Hope Unlocked 🔑

Embracing Grace Based Wellness: Kim Waggoner’s Journey of Hope and Healing

Kristin Kurtz Season 2 Episode 83

Imagine facing a stage four cancer diagnosis and finding a path to healing that defies conventional wisdom. Join me as I sit down with my dear friend Kim Waggoner, a registered nurse and health coach, who has bravely navigated this journey. Kim shares how her unwavering faith and holistic approach to wellness transformed her life. Her story is one of resilience, hope, and the power of embracing a multifaceted and grace based approach to health.

You'll also hear about Kim’s transformative shift from traditional nursing to a holistic health perspective, inspired by her experience and an influential oncology dietician named Wanda. Together, they explored the profound impacts of nutrition, supplements, and spirituality on health, fundamentally changing Kim's approach to wellness. This journey has inspired her to carry forward a legacy of holistic living in her community and beyond, sharing these empowering practices with the world.

For those seeking practical steps to holistic health, Kim offers invaluable advice on how small, consistent changes can lead to significant health improvements. From celebrating small victories to overcoming shame, Kim sheds light on sustainable practices that foster long-term wellness. Tune in for an episode rich with inspiration, practical guidance, and heartfelt testimonies.

Kim's contact info:
🔑 Email - kim@kimwaggoner.com
🔑 Start Your Health Coaching Journey with Kim
🔑 Website 
🔑 Words, Worth, Worship & Wellness Women's Retreat

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm your host, kristen Kurtz, and I'm also the founder of New Wings Coaching. I help and empower wildhearted and adventurous women of faith feeling caged and stuck, unlock their true purpose and potential, break free from limitations and thrive with confidence, courage and hope. If you're curious to learn more about coaching with me, head to newwingscoachingnet and be sure to explore the show notes for ways to connect with me further. Get ready to dive in as we uncover empowering keys and insights in this episode. So tune in and let's unlock hope together.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm Kristen Kurtz, your host. I pray this episode is like a holy IV of hope for your soul. Please help me welcome my friend, kim Wagoner, to the show.

Speaker 2:

I am so excited for her to be here. I feel like it's been a long time coming and we just happen to have an open time today and I just feel like God is all over this conversation. I'm so excited for her to share where she is in her life right now, what she's doing and how she can actually help many of you. So, kim, if you could share a little bit about yourself and we'll kind of get into the rest of the show.

Speaker 3:

Sure, thank you, kristen. Well, like you said, my name is Kim Wagner. I just turned the big, fabulous five zero. This year. My family had an awesome party for me, so that was really cool. They were all dressed up when I got there as the past versions of me so pregnant Kim and ER nurse Kim and all the things. But anyway, so I obviously am married. I have you ready for this. I have two children that I birthed, I have three stepchildren and I have one bonus child. So lots of lots of children in my life as well as I'm a Mimi now to three, with one on the way. So ages four, three, one and, like I said, a new baby coming here in a few months. One and, like I said, a new baby coming here in a few months.

Speaker 3:

Um, I, my profession is I'm a registered nurse and I've been an RN for about 28 years, um, but in 2010, I was blessed with a stage four cancer diagnosis and that took my life, obviously, in a little bit of a shift. We may get into that a little bit more, but anyway, just to let you know, that's where a pivot or a shift happened in my life for my own, uh, because I knew I was already starting to feel, uh, in that time I was an ER nurse. At the time I was already starting to feel frustrated. Um, you know, we would see the same people come in with the same problems over and over and over, the same problems, over and over and over, and I began to ask myself, like, why are we not helping people get well? And so, again, after this cancer diagnosis, I had three years to go through my own healing journey. I asked a lot of questions. I began to discover how could I have gotten cancer? I have no family history. I was a healthy weight, I was active. You would have looked at me and never known it. But again, there's a lot happening on the inside that we can't see right. And so this is really where, honestly, it was.

Speaker 3:

The pivot happened for me the day that I was diagnosed, because I came home in a lot of fear, of course, at first, and a lot of things to my memory of the times in my life when he was present and was faithful, and at that time he reminded me of one of my favorite Bible stories, which is the story of Joseph, and basically, I think is it Genesis 50, 20, maybe. Um, that says, what was meant for evil, god meant for good, and so I knew at that point that I had a calling on my life to not keep the things that I was going to learn, um, because I was on a mission. Right then, you know, like I was, like I want to heal, I want to live, I want to choose life, um, I have kids that I want to see graduate and get married, and you know I was praying. That was part of the story for me, and so, you know, over the years God has given me more in tune to what his mission is in what I'm doing, and it has just a little bit to do with physical health, but a lot of emotional and spiritual as well, which I think is why you and I connect very well.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, I launched a coaching business and that is what I do. That was kind of a long way to get to what I do and who I am, but I have a health coaching practice on my own for probably the past six, seven, eight years round in there, I do that from home most of the time, remotely meeting with clients, and then, like I said, my priority is being a daughter of God, being a wife to my husband, eric, being a mama to my children and a Mimi, and then a mama to my children and a Mimi, and then um. You know that's like my first mission um ground, and then the rest would be the clients that God brings into my path and um live in a little organic farm here at which you have had the pleasure to come visit. Um a little gift from God. We live in a little organic farm and grow most of um, you know, our food and raise chickens and all the fun things here in Indiana.

Speaker 2:

So that's that's a little bit about me. Thank you for sharing. I want to just kind of capture something you said, and it was that you were blessed to have a diagnosis of cancer.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I would say probably 99% or maybe 99.9% of people would probably not say that. Yeah, how can you say that?

Speaker 3:

can you say that? Um? Well, it's funny because I do see a lot of people who we don't say uh, four letter. Well, I do have some four letter F words that are good, but you know there are. There is a trend out there of four letter word cancer, right, um?

Speaker 3:

And while it is a devastating diagnosis, you know, two weeks after I was diagnosed with that disease or cancer diagnosis, my stepfather was diagnosed with esophageal cancer and his outcome was different. We were both diagnosed in March of 2010 and he passed away in um December of that same year, uh, after a pretty brutal battle, um, with esophageal cancer that metastasized. But even in that, it was a blessing because I got to care for him, um, and I got to have some really good conversations, um, about, um, yeah, his spiritual life and um, did he feel that he know Jesus and and did he feel confident to where he was going to be going and um, so, anyway, the reason why it's a blessing for me is because I know I have a savior and I know that I have eternity. Like, I know that this place isn't my home. So, um, there's no fear in death, um, and I know, you know what I mean. Like that. That is my security, that's where my true hope is found. I mean, like that, that is my security, that's where my true hope is found, and so the blessing of it is is that, oh man, like I was, um, I was digging in you know what I mean Like to scripture and God's word, and you know so that personal relationship or that personal encounter with Jesus was deeper and stronger and more foundational. And yet I was also able I shared my journey on like a caring bridge and like Facebook, and so I was able to just have it be a light and be an influence. And I don't know what that reach looked like, um, but it was a gift to me to be able to share what I was learning from the Lord.

Speaker 3:

And then also, yet, there was still these practical things that I was learning right, like how, you know, my husband did this search after, you know, I was diagnosed, and he's like, wow, I just learned I know this is going to sound crazy and maybe it won't to everybody he was like, wow, the roundup that I'm putting on our garden foods could have caused, or could be like they can cause, lymphoma. And he's like, no more, no more on our property, we will not have any chemicals on our land. We will, and we looked for ways. Obviously, then I mean again, you would think, as a nurse, I would know these things, right? No, this was not education that I received as a nurse or anything that I did, as you know, even in my practice, right, it honestly wasn't even told to me as I went through, you know, working with an oncologist, and yada, yada, yada. These are all the things that I found out for myself. So I hope I'm answering your question.

Speaker 3:

The blessing was is that God works all things for our good, and I believed that I knew where I was going, I knew what eternity looked like for me, and this place was not my home.

Speaker 3:

And yet I knew that everything happens, you know, for a reason, in the sense of that it can have pain and and struggle, and whatever can produce a lot, a lot of good, and so that's the hope and that's the truth that I was standing on.

Speaker 3:

And so when I look back, I think, man, you know, I'm leaving a completely different legacy for my, my family, in my spiritual life and my physical life and the things that I'm now teaching my grandkids, you know, in the kitchen and on the farm and then our community and people beyond. You know my local area because of the internet, right, like what a blessing to be able to share from my experience. And yet also, ultimately, I bring glory to God and I highlight him because if it wasn't for him, there wouldn't be me, right and the and you know. So that's why it's a blessing, it's, it's. Was there some hard times? Was there some scary times? Yeah, but again, because I have the worldview that I have, which is a biblical worldview, and because I have the worldview that I have, which is a biblical worldview.

Speaker 2:

um, nothing is lost, in the sense, like it's, it's all good. Well, I hope listeners, I hope you caught that, um, because we can. It was like for you, you know, looking back, so you were still in the ER working at that time too, were you?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I was working until, um, I mean as soon as I I did do some conventional treatments Cause, of course, at the time I didn't know any different Um and um, so I was unable to work. I because of the environment that I would have been in and the effect on the immune system, you know, potential weakening, et cetera, et cetera. So, yeah, no, I was also blessed just to be able to stay home for three years and go through that healing journey.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we both share a mutual love for holistic healing, all the things. The holistics like whole W, h, o, l E natural means of healing all of those beautiful things that God has given us. Was it around that time that you had kind of an eye-opening experience Like when was that? When was that moment for you really started kind of taking a different path off, like the conventional, being a nurse, being in the, you know, I like to say the belly of the whale, like you're literally there, you're in it.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Like what's actually happening on the inside, Like when did you have that like pivot point moment?

Speaker 3:

Um, I would say, within a couple of weeks of being diagnosed, um, a couple from one, two different ways. One was what I had already mentioned. Was my husband doing some deep diving, like starting to look at research, which is really interesting? We live about an hour and a half from Purdue university, which is a big agricultural, and it was actually an article that he found from Purdue that talked about some research they had done and the effects of you know, like glyphosate, different different agricultural chemicals, um, and how they were, um, you know, affecting or or you know I'm not sure that what the right word I want to use right now is but um, with lymphoma cases, and so that kind of opened his night, his eyes. But that probably came a little bit later. Actually, the first thing again was another God came a little bit later. Actually, the first thing again was another God thing.

Speaker 3:

So as part of oncology you were to meet with the oncology dietician and that dietician we knew each other because I worked at the hospital, right, so I knew of her. I didn't know her well, I just always heard about her Wanda was her name and she reached out to me and said could I? Actually we only live two blocks from each other. And so the town that the hospital was in was like 15 minutes away from where I lived. It was a larger. So it's Warsaw, like it's a larger area. It was a larger, so it's Warsaw, like it's a larger area. And then my little town had 600 people in it. Okay, so at the time I lived in town and we lived two blocks from each other and didn't know it. And so she's like do you mind if I come to your home and do your dietary consult? She said I would like to speak freely with you. And I said, yeah, absolutely. And so she came over and she probably did. You know, like what she was supposed to do? Right, like she. So she was a woman who I say was because she has passed away since.

Speaker 3:

But she began to open my eyes because she started to ask me a lot of questions what are you eating? What kind of supplements are you taking? What are you putting on your skin? What kind of cleaners are you using? What is in your air? What are you? What thoughts? Okay, here we go. What thoughts? Because I don't know if you've caught, if anybody's listened so far yet and picked up, because I haven't corrected myself. Yet Sometimes in the beginning or in the beginning, when I had a cancer diagnosis, I used to say my cancer diagnosis or my lymphoma diagnosis, and she would quickly correct me.

Speaker 3:

She said it is not your diagnosis, it is a diagnosis of a collection of different things, that that someone has said to you and your words that you speak over yourself almost like accidentally, coach me, right. So so I there was a connection, a spirit connection that happened that day because she also was a believer, is a believer, um, and so she was also a professor, a professor at a local, a nutrition professor at a local um college, and she would also go out and do many different talks and again, this is, you know, 14, 15 years ago. And then she was counter-cultural, okay, so she was talking about whole food nutrition, um, proper supplementation, using them as supplements, not as first line defense, talking about chemicals on your skin, you know, like all the things. So I, I literally became her little like. She was like my little mentor and I just began to follow her to different places and and glean and learn and soak in and take notes and keep copies, and just you know what I'm saying Like and what she ended up becoming as well.

Speaker 3:

Was um, a a spiritual mother to me in a sense? Like all the other stuff was like, eh, thank you, okay, good, I learned how to eat, but but this was just so rich, um, because she, she began to, um, yeah, just really get me very holistic approach, and again, I, I just believe it's because God ordained that like for us, and so in a sense, it's really cool because I've, unfortunately, like I said, she, she did move away and then she did pass away, um, and I was just able to kind of like pick up the torch, in a sense, Um, and she just was a huge inspiration to me. Like I'm going to cry, um, and I, yeah, she just she left a really amazing legacy, uh, that I, even not being her own daughter or being a part of her family, just the impact that she had, and so it, um, you know, fuels what I want to do when I think about leaving a legacy. I don't want to just want to live a legacy, I want to. I don't want to leave a legacy, I want to live the legacy, um, and pass it down now, not not after I leave, and that is something that I think she really modeled well for me. And so that's really where my eyes were opened.

Speaker 3:

Um, and I began to just start to, and it was just like you know, it's like when you buy a new car and you see the new car everywhere. Now it's kind of like again, um, it's not accidental, it's not coincidental, it's, you know, me having the eyes to be open, you know, to see what opportunities and what things God's putting in front of me. So that is just. Again. I was hungry, not in a desperate sort of way, but I was hungry to know again. Remember, kristen, I'm in this medical model over here my whole life. Right that? So real quick, I want to say.

Speaker 3:

I went back to, after three years of healing, I did go back to an OBGYN office amazing people, amazing doctors, amazing office but what I found was women crying out for help and they were given prescriptions or kind of like. Ah well, this is just how it's going to be. And, um, because there was no lifestyle medicine, there was no um, and I was just feeling really frustrated and I no longer aligned with that system. And I knew I just didn't feel good inside and I knew that I had to just take the leap of faith and that God was calling me out into freedom to be able to speak to people, speak the truth to people, right?

Speaker 3:

Like I'm not just going to say, take this prescription because of X, y or Z and I'm not always against medication and stuff like that but it's like if we aren't looking at the foundations for a healthy lifestyle, if we're not looking at those foundations and when I'm talking about foundations, I'm not just talking about what food are we eating, I'm talking about, like I said, the words that we're speaking over ourself, our mindset. You know, how is our spiritual health? Have we addressed any trauma in our lives? Like, if we're not looking at the big picture, we're we're totally doing a disservice to our clients, you know, or our patients.

Speaker 3:

When I was working in and I think that's what women are hungry for, I think they are, they're hungry and they're, you know, I mean at some points, desperate right To just not feel the way that they feel. Um, and they know that there's more out there, um, and I love this holistic approach, this more natural approach, because it, if someone's trying to, you know, decrease their hemoglobin A1C and they're working with me and we're working on that we're also lowering their risk for heart disease and stroke and they're getting in touch with nature and they're hearing from God and they're improving family relationships and they're finding they have more joy in their life. Like you, don't get that from a prescription.

Speaker 2:

No, not, not one bit. There's a lot of side effects. What you just said are not side effects. They're good they're actually. What would you call those Abundance? Yes, abundance.

Speaker 3:

Yes, abundant effects. Yep, abundant effects. I just went to um, I just went to a uh, five day training, uh, it's called school lunch out in California. Um, so very ancestral type of cooking, living movement, et cetera, and we kept calling the sourdough discard and they go. We don't like that word, so we renamed it sourdough abundance.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know me, I love like flipping the script, Just like, even as we're talking, like literally flipping the script, because that's what typically, you know I like you, my eyes were opened years ago, you know you. Just, you just trust the system. You trust doctors, because I wasn't trained as a doctor, I was not trained, I was starting to go to school to be a nurse, so I had some knowledge and I I'm fascinated by health and wellness. I'm fascinated, I've always been fascinated by it. But when you start getting these diagnosis and you don't know other than what somebody's telling you you need a prescription.

Speaker 2:

You know you just, even with kids like you as a new mama, that I don't know about you, but I had moments where they're like you need to do this and it's like you just don't question it. And I think what you and I love to do is to help people like wake up, and a lot of that is through asking questions. Yeah, you and I like we don't, I don't want to like tell people what to do I have Don't get me wrong but in the end, like when we each, each of us have to have our own revelations and awakening moments.

Speaker 2:

So I would love for you to share, share, like just in your journey over the last you know years, a testimony, if you'd be open to sharing, of somebody that you've worked with and how they've gone through this journey with you, and and, and their awakening.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean I just have one one. Actually, where I'm going to start, if it's OK, is I did have a someone who would have been early on, you know doing uh, you know following some of the things that I said, and then you know how you just kind of like, follow somebody and get little nuggets. Well, she was one of those little nuggets gals and, um, she called me out of the blue one day, um, just to honestly celebrate with me because she's like and I'm sorry, I do not remember the actual um, I don't remember the exact numbers on her, but, um, she said Kim, and like my hemoglobin A1C. Just by following some of the things that you said, my hemoglobin A1C, I'm throwing some of the things that you said my hemoglobin A1C, I'm throwing out a number. I do have it somewhere. Um, because it was. I actually did like a little video testimony on it.

Speaker 3:

Um, let's say it was like 10 and it's down to like seven. Okay, um, and so I. She just was giddy. I was celebrating with her. I got off the phone with her and I began to sob because the Lord implanted this verse on me right after I got done speaking with her, and it's John 10, 10. I know a lot of people might know this, but it became really fresh for me. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come so that they may have life and may have it abundantly. And what he really imprinted in me on that day was that we're literally in a war.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so, whatever her story is, whatever her background is, whatever, from infant to beyond, right, like, did she have hurts? Did she have traumas? Did she have? What did the enemy try to do to steal her life? Right, like, what did he try to do? So, whether that shows up for her in some kind of you know thing that led her to use food as comfort, right? Or to have a different thought process about herself, about her worth or about her value that caused her to have shame or guilt about her body, or you know whatever. You know, all those little things, I think, are the enemy coming to steal and to kill and destroy. And so this led her along her path, because she had not received, maybe, healing in some of those areas um, to a type two diabetes, you know diagnosis, and so when I feel like I am teaching people, these are like it's like weapons of war, right. It's like how can I fuel myself different? How can I, you know, in a way that is sustainable, that's not like punishing myself or restrictive, that's free and that's about flourishing and brings joy. And you know how can I do that? Because I am counteracting, like I am on the offense and the defense when it comes to what the enemy is trying to steal.

Speaker 3:

So I look back at my life and I will get to your question. When I look at my life, I look at some childhood trauma, starting at age six, all right. Then you know age eight, then a really rough I won't get into that but first marriage, and then you know a cancer diagnosis and then you know losing my dad and you know all these different things that the enemy's like I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm out to get her Right, like as a child of God, like he knew the assignment on my life, and he's like I'm coming after her right and so I fight back, with obviously being a coach, but I help others fight back. That's really like. The picture that God gave me is that we have a birthright and we, you know, for health and for healing and for wholeness. And I'm not just talking about our physical bodies, like that's part of it, because, because we are mind, body, spirit, right, it's the whole thing. So I wanted to just kind of preface that that that is what.

Speaker 3:

When I show up to work, that is what I believe that I'm doing, I have a prophetic art on my wall that God gave me a vision. I have a prophetic art on my wall that God gave me a vision that he is on a mission. Okay, he's on the mission, I'm along for the ride. Like he is on a mission and this is the vision statement for my business to restore identity, hope and help to the daughters of God through a grace based approach to wellness. And I could totally unpack that Like. It'll take me hours, but I have a prophetic art on my wall and it's me. It's a picture of me. Like it doesn't really look like me, but it's. It's the vision that God gave me of this princess. She has a crown on her head, she is dressed in warrior clothes and I am riding on the back of a lion, a lion of Judah, and you know, I see that and it's like I'm kind of at war, but I'm really like I'm writing on his back and I have a relaxed face and I am confident and I am secure that I'm like ushering in, like you know what I mean Like whatever he wants to do in somebody's life. Um, so, backstory just wanted to give a little bit more context to what I really feel like what I'm doing when I work with clients.

Speaker 3:

Um and so, yes, I met with this lovely lady. I only actually met with her for eight weeks. We had a little bit of a language barrier. It was awesome, though, and I absolutely loved her. She was in her sixties and what did I teach her how to do?

Speaker 3:

She came to me also with diabetes, type two. So type two diabetes, if people don't know, is a lifestyle disease, okay, which is, by the way, reversible, preventable number one and also reversible with diet and lifestyle changes. So I was teaching her how to build a healthy plate to basically control, help her to within her. You know what she could do with her plate to balance her blood sugars and then also some blood sugar hacks and different things like that, um, and so we worked on that together for eight weeks and in just a period of 90 days because it is a 90 day difference that you, um, do a hemoglobin A1C, her hemoglobin A1C had dropped two points.

Speaker 3:

I believe the statistic with the medication and I know I'm going to mess this up, so just I'm putting that out there. I don't remember the at the time when I quoted the statistic, I knew it for the first time, but I want to say, like, the oral medications that people go on is like, let's say, 0.2 of a difference in a hemoglobin A1C in 90 days. So that was her making lifestyle changes. So again, that's just you know a little bit of data. Like I like to get some data, it's helpful. But what I hear so many times from women is I came to you because I wanted to lose weight and I had no idea what I was up for, like how much more I have gained.

Speaker 3:

Because, again, I take that holistic approach. So people will come and say, yeah, no, my stress is fine, and then we actually get into it and we get into mindsets and beliefs and things that they're thinking and again, you know you coined the phrase flip the script. So we begin to renew their minds where they used to think about shame, as the you know, they didn't realize how they were basically bullying themselves and putting so much shame and guilt on themselves. When I just ask them, like let's be curious, instead, let's just be curious, let's listen, let's confess in a sense, you know, like, well, these are things that I'm thinking and that I'm feeling, and then let's ask, you know, let's just be curious around that. So hopefully that kind of answered your question just a little bit. Um, like I said, that's some data, like some concrete.

Speaker 3:

Several people their cholesterol levels have gone down again, that's another topic, but things that were maybe a little bit more triglycerides, um, I have a little bit of a different opinion maybe than mainstream on cholesterol, but let's just say, um, what's that? Just maybe, yeah, maybe, um, yeah, um, you know about that what's that?

Speaker 2:

go there with that. I feel like it's maybe you want to go there.

Speaker 3:

Go there a little bit um, yeah, basically, we need cholesterol. Everybody thinks that cholesterol is the problem. When, um, I mean, it's really not the problem. I mean, I think, uh, inflammation is more of the problem with, you know the thoughts that we think the chemicals that we put in our foods, we're we're eating a ton of processed foods. I mean, I, I kind of understand it, as you know, if you think about, like, inflammation in your body and your cholesterol being a fire hose trying to put things out. You know it's trying to fix the problem.

Speaker 3:

Um, and so, yeah, I encourage, um, people to look at are they being sedentary? You know, what kind of chemicals do they have? I mean, could these things be more contributory towards, towards, you know, the lifestyle issues or the risk factors that they're having versus cholesterol, because we need cholesterol to process hormones, we need it for our brain health. You know we, we need to eat and, again, I, you know it's foods. Cholesterol is found in foods that God created. So, um, I'm really big on. God created natural, holistic whole foods, um, as part of of a nutrition plan.

Speaker 2:

Well, it has me wanting to ask you this question and I'm thinking back to, gosh, probably middle school, high school days and I had eating disorders, like I just restricted. It was a lot of restriction, it was a lot of, you know, taking the advice of the food people or school or whatever it was. But I got into this kick of thinking fat was bad. So I literally like I would eat pizza and take all of the stuff off the pizza. I would take the cheese, the meat, I would take it all off and just eat the sauce and the bread. Okay, so I was like straight up carb loading for years.

Speaker 2:

I'm curious in our day and age. I'm curious, um, in our day and age there's there's a lot of talk on the street about different foods that are not good for you, or you shouldn't eat this, you should eat it. What. What would be one of, like your favorite foods that gets beat up on the street? On the street, um, they're like no, this is actually like one of your favorite god-given foods for us that gets like beat up by either the government, the doctors, whoever it is.

Speaker 3:

Well, probably there is of late and I'm going to say probably not in the circles that I follow because I'm I obviously run with like minded people but meat meat has got a bad rap, meaning that there's a big push towards. You know, like cows are, cows are polluting the earth. They're bad for the earth. Let's we, you know, don't eat, don't eat meat, and I love animal protein because it's very bioavailable for us. Um, you know, if you look at how many, um, you know, like the volume of a piece of meat and the calories, and that, versus the same amount of protein that you would try and get from chickpeas or something like that, um, it's vastly different.

Speaker 3:

Um, also, um, you know, meat products or animal products have all the amino acids that you need, again, just to help you to process and to have our? Well, you don't, obviously, but we have our own cow, so, and not everybody can do that. But you know, I'm looking for humanely raised, local, smaller farm operations that are not making a horrible impact on the environment with the way that they uh, raise, raise animals or raise, um you know, crops, et cetera, et cetera. So I don't know if that answered question um or not, but I think there is a big pull, uh right now, trying to go away from from animal products and saying that they're bad? Absolutely not. I love all animal products and I recommend them to my clients as well.

Speaker 2:

So, as somebody who's listening in and they're like, what does bioavailable mean?

Speaker 3:

Can you just share, like kind of what, just kind of a short snippet of what bioavailable means, if they don't know what that means, yeah, it's like something having all the pieces of the puzzle together to make your body be able to, to process and to get the best benefit from it, um, and so that is why I yeah, I don't know if that helps make sense, but it's like having all the pieces of the puzzle to kind of like all the little keys to unlock the door Right, um, and and so that's why I tend to, you know, use animals for, um, like my, my protein sources.

Speaker 2:

So good. Thank you for elaborating on that. Um, so, if you have somebody who's listening in and they've just been kind of thrown around in the system, like you know, like I was, you know, I'm sure I've talked to many people who've, you know, kind of been thrown around the system and I, I really want to see like parallel, more parallel systems come out. You know, especially in our country. I mean, if you turn on the tv, like you know what 75 of commercials are about prescriptions and it's just like I think we're the only country that allows for prescription commercials. So it's like we're being I'm just gonna say it like we are being brainwashed. And those, you know, those who are listening, they haven't really heard much about this before and they're, you know, they're dealing with a lot of disease, you know in their life or somebody they know?

Speaker 2:

what would be like? What would be the best first step for them to take, like, if they aren't ready to step into a program or coaching, if they could take just one step on their own, like what would that be? What would you recommend to them?

Speaker 3:

Well, first, what I would say to them is I think I find myself saying this a lot like, your body is not a project that needs to be fixed. I think so many times that I may have mentioned it already. There is a lot of shame, um, and you know, surrounding like, how did we get to where we are Right? Like whether that's being overweight, whether that's getting a disease diagnosis or a condition or you know whatever. And so I just like to encourage women to like, let's just start right now, where you're at, and that also, wherever you are right now, the aches, the pains, the extra weight think of it as a gift. Your body is speaking to you. It's trying to tell you something um, isn't whole right. And so, um, I think a lot of times people think, oh, I have to do this huge overhaul, and I always recommend the first step is to just, well, first of all, to have hope right that if you think about that, 60 to 90% of chronic disease is preventable and reversible. There's a lot of hope there and it really is that a lot of those things are in your control. Okay, cause those are like your lifestyle, the food that you choose, the way you're going to move your body, whether you're breathing, whether you're managing stress, the words you speak, you know all of those things, for the most part, are under your control. So you do have a lot of control over your choices.

Speaker 3:

And then I always recommend that people, just if they're feeling overwhelmed, to start small. It could be as simple as how much water are you drinking every day? Okay, so just begin to, if you know. Take note, oh gosh, I I've had people start because it's in, you know, I'm in this health and wellness world so I just assume everybody knows. When I asked, how much water are you drinking? Well, usually about a half of a coffee cup a day. Now my mind is blown because I'm like a 90 to a hundred ounce a day gal. Right, and so I go. Okay, my goal for them is typically half their ideal body weight in ounces and they know that that goal is out there. But I don't expect them to come back the next week on a session and have that figured out.

Speaker 3:

So I say let's look for opportunities where you can increase the amount of water that you're having. So you know we're asking some questions. Are you drinking soda? Yeah, two a day. Okay, could you replace one of your sodas with one extra glass of water. Sure, I can do that, you know. And so, oh, you have a commute to work. Could you fill up a bottle of water and take it with you? Two bottles of water, actually one bottle for the way and one bottle for the way home. Oh, look, you just got an additional 16 ounces of water today. Right, so it it really. It's almost kind of like I'm sure there's some Dave Ramsey fans out there like the compounding interest.

Speaker 3:

Right, like, think about your health as the same way. If you have a small little habit that you're going to incorporate a like drinking water, and you just began to just make that small little, simple change, over time it's going to add up to big results. And even just on the waterfront, um, I have had people come back. You know, I typically meet with people on a weekly basis, um, sometimes every other week, depending on what kind of program they choose and, um, I mean I don't know how many people that I've said I've increased my water, my headaches are gone, my skin is glowing, I have more energy and I'm like wait, what did you? Just you, you, I mean, you didn't change anything else. You just like listen to me about the water and they're like, yeah, I can't believe it.

Speaker 3:

Um, so it you know, something small as water has an impact, but it also does something else. It also is something that you can come back at the end of the day and reflect back and go. I am proud of myself for doing this one thing to make an impact in my health, um, and so what that it's almost like then this snowball effect begins to happen. You made, you were intentional about drinking your water, and so then you're like, well, I'm going to go on a five minute walk on my lunch break. Now you just, it's just like the snowball thing that begins to happen. So I would say, choose one thing and it can be as simple as drinking water, um, and just continue to do that, that small, little step every day. Celebrate that and then you'll just, kind of, you know, add on something else, add on something else.

Speaker 1:

So that's where I would have people start.

Speaker 2:

I've also been one to. You know that's one of my first questions too. It's like how much water are you drinking? I've got a very close person in my life who kind of that same half cup of coffee, cup of water, and she started integrating more into her life, sleeping better. I mean it's free.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, and that's. That is the crazy thing. I mean, I'm kind of like, I mean I don't keep this a secret, but most of the things that I teach people are free, that they. But here's the thing I don't want them to be dependent on me for the rest of their lives. I want to set them up for success from day one. I want it to be sustainable. I want it to. I want them to to. You know, this is where the coaching comes in. I want that.

Speaker 3:

I want to listen to how they're speaking about themselves or about the things that they're doing, and that's really the key to coaching, because that, honestly, anybody, everybody always comes to me. I know what I need to do, I just don't do it. I know I feel so much shame, like I should. I shouldn't have to have a health coach because I I already know what I'm supposed to be doing. But yet we were built for community, right, and to have mentors and the people to walk alongside us, right? And so that's where the coaching piece comes in.

Speaker 3:

Is I get to help someone along this part of their journey because maybe they know what to do, but they have this shame and they haven't figured out how to rephrase that or flip the script right or to renew their mind, and they need someone to just mentor them and coach them along. But, yeah, honestly, most of the things I teach are free, because I want them to have lifestyle habits that are sustainable, right Like that they can do this in any season of life, any stage of life, while they're traveling, uh, while they're sitting on the beach, right Like. There's so much of the things, um, yeah, like water, that's free.

Speaker 2:

And I'll I'll even use the word free Umaching is freedom. Coaching, working with a coach brings freedom. As a fellow, you know, as a life coach focused on more of the life, business, all the things aspects, you know, we get the opportunity to ask questions that really unlock people, opportunity to ask questions that really unlock people. And I don't know about you and I ask I say this to people, but we don't often stand in front of our mirror and ask ourselves questions that unlock us, right? I mean, it's beautiful, like I know that the work that you're doing is setting so many free, so I'll just kind of like tailwind into like, what does it look like? What would it look like for somebody to work with you as their health coach?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so I have, um, an application, um, which I wish I had a better word for it, cause it sounds kind of like stuffy. But anyway, what it does is there's a little program video attached to that and it's a little video that I did that goes into, um, a little bit more of my coaching program. It helps kind of pre-answer some questions for them and then, um, I, I want to know a little bit about them too. So I don't know, it's, it's maybe, maybe 15 questions or so. I just kind of want to know, like, what are some of their struggles? Um, yada, yada, yada. So we just I have them fill that out. After they fill that form out, I like to read through it, and then I reach back out to them see if they have any other questions. Do they want to hop on a call? Do they want to hop on a Zoom, you know? And then we go through, just, uh, I have currently, right now, for my coaching program, I have two options. So they just basically choose which option they want. Uh, we scheduled their first session. Uh, prior to their first session, I have them fill out like a health history, um, and then we, yeah, we, we book their first session, so those happen.

Speaker 3:

On zoom, again, there's two different program options. So one of them is that we actually meet weekly, which is my favorite, but just because you know, again, I get to listen to them speak, and so we, I have a program that I I walk them through, although it's very fluid, meaning um, I'm listening to cues, sometimes I move different um portions or modules of that, but I have four different areas that I speak with women on Um, and one of them is fueling, like how to fuel their body well, so that they have energy, so that they have vitality, so they can this is what I hear a lot chase their children and grandchildren around. And we also focus on things like foundations, like sleep, stress, and then you know I have another, it's four F's, so it's fuel foundations, flourish and freedom, so that flourishing is more foundations, flourish and freedom, so that flourishing is more um, self-care, freedom is um, you know, freedom in their mindset. Again, it's some of that shame, um, it's, it's their identity, who they are, uh, who they were created to be. Also, like you and I, actually, prior to this kind of talk like season of life, are you releasing children from the nest, like I remember what an identity crisis that was for me, cause my, my babies are 28 and 26. So that happened a little while ago for me, but yeah, I just remember just feeling very lost and that affected how I was, you know, operating or fueling myself or you know whatever it was. So, um, you know freedom in these areas, but also then, so that they don't feel, um, like stuck in a certain mindset, like that they understand that that help is not just a bunch of rules and kind of exploring that for themselves.

Speaker 3:

So we meet weekly on zoom or, like I said, if they want to do more of a self led, we just meet once a month and then the other weeks we check in kind of like, almost like a hybrid coaching. So we check in with a form and then like voice messaging back and forth at the beginning of the week just to kind of set them up for how did last week go? Here's your new content. So they do have a little bit of homework and, honestly, really what I call health work and that is putting into practice what they learned. So let's say you know the first session not to give everything away, but let's just say the first has something to do with water. So there's some education around water and it's them them implementing some things that I asked them to implement. And so then we come back the next week.

Speaker 3:

We always celebrate wins.

Speaker 3:

I am huge, huge, huge with wins, and so because that's really celebrating the things that you can control, um, and so because, uh, that's really celebrating the things that you can control, uh, which is your action steps, and so, uh, it's not so much about the results although we celebrate those too Um, but wins are primarily focused on their um.

Speaker 3:

You know the action steps that they took that week, and then I release some new information for them and do some education questions, anything like that they have, and then you know, and so it just kind of most of the time, the program takes about four and a half months to go through again, because you know if a holiday falls in there or they have vacation, we might take a week off. You know, life happens different things like that. So, yeah, that's really what um, and and typically we both dread the last session and we're both usually in tears and um, yeah, and then it's just, it's so awesome to see how far people people have uh, come in just a short time, but yet they feel very equipped for the rest of their life.

Speaker 2:

So that's kind of what we look like Like a general at bootcamp and getting ready to go out for war you?

Speaker 1:

got it, you got it yeah.

Speaker 2:

Tackle the world in this life. I do. I really believe in the work that you do. I've sent several people your way and I do like really want to highlight I'm just excited that she was able to share today. So, for those of you who are listening and something's tugging on your heart a little bit to reach out to Kim, I highly, highly, highly recommend her.

Speaker 2:

I actually had done one of her masterclasses this year called build a healthy plate, and that one was really like and I've been, I've been in this world like the wellness space for a long time but there were some really amazing keys that I even picked up from the simplicity of what she teaches and that grace-based approach that I am so for. You know, because there's so many, there's so many lies out there. There's so many things to try to sift through in this whole wellness space. There's so many voices. There's just so much out there, right? Um, but again, I just really want to, you know, thank you, kim, for sharing what you're doing and, um, again, like I said, if somebody wants to reach out to you, what's the best way that they can do that? I know I'll have stuff in the show notes for people to be able to access you pretty quickly, but is there um an easy way for somebody to reach you?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, um, the easiest way is actually through email, um, which is Kim, at Kim Wagner, and that's spelled K, I, m, w, a, g, g, o, n, e, rcom. Or they can just go to my website O-N-E-Rcom, or they can just go to my website kimwagnercom. Or I'm most active on Instagram and that's at kimwagnerhealth, and they can shoot me a message through there too, and basically what I would send them is, of course, answer any questions that they may have to start with, but I would send them that program video so that they can really get a good snapshot of what my coaching program and working with me would look like and also just kind of my philosophy. I think they get a little bit of, maybe, who I am and, you know, again, a little bit on the program as well and some of the options there.

Speaker 2:

So when I believe you have a really exciting event coming up soon as well for the listeners that are listening before you know if you're listening after September you know, mid September of 2024, this won't be relevant for you, but can you tell us a little bit about what's coming up? I'm really excited for you.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah, so myself and two other amazing beautiful women are going to be speaking, um, at it's Southland community church, um, and this is in Greenwood, indiana. Um, it's titled words worth worship and wellness, because we again like words that all start with the same thing. And it's just a little women's retreat. It's a Friday night and Saturday. So September 6th and 7th, friday is just 630 to 830. It's fun, it's food, it's worship, wear comfy clothes, we're going to be doing a little bit of movement, and then Saturday it's nine to three, includes lunch, um, and then Saturday it's nine to three, includes lunch, um, that's when all of us will be speaking.

Speaker 3:

Um, we have Becky Brooks, who's a Christian therapist, we have Amy Adelp, who's also a Christian entrepreneur, and then myself, um, and uh, we vote well, all three of us, cause we're kind of, you know, like planning this whole thing together. Um, we really have been impressed that the Lord has a specific message for the women that are going to attend there. So, um, if someone would want to, again, if you hear this in time, um, it, you can go to wwwsouthlandch churchorg and click on the events and they can register um for that. So, um, like I said, it's just South of Indianapolis. Uh, indiana and yeah excited about that.

Speaker 2:

Amazing, so proud of you, girl. Um, I always like to ask this, because part of why I do this is he showed me that this is for the one, and if you can just kind of close your eyes for a second and think of the one who's listening today, do you have anything else you'd like to say to her or him, and would you be open to praying over the listeners today? Yeah, sure?

Speaker 3:

Well, let me sit in silence for a second. So, even in the quick silence, what I heard is that he knows your name and he sees you and he knows the cry of your heart, and that you can choose hope, that he has laid out a plan ahead of you and he has resources and tools at your disposal whether that's me, whether that's you, kristen, but they are out there for you, and so I would just like to I'll go ahead and pray. So, heavenly Father, I thank you so much. You are such a good, good Father, and I thank you, lord, that you allowed me to go through the things that I have in my life to be able to bring hope and health and wholeness to others. And I thank you, father, that you are really on that mission, that you are out there seeking and you're on that rescue mission for the daughters of God that have had things stolen from them. I thank you that you are in pursuit of these women, and so, father, I pray um that that woman would have just the courage and the bravery to just reach out and to ask for help.

Speaker 3:

If anyone is listening, the Lord has really this week, um which with three of my clients specifically, he wanted me to actually literally pray for their healing, and so I don't want to miss that opportunity for somebody listening today that that, whatever is going on in your body, that I just pray, father, god, jesus the healer, that you would just invade your presence, your peace, your healing touch would invade every cell of their body and that you would just miraculously heal someone today body and that you would just miraculously heal someone today. I thank you, lord, for the prompting. I thank you that you are faithful. We ask all this in Jesus name, amen.

Speaker 2:

Amen, kim, thank you for coming on today and thank you for being a brave voice who's setting others free. I can only imagine. If you have a testimony after listening in today, please reach out to Kim about a healing, or me, let's testify of his goodness. He is our healer. I'm going to close with our anchoring verse over the Hope Unlocked podcast. It is may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound in hope, and that's Romans 15, 13. So, thank you, kim. Please reach out to Kim if you have questions, if you want to hear more about what she's doing, and I will be back with another episode next week. Thanks again, thank you.

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