeah, so I appreciate that.

Speaker 2:

Right, this is one of a very, very few number of products that I have um shared in 19 years. Like I haven't jumped on like the essential oils wagon. Like I use essential oils, you know, but I don't I don't have a relation, I don't sell them. Um, you know, this is this is one of a very few things that I've really latched onto and I had to know what it was before I started talking about it. I probably spent a good you know five to six weeks really watching videos and looking at like who's behind this and what is this and how does it work, and tell me more about mineral gapping. Like I really had to look at it before I was willing to make a peep about it, because my reputation is everything to me and I I don't and I don't want to be talking about something that's ineffective or that the company is disintegrous. I can't go there. I just can't do that.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, I'm right there with you, my friend. Well, you have shared so much goodness I feel like we'll have to have you back on again. Do you have a rough estimate when mastery will be up and ready to to roll out for the listeners?

Speaker 2:

You know I'm working on it this summer. I may roll it out in like late July or August. It's not a great time to roll out like a multi-part program in the summertime. It's not because people are, you know, kids are out of school and families are on vacation. Fall is a good time to do it, which if, if you would have told me when I had the idea for mastery that it wouldn't be until fall until it rolled out, I would have been like, no, I got it. You know no way I got to do it sooner. But uh, I've been busy with some other stuff lately and I think it's probably wise for me to probably do it like once most kids are back in school, because that's really a great time to roll out a course.

Speaker 2:

But I am going to teach a couple of classes this summer. I'm teaching a one-off class on blood sugar management and I do have an ebook about blood sugar management which you know. I'll incorporate a lot of that into the class. But one of the new things that I'm adding to the class is the relationship between blood sugar management and autoimmunity, like I've really kind of dug into that this spring and it's very eyeopening. So that will be the new component of that class. Do you mind if I say one other thing about pharmaceuticals? Can I say one other thing?

Speaker 1:

This is your microphone and you can say whatever you want, my friend.

Speaker 2:

Well, I guess I will start by saying um, during that time, when I was away from the church and you know I was still questioning, you know there was a lot of you know. Know, you can't completely get away from your upbringing, right. So so I was kind of in and out of. I mean, there were times when I didn't even believe in God, because I have a very, very time reconciling that. Even when I was a little kid, I was just peppering my mom with questions about why are some people hungry? Why do some people not have enough to live on? Why are some people, you know, homeless, like I don't? If there's a God, you know, explain this to me. I need to understand this. If there's a God, you know, explain this to me, I need to understand this.

Speaker 2:

So during that time you know what, three decades where I was kind of in and out of belief and you know not really sure what I thought, I dabbled in the occult, which I'm not proud to say, and at the time it made perfect sense to me. It's like oh well, of course I'm going to talk to this psychic, cause they're going to tell me, you know, you know what my future holds, and I had some really mind blowing. I didn't do a lot, mind you, I didn't do it a lot, but I had some mind blowing sessions with psychics, I dabbled in Tarot, I dabbled with energy workers. I dabbled in tarot, I dabbled with energy workers, I dabbled in some past life stuff and I know that my mom was such a prayer warrior for me during that time because she was just mortified at what I was doing and she tried to warn me.

Speaker 2:

And now I look back and I'm like, oh my gosh, I will never touch that stuff with a 10 foot pole ever again. I mean full repentance, like full on. I will never, ever do anything like that ever again. I just I think about these things I did and I'm not going to beat myself up about it, right, but it's I. I understand now. I understand that that is darkness parading as light. And One of the other things that is darkness that parades as light is pharmakia. You're familiar with the term pharmakia, right?

Speaker 2:

Is it pharmakia or I don't know how you say it, but I think it's pharmakia I might be pronouncing it like it's actually in the Bible, Like yes, it's a word in the Bible that's related to occult and like pagan worship practices. It doesn't refer to pharmaceuticals only, but you know, it's translated often as like sorcery or witchcraft, or sorcerer, biblical sorcery. It's like it's kind of about like abusing drugs for idolatry, recreation or oppression of others. So, you know, some people use drugs recreationally. I believe that the pharmaceutical industry is using drugs as a form of oppression and that might be a strong statement for a lot of people.

Speaker 2:

But again, you know, we're kind of under the spell of like a pill for every ill or a shot for every ill and I think I think a lot of people are now starting to wake up. I hope that they're starting to wake up. And again, you know a reason, a season or a lifetime, like if you need to take an antibiotic because you've got a staph infection, then yes, you know, absolutely they can have their reasons. I feel like they should be taken short term. But I feel like we as a society are under this spell of like I'm going to take this drug for the rest of my life and then I don't have to be held accountable for all of the things that I may have done to contribute to my condition and and again, I don't want this to sound like blame you know, some people not all disease is lifestyle based, although much of it is. So you know, again, I don't want to come from a place of blame or shame, but people don't want to be held accountable for their own healing or they don't want to be accountable for what they may have done, or or the junk food that they've eaten for decades or the way that they've mistreated their body that may have led to disease. They don't want to take accountability for that. So many people don't some do, many people don't.

Speaker 2:

So I think about this spiritual battle that we're in and I think about my past with the occult, and I think about you know this I'm going to call it sorcery this witchcraft that we, the spell that we are under, that that big pharma has sort of clouded us in, and it's it's very concerning. It's very concerning to me. The pharmaceutical industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that's often making people sicker. I know that's kind of a heavy note to end on. I don't know if you have anything to say about that.

Speaker 1:

I believe, because I worked in the corporate side of healthcare and because of my own, um, you know my I was not raised in the church, so I kind of have an opposite uh, growing up as you do, and I was rescued and I, I myself, had to be rescued of many things. So, again, like you said, there's no condemnation If you have done things, all the things, like I did a lot of things too right, um, he is our, he's the best rescue ever. And I, I myself, I like hated God growing up, similar to you I was. I'm such a feeler I love like rainbows and butterflies. I want the world to be like happy and happy. You know what I mean. So when I would see things, I would start questioning myself. Anyways, that's a whole other story.

Speaker 1:

But you know, working in the system and getting to a point, you know, similar to what you were saying about the founder of RIT, you know I couldn't even take money from the system anymore. He called me to cut the cord to the system and I recognized what was actually happening behind the scenes. Again, I speak a little bit of that on my podcast episode about freedom and delivery, or freedom and deliverance and all that goodness. But one of the things I realized and I see I'm kind of a wordsmith. I'm a wordsmith in a different way than you are. You're a prolific writer and I just I see words within words a lot and at one point I don't even know it must've been within the last four years. I would say I see words within words a lot and at one point I don't even know it must've been within the last four years. I would say I saw the word pharma and the word within that is harm.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yes, oh, interesting, and again here to seeing pharmakia and doing some research like spells. I, I just what. I think my heart and your heart, jill, is to be a voice of truth and a voice of awakening um, a voice to um, wake up the sleepers. Right, like kind of sounding the alarm a little bit on some of these topics that we have walked through and or come out of and a lot of the things that you know, women come on here and share, like whether they've walked out of, you know, having horrible situations that they've been able to walk out with keys of revelation to share with people out there. Because if you like I said we've said before, if you don't know, you don't know.

Speaker 1:

There was many years that I didn't know a lot of these things and it took maybe somebody tapping me on the shoulder. You know, hey, kristen, did you know? So that's what we're doing today we're tapping on the shoulder, you know, let Holy Spirit show you, like, what's next step for you. Is it X, y, z? Is there something that you need to go a little deeper with on the Lord to get to some more? You know, root cause, right, spiritually, physically, mentally, all the things. So there's so much hope for you, jill.

Speaker 1:

I would love for you to you know part of why I do this, and I know you're similar to me. We're not like out there for accolades, we're not out there to have. Like you know, our reason for living is not to have a big audience, right? It's not like, hey, it's really for the one, and part of why I'm doing this podcast is is really for the one. So every time I come on here, I just imagine one woman listening in and it could be a man too, but typically I see a woman. Is there anything that you would want to say to her? Um, to wrap up, and then would you pray over her as well?

Speaker 2:

to wrap up and then would you pray over her as well? Yes, and I would say just to echo something you said, which is we don't know what we don't know. Yeah, and my reason for writing my anti-mandate article and exposing these governmental agencies and big pharma and the harms of vaccines was not for accolades. Yeah, I wish I could have done it under a pseudonym, but it wouldn't have worked. Some people said you should do this under a pseudonym and I said no way, I can't do that. But I did put everything on the line for it and I don't say that as a pat on the back for myself, but just to echo what you said about we don't know what we don't know. And some people said why are you doing this, jill? Why are you doing this? I said because people need to know. Um, sorry, I keep saying I want to say one more thing.

Speaker 2:

I did an interview. I'll keep this really quick and then I'm going to say a prayer, but I interviewed Kenny Maurer. So Kenny Maurer is the NBA rep who was fired because he refused to take the COVID shot and he's in a legal battle right now and he's going to win to take the COVID shot and he's in a. He's in a legal battle right now and he's going to win. But in the interview that I did with him he talks about it's difficult to listen to and I and I I've warned everyone, you know, like listener, discretion advised but he talks about the aborted fetal tissue in vaccines and that one, that, that, that the aborted fetal tissue in vaccines has woken a lot of people up.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people have said I did not know, I did not know. What are you telling me here? Are you serious? I did not know this. And I'm like, yeah, you can go look it up, you can go look it up. So we are reaching a point where people can't say they don't know anymore, like I've been screaming it from the mountaintops. I've got a lot of friends and colleagues who've been screaming it from the mountaintops. So thank you for letting me end on that.

Speaker 2:

But I would say, for the one woman that you referenced, who you know, I like, I like what you said about, like this is for the one, I would say dear Lord, I pray that you wrap her in a hedge of protection physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and I pray that you give her peace and a calmness and a reassurance that learning some of these things that we've talked about today doesn't have to be scary, it's. I ask that you empower her to move forward in a way that makes the most sense for her and her family, if she, if she has one family, if she, if she has one, knowing that you're always there, you're always with us, and I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. But I also want to quote Romans 12 2. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that, by testing, you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Speaker 1:

Jill, thank you. That is my one of my life verses, because my birthday is 12 too, so it fits. Really, I do not conform to the pattern of this world. So it fits perfectly, and it fits you perfect too, my friend.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. Thank you, I know we get a little long and I appreciate you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's you know, as I shared with you before this, we just go as long as Holy Spirit needs us to go. So, listeners, if you're still listening, thank you for listening. I just want to just say over you, jill again, thank you're still listening. Thank you for listening. I just want to just say over you, jill, again, thank you for being a brave voice who's setting so many free. I will link up all the things in the show notes so you can get a hold of Jill, hear more about her mastery. I love that name and I would really encourage you to get on her email list. Like I said, she is just prolific writer. She has so many resources on her website. She just gives freely of so much knowledge and wisdom and has just been a really amazing voice in my life.

Speaker 1:

So I am going to close with our anchoring verse over hope unlocked. It is hope unlocked. I can't say that. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing so that, by the power of the Holy spirit, you may abound in hope, and that's Romans 15, 13. So, thank you again, jill. I will for sure have you on again. I think we have more to share again at a later time. Yeah, thanks, jill. See you guys Be back with another episode next week.

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