Hope Unlocked 🔑

Stepping Out in Faith: Joy Coleman's Journey from Corporate to Missionary Miracles

Kristin Kurtz Season 2 Episode 87

What happens when you leave a secure job of 15 years to follow a divine calling? This week on Hope Unlocked, we’re thrilled to celebrate Joy Coleman’s birthday and hear her inspiring story. Joy transitioned from a corporate HR professional to a full-time missionary with Mountain Gateway, and her journey is nothing short of miraculous.

In this episode, Joy opens up about the emotional and practical hurdles she faced as she left behind the comfort of her career for a faith-driven life as a  missionary. We discuss the challenges of letting go of material possessions, financial stability, and the attachments to home and community—all while discovering deeper lessons of obedience and trust in God.

We also dive into the power of intercessory prayer, with Joy sharing incredible testimonies from the mission field, including miraculous healings and divine interventions. Tune in for an episode brimming with hope and encouragement as Joy’s journey reminds us of the transformative power of trusting God’s provision and answering His call at any stage of life.

Joy's contact info:
email -  joy.coleman@mountaingateway.org
Mountain Gateway website -
Giving link: Donate to Joy (Fund: Joy Coleman) - https://pushpay.com/g/mountaingateway?

Joy's recommended reads:
Apprehended written by Britt Hancock - https://a.co/d/eUV591M
- The Purple Pig by Dick Eastman -
- The Complete Collection of EM Bounds on Prayer -
- Rees Howells, Intercessor -
- Provisions: A True Story of Divine Care -

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm your host, kristen Kurtz, and I'm also the founder of New Wings Coaching. I help and empower wildhearted and adventurous women of faith feeling caged and stuck, unlock their true purpose and potential, break free from limitations and thrive with confidence, courage and hope. If you're curious to learn more about coaching with me, head to newwingscoachingnet and be sure to explore the show notes for ways to connect with me further. Get ready to dive in as we uncover empowering keys and insights in this episode. So tune in and let's unlock hope together. Welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm Kristen Kurtz, your host. I pray this episode is like a holy IV of hope for your soul. Please help me. Welcome my friend Joy Coleman to the show. I'm so excited to have her here today. It is her birthday. She's 52. Hope that's okay. Her here today. It is her birthday. She's 52. I hope that's okay. Everybody your number, because you are living a vicarious and adventurous life and I would never guess your age. You okay with that?

Speaker 2:

Oh, my Lord, you weren't supposed to tell the world. I keep that secret, okay, so this is what I tell people. I tell them when, when they ask me, I say I am half a century plus and I guess, okay, I mean, I'd say that or shouldn't say that, because a lot of people don't even know what a century is anymore. I'm really concerned about our education system. Let's put it that way anyway, it's simple for everybody.

Speaker 1:

They don't have to guess what a century half century is.

Speaker 1:

I just put it out there straight yes, you did, but that's, okay yes, it is so, joy and I, um, god truly connected us and it's fun because we are both definitely kingdom connectors and we both connected. Um, was it four years ago, I would say. We were both heading to a conference in Colorado on an airplane and we just so happened to be sitting next to each other and two people who love to learn about other people got to talking and learned that we were going to the same place and we've stayed connected since. So, joy, would you tell Hope Unlocked listeners a little bit more about yourself?

Speaker 2:

Oh my, as I said well, as you so eloquently shared with the world, um a half a century plus. Today, uh, is my day of remembrance, and I kind of just look at it like that, because you know, when your birthday comes around, I think, especially as you grow in maturity, you kind of look back at your life and you remember a lot of different things, and so I'm just spending the day with the Lord just remembering his goodness and his faithfulness through the hills and the valleys and just being grateful. So, but I had a major shift in my life a couple of years ago and I surrendered my job in corporate America. I surrendered my job in a corporate America. I was a human resources professional for many years and worked for a really good company, great team and all of that. And the Lord called me to do missionary training with the ministry I'm currently serving under, and so now I am a prayer minister for this ministry called Mountain Gateway and yeah, so yeah, on an adventure, and I was headed into this change in my life at my mid-century point. So that just goes to show that, as in precedent in the word, that just goes to show that, as in precedent in the word, like the Lord will call you into his adventure for your life at any age, like you know, because you're headed toward quote unquote retirement or whatever.

Speaker 2:

The Lord's not through with you yet as long as you have breath in your body. That's what I believe. He has purpose that he wants to fulfill and that's why he gives us a life, a lifetime right To do those things. So, yeah, so that's kind of about me. I am a mom, I have four children that came through the birth canal, as I say. And well, actually, the two oldest didn't come through the canal, they were, um, I had surgery, um, with my oldest, who are twins, but the other two came through the birth canal. So I have four children, 10 grandchildren, um, and I'm on this adventure with Jesus, um at this, and I'm on this adventure with Jesus at this later stage of my life.

Speaker 1:

So I would love to hear you know, two years ago, huge pivot Like what tell us more about that? Like how did even getting involved in this ministry come about? Because there had to be a connection, right the connection, whether it be through somebody, did you? How did you find out about this ministry?

Speaker 2:

Well, mountain Gateway has an established relationship with my home church, the Rock Family Worship Center in Huntsville, alabama, and Brother Britt would come a couple of times a year to preach and he's the founder. He and his wife founded mount gateway ministries um, like three decades ago or two decades ago or something like that. But they came in 2021 yes, 2021 and they launched the announcement of the training academy. So they, they changed their training model and so I went to an information session. I felt, you know, I was just curious, I just want to hear about it. Right, didn't have a grid for mission work outside of doing a trip that I wanted to do with my son, my youngest son, because he was graduating from high school, and so that was the extent of it, like, go on a mission trip, see how other people live, share the gospel, you know, give different perspective, all those things. And so, anyway, as I was in the information session, and so, anyway, as I was in the information session, they had two different options. They had the 11 month academy that they were introducing, or to do a wilderness intensive, which is like a week or 10 days of backpacking. Well, I was like, oh, that sounds exciting. I've never done anything like that. I would love to do that, but I was like, oh, but I want to do the 11 month. I mean, you know, I ordered the COVID to do the week, but you know, and I just felt the unction of the spirit, like literally, like I was so excited, like I felt like my spirit was jumping out of my body, and so I got to talk to Ms Audrey and Brother Dusty and his wife Ann, who are directors within the ministry, and Brother Britt, and sit down and talk to them and I felt like it was something the Lord had called me to, and so I applied, I started the application process but needed to defer, so I deferred to the next application cycle and they interviewed me and accepted me into the academy and the Lord was like sell your house.

Speaker 2:

But there's a story with that too. Yeah, about my house, because when I purchased my home, it it was 2017. And as my son and I were looking at different schools, we went to the final school visit and being recruited for football programs, because he played football and so it was a local college and I'm sitting in this information session because, you know, they're trying to sell the school and the benefits and the community, and he was talking about the five year growth plan of the area and I distinctly heard in my spirit sell your house in five years. And so I'm like, if I hear the Lord tell me something, I'm just like, ok, lord, like that's just really how I answer and I respond. And so so I'm like, okay, well, is that five years?

Speaker 2:

I'm thinking like five years because when he starts school and he graduates from college, that would be about five years, right, well, no, so, in all this mystery of you know, following the word of the Lord, preparing for Mountain Gateway being accepted and all of that, anyway, when I sold my house in 2022, it was five years, because I started the academy in 2023. So the five years was actually based on from when I bought the house, not from the time that the Lord told me to um, sell it. So, so yeah.

Speaker 1:

So, as you're accepted into the academy, like what thoughts were going through your mind? Was there anything trying to keep you, like you know, any limiting thoughts? You know what I'm saying, like, was there anything trying to keep you from stepping into this? As you know, like I'm also a corporate I call myself a corporate dropout and you know there's a lot of things that try to keep you in that place money benefits. You know all the, all the the things. So what was going on with you, like what was happening in your, your spirit, your mind, your heart, as you're like kind of weighing it out right um, well, I really didn't weigh it out.

Speaker 2:

I said yes and that was it. I wasn't really nervous about it, I didn't do a whole bunch of research, I wasn't researching other ministry options, like I just didn't have a fear about it, I was just doing what I was told to do. It's really strange because it's such a major life shift, right, and so I, you know, my hardest struggle was separating from my youngest son. That was the hardest thing because my older children, my older three children, they're much older than he, so there's like a decade difference between him and the next. So they're adults, have their own lives, have their own, you know, families and all of that. So it's just me and him, and so that was a real struggle for me and that, um, the lord was calling me to go into this and was he prepared? Like everything that I was thinking of? I was thinking of like, how does this impact him? There were moments where it was you, you know, like a real concern, but I just had this confidence like the Lord was calling me to do it and that he was going to take care of it.

Speaker 2:

Now, you know, I was, you know, talking to like my spiritual mom and my just people who are very important and wise people who love the Lord and being encouraged important and wise people who love the Lord and being encouraged. And, like my spiritual mother, she's a very wise woman. I just love her. She is very wise, like wisdom just oozes out of her, okay, and and so you know. But she's also the one to to pose those difficult questions to me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you know, and I would just respond to her this is what the Lord asked me to do, like you know, and not that I don't sometimes have challenges, even now, in doing what I'm doing, but I have learned really to trust the Lord.

Speaker 2:

And just precedent in scripture of when he calls you to do a work, when he calls you and he says this is the direction I want you to go, that the Lord is with you. Not that you don't have challenges, you don't have struggles we do but in the midst of that, that is building our faith, that is shaping our character, that is teaching us how to be patient and wait on the Lord. It's teaching us to trust in who he is. You know that he's a good father and that he covers his children, and so I've just grown in that faith and trust in the Lord that he has me covered and I'm walking in the direction that he has positioned me to follow and so I'm covered. And he keeps telling me I'm covered. So I'm like, okay, so here we go. So I hope that answers your question.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so good. I I guess I'm kind of curious. Um, have have you been, you know, kind of more one that is willing to just go when he says go, or is this kind of maybe like one of your most significant goes? Does that make sense?

Speaker 2:

well, considering I'm a woman who really values stability and being still I'm a homebody, I wouldn't consider myself to be very adventurous. I've prayed so many times and cried so many times and praise and worship, saying yes, lord, yes, lord, so many times that when I say yes, I have to follow through, even if it's difficult for me. My heart posture is to be willing, no matter what it is, and so, yeah, matter what it is, and so yeah. So if he tells me to go, or he's saying joy, you need to do this, or I want you to do this, you know, trusting in who he is, and just okay, I've had moments, don't get me wrong.

Speaker 2:

I've had moments where I've been like what have I done? What, lord, have you brought me into? I don't know, I don't understand this, I don't, I don't know what's happening, I don't understand this. And then the Lord would just simply remind me who are you and he'll ask this question of me. He'll say well, who are you trusting? Are you trusting yourself and your ability to do this in yourself? Are you trusting my ability to bring you through? And that usually just snaps me right back. You know what, lord? Yes, you said you were going to bring me through, so I can't, I'm not going to worry about it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. Well, looking back over even of these last two years, you said that there's, you know there's definitely been some challenges. But, you know, are you open to sharing some of those challenges you walk through? Because you know, this season's called Launching Pioneers the first season was like the voices of hope and the launching of pioneers because there's been many of us in these last few you know, three, four years, especially that I've been connected to that have been called to go and it really, in the natural, doesn't make sense, right. So for you calling somebody who's maybe wanting to be a little bit more stable, steady, stay at home, all S's right To go out on this adventure, which I think is just beautiful. But you know, could you share maybe just some of the challenges that you've experienced along the way, because I feel like it might speak to somebody who's on this path, because it isn't all rainbows and butterflies, right?

Speaker 2:

No, it's not. The first thing that comes to mind is me again, the organization that I worked for while I was on my leave of absence, I passed my 15 year service anniversary. So I worked for that organization for 15 years and I had favor within the organization. Like I said, a great team benefits, all that, lots of flexibility, all of that. And you know, stepping away from that, you know, um, it was a transition, of course, you know I went from having benefits to having to pay Cobra, but thankfully the Lord blessed me. I had an HSA with money so I could afford Cobra, um, which is very expensive for medical anyway. Um, so the Lord had already prepared me for that, um, but just the idea of how I've defined and how I value stability and security in my own life and had that established with the Lord built it for me, and, you know, having to let that go, and how does that impact my son, and what about the dogs and and stuff like that, things that you may not even consider or really think about until it's time to let those things go. And so through the process, it just showed me how attached to things that I was, and so you know, so that was a challenge, working through those things, like giving things up to be consecrated unto the Lord, like loving him more than the things that I paid, the blessings that he's given me, and you demonstrate that, your love through obedience to the Lord. We demonstrated through obedience and so, wrestling through those things, you know I wanted to go back home, to Alabama. Alabama's my home. It's not where I was born and raised, but Alabama's where my heart is.

Speaker 2:

And the Lord's like, nope, time for a shift. You know I'm thinking in my head. I come up with great contingency plans. Let me tell you in my head about, you know, this is what I'm going to do, Lord, where's my base? You know where's my base going to be? And the Lord's like no, no, you're doing something different. And I mean I'm not even saying in terms of, like the missionary work. Like if I had a base to come back to the States, where would my base be? Like, lord, I want property again, I need to have something in my own name.

Speaker 2:

You know, like struggling with all of those things, and the Lord is like I got you covered, trust me. Okay, again, redefining, expanding my limited thinking of him, who I am in him and does he really provide? Does he really provide me a place to lay my head? Does he really provide financial support for me? Um, you know, I'm not married or anything, I'm single, been single for a long time, and how he's provided income for me before, which was a steady flow of income and a nice amount of income. That has all changed. And so, trusting him to be who he is, um, in the midst of all of it, and he keeps telling me I got you covered, so I'm like, okay, so, um, so you, you know you're challenged in that way.

Speaker 2:

So where I'm like I want to, I want to return like this is my home, this is my base, my home church. Uh, it's been so good. You know, you're just very attached to little things, but the Lord, when he calls you, he's calling you to let go. The level of my surrender is about letting go of what I have so I can grab hold of what he has for me in this season and it's so much better. I mean I don't lack anything. Yes, you know, lord, provide the support and things that I need so I can live, so I can travel in the mission, work, because I am a missionary, a prayer minister for this, this miss missional ministry, and so my life is as a missionary. So I have to raise support, you know, for that to be funding, you know, and there there are expenses. Funding, you know, and there are expenses, and it can be quite expensive, you know, depending on what your assignments are in the service of the ministry.

Speaker 2:

But again, the Lord says he has me covered, so I trust that he will stir the hearts of people to give, that I'm not going to worry about it, like, thank you, lord, I know you provide him for me, and when he tells me to move to do something, then I need to be obedient to that, trusting that he knows best and he's teaching us something in the midst of it. Right, we're always learning. It's called growing in spiritual knowledge, spiritual wisdom and the knowledge of God. We're growing in the wisdom of God, we're growing in the knowledge of God, we're growing in faith, we're growing in trust, we're growing in grace, we're growing in mercy, we're growing in all the things, all the attributes of God, because we're created in his image and we are predestined to be the image of his son here in the earth, not in the by and by, but here in the earth. And so that's transformation, that's renewing the mind, that's casting down those vain imaginations, that is praying with thanksgiving, even if you're crying.

Speaker 2:

Lord, I'm in so much pain right now, like Lord. This is really hard. I have wept deeply, I have wept deeply. I have wept deeply, very deep, in this process of transformation. But it's OK, because he's God, he's a father, he's our Lord, he's our friend, he, he takes care of us and he's not afraid of our tears. We don't need to hide from him. I've learned to be very raw with the Lord. I've learned to trust him to just throw it all out. Throw it all out there, confess, confess, confess, whatever, whatever it is, whether I'm confessing praise, whether I'm confessing thanksgiving, whether I'm confessing sorrow, or I'm confessing Lord, I made a mistake. Lord, help me fix this. Whether I'm going to my brother or sister because I felt like I've hurt them or offended them, and we need to get clarity and be reconciled, you know, so we can move forward, like all this, all of it, and you can trust it.

Speaker 1:

Such a process, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

Yes, because any blessing that you have, the father gave it to you. So, yes, did he not ask that Abraham give the promise back to him? Did he not ask? So he asked me to get back the house that he gave me. Who am I to say, no, lord, I'm not giving it to you. You gave it to me anyway. It's not really mine, right? So you know, but there's a price to pay, there's a price to pay, there's a price to pay.

Speaker 2:

And walking with the Lord, you know, I kind of hate that. Unfortunately, the Western or American church has made Christianity like rainbows, the butterflies and all this other stuff, and it is a lot of. It is a lot of the walk. Is that? It's pleasant, it's beautiful, but it's hard and hard decisions have to be made, you know. And it is sacrifice, but it's hard and hard decisions have to be made, you know, and it is sacrifice. It's sacrifice, it's giving up those, those desires. Sometimes the lord will ask you to give up your desires. You know, the lord jesus said, not my will, lord, but your will to be done, and he knew he was going to the cross. And the Lord's asking us to be a living sacrifice. He's not asking us to die, even though in persecution we can. We can die for the gospel. We can be martyred for the gospel. That's true. That's the other thing I'm like.

Speaker 2:

You know I don't understand where people don't see persecution in the scriptures. Paul talks about it, peter talks about it, jesus talked about it, he warned about it. He said I think it's in Mark where he said you know, if you give up for my namesake, if you give up family, if you give up houses, if you give up this for my's sake, that you will be blessed, but you also will endure persecution. And I don't know why I'm talking about persecution right now, but I just really feel like, with the state of the nation, the state of Christianity has few. We are in an attack on religious freedom in this country and target number one, I believe, is Christianity. And so you know, I want to be one who is resilient and will stand for my Lord, no matter what the cost is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely, that's just where I'm at. So anyway, speaking of the you know missionaries that you know went before you, you know, are there any that that you've read their books, or you know anybody that is kind of like a I don't know, just one that has really spurred you on, as you've read about Brother Yoon.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if you know who he is from the book the Heavenly man.

Speaker 1:

When I read that back in 2020, I was just like it totally like fired me up, Like I don't know about you. Would love to hear like where.

Speaker 2:

Let's see, I've read several books this year. Really, our books have been around intercession, but I will tell you the stories that these intercessors, the account of these stories, and walking with the Lord and being in communion with the Holy Spirit to be ones who intercede. It's very similar to missionaries Like they're very close, very close, because the Lord will send you on an assignment and he'll send you on an assignment to be the answer to a prayer that's been prayed and that's practical, living out as well as praying in the secret place and crying out for people. So the books that we have read this year is Samuel Reese Howe's book Intercessor, the Account of His Life. His son's life is Samuel. Samuel Reese Howe is his only child and he started a Bible school in Wales, and so that account is like wow, this is intercession, lord, this is what you're calling me to Modern day intercession.

Speaker 2:

But my favorite one that I've read to date in terms of prayer and intercession because I'm in prayer ministry is written by a man named Michael Howard who is actually still alive. It's called Tales of an African Intercessor and the book is out of print. So let me just tell you how the Lord blessed us. We were looking for this book and it was like $35 and up. But me and my partner in crime with prayer, we went on like walmartcom or just did like a random search to see if we could find the book any less expensive and we found two copies for $5. And if you try to find this book now it's like $100 or something like that. It's just like ridiculous. But the book is out of print, you can't get it anymore.

Speaker 2:

And he has a ministry in africa, south africa, and he's an african and his accounts of dealing with um, spiritual warfare and intercession and how the lord, the holy spirit, would put him on assignment and all of that. And you're just like wow. You're like wow, lord, I'm not there. Like is this what my life is supposed to look like? And then you're like wow, look, what is possible when you pray with the Lord. Like, and you see, for me I think the biggest thing was in all these stories and I've read, like Hudson Taylor, I've read George Mueller, I've read you know different accounts of, you know missionaries going out into the field. There's a lot of them and there's so much more to read. But and even the story of Brent Hancock.

Speaker 2:

He has a book called Apprehended, that he wrote, which is a great, a great story of his earlier years in missionary work in Latin America. Like Signs, wonders and Miracles, like it's one of those books you can't put down. It's written very well and you can just feel his love for Jesus and the power of God like all over that book. So apprehended definitely is a book I would recommend. Um, yeah, and Brit Hancock is the, the author, the founder of Mount Gateway.

Speaker 2:

Um, but anyway, what is so fascinating to me is the Lord's heart for mercy in the earth that he would send a man this is Michael Howard's book I'm referring to of the worst countries in Africa to intercede because there was no work of the gospel in that nation and in his mercy he wanted someone to cry out, because there was nobody to cry out for mercy in this nation, to bring the gospel forth in this nation. And there's just story after story, even in world affairs, different wars, even wars that you know that in our lifetime and how the Lord moved on different intercessors. The Purple Pig is another book, dick Eastman, and that ministry of prayer, I mean there's just so many different ones. But again, prayer, intercession, missionary is very parallel, maybe probably two sides of the coin, because missionaries not only, you know, spread the gospel, but they also serve as an answer to prayer.

Speaker 1:

Which is intercession? I'm often thinking about somebody who comes on here who is hearing the word intercession and they're like well, I know what prayer is, but what is intercession? So could you share what intercession is to those who maybe don't know what that means?

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't think it's as technical as people think it is. Intercession is beyond just prayer and petitioning Intercessor, is you becoming the answer? Intercession is when the spirit of God comes upon you, the spirit of grace and supplication comes upon you, and you labor in the spirit until the release comes for the victory, until you know that the victory has come, for the victory, until you know that the victory has come. So intercession is deep. It's deep work with the spirit of God, because Jesus is our intercessor and Holy Spirit intercedes for us. Right, because Holy Spirit is who is in the earth.

Speaker 1:

And so intercession is really you becoming the answer to somebody's prayer yeah, so before you came into this ministry as a missionary, were you like on prayer teams in church? Like have you? I'm just kind of curious, your journey with prayer and intercession, like what does that look like prior to coming into this?

Speaker 2:

Well, in 2014, when I recommitted my life to Christ, like I made him truly Lord of my life, like I received the Lord as my savior as a child, right, and but I made a conscious, intentional effort. I was the prodigal who came home to my father and I started taking classes because the church you know, my home church is an equipping church, like they're equipping the body, right and I was taking some classes, um, and the head intercessor of our church, rita sutton, was teaching classes. She was teaching a class on dreams and prophetic, the prophetic and dreams, and so I took the class because I was interested. You know, I've given my life back to Christ, you know, and I was like, you know, you're hungry, so you're just trying to absorb everything. So I was taking this class and in one of the classes she said you know that they had that they had a weekly group of city intercessors that met and they prayed every, you know, every Thursday at noon at the church. And you know, she invited everybody to class if they want to participate, and the Lord told me to do it. So that's what I did if they want to participate, and the Lord told me to do it. So that's what I did.

Speaker 2:

I just started going and so it's interesting, because prayer is very interesting in that it's very helpful to be around people that pray, that they pray and they intercede, and because a lot of it's caught versus taught, if you will. But anyway, the, you know, I was just faithful in doing that and so it just, it's just something that's in me. It's a gift from the to pray and to petition habit. I am growing, as in all gifts that the Lord gives us. I'm maturing in it, I'm still learning and growing, and there's a lot to God is infinite, so prayer is infinite, like he is.

Speaker 2:

It's our way of community and just having that intimacy with the Lord and, you know, really just spending time with him and beholding him being in his presence, because it's not always about petitions and supplications. Yes, we can ask, knock, seek, yes, that's part of it. But you know, just like you want to spend time with your children or you want to spend time with your husband, god of heaven wants to spend time with us and just being in his presence and just loving on him and allowing him to love on you. You know, know, ministering unto the father, because we're first priests. We're first priests and then we're priests to god and then we're priests to men. You know um into that role and capacity, um of prayer, you know being priestly towards god, the worship, the intimacy, just spending time with him, learning how to sit and listen and be still Does that come?

Speaker 1:

naturally for you what the sitting and being still.

Speaker 2:

I actually prefer it. Do you when I'm on my one-way trip? I'm against it.

Speaker 2:

Huh, I'm sorry, it's really hard for some people, it is you. You know you have to. If it's hard for some people, you know I would say it's like slaying the flesh Right. It's like putting to death yourself and creating that space. And some people, you know you may need to start with just sitting, trying to sit quietly for a minute. You know, I know I listened to a teaching some years ago just talking about you know, if you get distracted, have a journal. If you're trying to sit, you know, have a journal and I'm sorry, trying to sit and be still, have a journal with you and then, as thoughts are bombarding your mind, just write them down. Just write them down so you can empty your thoughts, like it's a discipline. It's a discipline that you have to develop because we're constantly being bombarded with information yeah, lots of distractions information yeah, and we live in the twitter generation.

Speaker 2:

I mean, well, now I guess it's x or whatever, I don't know what they call it, but we, we, um, we are living in a time that, um, you know, everything is now, now, now, gotta, gotta. I mean constantly, constantly, constantly, constantly. And so you have to train yourself, you have to pull away from those distractions.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, you know you have to. How do you could you share with somebody I know you mentioned, like having a journal to you know, write down any thoughts that are coming as you're trying to be still, but how do you, you know, make time, make room for you? Personally, that might be. I feel like somebody is wondering well, how would, how would I do that as a young mom? How could I do that if I've got a really full schedule, like what? What might that look like If you think of, just think of the one this mom's going? I don't have time for that.

Speaker 2:

Well, let me share some advice that some very experienced missionary moms on the field that are raising their families in the field. And you know, no matter where you're raising your family, and especially if you have young children, it's a challenge to find space. But, like for me, I don't have, you know, young children. I'm not raising children on the mission field. But what's been suggested is you find space in your day-to-day activities. So, like for me, I'll give myself as an example.

Speaker 2:

I get up and I go walking in the morning. I'm an early riser, so I get up and I go early in the morning and I'm like Lord, walk with me. What do you want to talk about today? Or I'm just spending time as I walk and just praise the Lord. You know, if you're doing laundry for your family, you can pray while you're folding laundry yeah, lord, I thank you that you have clothed me and my family today. Or as you're folding. You know, lord, this is the concern of my heart and I'm bringing it to you. You know, you can find space in the day. It's it's really how we think about it. Right, because he wants to be a part of your day-to-day, believe it or not, he cares about the mundane. Most of ministry is in the mundane. It's not in the great, the great wow. Whatever it's in the mundane, the simple disciplines of life can you say that again I?

Speaker 2:

said somebody. I said most of ministry is in the mundane. Okay, it's in the day-to-day life. Monday, not monday, not monday, the day of the week, but monday, the boring, the repetitious, the monotonous ministry. Most ministry is in that. Yeah, it's not in the great uh, you know, big bang or whatever. We love those things we do, yeah, but it's in the day.

Speaker 2:

You know discipline, the day today. And you know, if you're struggling, let me, let me just say this If you're struggling, you have the helper. Holy Spirit is our helper and you simply ask the Holy Spirit and you simply ask the Holy Spirit. Help me, holy Spirit, to find space today. Remind me today to spend time with you. Remind me, ask the Holy Spirit to help you. That's what I do. Oh, my Lord, I can't. Lord, let me tell you this is not Joy's dream. This is not Joy's dream. This is not joy. Joy did not have a grid for this. I can look back and see where the Lord was pointing me in the direction, but this was not revealed to me until I stepped into it, and it's still being revealed to me no-transcript um, I just know, a few years ago the Lord told me he was taking me out of corporate America.

Speaker 2:

Um, you know, and I remember him asking me one day, as I was sitting on the couch just pondering with the Lord, and he asked me to wail and weep for him and I said I would, and, um, I think when I was a chat well, actually when I was a teenager I I could pray in the spirit, I, and he gave me the gift of the interpretation of tongues. Um, you know, and so when I was a teenager, we attended a church and I was pretty active in the church, and then things happened in life and I walked away from the Lord. You know, I got caught up in things. I became a teen mother twice before I graduated from high school, so I had three children by the time I was 18 and graduated from high school. I did graduate from high school, so I had three children by the time I was 18 and graduated from high school. I did graduate from high school and, you know, eventually I did go to college.

Speaker 2:

I have a master's degree. When I worked in human resources, I had a professional certification, so I overcame the odds of what the world said I would be. But it was simply by the grace of God, because even in the midst of that, when I wasn't walking with the Lord or I decided I wouldn't walk with him anymore and I believed in whatever you know cuckoo for Cocoa Puffness, the Lord was still faithful because I was his. So his mercy and his goodness does follow me all the days of my life. But to go back to your answer, I think the development of the story didn't happen until my later years, after I recommitted my life to Christ.

Speaker 1:

So good. And I do want to just kind of loop back to one of the first things you said was it's definitely I'm in agreement that it's never too late, right? So you know, you might be out there, you might be in your 60s, 70s, like I. Truly, I don't think it's too late for anybody. I like to say you know the world would say it's time to retire. I like to say it's time to refire, like let's get fired up. And you know, like you and I, I was in corporate I felt so stifled and I love seeing people be uncaged. So what is it that has you caged? Right now You're listening out there, what. What has you caged now? You're listening out there, what. What has you caged and why are you staying in that cage?

Speaker 2:

you know, is that a rhetorical question? Are you asking me in my current.

Speaker 1:

well, I mean, even if, like for whoever's listening, I feel like there's somebody listening, you know it's. Both of us are in that space and we're both on the other side of you know, being set free right In a in a greater way, and I feel like I'm really walking out what, what I've fully been called to do. You're, you're walking it out. It's not. You know, both of us. It's not rainbows and butterflies all the time, but for me, like I'll share, I want to ask you first, but if you look like, kind of take an eagle eyes view we both love eagles, if you were to kind of give one word to how you feel on the other side of leaving, what word would you give it?

Speaker 2:

Oh, good question. You always ask great questions. Oh my, can we do the?

Speaker 1:

sometimes people get on here. But yeah, it's and it even. Yeah, what is the one word? What's, what is it?

Speaker 2:

well, okay, I will say adventure oh I love it because this is truly a god adventure.

Speaker 2:

This is a god venture. Yeah, this, this is, this is his plan. You know, the other day I was thinking like, wow, what if I would have stepped in at a younger age? Like I can't. I honestly, it's still surreal to me that the Lord had this plan for my life to have me serving in such a wonderful ministry with these amazing people who walk with the Lord, love Lord, and they want to help others serve the Lord.

Speaker 2:

When you know, when he's called them into ministry or into prayer, and being able to not only pray within our ministry but covering other ministries that are affiliated with our ministry, and seeing the Lord respond, you know, I mean just, it's just amazing and it's such an adventure and I like nothing, I like no good thing, I like no good thing and this is truly an adventure. I mean I'm going to be going into another country that I never thought I would go into this year. Last year I went to a country I never imagined that I would be able to go into. This is an adventure. It's his adventure, yeah absolutely so.

Speaker 1:

How does it feel to say that? How does it feel to say that word, just that one word? How does it feel to say that? How does?

Speaker 2:

it feel to say that word, just that one word. It's exciting, it's exhilarating, it can it can be scary and daunting, yeah, because you know I'm doing things that I had never done before, like all of last year. 2023 was a year first for me, and so it can be overwhelming and daunting. You come to the end of yourself a million times. You thought you were, you thought you were done. Coming to the end of yourself and the Lord showed you?

Speaker 1:

no, there's more for you to give.

Speaker 2:

There's more, yep, there's more. Yeah, so yeah.

Speaker 1:

Lots of stretching. I know last year was the year of the stretch with my voice and he just showed me and you might agree to this if it's in alignment.

Speaker 1:

You say yes, yeah, even if it feels like you're not the right one, don't question it, just say yes because, his ways are not our ways right and he shows up and he meets us there and he equips us, even if we're like, uh, are you sure? And I don't know about you, but sometimes I've said, are you sure you got the right one? Oh, we have a fun relationship. But but I'm going to agree with you, like people who have asked me about you know, my uh, last almost three years since leaving the job, like how are things going? And I say it's, it's a wild adventure. That's what I tell people. It's a wild adventure, it's wild and we're wild and we're free, right.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

It's so, there's so much freedom, and even though there's moments that, um, I don't know if you would agree with me, but I have such peace.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that was my next word. That's actually the first word that came to my mind. Yeah, you said, I can only see one.

Speaker 1:

So there you go. I would say that's the fruit like. The fruit that has that is just the most abundant in my life right now is peace.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And of course you get joy all the time, because it's just who you are.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I'm learning. I'm learning to be much more joyful. I have not reached the fullness of it, but I know everybody's like your name is Joy and you know that's how people see me. You know my name and all of that. But there's more, and I know there's more. Yes, amen, and I know there's more yes.

Speaker 1:

Amen. Well, could you just share maybe a testimony? You said you were on a mission like in another country last year. Would you be open to sharing and it doesn't even have to be you know, out of the country, but maybe testify to you know a moment. That was just amazing with the Lord.

Speaker 2:

Like I like to say A-W-E in big letters amazing that you could just testify to since being part of this ministry. Well, we had a major breakthrough a couple of weeks ago. We, as a ministry, with another ministry, conducted eight gospel crusades in the nation of Nicaragua in 2023. So it was while I was in the academy, but in November I was able to attend the final crusade for the year and shortly after that, 11 of our pastors and the two attorneys that represented our interests in the nation of Nicaragua were arrested and they were convicted of some crazy charges and they were fined total of like $80 million US dollars and so we had been praying and contending for their release. And I mean there are stories in the news, like in the news New York Times did a spread, cbn, tony Perkins, brother Britt being interviewed by different news media outlets, a lot of them in Latin America, and so September 5th we got the news that our pastors had been released. And so, yeah, major, major move of god, um, in really nine, ten month time frame, like major, and I'm I'm I'm speaking of it very lightly because hopefully you'll have another interview with somebody who will share more of the story, but um, yeah, if you just look up mountain gateway and nicaragua, you'll probably get, you know news, you know google search or whatever, that you'll get a lot of the stories that have come up, or even going to our ministry website with the press releases and things like that.

Speaker 2:

So and um, you know, just just miracle after miracle after miracle. I mean the Lord, I'm telling you, when he is with you, who can be against you? Doesn't mean it's easy, doesn't mean you won't get tired, doesn't mean you won't be weary, doesn't mean you won't get frustrated. But when the lord is with you, who can be kissed you? I'm just, it's a to god be the glory. I move, I mean wow, it just it blows my mind. I'm like, oh my lord, oh my Lord, you asked me to be a part of this.

Speaker 1:

You chose me to be a part of this.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I mean we prayed. We had one of our children was born prematurely in one of our affiliate ministries and it was touch and go. We were praying for the miracle of life. You would never know that that child had any complications. Child is developing normally, brain activity is normal, you know. I mean we've had another person within the ministry, a spouse who has some serious health challenges that the Lord is maintaining their health. They have to see a specialist for whatever the diagnosis is it's a rare disease or whatever and we've been praying for this person and their health and the Lord has just been faithful. I mean it's just, you know, one of our missionaries transmission went out in their vehicle and we were praying for the transmission to be taken care of. That it wouldn't be an expense that the Lord would take care of it. He took care of it. I mean just, you know, just just things after things, after things, after things.

Speaker 1:

You know, um, yeah, so it's, it's sure, stirs up your faith and just even you testifying, you know, today, to those who are listening. I want to wrap up in a second. I feel like, in releasing those testimonies, there's somebody who's listening today, who's waiting on a miracle. When I end these podcast episodes, I like to just have you think of that one person who's listening, and would you have anything to say to them, anything else that you'd want to share with them personally, and would you be open to praying over the listeners today?

Speaker 2:

Sure, um, okay, something I want to share about me.

Speaker 1:

Let me make sure I'm clear on your question so just um kind of get in your vision somebody who's listening, that one, I like to say this is for the one so that one who's listening today, they're, they're leaning in. What would you feel the lord would want to say to them?

Speaker 2:

okay what I'm really sensing in my spirit, that this message is going to touch people's hearts who have been wrestling with the Lord about something that he's put in your heart and you've been too afraid to step in faith. I stepped out of the boat last year when it was time for me to go back to work and I accepted the invitation to serve in this ministry. I call it stepping out the boat. Okay, remember Peter? He stepped out on the water. That's me. I stepped out on the water. So I say this to say that if the Lord is calling you, answer the call. If the Lord is calling you and you know that it's his call on your life, just say yes and be obedient, because everything you need is provided. Everything that covers you, he will cover you under the shadow of his wing when we move in obedience. God is with us. He is with us and all the things that you have concerns about. Let him know what your concerns are. He ain't afraid of you concerns, he's not afraid. Let him know. Talk to the Lord, be honest with him. Yes, he knows your heart, but he wants you to confess with your mouth. He wants to hear from you. So there's a book called provisions. I sense like somebody is like how am I going to do this and how am I going to do that? You know, if it's if it's your, a dream in you that the Lord has given you but you're married and your house is not on board, or your spouse is not on board not your house, but your spouse is not on board, or maybe your household ain't on board you need to take that before the Lord. You need to ponder those things with the Lord and ask him for wisdom, and it may not be the season now, but you need to prepare for the shift.

Speaker 2:

There's a book, I think the gentleman's name is stephen meeks. It's called provisions. That is the main title. Um, I read that book uh a couple years ago before. It's one of the the marker points of this uh adventure with the lord um, and he gave an account of how the Lord has been faithful to provide as a missionary he and his family. It's an incredible story. I consumed it in a couple of days because I'm not a fast reader, so for me to consume a book like that in a couple of days was pretty miraculous. But anyway, it's called Provisions. It's by Stephen Meeks. He was a missionary in Africa and then the Lord called him back to the US. He was very successful and prospering in that ministry and he talks about the changes and the things that he wrestled with and all of that, but it's a beautiful story and a book of encouragement that the Lord led me to that I'm going to suggest, and also I want to add this other point there was a vice president that I supported at my company who is not a believer.

Speaker 2:

We would have the best conversations I just love him dearly and we would have conversations and he had a question on his, on his, uh, in his background, a picture or something. And the question was what would you do if you weren't afraid? Or what would you do like, what is it that you would do? And then it prompted us to go into this conversation like asking questions well, why are you? You know, why are you? You know, why are you afraid? Like what, what's holding you back? And that was another marker.

Speaker 2:

The Lord used somebody who is waiting for the revelation of Jesus to inspire me and began to have a conversation with me about stepping in faith, stepping out on the water, and I'm forever grateful. There's other people, you know, that I work with, who are believers, who have prayed for me, prayed with me, prayed over me, and all of that. The Lord prepares you, he prepares you, he prepares you, he does. So that's my encouragement. You know, and just remember, uh, moses was 80 years old, tending to sheep. Elizabeth zachariah's wife she was. We don't know what her age was, but you know she carried john the Baptist. She was old, they were old. Yeah, yeah, amen. So all in the Lord's timing so good.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for that encouragement. I really feel like it is going to shift something for many of the listeners, actually Shift a lot.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let me pray real quick. Um, not that it's a quick prayer, but, heavenly father, I just thank you for this opportunity to share on this seed cast. Um, I pray in the name of jesus that hope has been unlocked. If it's just one person, father, I pray that they have heard your voice through this Lord, that you have been glorified and that people are not alone in this journey, walking with you, that you are with us and you are for us. Lord, we just thank you for your faithfulness and your goodness. Lord, we just thank you for your faithfulness and your goodness. Lord, I pray that this podcast, this seed cast, will multiply in the name of Jesus. Lord, that you would be glorified, that people will be thoroughly and truly inspired by any of the episodes and that it will be shared. That you will be glorified in the earth.

Speaker 2:

Lord, I thank you for kristin. I thank you for her heart to be obedient and to do things, lord, not being an expert in any of it, but just walking with you, just being humble and following you wherever you would lead her. Lord, I pray, blessing over her. I pray that everything she touches will prosper. Lord, that you will give her greater territory because she is faithful in the small things. Father, I pray for her family, her husband and her children to know you, lord, that they will be a family for the kingdom. Lord, in the name of Jesus, lord, just be glorified. Be glorified in Jesus' name, amen, amen.

Speaker 1:

Oh, joy, thank you so much for sharing your heart, your adventure, your life with us. We will have contact information in the show notes and I will be checking in with Joy to see if there's any resources she would like to share. If you would like to, you know, sow into the work that she's doing. I will find out how you can do that as well. I am going to close with the Hope Unlocked anchoring verse. It's may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace and believing, so that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound in hope, and that's Romans 15, 13. So thank you again, joel. I'm so thankful for our beautiful connection and I love your brave voice. That's setting others free. So I will be back with another episode next week. Thank you, listeners, thank you.

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