Hope Unlocked 🔑

Reckless Reclamation: Embracing Divine Purpose and Miraculous Encounters with Britney Shoemaker

• Kristin Kurtz • Season 2 • Episode 84

What if your life could be a multidimensional journey filled with divine purpose? Meet Britney Shoemaker, a dynamic woman whose path has woven together social work, fitness, and ministry into a beautiful tapestry of holistic wellness and spiritual growth. Through her ministry and business, Reckless Reclamation, Britney is on a mission to restore and uplift lives.

In this episode, we dive deep into Britney’s inspiring journey, showing how being multi-passionate can unlock extraordinary opportunities and life paths. From prophetic dreams and street evangelism to leading a fortune teller to salvation, Britney shares powerful personal testimonies that illustrate the beauty of embracing God’s call and stepping out in obedience.

Tune in to discover how embracing your divine calling and stepping into God's direction can lead to miraculous outcomes. Gain empowering insights on unlocking hope, following His vision, and living out your true purpose—especially when it requires courage and faith to step beyond your comfort zone.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm your host, kristen Kurtz, and I'm also the founder of New Wings Coaching. I help and empower wildhearted and adventurous women of faith feeling caged and stuck, unlock their true purpose and potential, break free from limitations and thrive with confidence, courage and hope. If you're curious to learn more about coaching with me, head to newwingscoachingnet and be sure to explore the show notes for ways to connect with me further. Get ready to dive in as we uncover empowering keys and insights in this episode. So tune in and let's unlock hope together. Welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm Kristen Kurtz, your host. I pray this episode is like a holy IV of hope for your soul. Please help me.

Speaker 1:

Welcome my friend, brittany Shoemaker, to the show. I am so excited to have her here. So there's a little backstory to how she came on. We have a mutual friend who I met, who's actually going to come on the show at a later time. We actually met on an airplane sitting next to each other and we know each other, like we all know each other, and that is so, God. And she was actually the one who said Brittany's got to come on your show and I'm like, absolutely so here she is. We actually know each other through a ministry that we both were trained through called Revelation Wellness, and I would love for you to share a little bit about yourself before we get started.

Speaker 2:

Yes, hey everyone. I did not know that about you and my friend Joy.

Speaker 1:

We literally were sitting next to each other, going to a conference next to each other on the airplane.

Speaker 2:

That is amazing. I knew that you met somehow through ministry, but I did not know that that was the connection. So that is so great.

Speaker 1:

Such a God story right.

Speaker 2:

Yes, well, my husband always tells everyone that I have four jobs. So if that gives you just a little tidbit about, it's going to sound like a rabbit chase when I tell about myself. But, um, I am a fitness guru. That's how I met you, kristen, yay, um, so I'm a personal trainer, group fitness instructor with a, I'm going to say, spiritual but Christian spin. Um, I train clients in my home with a trauma focus and so, but it's really full body.

Speaker 2:

Before I became a fitness professional, I was a social worker for many years. I have just a really passion to let people know how free they can be in their whole bodies. I'm also a worship pastor whole bodies. Um, I'm also a worship pastor. Uh, josh and I, my husband, uh, a year and a half ago, started um helping a local church plant.

Speaker 2:

A total, total God story that we may or may not get to, um, not something we were looking for. So, um, we, in fact, I had to like ask the Lord for forgiveness because I had always said we, I would never do a church plant, um, and, and here we are a year and a half later um serving as associate pastors of that. So, um, that's a big part of what I do and how I minister. And then I also have a side business, um, that is vintage antiquing Um, same as my fitness business, same exact name. The Lord gave me the name called Reckless Reclamation and in that name he just said I've given you a passion to reclaim things that people thought were lost. So that's kind of the backstory behind that. I think that's all for now.

Speaker 1:

I love you know I would call many of us who you know, quote unquote four jobs. Like we're multi-passionate, yes, like there's. We can't kind of be pitched and hold into one thing.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and I used to find like shame around that It'd be like, oh, people are going to think I'm crazy. One day I want to be a fitness instructor. One day I want to be a social worker. I've done multiple things like right, We've pastored on and off and I'm like people are going to think that she's nuts and I'm like, no, you know what the Lord has said. Go One of my friends the other day this was not even a spiritual conversation she said that our gifts make room for us and I just thought that that was just such a beautiful way to explain like, wow, that is so true, Like our gifts make room for us, and that can look like a million different things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, tell me like kind of go a little deeper on that. Like what? Okay, the butterfly just flew away. So right before we got started there was a butterfly that just hatched yesterday and I said I bet this butterfly is going to soar away while we're talking and it just did. So I had to share, um. So if you could go a little deeper on gifts, making room for you, what does that look like in your life?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, um, the same way I had to ask forgiveness and saying I would never do a church plant. I'd also said to the Lord Lord, don't ever ask me to pastor again the world. I'll say the American church's definition of what pastor is and the Lord's, I feel like, is sometimes they align but they may be a little bit differently. And so I was really clinging to that American church definition and really what I realized is, even in explaining what I do reckless reclamation I just have a passion to really unlock people and help people and shepherd them. Really I do, but I had told the Lord that. And coming into that church plant, we were asked. We weren't seeking to pastor, we were asked to come alongside and pastor again. And several years ago I had. I also have just a huge passion. I feel like this is for all believers but I have a huge passion for prayer and intercession.

Speaker 2:

So I was at an intercession retreat. While I was there, someone walked up to me because that is our history. My husband and I went to school. I went to school to be a social worker, he a pastor, but at a private Christian university with the intention of doing ministry our whole lives. And so we used to. We used to pastor, youth pastor, lead pastor. We did that and then we had been out of it for about nine years seven years when this specific instance happens. But someone walked up to me and said hey, pastor Brittany, and I just said don't call me that. I was, oh, I was so absorbed in my flesh, you guys like, but it was really about not wanting to be seen. And the Lord had me. I went back to my room and I just wept and he said Brittany, I called you pastor first, and then he said I'm going to show you what that looks like, but first you have to tell people. And so there's only like 30 people at this retreat. Actually, my friend Joy, I think that we were just talking about, she was at this retreat and the Lord had me say in front of everyone the Lord called me a pastor. I was weeping Like this is not something that should have really made me like weep, like that, but the Lord was just setting me free to go, like he gave me that gift. No man has called me a pastor or has to call me a pastor. So that's one of the big things I think of when I say, like my gifts will make room and the other thing in the same line, but not as I had been in music since I was since just a little kid.

Speaker 2:

When I was in kindergarten, you could skip PE if you took piano lessons, and I thought that was incredible. So from kindergarten I started piano lessons, then voice, you name it. Through college I traveled with a singing group, I was in band and all the things, and then I kind of laid it down for like the past 10 years and it would not leave me alone. I don't know how to say it. Anyway, like I didn't want to, I felt like to also give a little backstory. My spiritual eyes have been open for about 10 years and so when that happened, I was like I cannot perform on a stage, I cannot be in front of people, I just want it to be me and the Lord.

Speaker 2:

And so after that happened, then the Lord kind of was like, okay, it's time to get back in to leading worship, like, oh, I don't know if I can do that or not. So there was a huge process of me making it way harder than it really should have been, but knowing that was exactly what the Lord wanted me to do. And then, now that I'm here not that I've arrived by any means, but grassroots leading worship every Sunday, but also like um, we just got back. We've done in the last year, we've done three called operation freedom, grassroots revival kind of events, and being able to lead worship in an environment like that I'm like wow, this is exactly what I was made to do. Why was I fighting this for so long?

Speaker 1:

That is so amazing, well, well, tell us a little bit more about that, because you know what did it look like previous, when you're leading worship to now? I'm imagining that there's quite a shift that's happened for you yes, maybe even the environment to this current environment. Like what does that look like? And then, if you could even touch on, your spiritual eyes have been open for the last 10 years to those who maybe don't understand what that means. Yeah, absolutely, Maybe you could start there and then we'll yeah, spiritual eyes opened.

Speaker 2:

Some people would say that they received the spirit of God, or been spirit filled is a common phrase that I hear in the charismatic world a lot. But I was searching for something. I think that we all are, as human beings, because this is what we were created to worship, so I feel like all of us are searching for something that nothing can fill except for God. But I've been a believer. I've been a believer since I was nine. I just grew up in an environment that did not acknowledge the active workings of Holy Spirit, and so I didn't know how to even ask for that. I just knew that I wanted the Lord, and then one day I was literally. This was.

Speaker 2:

I never judged someone's experience with God or with Holy Spirit, because I believe that he can show up in all the places. He made everything, so how could he not? Right? But I was literally in my house and I remember just thinking it wasn't a spiritual moment. I wasn't even listening to worship, music or anything, and I just remember thinking I think I really need to cry. I'm just going to lay down in the floor and cry, and even thinking about that just makes me laugh, because that's not an active thought, that.

Speaker 2:

I would have in my flesh. So I laid down on the floor and I cried and I thought it had been like five minutes and and I thought, well, I feel so better. And then I got up and it had been two and a half hours I'd been laying in the floor and I just knew, the whole time I was there, that the Lord was just ministering to me is the words that I have. I could just feel his presence, this peace I'd never felt over myself before.

Speaker 2:

And then the next time I was in a corporate worship environment before, and we don't have to get in the weeds of what this means and what this is if you don't want to, but before I knew it, I was not wanting to, but speaking in tongues and I was like I didn't even know. I literally was like I'm not making this happen, like this is literally just me wanting to worship the Lord. And so it just started a process of the Lord continuing to show me things in the spirit realm and continuing to love me, knowing that he dwells in me all the time and he never goes away. And so that's what I mean my spiritual eyes open. Long story short, so beautiful. And so that's what I mean my spiritual eyes open.

Speaker 1:

Long story short, so beautiful Did you? Did you feel like you had a moment Cause I can resonate with a lot of what you said? It was probably back for me back in 2018, where it was just this, this overwhelming like feeling that there was more yes, Environment that wouldn't go down, the more yes, and realizing that I had a prophetic bend and people look at me kind of funny yes, and I didn't even know what was happening because I didn't have language for it. Nobody had shared anything with me about it. So did you have kind of that environment where maybe you were experiencing like that overwhelming feeling of like there's more, but you didn't have people in your life that could even speak into it?

Speaker 2:

with you. Yes, I share this story often, but the first time I remember I was in third or fourth grade and I woke up in the middle of the night. I didn't have this language, but God used to show me things like my whole life. He would show me things from something in the clouds to something like hey, don't go in that store. Like, and I just would like, not know, be able to explain, like, why I couldn't go to a store.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Um, but when I was in third or fourth grade, I woke up in the middle of the night and I was like something's wrong. And so I went into my kitchen and my mom was in the kitchen and I was like, what are you doing? She said why are you awake? And I said, well, something's wrong. And she said, yeah, I know, and it cause it caught me off guard. I'm like she knows something's wrong too. So she calls my grandparents, who lived hours away, might I add, um, in the middle of the night, and they answered the phone and they say they had gotten a call that my aunt was dying and they were going to be with her. She wasn't sick, just out of nowhere she was passing, and so we were able to get in our car and go be with my aunt as she was passing.

Speaker 2:

And I remember thinking then, how did I just know that? But no one, like my mom, just brushed it off. She still brushes it off to be, uh, to be fair. But, and so things like that happening my whole life, yes. And then, um, part of my husband and I's testimony is that, um, he walked through sexual addiction and he walked through that well, since, since childhood, but, um, as an adult male, even while he was pastoring, the majority of that journey, um this year makes him 10 years clean, um. But at that time, um, we kind of stepped away and said what do we need to do? Because we were fearful I'm not saying this would have happened, but we were fearful that we would have had to transition from that position or he would have lost his job, which that was absolutely income for us at the time.

Speaker 2:

And so, um, we connected with a Christian recovery program and that just happened to be at a church where the prophetic was happening. So I started questioning everything I knew, um, and then, eventually, that was when we kind of pulled away from ministry vocational ministry, I'll say it like that and led me on that path of wow, there is, this is exactly what I was looking for. There's so much out here that the Lord wants to instill, wants to show me, and that's gosh, kristen, that's the beauty of it, and I know you have this process too. But it's like when you go okay, lord, anything you want to do, I'll just do it. And sometimes I do it with skidded feet and I know that, but really he wants to do all the things. I just have to let him show up and do it.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean just even I don't know if you're open to sharing a little bit more of um. You know Josh's journey and how a lot of times you know the really you know hard things that we go through end up becoming a ministry or we're able to speak into others, um, because we've overcome. Is that something that he's been able to do in his life?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely, um, that's he now delights in walking beside men and walking that out. Um, and we've done that in different capacities through the years. Um, pretty, I guess when he was about two years clean, we um started ministering on a state level with that particular recovery group and so going to different churches, sharing testimony, connecting with people, and so it's really interesting because a few years ago I talked about our ministry, our business, but it really is ours, it's not just mine. He kind of lets me have the vintage, antique side of it, I'll say that but as far as the fitness and spiritual side of it, it is ours. And so we've done different things together through the years and so I, I kind of, we kind of sat down, we just check in with each other like every couple of months hey, are we do? Are we where we need to be? Are we where God wants us to be? Where do we need to trim the fat? Where do we need to run head first? And he was, like you know, when I sat with the Lord he said I feel like the Lord just said I just want you just loving on men. So that's what he does a whole lot.

Speaker 2:

And it's funny, at that same retreat that I was talking about, that intercession retreat, one of my friends said, josh, I have a word for you and I don't know what it means. And she said to him don't know what it means. And she said to him, she said, um, oh gosh, now I can't remember exactly, it just left my um, it just left me. Basically, she confirmed if I remember it before we're off of here, I will say it because it's really, it's a hilarious word that she didn't understand but Josh absolutely understand was an affirmation that he is just supposed to be ministering one-on-one Like. Does he still preach occasionally? Yes, but that inner healing one-on-one ministry is where God has us, and so we've really embraced that the last few years.

Speaker 1:

That's so beautiful has um over over the years. I love that you guys are really doing this together. I think that's very unique. I remember what the word was, can I just share it? The filing cabinet opened.

Speaker 2:

She said Josh, the Lord said to tell you that your mandate is mandate, aka he's supposed to go on mandates. He has a huge, big five-year-old sense of humor, so for him he thought that was hysterical that the Lord spoke to him that way. For our friend she was like what is the Lord saying? I have no idea.

Speaker 1:

Well, isn't that amazing too, Like those are, you know, just even to kind of sidebar a little bit, some of us, you know, in the body have this, you know, words of knowledge for others that can actually help kind of set you when we're dragging our feet maybe a little bit, like you said you said dragging through the mud sometimes come along and drop a little word to help you, maybe pick up one foot to get you like on that trajectory, on the pathway that the lord's calling you to, because others can speak into that gifting others can speak into, you know, through his, his voice. Right, yeah, what is a word that maybe has been really impactful for you in your journey from somebody else?

Speaker 2:

Oh, wow. So, um, and you shared a little bit about this a second ago when your butterfly decided to spread to me Um, but I also highly resonate with with winged creatures is what I'll say. And so one of the ones for me is a peacock, and back in the day 15 years ago when Josh and I got married, we had a peacock themed wedding. That was not a popular thing and it's funny because my spiritual eyes weren't open, so I didn't have an understanding, but I just knew that I had to have a peacock themed wedding. We had such a hard time finding the colors, finding the feathers, all the things, but we did it. And then, ever since then, people have bought me peacock things. It's like they think that I and I do like that, but they, you know, I didn't tell anybody. Hey, I'm collecting peacocks and every year I get like a Christmas ornament. People buy me journals and cards and I just love it. But I've also had people that don't know that about me have come to me and, like one specific friend came to me and said the Lord told me to tell you that you need to spread your feathers out like a peacock. And I was like, oh, okay, and she's like yeah, the Lord wants you to be seen, but you don't want to be seen, which is totally a word about my life. But then also, the Lord has spoke. He said through people but I'm going to answer it this way too just to say like when we, when we're looking, he totally shows up.

Speaker 2:

One year for our anniversary, we went and stated a bed and breakfast and the owners were like, please don't call the cops. We've had several people call the cops because it sounds like a woman screaming, but a peacock got loose from the zoo and is roosting in our back trees. So Josh and I were like, oh yeah, this is exactly what we're supposed to be saying for our anniversary. God did that. So it's just, it's a continual kind of I guess I'll say life theme. I ended up getting a tattoo in 2021 because I had wanted it since we got married. I'm like, if I still want it this many years later, I'm just going to get it, and it has started so many conversations through the years. Well, now you have to tell us what it is. Oh, I'm so sorry, it's a peacock feather.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness. Well, like, tell us a little bit more about you know the peacock is amazing. I love peacocks too. I actually have a friend who, like for me back years ago, the butterfly was like my huge quote, unquote God wink, and for her it was a peacock. And you know, when you look at the peacock they can and you could probably explain this better, but the unseen part of the peacock is all the feathers just hiding right. The seen aspect of the peacock and Brittany is all of the feathers spread out. So tell us a little bit more about this journey of kind of feeling like you'd rather be unseen to the process of him bringing you out and sharing your feathers with the world.

Speaker 2:

Yes, uh, I would rather be unseen, still like that is my, that is my bend. Um, I have I haven't talked about this at all, but I have a private online community of women where I do, we do workouts, but we also do I fall, it work ends or we uh, we pray together, we talk about what's really going on, how to really incorporate a whole body living with the Lord, and so even in starting that, so it's um, for years, people have wanted me to do on online community and I kind of shied away from it. And then, as I was stepping into 2024, the Lord was like it's time, and you need to make it accessible and you need to talk about it. And then, as I was stepping into 2024, the Lord was like it's time, and you need to make it accessible and you need to talk about it. And I'm like, oh, but I don't want to. So, even still, it's almost like a hidden thing, like people ask me about it. I'm like, oh, I don't want to say anything about it and I have to go, but it's not for me, it's for him.

Speaker 2:

And so when I have that mindset, when I go with a shift is like, oh, yeah, this is for this is for the Lord, this is not for me. Then I can be seen. That's when I can confidently step on stage as a worship leader and sing prophetically, no matter if there's five people or of people, fitness and vice versa, like, no matter how many people it is, because it's like I know this is what God wants to do. And so I've just had to step out of, out of me and for years uh, kristen, you and I were talking about this a little bit before we came on, but for years I would delight in the fact and I think the Lord was delighted also but delight in cheering other people on because it just love it, like I'm like, if they're successful, I'm successful. I don't want to be seen. And he's like yeah, that's really great and I do delight in that. But also there's these gifts I've put in you that they need to shine too, like when you're not.

Speaker 2:

He told me this is what he told me. I'm not saying what he told anybody else, but he said this is what he told me. I'm not saying what he told anybody else, but he said when you're not using them, that's, that's disobedience. So I have to breathe deep a lot and go even to say yes to this space. Right here, just being on a podcast, thinking anyone could hear this right. Go, yes. But if it's for his glory and his goodness and one more person born again in the kingdom, then it's worth any fumble of my words that I could say any blushing moment that I have and it's okay that I'm seen like the peacock, it's okay Like there's moments where those feathers need to go out and there's moments where I could just be a ground bird.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely Well. I mean, tell us a little bit more, even about, maybe a testimony of when you've stepped out in obedience and somebody has been impacted by your step of faith and boldness and courage.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, my goodness, there's so many Like I'm not. That's not a brag moment, it's a brag on the Lord moment, right. It's a brag on the Lord moment, right. That's what I always think about this journey as a follower, as a daughter of God, is like it's really hard for me to relate to the unbeliever anymore. I used to cut, but now I'm like, when you look for him every day, he's there, and so I know that. And so there's so many to step back and go oh, this is what he did Right. And so there's so many to step back and go oh, this is what he did Right. One moment that stands out in this.

Speaker 2:

And so for many years, josh and I were part of a ministry that we went and did street evangelism in New Orleans during Mardi Gras, but we were actually part of a team that helped put the event on. So people would come I'll call them missionaries, but just anyone would come from different ministries all over. So there's about 400 people that would go out into the streets and minister. So we were part of the admin team of like hosting those people, making sure they had food, making sure they had whatever they needed to minister, and so we weren't really in the streets a lot, but the Lord kept speaking to me. He kept giving me dreams, um, about the people that we were going to encounter. So it ended up being that the very last day we were there, I did get to go be in the streets and he had told me that I was going to minister to someone that was a fortune teller and that, um, I was going to set them free.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I was like, okay, and I had seen them, like it's one thing, it's one thing for God to tell you something, it's another thing for him to paint a picture, because you can't unsee the picture. Um, so we went into the streets to minister and, um, I saw this woman. I'm like that's the woman, that's the woman I had the dream about. And she was, um, giving fortunes, doing all all the things, all like she was deep, deep in the demonic, I'll say it like that. And this boldness rose up in me. I don't even know where this came from. I just started marching around her as she was doing this, this reading, and to the point where she couldn't ignore me and normally like that. To me that is so off-putting, and so I'm like I'm not going to convince anyone. So, finally, she gets done with the person that she's talking to and she says if you're going to sit in my chair, you have to pay me. And I said well, I'm willing to pay you, but I came here because God wants to tell you something. He wants to tell you that you are no longer supposed to do this, he has different things for your life and this is not from him. And she said I know he told me that this morning this is my last day doing this ever and I was like cause, I had prepared myself for this big thing, but really God was just like I'm just going to put you out there. And she did. She came to know the Lord. Not only had he already spoken to her, but she didn't know him. Um, she got saved. Her sister, who was also doing occult practices in the streets of New Orleans, also got saved, and they moved back the next day to Texas.

Speaker 2:

Um, and to me that was like a huge thing, but it really wasn't a huge thing, like the Lord told me as soon as I spoke. It was like the Lord was like here it is now. It doesn't always happen like that. I've had, he's had to. The Lord has had to deal with me too, of like, sometimes I have to say the thing and I don't have to know why he's told me to say the thing or be obedient. But in that moment, in that point in my life, I needed to know, like this woman, that I had had a dream about two weeks ago and then he had told me exactly what to do. All I had to do is be obedient. That's all I had to do and just say the thing. It didn't have to look like me putting my words on it or my humanness on it.

Speaker 1:

It was just letting him be who he is and he showed up so incredible britney, oh my gosh, and not only her but her sister, yes, yes, and we can't. Um, and I'm similar to you, like I get a lot of visions and, like you said, you can't, you can't let go of that, like no, it helps, at least for me, it helps me kind of charge on to that go, like okay, he said go and I see the vision, and even if the you know, for example, we might come across somebody who is just like I don't want to hear anything from you. You know, have you had those moments before where they're just like kind of not interested? Yes, a lot of those moments too.

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

What does that look like? Like how do you keep on, because there might be other people listening who are like yeah, I've tried following what he's shown me, but there hasn't been any fruit from it. What would you say to that?

Speaker 2:

knowing what he's shown me, but there hasn't been any fruit from it. What would you say to that? I will say it is moment by moment. Can I just be very real, like something that happened this morning. You guys, I went to the gym and I stepped out of the gym and there was a homeless gentleman standing there. And that's like often at this location, at this gym, that I go to to the point where some people won't go to that specific gym, right and so. But I know, and it doesn't bother me, like I have the mindset of, like that is one of God's creatures and every time someone like people through the years and the social worker coming out of me, right, I'm like I just want to level on everybody. But some people have a harder time than that than others, and that is okay. Like that is okay. Some people have a harder time than that than others, and that is okay. Like that is okay. But my, my approach is when they come up to me and ask me, what, hold on, whether they ask me or not, whatever they say to me, it's whatever God says. So if they come up and say, well, you give me money, I may give them money or I may not give them money, or I may offer to pray for them, or I'll never forget this one time. This lady came up to us in the grocery store parking lot and Josh was like ma'am, this may sound really strange, but can we take you in the shop next door and buy some clothes and some underwear? And she hadn't asked for that, but that's what God had said to do. And when we got done blessing her, she laid hands on us and prayed over us and I was like and I was crying. I was like, well, god wanted to work through her. And I was like and I was crying. I was like, well, god wanted to work through her and I you know that's not what I was expecting in that moment, but it doesn't happen like that.

Speaker 2:

What happened this morning was I stepped out of the or I went in the gym. This gentleman talked to me, asked me, for he asked me to go into the dollar tree and buy him cheese, which I'm not opposed to doing. But God said no and I said you know, you know, no, thank you, have a blessed day or something. And I came out and he started screaming at me about where's his cheese, and I had to be bold in that moment and say, sir, please do not approach me again. And that may not seem like it's from the Lord, but that's what God said. Say like don't you know, don't approach me again. And I had to get in my car and my flesh immediately was like angry, right. And then I had the opportunity to pray for him.

Speaker 2:

So I will say, right, like Lord, take these feelings, whatever they are, of mine and set them aside. And I'm believing that every interaction I have with someone is meaningful. It doesn't mean it's going to feel like rainbows and butterflies, it means that it's meaningful. And I don't know what it meant to him, but I know that it can mean something between you and I. So how can I pray for him right now?

Speaker 2:

Um, and to speak to intercession and the prophetic, and what God shows us a lot of times too, is, like I've been on this process for years of like I have to step back after, whether it's an encounter like that, or whether someone hugs me, if I feel heavy, um, I have to say, like Lord, what part of this is mine? And sometimes they'll say it's not, you just need to forget about that. Or sometimes they'll say I showed you this or made you feel this way so you would pray for them in this moment. Sometimes they'll say I showed you this because I want you to have relationship with them, or they're a prayer assignment that you need to be praying for daily. But what makes it lighter is when I go okay, like really, why, why was I here?

Speaker 2:

What are you doing in this moment? Rather than what do I want to take on? Because I do have a big heart, like that's what my husband used to call me a bleeding heart social worker. Like I do have this big heart. Sometimes it comes out as justice I'll say that in bold, but that's the place that it comes from is I just want everyone to know that they're loved and everyone to be free, but it's not my job to set them free. That's, that's what the savior came for. So what measure of that am I to give today? That's the question.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that I feel like that. That's for somebody who's been listening, who is I'm like you. I have a huge heart. I've had so many people like when I was in the workplace are like, oh, you just wear your heart in your sleeve. You're so sensitive and have you kind of been touted that much of your life more? You know, even before I was a believer, people would call me very sensitive and I took it as a negative because they were kind of like patting me on the head like, oh, you're just too sensitive, have you been?

Speaker 2:

told that in your life as well. You want to know? Something funny is I really haven't. Until I became, my spiritual eyes became opened, because before, through childhood, I would suppress my emotions, because if I suppressed them it meant I didn't have to feel them to the point of when my spiritual eyes were open. That process I shared earlier about becoming a worshiper of the Lord, before I was a worship leader, most of that time was crying and it was so confusing to me. I'm like Lord, why am I weeping with you every time I go to worship you? And he's like this is what I've created you to be. You just didn't know you had permission for that. And so now I know I have permission and I'm really and now people do say that about me, right, I mean I can. Someone can look at me the right way or the wrong way and I can tear up, but it's from the Lord now, and so I'm like it's fine and I feel like tears are such permission and so I feel like as a pastor, that is a lot of.

Speaker 2:

What I do is give people permission to tears. It's because the Lord made our tears like going back to, like from a genetic standpoint. They are cleansing, they are detoxing. That is a process that our body should go through. But it's also a gift from the Lord of an expression of how we're feeling and if we close that in, but, yeah, the sensitive part, I do have. That now to the point where, um, I'm not a big movie or TV watcher anymore, um, but there are things that are meant for children that I am like I can't watch this. This is too sensitive for my spirit and I'm not saying it would be right or wrong for someone else, but for me. It keeps me hyper aware and that translates from feelings to into a lot, to my physical body of.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes hots are really hot and cold or really cold. Or I smell something very strongly and the Lord has showed me that what the world may put a diagnosis on that I've never been diagnosed. Let me say that. But what the world would use is a diagnosis on that. Or this is something I have been given genetic mutation, right, I have a few of those going on. The Lord says that's a gift you get to smell it a different way, you get to feel a different way, you get to experience me with all five senses and turn it back to me for my good. So, yes, don't use that, kristen or anyone else. Don't use that as a place of like oh, I'm really. I need to suppress those emotions, cause I've been there. I have been there, um, and it's not understood, you guys. It's not that I don't care, I really don't care anymore.

Speaker 1:

Well, and it's not that I don't care, I really don't care anymore. Well, and it was something that I kind of started learning about, um, I think it was about three or four years ago I actually interviewed her name is Marie Larson and when she first met me she looked at me and she goes you're a feeler, aren't you? And I'm like, what are you talking about? And I mean I could gather what that meant. But there's actually like a teaching she does on it and it's so powerful because I look back on you know how I was when I was a child and feeling things and seeing things beyond what others could see, looking back like hindsight's, 2020.

Speaker 1:

Right, I could see how it is a gift, but it can also be. It can feel like a lot if you don't know how to like properly use it. Yes, so go back. If you want to hear about being a feeler, go listen to Marie Larson. She has a really powerful teaching on that. But but so what are you like? What is your big um step out in this current season? I know we talked a little bit about your year, um, your word over your Hebrew. Would you care to share a little bit about that and your year and what he's kind of walked you through.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so, um, the Lord, maybe for the past six or seven years, has typically given me a word to focus on, or actually last year it was a visual talking about how you can't unsee things, but it was a visual of the sun, but it was very specific looking. I'll say that. But this year the word for my Hebrew year which is almost up, you guys is cocoon. And I told Kristen I did not readily receive that word because I feel like I've stepped out in a lot of different places and I've been more confident to be bold in my voice and what he's called me to do and saying prayers like whatever it costs, lord, I'll do it for you. And what does it mean? To be sent back? That's what I thought, but he said it's not a setback, but sent back into a cocoon. And part of that process for me was I used to be highly involved in the secular fitness world and I used that really as a mission field. I was teaching 10 or 11 classes a week at a gym, at a local nonprofit for seniors and several different things. Like Josh and I have done it at the Boys and Girls Club. I've done it many different avenues. I've been a personal trainer in a gym setting rather than in my home setting.

Speaker 2:

And I started feeling after I got that word probably I hadn't necessarily made the connection and it was pretty much immediately right after that but that the Lord was going to have me release those spaces at the first of the year. So it would have been, you know this, last January and right now it's September. And I was like Lord, I don't know what that looks like. Does that look like I'm supposed to replace that income? And part of it did make sense because, as I shared earlier, a year and a half in, we're to a church plant and so making space and time for ministry was part of that. I really felt like the Lord was saying that I didn't know, and so I did. Josh also he was teaching a few classes um, fully released those. It did not make sense, even telling people, because I've been in this kind of arena since 2011. So even sharing with people like I didn't have a lot of words for it of why I was transitioning, other than I needed to make more space for ministry, which is true, um, and so I did it and I felt really, I felt really, in January, I felt the cocoon, like what am I doing? That's when I started my online community, dove head first, but even that felt very, very different than being in front of an in-person community.

Speaker 2:

And, yeah, in that, the Lord also told me that he was going to make up the income that I lost, and he didn't understand. I didn't see it. So let me also say this my natural bend is that social worker bend. Let me go out to the least of these. Let me go out to the homeless population. Like I said, we ministered in the boys and girls club um many times and I still, once a month, teach a class um a Christian fitness class at a local homeless shelter and I I delight in that. I can do that all day long. That is my comfort zone, which I don't know that God wants me in, right, but, um, I like comfort. Yes, yes, we like comfort as beings and so.

Speaker 2:

But the Lord gave me a another vision, but also a word with the vision, and what it looks like to describe it was that I would be doing things that would not add lots of extra time to my schedule but that would make up that income, that it would look different, that it would feel natural, and I was like, okay, that's really interesting God, we'll just see and I thought, you know, maybe he's bringing in. I've had seasons where I've had more training clients or less. I'm like maybe maybe he's doing that, you know, I don't know, like he's just going to surprise me. And literally the next day I had a friend who owns a bar studio reach out to me and she's like and she had already asked me about teaching for her last year and I was like I went visited class and I said I love what you're doing, praying over your studio, but it's not for me. Bar is not something I've ever taught. Um, not that it's not great, cause I absolutely love it, I think it's wonderful for your body but um, it's not something I ever dove into. Out of all the 50 other certifications I've collected through the years, that's not what I've done. And so I went and visited her. She had lots of questions for me. I'm so sorry. I had lots of questions for her and every single one I had she had an answer that I could not refuse.

Speaker 2:

And the Lord took me back to that vision of it's going to be easy. So I stepped in this year I started teaching bar and I would much rather be in that place of free classes or classes at church or church fitness coordinator. And the Lord said I'm going to put you in this studio where people pay upwards of a hundred dollars almost $200 a month, to come um and take fitness and he started showing me that teach fitness part of me, um, he started showing me that that population I had to get over myself, you guys had to get over myself, because that population needs Jesus just as much as any other. Like, no one is better or worse. No one's got it more figured out, um, and in fact, oh, wow, here's a good story that he y'all. I'm serious, the Lord will speak through anything.

Speaker 2:

We had to do a photo shoot for for for bar, also, something I never thought I would do. I'm not a person that like likes to take pictures. I'm a very much in the moment, go on vacation for a week and, oh my goodness, I didn't take a single picture kind of girl. And they wanted us to do this photo shoot for their marketing and so okay. So they told us we had to wear these certain colors. So went on. Amazon, check mark, check mark ordered two different things that were in the color scheme they wanted.

Speaker 2:

I get it in the day before the photo shoot, and one of them is a crop top, and I didn't know it was a crop top. Okay, hear me, you guys, I have no issue if anybody wears a crop top, but for me that's not something that I typically would have done, and so I was like, okay, I'm going to return it. Here I go to Walmart to get a new top and the Lord audible voice of the Lord and he says Brittany, you're going to minister to people wearing a crop top that you will never minister to otherwise. And I, like I could barely stand up in my bedroom. I was like, okay, lord, so this is absolutely from you. Um, not that I doubted that it was his voice, it was just like okay, so, and it's true, it's like every time I go in I I now see it as the Lord wants me here.

Speaker 2:

It may not be that I'm laying hands on people and people are getting saved or set free in the middle of a fitness class which is kind of my background when I'm used to, when I do fitness ministry but it might be that I'm able to give somebody a hug, or the last class that I taught, I stayed after talking to somebody for 30 minutes how she hadn't been outside of her home in over three years taking care of her mom and this was the first thing she had done for herself and just able to tell her that God loves her and there's space for that. So it's looked very different. It's looked from the outside in. I don't know what it looks like and I had to get out of my flesh too and go oh, my goodness, I quit teaching, the gym and my community that I loved and they didn't understand that, and now I'm picking up this other community.

Speaker 2:

Um, but for for me, it's been such like 20 teachable moments of like there were parts of my flesh that were still walking in religion, that place of, oh, I would never wear a cop top. That's totally a religious mindset that I do not want, right? Also of like someone. I need to talk to this person versus this, this person, because they obviously have more of a need. When, who am I to judge? Who am I to judge? So I have been completely in my comfort zone and pushed out, but also very isolated in this new world that I'm in. That doesn't probably look like ministry to the outside eye, but it's a lot of what I do day in and day out.

Speaker 1:

Girl. That is incredible, I mean it truly is. This parallel to in some of my season, even the beginning of the year, was release to release. We have to release to then be able to be released, kind of like watching this butterfly, literally like release itself from the cocoon and then hang out, dry out and then it just released itself while we were talking and it's such a process to. You know, I I was journaling this morning and you know these new wings, it's like they're different, right, we've been given, uh, it's almost like for me and it can feel very uncomfortable at times because, um, sorry, we have, we have people, uh, with chainsaws and big, a big part of a tree just came knocking down. Can you hear it?

Speaker 2:

I cannot hear that. I hear your dogs being really excited, though.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, but it's just. It's such a beautiful and really challenging process and I don't want to make light of you know, anything that you're walking through and anything that you know, like I've walked through either, but the the moment that we can be fully released, it is light, wouldn't you say like?

Speaker 1:

there is a freedom and a peace that I've never experienced before in doing things that don't make sense. Yes, because I came from the corporate side of healthcare, doing accounting, which is a very analytical you know, numbers like it all kind of. It has to make sense, it has to add up and these last few years haven't quote unquote added up. Would you say that for yourself?

Speaker 2:

too. Yes, absolutely. Would you say that for yourself too?

Speaker 1:

Yes, absolutely so. In this coming year, what is maybe something that?

Speaker 2:

he's calling you to even do beyond what you're doing, that you can see vision-wise? That's a really good question. I think that the Lord gives me things, all of us. All of us gives us things as we're ready for them. And it's so funny because when we endeavored into our fitness ministry, the reason that we did was the Lord had given me this very elaborate dream.

Speaker 2:

Josh and I were on this stage and there were thousands of people around us and we were teaching fitness and I knew that people were getting saved and set free. Um, and he said I want you to teach my people that their body is a temple. And so I had the dream and I was like I don't know how to do this. And so it was like years of process, over two years of process, for me to go. I know I'm not supposed to reinvent the wheel, but I don't know what this looks like. I'm not supposed to reinvent the wheel, but I don't know what this looks like. I'm already doing fitness, I had already been in ministry how do I pair the two Right? And so pioneering that, what that looks like. And then, um, it happened. And and not exactly like the dream, but the dream spurred on what he wanted to happen within our ministry, spurred on what he wanted to happen within our ministry, and then it's like, as I mature as a Christian, I think of last year he gave me the vision for an event, and it was an event, um, that I've never seen done before. I still haven't heard of anyone else doing this. Um, I would love to do another one. It's so much work, though. We called it glorify that was what the Lord wanted to call it but it was a fitness and movement event, but there was also a live worship going on at the same time, so it was just this big worship I'm not even going to say dance party for Jesus, cause it was all different kinds of movement, um, and when he gave me that, it was just a few months until that kind of unspiraled, and then lately, as I've matured, he's given me things and I feel like I can step into them the next week.

Speaker 2:

So when you ask me that question, kristen, I literally go. I don't know, but I can't wait, which is a great answer. It's so strange for me, though, because normally, in this like pioneer world that we live in, kirsten and I were talking about how we're both kind of pioneers Like the Lord's given us that pioneering spirit. In this kind of world we live in, it's like blazing the trail to get to this end destination and then, once you get there, you've got the next destination. And so in this season it feels like there's all these offshoots of road and it's like, okay, what's the next one? Okay, what's the next one? And it's just being obedient in the day by day.

Speaker 2:

And I think of just two weeks ago, almost two weeks ago, when we were doing that revival weekend, operation Freedom, we had actually traveled. The Lord had given someone vision that we would go several states away and from alabama that we would do it in pennsylvania. So we were there in pennsylvania and I'd been praying over, over the, the worship that would be released, and making set lists and songs and all the things for my team. And we got there and after the first day I knew that the Lord wanted to do something very different and I just kind of went to my team and I was like, look, this is where we're at as a unified body and we're going to step back and we're going to plan completely differently. And so we went very off the roadmap, which is fine for me. I'm very much a worship leader that if pastor's like hey, play this, play this song, then I'll just play the song, right, um, but still that in that moment felt like a few hours of like this is the next thing that I know that this is going to make an impact in the kingdom and the earth. So we changed it. I'm not saying it's anything that we did, but every single person that came to the event that night was ministered to in the altar and there was salvation and there was healing and there was deliverance.

Speaker 2:

And I wonder, when I step back and look, had I just done well, I've already planned this set list and walked in pride? Would those things have panned out the same way? Well, the Lord's going to do what he's going to do? But also like I had to be obedient in that moment to the next right thing, which I think is a phrase that we sometimes use, that we want to, we want to do, but we don't always do the next right thing.

Speaker 2:

But that's literally what happened. And so when you say what's coming, I don't know right now, I'm like okay, this is what you want me to do, lord. So here, help me. This is what, a couple of weeks ago, I fasted, and I literally fasted over the fact that, like I just and none of us can be perfect. But, lord, when you tell me to do the thing, I don't want to wrestle with it before I'm obedient. Just help me to be obedient without questioning. And so I think being in that space is the next thing that's going to happen, like he's going to say okay, brittany moved to China and I'm going to go. All right, we're going.

Speaker 1:

Wow, truly, and I loved your answer because you don't have to have the one year vision. I I feel like I'm a day-to-day person, so some would look at me and go, well, maybe you need to have, you know, you know more depth in your vision. Yeah, I do. I do see beyond today, but I'm just reveling in today.

Speaker 1:

I'm available today, like make me love that you know, in the making space like you talked about, that's been a huge word over me too, um, and it's just beautiful. Thank you for going deeper with us. Um, I would ask you one more question. So this season has literally been I think it's almost been a year of launching pioneers, and you know women and some men who have come on and you know, shared, where they're at, where they're going, what the Lord's calling them to do, the don't make sense stories? Yes, them to do the don't make sense stories, yes. When you first heard that that was the name of the season, like how did that resonate with you? Like, obviously it does. But I would just be curious for you to maybe explain to those who don't really understand what launching pioneers watching pioneers means.

Speaker 2:

Was that? Yeah, yeah, um, it really I'll say. I've known that about myself for a while, but it's looked different in the past. I'll speak to myself. A year and a half, um, and for me what that looks like is we stepped away from a very large church body that we were loving and had no intention of doing that. It was one of those moments that I just talked about. The Lord was like do this. And within two and a half weeks we had left a church we had been at for nine and a half years, not because anything was wrong, but because God was saying you're meant to be at Freedom Church, but because God was saying you're meant to be at Freedom Church, and so that's what we did.

Speaker 2:

Well, in doing that, there were lots I had no idea there would be severed relationships and misunderstandings, and it felt very isolating and lonely. And although I still have many friends from my old church and there's, I wouldn't say that there's like hard feelings or anything like that. It just was. It did not. The navigation was not what I thought, um, I kind of thought jet plane, and it felt more like a, like a clunky wagon, pioneer, um, and so in doing that, I had to step back.

Speaker 2:

And that's when the Lord said, like, because I had a couple of people that were and this, and I'm still have relationship with two specific women who were pouring into me, I would say, as a mentorship, um type, positioning, um, that the Lord had given them for that season, um, and because of change, because of that change, one of them chose to kind of say I think we need to no longer do this.

Speaker 2:

And the other one, respectfully, I said you know what, maybe we just not again.

Speaker 2:

I still love this woman, but just the way that she was actively pouring in continuously, and so I stepped back and I went. My human eyes went okay, lord, but who is, who's going to pour into me now? And he said there's this, there's this name that I have, wonderful counselor. And I was like oh, okay, so it doesn't mean that I don't need people or I don't need the body, right, but it means that I needed to just hear his voice. And I will say that as a pioneer, when I look back, even on the times before, that is that most of the time, if we're looking from affirmation of man, if I was, I did not get that, or I got a very small yes, when my brain was going big yes, or a not now, because most of the people that were saying not now had never seen it done before, so they did not think it would pan out the way that they saw it fit. And so my word for anyone I know that is pioneering.

Speaker 2:

New or not new is that you need to get with the voice of the Lord, whatever that looks like for you, if that means you're in a season of fasting, if that means you're in a season of cocoon, if that means you're in a season where you go up to the mountain and don't leave until you hear him, that's where you go, because the voices of man and I've had to ask repentance. You guys of man and I've had to ask repentance. You guys, like I've had to ask so much forgiveness and repentance because because man, I put expectation on them for them to say yes to things, that it was the Lord's yes and they weren't meant to, because he had asked me to pioneer, not them. And so get to that place. Get to that place. However it is that you hear from him. However, it is that he needs to make you confident in the word or vision that he's given you to do the thing, because that's when you won't shrink back.

Speaker 2:

And I really think you're talking about how. You're a big feeler, kristen. I do feel a lot in the spirit, but I mostly see in the spirit, and I believe that the Lord made me a seer because he needs me to see the thing, because I know beyond know. If I see that I'm moving to China, I know that's what I have to do and I'm not going to bend or break, whereas if I just felt it or heard his voice, I would question did I hear him wrong? Maybe that's not what he meant, but when I see it, I have to do it.

Speaker 2:

And so to say that, whatever it is, whether he's giving you a feeling, however, he speaks to you, right, I do. I can't wait to go back and listen to that teaching. You're talking about Um, cause I love learning more about that Um, but what, however it is, he speaks to you as an individual, as his daughter or son. You become confident that his word is enough, the word of God is enough, and that is what is going to propel you forward. Nothing that man will do will stand in your way. That's my, that's my bold, courageous, like go get them tiger.

Speaker 1:

I'm so with you on that. And you know one thing I would add to that if, if somebody, you're listening and you know you've got something that maybe there's this, there's seed within you that's being, you know, ready to birth, Um, there's times where it's just wisdom not to share with the world just yet. Um, I like to say that there's, there's some. But what if people in your life yes, you're first kind of getting on board with something the lord's calling you to do that maybe doesn't make sense, or maybe your first time stepping out and you've got these. But what if? People who are like, well, what's your plan b? But what if? And and it can cause you to like become like one of the 10 spies that were like, oh, oh, there's giants. I'm turning back Right and get around people.

Speaker 1:

I like to call myself a, but God said person. I'm sure you're a, but God said person. That's good, I'm a, but God said not about what if, like, let's get on the, but God said side of things. And again, there's time. There's time, there's a time and a season for sharing with the world what it is that you're called to birth. Just get those people around you that are going to continue to speak into your book, God said because we don't want to abort, what it is that he's calling us to, to birth in this world.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, yeah. And that's so important that people around you and they may not see it Like I have a few friends that are not exactly gifted the same way that I do, but they are the people that go, man, if God said that you better do that thing, brittany, and we have to have those people. We have to.

Speaker 1:

And sometimes we won't even have any people. Yes, I know I mean I've had moments myself. And again it goes back to wonderful counselor he was showing me in this time. I've been off social media for two months and I'm an encourager. I love putting out words from him, I love sharing months and I'm I'm an encourager, I love putting out words from him, I love sharing. And I, the first week I had encouragement constipation. What do I do with all this? You said encourage yourself, my Lord. So yeah, it's just, it's a process. And again, you know, continue, continue on, keep marching. Brittany, thank you for going deep with us. You are such a blessing. I would love to just kind of wrap this up, and you did pour out here at the end. I feel like there's a little bit more. But if there's anything that I've, you know, in staying on this journey of doing this podcast, he showed me it's for the one I was like okay, it's for the one, I can do this.

Speaker 1:

And I was like, okay, we're the one I can do this. If you were to envision and, you know, catch a vision of the one that's listening today, is there anything else that you'd like to say to her or him?

Speaker 2:

And then, would you just pray us out? Yeah, I would love to. First I just want to say, kristen, you said you're an encourager. That is the one thing I know about you and I love that so much. I'm so honored that I spent this time with you. But the Lord said to tell you and you may or may not already know this, but you are an exhorter. You're more than an encourager. He's an exhorter of his people. So don't quit saying the things, because we need those people. That's not my natural bend. I can do that, but I need people around me doing that. So keep doing it. You do it so well For the person listening. I love that.

Speaker 2:

It's the one. Let me just say that I keep referencing, but I haven't talked much about it. Josh and I, ministering at the Boys and Girls Club and he's very much extrovert get in front of the people and we always laughed and we said this is the perfect scenario for us, because he's the person that's in front of the 60 to 100 kids that they've sent us for the day to do crazy. You know BBS movements and I'm the person that wants to sit in the corner with the one who's crying Like that's, that's me. Just give me the one, I don't need the hordes. So I'm going to say for the one, don't load the season you're in. I think there's a lot we've talked a lot about season and I felt like that's what really God wanted me to say right here is just don't load the season you're in. If it is the cocoon I have, load that Right. And so the time that and I'm not shooting like looking back I should have done something different on myself, but the time that I did that, he could have been teaching me something different, or I could have really been embracing the season that I was in.

Speaker 2:

And so your season that you want, as your heart aligns with him, is coming, the one that's like oh, I'm on cloud nine, that one's coming, if it's not right now, if it is right now, don't load that either. Right, don't don't shrink back from what he's called you to do, because whatever your season is is where he has you and there's purpose in that. Like he knew, go into pastor mode right here. But he knew from the beginning of time exactly where you would be in this moment and you are for this moment and he's for be in this moment and you are for this moment and he's for you in this moment. If there's breath in your lungs, there's purpose in that. Okay, I would love, love, love, to pray us out.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, father, god, holy spirit and jesus, thank you that you are three in one. You are present with us today. You've gone before us. You are interceding for us, lord, I thank you that in this moment, you have ordained this moment for each of us and you value us and you love us. You created us, but with you in mind also, lord, so we set our mind on you and in your presence we say that you are holy and you are glorified. We live to honor you, lord. May you keep our gaze, may you search us and try us, lord, and may we know you through that, in the searching and in the trying, lord, we give you honor for what you've done. Lord, I just ask that every speech that came out of mine and Kristen's mouth would be honorable and glorifying to you, and that lives would be changed for your glory. Keep us, lord, in your shalom peace. It's in Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Speaker 1:

Oh, thank you so much for being on today and thank you for continuing to be a brave voice that's setting others free. Continue on releasing your sound. You have a mighty roar in you and it's time to be further unleashed. My friend, let's go. So I'm going to close with the Hope Unlocked anchoring verse. It's may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound in hope. And that's Romans 15, 13. So, brittany, we will share any resources that she wants to share. If you're open to sharing your community, I'd be happy to share that in the show notes. Any other ways that you want to get in contact with her, we'll share that information in the show notes as well. So be sure to reach out to Brittany if you have questions or want to hear more about her or community. So excited for everything that he's doing in your life. And thank you again for being on today. I'll be back with another episode next week. Bye, everybody.

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